Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 101

Találatok száma: 100455


Folded Flags

I'm standing by an empty grave
Where my friends will lie.
I will lay their bodies
In a place of eternal rest.
I've received orders and awards
For all the wounds and scars,
But they've been sending letters home
Tearing families apart.
The burden of those carrying the coffin
Is as heavy as the pain in my heart.
I suffer and blame,
Contemplating everything,
Why them and not me?
Why them and not me?
Have you ever heard the sound of a coffin?
It means another poor boy is in the ground.
Have you ever heard the church bells ring?
It means another boy is dead and lost forever.
Preachers preach, folding flags,
Mothers mourn their sons
Just shells and folded flags,
Only coffins and broken families.
There's no hope here,
Just folded flags, just folded flags
There's no hope here,
Just folded flags, just folded flags
There's no hope here,
There's no hope here,
No hope here,
There's no hope.


With my own hands, I emerge victorious

Disregarding the notion that everything is predetermined.
Amidst sorrowful wanderings, my thoughts always return to my home,
Yearning to bring about change in the present moment.
Together, we shall endure all hardships,
Bound by a lifelong companionship,
Never to lament the length of our friendship.
Even in the face of tumultuous waves,
I shall gather my strength and forge ahead.
Fearlessly embracing love and hate,
Enduring, saving, daring, and persevering.
Never shall I bemoan my fate,
For I fight and strive in this journey called life,
With my own hands, I claim victory.
Disregarding the notion that everything is predetermined,
Amidst sorrowful wanderings, my thoughts always return to my home,
Yearning to bring about change in the present moment.
Together, we shall endure all hardships,
Bound by a lifelong companionship,
Never to lament the length of our friendship.
Even in the face of tumultuous waves,
I shall gather my strength and forge ahead.
Fearlessly embracing love and hate,
Enduring, saving, daring, and persevering.
Never shall I bemoan my fate,
For I fight and strive in this journey called life,
With my own hands, I claim victory.
Disregarding the notion that everything is predetermined,
Amidst sorrowful wanderings, my thoughts always return to my home,
Yearning to bring about change in the present moment.
Together, we shall endure all hardships,
Bound by a lifelong companionship,
Never to lament the length of our friendship.
Even in the face of tumultuous waves,
I shall gather my strength and forge ahead.
Fearlessly embracing love and hate,
Enduring, saving, daring, and persevering.
Never shall I bemoan my fate,
For I fight and strive in this journey called life,
With my own hands, I claim victory.


Showering on the Beach Vacation

The swimsuit tan lines will remind me of this summer
I want to fall in love
Untying my ponytail,
...once my hair covers the back of my neck, people'll stop staring
Just about the height of the heels I just took off,
...let grow a little taller just about that much
I start to apply the fragrant shower gel on my body
Showering on the beach vacation,
...someone will fall in love from staring at the nape of my neck
With every drop from the shower, I'm turning into an adult
Showering on the beach vacation,
...someone will fall in love from staring at the nape of my neck
I feel like I'm becoming one with the dazzling wind
A shine from opera glasses from the beach, someone is looking
I'd like to go meet him for a moment
When I stretch out my leg from under the beach umbrella,
...I feel my toes are burned by someone's intense stare
After a little love fortune telling,
...I decide that I'll show him my interest
The tempting summer atmosphere envelops me
Showering on the beach vacation,
...the south wind is alluring
With every drop from the shower, I'm turning into an adult
Showering on the beach vacation,
...the south wind is alluring
I will fall in love in midsummer
Showering on the beach vacation,
...someone will fall in love from staring at the nape of my neck
With every drop from the shower, I'm turning into an adult
Showering on the beach vacation,
...someone will fall in love from staring at the nape of my neck
I feel like I'm becoming one with the dazzling wind



