Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 102

Találatok száma: 100455


Around Me

The future holds
Little for us
My animosity's resurfacing
Even though I'd buried it
In the deepest parts of me
So that nothing nor no one
Could dig it up again
But all around me
The wind, life, the daily paper
Still reminds me of your voice
Still your voice
Will have let us down
Out of the blue
Relics of a beautiful era
Were erected
But all around me
The buses, the cafés and the bars
Are still singing our voice
They're still singing softly


Where are you now?

I burn for you, I cry for you, I die for you,
Oh, my peace, where are you now?
From head to toe, I long for your gaze,
In my very being, the pain of separation.
My entire love, where are you now?
I am far from you, you are far from me.
Far from myself, lifeless and heartless,
An empty body, where are you now?
I was a song, vibrant and bright when you were here,
Today I am faded, my end cold, where are you now?
Return to me so I can live again,
To flow once more, to become a scream.
With eager passion, I become the goblet of your essence,
Alas, why do you keep away, where are you now?
From your eyes, smiles poured,
Becoming vivid in my sight.
Today my eyes died without yours,
Far from you, without any intoxication.
Sorrow and grief, without any intoxication,
Intoxication and joy, where are you now?
Return to me so I can live again,
To flow once more, to become a scream.
With eager passion, I become the goblet of your essence,
Alas, why do you keep away, where are you now?


kelma a word

a word separates us,
a word unites us,
we get distant and we can't believe it ,
then a words brings us back together,
a word makes us happy,
a word hurts us,
many words wound us,
even though they're thoughtless
a word deprives us,
leaves our hearts thirsty,
so we say ' it's useless',
even though we still have the dream inside us,
a lot of words and promises,
but we rarely follow through,
a lot of thoughtless words,
but we dwell on them,
a word reminds us,
a word makes us forget,
even though the past might break us,
a hundred other things will make us stronger,
a word reminds us,
a word makes us forget,
even though the past might break us,
a hundred other things will make us stronger
a word illumintes the inside of hearts,
a word changes the before and after,
some words are unsaid but felt and seen in the eyes,
some words are warm and affectionate they come inside without a permission,
a word reminds us,
a word makes us forget,
even though the past might break us,
a hundred other things will make us stronger,
a word reminds us,
a word makes us forget,
even though the past might break us,
a hundred other things will make us stronger



There’s a place among the valleys at night,
Where baboon’s drums sound so bright.
The flowers smell makes your ears ring.
And butterflies dance in the eyes
The hippos are allured by heights so sweet.
And rhinoceroses stamp to the rumba beat.
There's always a holiday and so much fun.
And the stars twinkle in the sky
It’s Upendi!
Where the fruit is so sweet!
It’s got a bitter taste, but you won’t wait
Till your soul flies away
It’s Upendi!
To this enchanted land,
Fly as fast as you can to where are two souls
They merge into one
There are secret traps among the grasses,
There are steep cliffs among the wildness.
I advise you not to waste your time,
I advise you to seize the chance
It’s Upendi!
Where the fruit is so sweet!
It’s got a bitter taste, but you won’t wait
Till your soul flies away
It’s Upendi!
To this enchanted land,
Fly as fast as you can to where are two souls
They merge into one
Find Upendi, cross the Sahara
From Tanganyika to Kilimanjaro
Upendi is where’s the magic of love,
That's where this land lies
It’s Upendi!
Where the fruit is so sweet!
It’s got a bitter taste, but you won’t wait
Till your soul flies away
It’s Upendi!
To this enchanted land,
Fly as fast as you can to where are two souls
They merge into one


Let's look around

Let's look around, 360 degrees, checking above and below, today's situation
Let's look around, 360 degrees, checking above and below, Tokyo today
Let's look around, 360 degrees, checking above and below, today's state
Let's look around, let's look around, let's look around
Unusual phenomena arise, causing a stir, resisting this current state,
It's like a battlefield outside, everything ablaze,
It's about time for the cool nice guys to let go
Looking up, breaking through the ceiling with a bang, my words,
(Gidra's jibra) Ah, it's about me
Fed up with society's cruel acts, I'm the guardian of the rap world