(𐲢𐳉𐳠𐳬𐳖𐳒⹁‏ 𐳌𐳉𐳖⹁‏ 𐳌𐳉𐳖)
𐲖𐳐𐳙𐳦𐳑 𐳖𐳀𐳯𐳖𐳐𐳙𐳦𐳫 𐳓𐳜𐳏𐳦𐳑𐳓𐳫𐳏
𐲙𐳉 ⸮‏ 𐳛𐳖𐳋 𐳁 𐳬𐳓𐳥 𐳂𐳉𐳇
𐲘𐳁𐳓𐳐𐳙𐳋⹁‏ 𐳛𐳖𐳋 𐳁𐳤𐳦𐳀
𐲘𐳁 𐳠𐳫𐳥𐳐 𐳁 𐳬𐳓𐳥 𐳂𐳉𐳇
𐲘𐳪𐳦𐳁 𐳘𐳁 𐳉𐳙 𐳛𐳖𐳋 𐳁𐳤𐳦𐳁
𐲓𐳫𐳏⹁‏ 𐳓𐳫𐳏⹁‏ 𐳬𐳙 𐳖𐳐𐳙𐳦𐳐 𐳓𐳜𐳏𐳦𐳑𐳓𐳫𐳏
Amañ hevit ho peus
Ma doue ma lun
𐲢𐳉𐳠𐳬𐳖𐳒⹁‏ 𐳢𐳉𐳠𐳬𐳖𐳒⹁‏ 𐳌𐳉𐳖⹁‏ 𐳌𐳉𐳖
𐲖𐳐𐳙𐳦𐳑 𐳖𐳀𐳯𐳖𐳐𐳙𐳦𐳫 𐳓𐳜𐳏𐳦𐳑𐳓𐳫𐳏
𐲙𐳉 ⸮‏ 𐳛𐳖𐳋 𐳁 𐳬𐳓𐳥 𐳂𐳉𐳇
𐲘𐳁𐳓𐳐𐳙𐳋⹁‏ 𐳛𐳖𐳋 𐳁𐳤𐳦𐳀
𐲘𐳁 𐳠𐳫𐳥𐳐 𐳁 𐳬𐳓𐳥 𐳂𐳉𐳇!‏
𐲘𐳪𐳦𐳁 𐳘𐳁 𐳉𐳙 𐳛𐳖𐳋 𐳁𐳤𐳦𐳁
𐲘𐳁 ⸮‏⸮‏ (𐳬𐳉𐳉𐳉𐳏)
𐲓𐳫𐳏⹁‏ 𐳓𐳫𐳏⹁‏ 𐳬𐳙 𐳖𐳐𐳙𐳦𐳐 𐳓𐳜𐳏𐳦𐳑𐳓𐳫𐳏
𐲓𐳫𐳏⹁‏ 𐳓𐳫𐳏
Amañ hevit ho peus
Ma doue ma lun
𐲬𐳙 𐳖𐳐𐳙𐳦𐳑 𐳓𐳜𐳏𐳦𐳑𐳓𐳫𐳏
𐲓𐳫𐳏⹁‏ 𐳓𐳫𐳏⹁‏ 𐳓𐳫𐳏
𐲬𐳙 𐳖𐳐𐳙𐳦𐳑 𐳓𐳜𐳏𐳦𐳑𐳓𐳫𐳏
𐲓𐳫𐳏⹁‏ 𐳓𐳫𐳏⹁‏ 𐳓𐳫𐳏
𐲬𐳙 𐳖𐳐𐳙𐳦𐳑 𐳓𐳜𐳏𐳦𐳑𐳓𐳫𐳏 (𐳪𐳁𐳁 𐳏𐳉 ⸮‏⸮‏)
𐲬𐳙 𐳌𐳏𐳉𐳒 𐳁 𐳏𐳁𐳢𐳉𐳘 𐳂𐳉𐳇
Pep tra dro
Má prip(?)??
Vellet acha ? (?)
Lun (Lun)



Где прячет сон беспокойное солнце
Меня несет новая волна
Где в невесомости берег качнется
Кончится тишина
Слепую боль обниму рассветом
Закончен бой, только посмотри
Ты лучший мир не ищи по свету
Он у тебя внутри
Все пути снова пересекутся
Не грусти все свои найдутся
Отпусти и сотри, вот она взлетная полоса
Бриллиантами зари, в небо сыпется
Отпусти и дверь закрой
За бортом все лишние
А я меняю на любовь
Все своё привычное
Где прячет ночь твои секреты
Я буду медленно танцевать
В забытых титрах киноленты
Как мне тебя узнать
Ну что ж ты ждёшь, вот твоя дорога
Иди вперёд и не подведи
Но не забудь, стоя у порога
Что нам с тобой по пути
Так летать и не налетаться
И прощать, чтобы не прощаться...
Отпусти и сотри, вот она взлетная полоса
Бриллиантами зари, в небо сыпется
Отпусти и дверь закрой
За бортом все лишние
А я меняю на любовь
Все своё привычное