Call out my name

Even if you can't fake a smile,
You always love
Don't always be looking at that girl who laughs a lot,
Stay here
In that moment when our eyes meet
I'll give you my heart
I don't need a thing, so, just for now,
Come over here
Forgive my selfishness,
And always be looking at me
If that isn't the case,
There's no point, no matter where I am
The sneakers I've worn out,
And the smoke of the cigarettes that I can't fully inhale,
I love all of you
If it's your influence,
I love all of you
I love all with you
With you
When those lips of yours
Says the name of someone else,
The truth is, it makes me
Just a tiny bit sad
The bottom of the t-shirt that fits you well,
I can't grab ahold of it
So that we don't get separated,
Call out my name
The sneakers I've worn out,
And the smoke of the cigarettes that I can't fully inhale,
I love all of you
If it's your influence,
I love all of you
I love all with you



Suggestions of the feathers, plucked off and thrown away
From my head, body, and heart
I don't know,
It's fine if I'm not complimented, I'll stay this way
It's better than being put on a leash
I'm different from you
From my head, body, and heart
What am I being bound by today?
I don't know,
So just be unnoticed, staying this way
If it's after you lose the ability to fly,
It'll be too late, but
Even you don't know,
It's possible to keep living, staying this way
But you don't even know
The color of your own wings


Oshichi, bewitching love, scarlet cherry blossoms

Honjo*, they call her Oshichi of the flowers,
Lewd madwoman, the daughter dreams in seven colors.
In the Great Fire of Edo, Yaoya* was burned,
Longing for the man of Dannadera*.
Insane madwoman.
The honored fortune, the honored fortune.
Affection without hatred.
Still so young, she's a daughter, only 16...Aah
The pledge of love, the pledge of love,
Navel to navel.
Night after night of longing and sorrow, bound together, is the darkness before dawn.
Heavy steps on my way home,
Sparks on my chest, burning with love.
Even though it's shameful, a woman's heart will ask,
'If there's a fire, can we meet again...?'
Insane madwoman.
Be cautious of fire, be cautious of fire,
Setting fire to straw.
I threw it at the house and ran.
Madly blooming, madly blooming,
The daughter is tied by rope.
With tears in her eyes, she is reluctantly dragged through the streets of Edo*
Hanging, hanging,
Her punishment is burning at the stake.
Saying that she's fourteen to keep her alive...Aah
Being burned, being burned,
Wearing a long-sleeved kimono, she is named 'The Flower of Sin'
Executed on March 29th, Oshichi has died...


One Petal

These dream-like days have ended,
So I have to keep living, even after the credits roll
Even if you fall out from my memories,
You keep my heart alive
If you're able to cherish even the pain,
I'll be heading to the place, where the sunlight wavers through the leaves
One petal, one petal,
I'll become a flower to burn
I'll shine, I'll shine,
I'll be like a light
Yesterday, I saw a dream about you
A poolside, in the sun, holding hands with a child
My wishes and reality won't intersect,
But that's no biggie, and that's fine
If you're able to cherish even the pain,
I'll be heading to the place, where the sunlight wavers through the leaves
One petal, one petal,
I'll become a flower to burn
I'll shine, I'll shine,
I'll be like a light
One petal, one petal,
I'll become a flower to burn
I'll shine, I'll shine,
I'll be like a light
One petal, one petal,
I'll become a flower to burn
I'll shine, I'll shine,
I'll be like a light