Disposable Teens - Eldobható fiatalok

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
És én egy fekete szivárvány vagyok, az Isten majma
Az arcom erőszakra és pornóra készült
Egy serdült torzulás vagyok, egy túlélt abortusz
Egy derékalatti lázadó
Szeretném megköszönni, Anyu, szeretném megköszönni, Apu
Hogy ennek a kibaszott világnak keserű véget hoztál
Soha nem utáltam igazán az egy igaz Istent
De az Istent igen, akit az általam gyűlölt emberek istene
Azt mondod, hogy fejlődést akarsz?
A majom nagy siker volt
Azt mondod, forradalmat akarsz, ember?
Nos, én azt mondom, te tele vagy szarral
Eldobható fiatalok vagyunk
Eldobható fiatalok vagyunk
Eldobható fiatalok vagyunk
Eldobhatóak vagyunk
Azt mondod, hogy fejlődést akarsz?
A majom nagy siker volt
Azt mondod, forradalmat akarsz, ember?
Nos, én azt mondom, te tele vagy szarral
Minél jobban félsz tőlünk
Annál nagyobbak leszünk
Minél jobban félsz tőlünk
Annál nagyobbak leszünk
És ne lepődj meg, ne lepődj meg
Ne lepődj meg, mikor mindezt elpusztítjuk
Azt mondod, hogy fejlődést akarsz?
A majom nagy siker volt
Azt mondod, forradalmat akarsz, ember?
Nos, én azt mondom, te tele vagy szarral
Azt mondod, hogy fejlődést akarsz?
A majom nagy siker volt
Azt mondod, forradalmat akarsz, ember?
Nos, én azt mondom, te tele vagy szarral
Eldobható fiatalok vagyunk
Eldobható fiatalok vagyunk
Eldobható fiatalok vagyunk
Eldobhatóak vagyunk
Eldobható fiatalok vagyunk
Eldobható fiatalok vagyunk
Eldobható fiatalok vagyunk
Eldobhatóak vagyunk


Šta bih ja

Šta bih ja u ovoj crnoj noći bez tebe radio?
U ovom gradu nemam kuće ni adrese
U ovom gradu nemam nikog koga znam
U ovom gradu svakakva se čuda dese
Gužva, haos, buka, a ja sasvim sam
U ovom gradu mene žene strašno vole
Kažu da sam tako sladak i drag
U ovom gradu ne mogu da mi odole
Dok na oči mi pada mrak
Ja samo čekam i žudim
Za trenutkom kad ćeš zvati
Da ti kažem da za tobom plače, tuguje i pati
I treperi srce moje kad ti čuje glas
Draga, šta bih ja u ovoj crnoj noći bez tebe radio?
U ovom gradu ko da nigde nema kraja
Sedam dana traje ko godina
U ovom gradu samo internet još spaja me
S licem koje volim ja
Ja samo čekam i žudim
Za trenutkom kad ćeš zvati
Da ti kažem da za tobom plače, tuguje i pati
I treperi srce moje kad ti čuje glas
Draga, šta bih ja u ovoj crnoj noći bez tebe radio?



Stolicu primakni
Ruku mi dotakni
Noćas ti si moja muza
Ja u ritmu tvoga bluza ću da
Plešem bez prestanka
Soba nam je mala
Ja ko pijana budala
Ali čaše nisam popio
Ja mislim da sam se zaljubio
U tebe
Baš ja, koji nisam verovao da za nekim biću lud
Za tebe
Kao u pesmama i filmovima ljubavnim staviću zvuk
Samo se okreni
Baci pogled prema meni
Preći će tišina sama
Kilometre među nama
Dok jednom srce otkuca
Soba nam je mala
Ja ko pijana budala
Ali čaše nisam popio
Ja mislim da sam se zaljubio
U tebe
Baš ja, koji nisam verovao da za nekim biću lud
Za tebe
Kao u pesmama i filmovima ljubavnim staviću zvuk
Ne palite još svetla
Još samo jedan tren
Da se nagledam lepote te
Ne palite još svetla
Ne prizivajte dan
Spasite me, smislite neki plan
Ako svane sunce
Ostaću sam


Behind those eyes

Behind those eyes there lies a galaxy of me
Fantasies and dreams no one else can see
Never ending puzzle
Put together and discovered piece by piece
Oh, beneath this skin only I live in
There's no one else to please
Behind those eyes resides a perfect little mess
Who gets lost and found and doesn't care
And shakes because of stress
Never ending story
Put together and discovered word by word
Oh, behind those eyes, there's laughs, there's cries
There's some yet to be heard
Never ending story
Put together and discovered word by word
Oh, behind those eyes, there's laughs, there's cries
There's some yet to be heard
To be heard