Fountain of Dreams

Some actions are weird
Obvious, and a bit suspicious
You're wrong, then suddenly right
Then you're right, then disappointed
One upon a time
My father and I were taking a hike
We walked in complete peace in mind
Towards the fountain
Towards the fountain
Towards the fountain of dreams
That's when my circumstances changed
And played my life
Putting me in embarrassing moments
Beyond what I could take
Curse my talkative tongue
Curse my boyish antics
My, how I've struggled and suffered
Curse my confusion and delusion
Curse my, curse my delusions
Did you get it?
Say 'no'
We didn't get it
Fine, I'll repeat
One upon a time
My father and I were taking a hike
We walked in complete peace in mind
Towards the fountain
Towards the fountain
Towards the fountain of dreams



And this is what became of us,
How have all the apples gone rotten?
It doesn't matter what you do,
Just do it with a clear conscience.
Seeing the schism and ignoring it,
Let's bury it with forgiveness,
Let's salvage our temple,
What's this distance, how far apart we are
What's this distance, how far apart we are
I fell short1, took a look, and claimed victory,
And victory shortened my sight,
So how did my kingdom fall?
Direct attack, and I was betrayed,
Direct attack!
There's no such thing that's unnecessary,
There's no such thing that's really necessary
You wore me like the ring,
On anybody's finger
I don't have to bear this,
I'm destined to leave
I'm just eating myself up,
I can't!
And this is what became of us,
How have all the apples gone rotten?
It doesn't matter what you do,
Just do it with a clear conscience.
And this is what became of us,
A ton of sedative, please
It doesn't matter what you do,
It doesn't matter how we medicate,
A situation relatively tragic
As long as the distance keeps us apart.
There's no such thing that's unnecessary,
There's no such thing that's really necessary
You wore me like the ring,
On anybody's finger
I don't have to bear this,
I'm destined to leave
I'm just eating myself up,
I can't!
  • 1. The arabic verb here is 'shortened', idiomatically used to refer to a failure to achieve a task.


Girl's functional group

A clumsy girl is shaking
That alone makes me want to cry so much
I want to transcribe the melody flowing from the girl's functional group
It would be good to just get intoxicated by the moving melody!
I want to know the structural formula of you.
I want to break it! All right!
I don't need love
A clumsy girl is shaking
That alone makes me want to cry so much
I want to transcribe the melody flowing from the girl's functional group
I just want to get just get drunk by the moving melody. All right!
I want to know the structural formula of you.
I want to break it! All right!
I don't need love
I want to transcribe the melody flowing from the girl's functional group
I just want to get just get drunk by the moving melody. All right!
I want to know the structural formula of you.
I want to break it! All right!
I don't need love
I want to transcribe the melody flowing from the girl's functional group
I just want to get just get drunk by the moving melody. All right!
I want to know the structural formula of you.
I want to break it! All right!
I don't need love
A clumsy girl is shaking
That alone makes me want to cry so much


Mahoroba reactance

A ghost living in the classroom is crying about adolescence, about adolescence
A ghost living in the classroom is crying about adolescence, about adolescence
What should I do to become myself again?
Inside Mahoroba's reactance mirror
Describing another me
A ghost living in the classroom is crying about adolescence, about adolescence
A ghost living in the classroom is crying about adolescence, about adolescence
What should I do to become myself again?
Inside Mahoroba's reactance mirror
Another me is activated
What should I do to become myself again?
Inside Mahoroba's reactance mirror
Describing another me
A ghost living in the classroom is crying about adolescence, about adolescence
A ghost living in the classroom is crying about adolescence, about adolescence


Yodel-Adle-Eedle-Idle-Oo (Latin Spanish)