Click to see the original lyrics (Italian)
Szerenád éjfél előtt,
amikor rabló és pandúr küzdenek egymással,
de a magányos fiúk
még mindig romantikusak.
Szerenád az elszakítottaknak
a gyerekek egyedül vannak kissé elveszve
akik elalszanak
anya nélkül a tévé előtt.
Szerenád az uralkodóknak,
akik ha énekelnének, messzebbre jutnánk,
s a nyugdíjasoknak, akik még egy évet élhetnek egy kis plusz pénzzel.
Szerenád a fekete macskáknak,
az idős művészek és a pincérek számára,
és azoknak, akik az út mentén szerelmet árulnak.
Nézz ki az ablakon, szépségem,
Neked írok egy dallamot és verset
és vedd fel a legszebb ruhádat, induljunk,
egy macska, egy szív és te, micsoda társaság!
Ez a szerenád talán egy kissé csábos
de az íze olyan, mint egy forró falusi kenyéré,
mint egy vasárnapon, amikor még vasárnap volt.
Szerenád újságíróknak
akiknek még meg sem száradt a tinta a kezén,
akik éjjel írták azt, amit
holnap megtudunk.
Nézz ki az ablakon, szépségem,
Neked írok egy dallamot és verset
és vedd fel a legszebb ruhádat, induljunk,
egy macska, egy szív és te, micsoda társaság!
Nézz ki az ablakon, szépségem,
a levegőben az öröm utáni vágyakozás lebeg
Szerenád, a Hold barátja,
ha elénekled, szerencsét hoz.
Szerenád, szerenád.
Nézz ki az ablakon, szépségem,
a levegőben az öröm utáni vágyakozás lebeg
Szerenád, a Hold barátja,
ha elénekled, szerencsét hoz.
Szerenád, szerenád.


Anyuci pici fia

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Szia, szia
Hogyan illeszkednek a terveim a tiédhez? (Oh)
Te olyan vagy, mint egy baba, én meg egy fiú vagyok
Hova mentek a szüleim? (Oh, oh) Nem vagyok Olaszországban
Ők jobban szeretik a nyaralóházakat, mint engem
Te műanyagból vagy, én csak vér vagyok (Hahahaha)
Amikor én születtem, te csak gyártva lettél
Bárcsak játék lehetnék (Hahahaha)
Te azt mondod, 'Hahahahahahaha'
És te nevetsz
És én sírok
A szívem egyik fele a te mellkasodban van
Nem vagyok anyám kisfia, elutaznék Olaszországba
Elutaznék Toszkánába
Ha velem jönnél
Maxa-Maxa-Maximilian, mire vársz?
Kérlek, gyere ki, és játsz velem többet
Izzy-Izzy-Izzybell szeret az én házamban lenni
Kérlek, gyere ki, és játsz velünk most
Anyucia kicsi fia, Anyuci kicsi fia
Anyucia kicsi fia, Anyuci kicsi fia
Anyucia kicsi fia, Anyuci kicsi fia
Anyucia kicsi fia, Anyuci kicsi fia
Anyucia kicsi fia, Anyuci kicsi fia
Anyucia kicsi fia, Anyuci kicsi fia
Anyucia kicsi fia, Anyuci kicsi fia


Tell me that you love me

[Intro] Wish I could say I'd be better without ya
I never learned how to be alone
Wish I could say that I'm never in need of you
Can't believe I called you home
My home, home
Can't believe I called you home
My home, home
[Chorus] Just tell me you love me
Just tell me you need me
Oh, you can only break my heart one time
Baby, give it all you got
We're only growing older
We ain't getting any younger
I'm always gonna love you (Oh)
I'm always gonna love you (Oh)
[Verse] I'm glad you finally ran away
Don't you ever look back
A part of me still wishes that you'd stay
Do you ever miss what we had?
Is it all my fault? Did I mess it up?
Oh, maybe I'm the reason
Oh, I'd give it all up just to feel that love
[Chorus] Just tell me you love me
Just tell me you need me
Oh, you can only break my heart one time
Baby, give it all you got
We're only growing older
We ain't getting any younger
I'm always gonna love you (Oh)
I'm always gonna love you (Oh)


No Love For A Sinner

[Intro] Take a look in these eyes
All the stories inside
Not a man of many words
Mm, all the tales untold
The world might not ever know
Ever know, never know
[Chorus] Oh, is there any love for a sinner, mm?
I can feel the fire pulling me in, oh
Is there any hope at the river?
Will You still love me in the end?
Stressed 'bout what I can't change
I sing these harmonies to let 'em know Your name
So let 'em know the pain, take me to the river
O Lord, I'm a sinner
O Lord, I'm tryin' to change (O Lord)
Is there any love for a sinner, mm?
I can feel the fire pulling me in, oh
Is there any hope at the river?
Will You still love me in the end?
Stressed 'bout what I can't change (I swear I'll change)
I sing these harmonies to let 'em know Your name
So let 'em know the pain, take me to the river
O Lord, I'm a sinner
O Lord, I'm tryin' to change
[Verse] I've seen a man bleed
Only time they believe in a god
Only time they wanna see what I see
Only time they believe what I believe (I believe, I believe, I believe)
I've seen a man die
Only time they believe in a god
Only time they wanna see what I see
Only time they believe what I believe
[Chorus] Oh, is there any love for a sinner, mm?
I can feel the fire pulling me in, oh
Is there any hope at the river?
Will You still love me in the end?
Stressed 'bout what I can't change
I sing these harmonies to let 'em know Your name
So let 'em know the pain, take me to the river
O Lord, I'm a sinner
O Lord, I'm tryin' to change...


Alastor's Game [Hungarian cover]

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Egy játékra invitállak téged
Hidd el nem csapda de ha vesztesz véged, Régóta erre várok már, gyere te lány kössünk egy alkut hát
Álmomat örzöm ez a vágyam
Minden léleknek segíteni hátha,
A mennybéli útra rátalál
És te, jó barát, engem nem versz át.
[ALASTOR:] Halálod lesz fizetségem
[CHARLIE:] Én arra nem vennék mérget
[ALASTOR:] Sötét alkunk megismerted
[CHARLIE:] És ez ügyben kérlek téged
[ALASTOR:] A vágyad, lásd, teljesíthetem
[CHARLIE:] De alkudban én nem hihetek
[ALASTOR:] Unalmam kissé elűzted
[CHARLIE:] Ne nézz úgy mintha flört lenne
[ALASTOR AND CHARLIE:] Gyere az alvilágban várok rád
Rémálmod mélyén látlak újra viszont tán
A szíved vágyát teljesítem, hisz csupán hívnod kell csak engem
Pusztán egy rossz döntés választ el tőlem
[CHARLIE:] Hiszem, hogy szíved mélyén jó vagy
Tudom hogy segítséget nyújthatsz
A hotel is így válhat jobbá, varázslatossá
Tegyünk meg mindent hát!
[ALASTOR:] Írd alá pont itt, ahol kérem
Így leszek jó barát néked, kedves
Ez lesz majd a nagy mulatság
Életed árán enyémmé válsz
[CHARLIE:] A trükköddel nem versz át engem
[ALASTOR:] A lelked elnyerem majd végleg
[CHARLIE:] Szívjóságból segíts kérlek
[ALASTOR:] Kezet hát az egyezségre
[CHARLIE:] Az most nem lenne jó ötlet
[ALASTOR:] Nincsen mitől félned, édes
[CHARLIE:] Maradj addig, míg van kedved
[ALASTOR:] Vicces lány vagy, legyen rendben!
[ALASTOR AND CHARLIE:] Gyere az alvilágban várok rád
Rémálmod mélyén látlak újra viszont tán
A szíved vágyát teljesítem, hisz csupán hívnod kell csak engem
Pusztán egy rossz döntés választ el tőlem.
A sorsod pengeélen táncol már
Dobjuk el kockáinkat lássuk, mi vár rád
Megsúgom neked, sosem nyerhetsz
Reménykedni nem érdemes,
Nem lelhetsz megváltásra vétkesen
A pokol mélyén égtek lassan el
A hotelből sem juttok el majd a mennybe
A sötét elnyeli a lelked,
Megfizeted vétkességed
Válaszutad előtt hozzd meg döntésed
[CHARLIE:] A népemért megtennék én mindent
A halált nem érdemli meg egy sem
Bár lenne egy jó megoldás
Valami más, mint ez a nagy bukás
[ALASTOR:] Bármiben segíthetek édes
Bízz bennem, elintézem végleg.
Fájdalmadra van orvosság
Egy alku az ár, igyunk is most hát rá!


Missing the lover

1. my lover, corner flower
What are you thinking?
Where does the thought take you?
That you are black as the earth.
Go Go
missing the lover
Come on, la la la la la
Be my beloved ear of wheat!
To carry you in my arms.
Let me make you a little crown!
To carry you in my head, my love.
ivy leaf,
Go Go
we will both be
Come on, la la la la la
Take me in your arms, my love!
And pass the hills.
At the foot of the mountain
In the arms of the loved one!
ivy leaf,
go Go
we will both be
Come on, la la la la.
go Go
missing the lover
Come on, la la la la



In the depths of amber
We will be found, you and I
Oil them, to be sure,
Our lips with resin
Cover it
Cover yourself
Not a fight
Don't fear
Those who wait for end of day
Are now less than two
In the bullfinch's chest
Is the mark for future blood
You set - I set
With hand - I wave
It is fearful waiting for the end of day
The evening smells like a storm