Slim: Listen closely!
There's villains to spare
That think they're the best
They say they're masters in the matter. Ros!
Well, they can be very good
But here I am the king
And I barely have to move my elbows!
I am evil!
Of very bad intentions
You haven't seen yet, no!
How cruel I can be
I rob in a very original way!
And with a yodel-adle-eedle-idle-odel,
I can hypnotize many cows!
Bill: Without poking
Phill: Without shouting
Gill: He'll take the cows
Brothers: It's not easy when your pants are about to burst
Slim: If you're very bovine and look at me
I can very well yodel-adle-eedle-idle
(spoken) We're doing good, eh! We already have five thousand cows in the back pocket
(Old west yoddeling)
Singing yodel-adle-eedle-odel!
Brothers: ...A sound the livestock's gonna love
Slim: I can yodel-adle-eedle-idle-odel-adle-eedle-idle-odel
If you don't like it you can object!
Gill: No rope
Bill: Is needed
Phil: He can hypnotize them
Brothers: He's a great artist with really great underpants!
Slim: A threat for you if you go moo
Singing odel-adle-eedle-idle
I'm the one who takes the livestock
For I can yodel-adle-eedle-idle-oo!


Let It Go

Where the restless sun hides sleep
A new wave is carrying me
Where in zero gravity the shore will sway
The silence will end
I will embrace blind pain at dawn
The fight is over, just look
Don't look around the world for a better world
It's inside you
All paths will cross again
Don't be sad, everyone will find you
Let go and erase, this is the runway
Diamonds of dawn, pouring into the sky
Let go and close the door
Overboard everything is superfluous
And I change it for love
Everything is familiar
Where does the night hide your secrets?
I'll slow dance
In the forgotten film credits
How can I recognize you
Well what are you waiting for, here is your path
Go ahead and don't let us down
But don't forget, standing at the threshold
What's on the way for you and me?
So fly and not crash
And forgive so as not to say goodbye...
Let go and erase, this is the runway
Diamonds of dawn, pouring into the sky
Let go and close the door
Overboard everything is superfluous
And I change it for love
Everything is familiar


My Flight

Sweet, at the end of the day,
The sadness was getting to me.
My hand on the guitar
Accompanied it slowly,
And in an instant my thoughts were already flying.
A face, a name in my sky appeared
And my mind was lost a bit further.
Cold as always,
Reality wasn't enough for me.
My flight kept going
Far away, in my memories.
And I've discovered situations along the way,
Those characters now lost in the laughter
Of those people who don't fly a bit farther.
Late as always
I rediscovered my mistakes,
Images and faces
They remembered proudly
All the things I should have understood,
That my life has taught me something,
And in a moment I felt a little further.
Defeated by silence,
Exhaustion overwhelmed me.
Maybe a little wiser
I was returning from my flight,
And I tolerated the reality that crushed me in an instant,
Maybe a little crazy or seriously,
Thanks to my flight and thinking a little further.


On Kupala's Night

The canvas, on which was a forest
In which was a house, in which lived I,
Who wasn't sleeping, expecting wonders,
Burned up completely, like the white-haired willow
Beyond the village boundary on Kupala's Night
And the bittern that groaned about us
Singing of birds, resembling the light
That bears us the cross, which wasn't saved
Embraced me, was with me
Beyond the village boundary on Kupala's Night
Now there's only a black attic
Blacker than the night, which was there
Where owls were, and the owl was my sworn brother
I hear the voice of the owl, that means that now
Someone's candle lights up on Kupala's Night
The bonfire, my only friend
Died out with the dawn. Only I know
What it was blind to, what it was deaf about
Not waiting till morning, she died
On the embers of the fire on Kupala's Night
In the passionate twilight of candles, clothing falls from shoulders
I hold a wreath in my hand. I'll see you soon
On Kupala's Night


Lost cause

My sweetheart had a braid like honor and sinlessness
My sweetheart's eyes became whorish with tenderness
Oh saltbush-woe of mine, long is the road to my dear one
Jagged wound in my heart, you're a lost cause, a lost cause
Roasted in a red glow, dried in four smokes
I cast my gaze over the sea again, thanks to the finished ones
On my sweetheart's finger is an engagement ring with a blood groove
Wings on an IV drip, you're a lost cause, a lost cause
What hands reach for is not bought for long
What's sold is not ruined, what's stolen will remain
But I no longer wish to beat my hooves at the doorstep
Gilded with rust, you're a lost cause, a lost cause