Go out into the snow

Anna: Go out into the snow.
Come on, let's go build a snowman.
I don't know why you don't answer me
Why do you hide? Why don't we meet?
We were inseparable and I don't understand it.
Why are you hiding like this?
Go out into the snow
Or maybe you don't want to get into the snow.
Elsa: Go (leave), Anna.
Ana: Okay, bye.
Go out into the snow
Or come, ride a bike through the snowbanks
Why do I think I'm boring you?
Why do I always talk to the screens on the walls?
Cheers, Joan!
I feel a little abandoned
Everything is empty here
I see the clock ticking slowly
Come on, please open it.
People ask me where are you
They gave me courage and I'm trying to tell you
I'm here again, please come out
I will always stay at the door, we only have each other.
What do we do now?!
Go out into the snow


I would like to fly like the bird

(chorus x 2)
I would like to be like the bird
fly around the world
To escape from the bad world,
That my heart is heavy.
Sometimes I wish I could fly
Be a traveling soul
To go around the world
that many times I feel the need
Being alone and fleeing from the bad world.
I would fly
To go around the world
Be a traveling soul,
Traveler, when I feel the need
Being alone sometimes.
(refrain x2)
When I'm alone sometimes
sometimes I cry
That too much in me is accumulating
The soul brings them together,
Nobody knows how to tell him
Which is bad and which is good.
Sometimes I still cry,
That too much in me is accumulating,
The soul brings them together.
And no one wants to tell him
Which is bad and which is good.
(chorus x 4)


The Star

Somewhere under the black star
I begin my walk
The lights go off where I tread
My frame tightens, so
I cross a few blocks
A few dark gates
The nights wants to numb me
Not the last time
Day by day
I stretch myself over the ends of the spheres
Just to be further from cities
Their pale fire
And in the morning I will be out of strength
I drink to forget
Even if I take hesitant steps
When some stranger builds a monument
To those who curse from the windows
And I dream about it like that
To mock everyone from above
But when you touch my face
I could already be everywhere
Day by day
I stretch myself over the ends of the spheres
Just to be further from cities
Their pale fire
And in the morning I will be out of strength


And Perhaps

And perhaps i have no way any longer
to fix what is broken within me
and perhaps you no longer remember
how you listened to me till the end of the story
And perhaps i have no quiet within me any longer
to search for pure air to breathe
and perhaps i totally forgot
to be real for you
How you loved me like a king
when i knew to embrace completely
and perhaps you totally want to go
and everything in an instant can disappear
And perhaps we'll again pave the way
and we'll run, we'll run until we'll die
big dreams like a child
when today i'm already rooted in reality1
  • 1. lit: net reality



I'll come to you, you don't bother
I'll add new ways to my path, you don't be sad
I'll come to you, you don't bother
I'll add new ways to my path, you don't be sad
How many apologies can heal your wound?
How many tears am I worth?
Do you remember while trying to forget
I upset you for no reason
I was crushed under your greatness
Your heart was my yard
Those secret memories in my hands
My heart was pure, it was real
Don't forgive, don't you ever forgive me
Disgrace me, don't think about the past
I know some things are hard, some things are painful
When the day comes, touch my heart
I'll come to you, you don't bother
I'll add new ways to my path, you don't be sad
These faults, these mistakes and
These shameless fears finished us
I'll come to you, you don't bother
I'll add new ways to my path, you don't be sad
These faults, these mistakes and
These shameless fears finished us
How many apologies can heal my wound?
How many tears am I worth?
Do you remember while trying to forget
I upset you for no reason
I was crushed under your greatness
Your heart was my yard
Those secret memories in my hands
My heart was pure, it was real
Don't forgive, don't you ever forgive me
Disgrace me, don't think about the past
I know some things are hard, some things are painful
When the day comes, touch my heart
I'll come to you, you don't bother
I'll add new ways to my path, you don't be sad
These faults, these mistakes and
These shameless fears finished us
I'll come to you, you don't bother
I'll add new ways to my path, you don't be sad
These faults, these mistakes and
These shameless fears finished us


Before I die

I die
I have
thought about
living, living
living, living
I take the scissors to my hair in front of a mirror
I cough and there's blood everywhere
well but it's hardly very serious
I lay down in the tub
I die
I have
thought about
living, living
living, living
why would I feel down anymore
I wouldn't want to be anyone else
spring has come
the soap is shaped like a gun
bang bang
bang bang
bang bang
bang bang
bang bang
bang bang
today my throat is golden
tomorrow full of dirt
I die
I have
thought about
living, living
living, living