Initials Written In Chalk

Do you still remember the first time we...
...sat next to each other that spring?
We talked a lot about our dreams...
...as very dear friends
My heart is brimming with emotions
I will embrace all those beautiful memories
We're graduating tomorrow
Remember the chalk initials?
Someone has written our names...
...side by side
The chalk initials,
...the only thing back then that...
...made us feel awkward toward each other. I miss those days
Do you remember the first time we...
...agreed to meet at the station that summer morning?
We had a long talk and shared all our worries...
...without realizing that we were in love
My tears are about to spill...
...recalling that dazzling season
Tomorrow will be our graduation day
The initials written in chalk...
Our friends were having fun guessing...
...when rumors started to spread
The chalk initials...
Before we knew it, we quietly...
...started to keep our distance, it's sad now I think about it
The chalk initials...
That day I erased them in a hurry
Our name's...
...initials written in chalk,
...even now in my heart's...
...blackboard, they're still there written side by side


To a woman

'It's a lovely soul.'
Child ! If I was king, I would give the empire,
And my chariot, and my sceptre, and my people on their knees,
And my golden crown, and my bathes of porphyry,
And my fleets, to whom the sea cannot suffice,
For a look of you !
If I was God, the earth and the air with the waves,
The angels, the demons bent before my law,
And the deep chaos with fertile bowels,
The eternity, the space, and the heavens, and the worlds,
For a kiss of you.


A Love Story

Every poet for a love story has sung,
And that story in legend for us has turned.
Today, however, there will be no one to sing this love.
I love you, you love me, that's what this love means:
A simple love and nothing more,
Which cannot interest others, and it will remain
Only for us the greatest love in the world.
They were heroes, a great love to make young people dream.
The story will not, will not speak of this love you give me,
A simple love and nothing more,
Which cannot interest others, and it will remain
Only for us the greatest love in the world.
I love you, you love me, that's what this love means:
A simple love and nothing more,
Which cannot interest others, and it will remain
Only for us the greatest love in the world.



This town isn't the same
as it was in the nineties
brought by wind to the rivershore
a dog without an owner
This town isn't the same anymore
as it was eleven years ago
Front of the marketplace surrounded by streets
is much cleaner in some way
Strange, places change
down that corner
used to be a bar, where bands played
Strange, places change
Strange, on that corner
spring fell from drains to the asphalt
This town isn't the same
and I doubt you are either
I walked past our old home
and remembered how you smiled at me
This is all and now, nothing could be better
This town isn't the same
as it was in the nineties
Strange, places change
down that corner
used to be a bar, where bands played
Strange, places change
on that corner
spring fell from drains to the asphalt
Strange, places change
on that corner


Beautiful in the Dark

You are the lady I've been desiring
The beautiful lady I've been praying for
'Cmere inside my room now
You already know what's coming next, yeah
Oh, oh, oh-oh (goddamn)
Oh, oh, oh-oh, oh-oh (made me say-'Damn' even in the dark)
Can't explain, What did I just witness? (what I witnessed)
The light you left is just different, oh
I stared (I stared), I approached (I approached)
Until I woke up with a goddess beside me
Got drunk (got drunk), Last night (Last night)
It's amazing, you're beside me now, babe
Made me go -'Damn' with your face
Beautiful even in the dark (beautiful)
I didn't expected that (expected)
You would lie down my bed (my bed)
What is this? (What is this?) Can't believe it
Can I extend? Can you stay? (Stay)
Oh, baby, I can see it clearly in your eyes
Your desire for me, to be with you
Kiss that you can taste in every gulp
Baby, you playing hard to get, won't work on me
Let's just get straight to the point (to the point)
Our irresistible urges, where is this going?
The way you're so comfortable, sitting beside me
It's obvious in the way you move that you're the one wanting it (want)
Tone down the flirting
The cold air between us is pressuring
The way your eyes roll back, as if you're possessed
It'll happen again, as long as you don't tell anybody
Got drunk (got drunk), Last night (Last night)
It's amazing, you're beside me now, babe
Made me go -'Damn' with your face
Beautiful even in the dark (beautiful)
I didn't expected that (expected)
You would lie down my bed (my bed)
What is this? (What is this?) Can't believe it
Can I extend? Can you stay? (Stay)
I know you have a taste for someone like me
You just don't wanna admit it, but even when you have no topic, you want me, to talk with you
You're like a kid that went to a party, and I'm the prize you won
Others say your luck is so different, but remember, you're not a saint, hoe, oh
I never miss, you know that, miss
Stares so intense, they'll impregnate
Eat pussy, then next the kiss
It's Jawz, get down on your knees
She said, 'Deity, slow down, please'
But I'm already drunk, these drinks are like chalice
Said it might break, said her jeans are expensive
Don't worry about that I'll give you good genes
Got drunk (got drunk), Last night (Last night)
It's amazing, you're beside me now, babe
Made me go -'Damn' with your face
Beautiful even in the dark (beautiful)
I didn't expected that (expected)
You would lie down my bed (my bed)
What is this? (What is this?) Can't believe it
Can I extend? Can you stay? (Stay)


A pipe tree song

A pipe tree song (dong dong)
Is lullabuying me
First tiny leaves are chased
By winds of the last spring
I lived and suddenly got blue
I don't know why
All of a sudden I was struck
With silence of my heart


Between the smoke and fire, shine and lace

Between the smoke and fire, shine and lace
Yes, all in lace and ostrich feathers
Between dry flowers, words without sense
Most sinful dreams and childish superstitions
- As women laughing at fandango
- As falling star is plummeting the dark
It’s raining in the night. We go by
Along the Seine’s riverside
And suddenly I think that she might be
The only one that won’t lie, maybe
The only that wouldn’t say a sole lie to me
Give me your hand. Forever. Let it be.


I like what I am

I like what I am
I like what I do
I always preferred to get lost,
To never seeing myself boarded,
I wanna be the river, I don't wanna be the lake,
I don't like being the island,
I'd rather be the boat
I like what I am, what can we do
That's the way you knew me and started to love me
Don't start wanting to change me now
'Cause I won't change at this point,
I respect how you are and I don't wonder why
I don't like people to call me,
I wake up by myself
First thing is a little coffee so my body can tune in.
I don't like gifts if they don't come from the heart
And I like a woman
More than a frog loves a rainstorm and...
And you know music and singing drive me crazy,
I don't like people that don't look you in the eye,
I'll die by my word if I've given it to a friend,
If I have to get wet I get wet,
But baby I'll say it again...
If you look me in the eyes,
You can get to know me already,
I can't help it, I've been born transparent,
I obey the heart, violence bores me
I'm a lover of real things and the king of bohemia



(Make me dizzy, dizzy, dizzy)
There's a place where we break the line (Make me)
Make it a circle redefined, mm (Di—)
Beautiful gardens, eternal flowers (Make me di—)
You know the way, so take me there
Won't you make me dizzy from your kisses?
Will you take my hand and spin me
'Round and 'round until the moment never ends? Mm
Make me dizzy from your kisses
Will you take my hand and spin me?
Take me back to the beginning again (Again, again)
Pulling me close, I feel a stillness in the air (Di—)
Time has frozen, all memories lost
So won't you make me dizzy from your kisses?
Will you take my hand and spin me
'Round and 'round until the moment never ends? Mm
Make me dizzy from your kisses
Will you take my hand and spin me?
Take me back to the beginning again (Again, again)
So don't you make me dizzy from, oh
(Oh, won't you make)
There isn't an end, there isn't a start
I don't wanna stop, I can't go too far
There isn't an end, there isn't a start
I don't wanna stop, I can't go too far
There isn't an end, there isn't a start
I don't wanna stop, I can't go too far
There isn't an end, there isn't
So won't you make me dizzy from your kisses? (Oh)
Will you take my hand and spin me
'Round and 'round until the moment never ends?
(Until the moment never ends)
Uh, make me dizzy from your kisses
Will you take my hand and spin me? (Take my hand)
Take me back to the beginning again (Again, again)