We are the same

You believe that the world is a game
You laugh and don't commit
You see that we couldn't be more different
You talk without thinking
So you won't have to judge
Believe it or not, we are almost the same
Whether you believe it or not, we're almost the same.
We are the same, I am like you
I don't understand what you're saying, explain it to me.
The water and the rain are the same thing
We are the same, I am like you
The laugh and the roar are
Brothers with different voices
Because at the end of the day, what counts is the heart
There is something really big
That unites us all the same
The circle of life will guide us
The circle of life will guide us
We are the same. I am like you
It doesn't matter if you have spots and I don't
The water and the rain are the same thing
We are the same, I am like you
We are the same, I am like you
I never imagined we would get along
I don't understand the reasons why
It's easy, you just have to want it
We are the same
This way of thinking is better than just judging with prejudice
We are the same
We are the same, I am like you
It's better to leave behind
That which separates us
We are the same
The water and the rain are the same thing
We are the same, I am like you
We are the same, I am like you
It's better to leave behind
That which separates us
The water and the rain are the same thing
We are the same, I am like you
We are the same, I am like you
We are the same, I am like you


Hey, Radio operator

Far and away from Berlin
Without food or medicine
Alone in the jungle
Not home in the jungle
Meanwhile in Berlin:
Hey, Radio operator
We must answer to his SOS
Hey, Radio operator
Sending from Berlin to all locations
Hey, Radio operator
We must answer to his SOS
Hey, hey
Hey, hey
Hey, hey
Hey, hey
Back in the jungle:
No compass, no sextant
Position unknown
Alone in the jungle
Not home in the jungle
Meanwhile in Berlin:
Hey, Radio operator
We must answer to his SOS
Hey, Radio operator
Sending from Berlin to all locations
Hey, Radio operator
We must answer to his SOS
Hey, hey
Hey, hey
Hey, hey
Hey, hey
Hey, Radio operator
We must answer to his SOS
Hey, Radio operator
Sending from Berlin to all locations
Hey, Radio operator
We must answer to his SOS
Hey, Radio operator
We must answer to his SOS
Hey, Radio operator
Sending from Berlin to all locations
Hey, Radio operator
We must answer to his SOS
Hey, hey
Hey, hey
Hey, hey
Hey, hey


Oh, Being With You

Don't blow so wildly that I'm getting dizzy
Don't give your longing instead of spring
Don't look at me like that every once in a while, I'm dying
Don't collect my tears instead of my rose
Become death and come after me
Become ending and behead me
My heart sinks, it burning more and more
Still I can't have the heart to harm you
Become death and come after me
Become ending and behead me
My heart sinks, it burning more and more
Still I can't have the heart to harm you
Who knows for how many more years
I will hurt like this
Oh, being with you and
Oh, being born again...
Who knows for how many more years
This heart will be in exile
Oh, being with you and
Oh, being born again...
Don't blow so wildly that I'm getting dizzy
Don't give your longing instead of spring
Don't look at me like that every once in a while, I'm dying
Don't collect my tears instead of my rose
Become death and come after me
Become ending and behead me
My heart sinks, it burning more and more
Still I can't have the heart to harm you
Become death and come after me
Become ending and behead me
My heart sinks, it burning more and more
Still I can't have the heart to harm you
Who knows for how many more years
I will hurt like this
Oh, being with you and
Oh, being born again...
Who knows for how many more years
This heart will be in exile
Oh, being with you and
Oh, being born again...
Oh, being with you and
Oh, being born again...
Oh, being with you and
Oh, being born again...


Love Symphony [Mizuiro no Senritsu]

Make me happy
Win me over with your notes
Like you did before
Hear me out
Warm me up like a ray of sunshine
Just make me all warm
A little
Come a little closer, I think the time has come
To forget about common sense
I'm happy because I have what I wanted
Now it's all granted
Everything that I wished for
And I don't let anyone take
My hidden hopes away from me
While you're coming back to me
Nothing can hurt me!
That's the way destiny connects us by itself
The stars hid our encounter in the constellation*
My eyes have said everything that I wanted to
Words are not needed, because I already know it all
Make me happy
Win me over with your notes
Like you did before
Hear me out
Warm me up like a ray of sunshine
Just make me all warm
A little
Come a little closer, I think the time has come
To forget about common sense
I'm happy because I have what I wanted
Now it's all granted
Everything that I wished for
And I don't let anyone take
My hidden hopes away from me
While you're coming back to me
Nothing can hurt me!
That's the way destiny connects us by itself
The stars hid our encounter in the constellation
My eyes have said everything that I wanted to
Words are not needed, because I already know it all
I'm happy because I have what I wanted
Now it's all granted
Everything that I wished for
And I don't let anyone take
My hidden hopes away from me
While you're coming back to me
Nothing can hurt me!
That's the way destiny connects us by itself
The stars hid our encounter in the constellation
My eyes have said everything that I wanted to
Words are not needed, because I already know it all