Click to see the original lyrics (Old Norse)
[Hariuha laþu laukar gakar alu ole lule laukar]
Egy tizenegyediket ismerek
Hogy ha kell, vezetni fogok
A harchoz régi barátaimmal


(Repülj, fel, fel)
Lintí lazlintú kóhtíkúh
Ne ? olé á üksz bed
Mákiné, olé ásta
Má púszi á üksz bed
Mutá má en olé ástá
Kúh, kúh, ün linti kóhtíkúh
Amañ hevit ho peus
Ma doue ma lun
Repülj, repülj, fel, fel
Lintí lazlintú kóhtíkúh
Ne ? olé á üksz bed
Mákiné, olé ásta
Má púszi á üksz bed!
Mutá má en olé ástá
Má ?? (üeeeh)
Kúh, kúh, ün linti kóhtíkúh
Kúh, kúh
Amañ hevit ho peus
Ma doue ma lun
Ün lintí kóhtíkúh
Kúh, kúh, kúh
Ün lintí kóhtíkúh
Kúh, kúh, kúh
Ün lintí kóhtíkúh (uáá he ??)
Ün fhej á hárem bed
Pep tra dro
Má prip(?)??
Vellet acha ? (?)
Lun (Lun)


Дударай (2023) [Dudarai]

Мәриям Жагор деген орыс қызы,
Он алты, он жетіге келген кезі.
Қазаққа Дудар деген ғашық болып,
Сондағы Мәриямның айтқан сөзі!
Бір сен үшін тудым!
Шіркін-ай, Дудара-ри-дудым!

Ащыкөл, Тұщыкөлдің арасы бір
Басыңа камшат бөрік жарасып жүр
Дадур-ай, келер болсаң тезірек кел
Орныңа орыс казак таласып жүр
Бір сен үшін тудым!
Шіркін-ай, Дудара-ри-дудым!

Мәриям Жагор деген орыс қызы,
Он алты, он жетіге келген кезі.
Қазаққа Дудар деген ғашық болып,
Сондағы Мәриямның айтқан сөзі!
Бір сен үшін тудым!
Шіркін-ай, Дудара-ри-дудым!

Бір сен үшін тудым!
Шіркін-ай, Дудара-ри-дудым!



Schön ist die Jugend

Schön ist die Jugend bei frohen Zeiten,
Schön ist die Jugend, sie kommt nicht mehr.
Bald wirst du müde durch‘s Leben schreiten,
Um dich wird‘s einsam, im Herzen leer.
Drum sag’ ich‘s noch einmal:
Schön ist die Jugendzeit,
Schön ist die Jugend, sie kommt nicht mehr!
Ja, ja, sie kommt nicht mehr,
Sie hat kein Wiederkehr.
Schön ist die Jugend, sie kommt nicht mehr!
Es blühen Blumen auf Flur und Heide,
Sie welken alle im Jahreslauf.
Und so das Menschenherz, verwelket balde
Und blüht zum zweiten Mal nicht wieder auf.
Ein jeder Weinstock trägt schwere Reben,
Und aus den Reben fließt süsser Wein.
Wir woll‘n die Jugend froh mit ihm durchleben,
Er bringt das Glück uns und Sonnenschein.
Vergang’ne Zeiten kehr‘n niemals wieder,
Was einst dein alles war, raubt dir der Tod.
Drum freut des Lebens euch, singt frohe Lieder,
Solang’ die Jugend im Herzen loht.


Ich liebe dich

Wie kommst du nur im Traum darauf
daß ich dir sage
woran ich kaum zu denken wage