Under a Blues Sky

Good morning rising sun
I've come to tell my sad story
My girl left me
At a train station
Under a blues sky
Under a blues sky
I'll knock, I'll knock
And I'll break your window
I'll roll with the drunkards
On the filthy streets
Under a blues sky
Under a blues sky
Baby, where are you?
Where did you go?
Fix me a strong drink
And a company in bed
Under a blues sky (Under a blues sky)
All my disgrace (Under a blues sky)
The dance of my tears (Under a blues sky)
Under a blues sky (Under a blues sky)
There's a road
That takes me to my destination
There's a sign
That says to me I'm alone
Under a blues sky (Under a blues sky)
All my disgrace (Under a blues sky)
The dance of my tears (Under a blues sky)
Under a blues sky (Under a blues sky)
The gray smoke from the factories
Weighs on my soul
As if I were carrying
A hundred tons of disillusions
Under a blues sky (Under a blues sky)
All my disgrace (Under a blues sky)
The dance of my tears (Under a blues sky)
Under a blues sky (Under a blues sky)
Oh baby...
Under a blues sky (Under a blues sky)
Under a blues sky (Under a blues sky)
Under a blues sky (Under a blues sky)


Shoot our love

It's a shame, six-foot man,
That I set you free like a begging child
Arguments 'for' and 'against'
Doesn't matter, it always hurts the same
Don't fight it, let me in closer
So I can shake you by the shoulders
You can't leave me, you love me madly
No other woman exists besides me
It's no use, it's no use, it's no use
Everything of yours is bigger than your heart
Shoot our love, shoot me
As you're already running away from the scene

I have teeth to bite you with
Nails to scratch you with, to make you bleed
And the most beautiful words in the world
To make you feel as small as a worm
How has it come to this?
You don't know what you're doing, you're lost
You walk blinded in darkness
You don't know who you are, who you're with, where you are
I'm begging you
Do you really want this turmoil?
You'll win the war, but you won't have peace


Since Adam and Eve

Since Adam and Eve were from God born,
Temptation has been profuse on harvest,
Worldly romance has poisoned at best,
Human love has been brief and very torn

Where All Streets End

Where all streets end
Our path doesn't stop
Wherever we turn
Time takes its course
The heart burnt, banished in pain
So we move through no man's land
Maybe no one will return to their home country
Where all the lights are blinding
Our path doesn't stop
With our cold hands
Let's forego it
The heart burnt, banished in pain
So we move through no man's land
Maybe no one will return to their home country
We are lost
Where all streets end
Our path doesn't stop
Wherever we turn
Time takes its course
The heart burnt, banished in pain
So we move through no man's land
Maybe no one will return to their home country


When the sun heats up

When the sun heats up here on the beach
I see your eyes shining next to me …
Yes, that’s you, your voice, your look
Your lips that kiss mine
oh oh oh…
When the sun heats up
When the sun heats up here on the beach
I see your eyes shining next to me …
Yes, that’s you, a memory that comes back, infinite delirium
Oh oh oh…
When the sun heats up
When the sun heats up here on the beach
I see your eyes shining next to me …
Yes, that’s you, a memory that comes back, infinite delirium
Oh oh oh…
When the sun heats up


Crêpes Suzette

To make some delicious “crêpes Suzette”1
You don’t need brains
Or a degree from a top-level business school
You just have to listen to me
Take a piece of paper, a pencil
And write down, girls and boys
That this well-known recipe
Has been a success this way
Oh, yes, yes, yes
Make me some “crêpes Suzette”
To succeed perfectly
You need these ingredients
240 grams of flour
That you put in a bowl
8 pouches of baking powder
Because it’s better when it’s toxic2
You also need 5 or 6 eggs
The more there are, the happier people will be
Oh, yes, yes, yes
Make me some “crêpes Suzette”
And watch out, it’s not over
Hey, you there!
I see that some people are not keeping up
You still need one liter of milk
A pinch of salt for the palate
A bit of Poitou butter3
That can’t be replaced by mud
For those who like spicy food
Don’t be shy
Add a personal touch
By throwing in some cinnamon
Oh, yes, yes, yes
Make me some “crêpes Suzette”
Now if and only if
You have all of this
Go and get a big bowl
Or even a basin
Mix everything equally
You will get satisfaction
The batter should look like cream
Let it sit for 3 weeks
After sitting for 3 weeks
The smell is not a treat
The nice batter, liquid and blond
Has become nauseating
There are even plenty of hairy maggots
That wiggle when you stir it
Today’s recipes
Are created by idiots
Oh, yes, yes, yes
Make me some “crêpes Suzette”
  • 1. A type of dessert consisting of flambéed “crêpes” (flat pancakes) with a sauce of caramelized sugar and butter, tangerine/orange juice, zest and liqueur
  • 2. I think it’s a reference to how “baking powder” literally means “chemical yeast“ in French
  • 3. Traditional butter from a region of France