Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 105

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LOL Love without logic
It doesn't really make sense
But when you're gone, it's funny
Kiss me one last time, then I'll flip a coin
Heads or tails and then we'll see
I don't really know what I want right now
But for now it's okay, yeah, yeah
'Come here', 'Go away', as soon as you're out the door
I'll write you a message: 'Come back to me'
'Can you stay after all?', 'Love you', 'Can't stand you'
I think that's LOL - love without logic
It doesn't really make any sense
When it comes to (being with) you, it's funny
LOL Love without logic
It doesn't really make sense
But when you're away, it's funny
When you're with someone else, I can't stand it
But unfortunately it won't be enough with the two of us
It's so harmonious when the two of us argue
We agree, we can't make up our minds
'Come here', 'Go away', as soon as you're out the door
I'll write you a message: 'Come back to me'
'Can you stay after all?', 'Love you', 'Can't stand you'
I think that's LOL - love without logic
It doesn't really make any sense
When it comes to (being with) you, it's funny
LOL Love without logic
It doesn't really make sense
But when you're gone, it's funny
I'm not usually like this (Ohh-ohh)
I'm actually always clear (Ohh-ohh)
But with you, I just don't have a plan
No plan at all, no plan at all
LOL Love without logic
It doesn't really make any sense
When it comes to (being with) you, it's funny
LOL Love without logic
It doesn't really make sense
But when you're gone, it's funny (LOL)


We were in the kitchen, she and I.

We were in the kitchen, she and I.
For days I had been thinking: ask today.
But because the question made me shy
I had been waiting for an off-guard moment.
But now, seeing her occupied and busy,
and having the chance I had wished for
that she would answer unprepared,
I asked: on what do you want me to write?
Just then the kettle starts to whistle.
Again this life is as strange as to wake up
in a train and find yourself in another country.
And she answers, as she slowly is
pouring the dripping water on the coffee
and the vapor turns to fragrance: a new wedding song.


On precarious love for worldly things

It is hard not to love, and to love
A poor solace, when led by lust astray
Our thoughts do raise those things high above,
Which all must turn and then fall in decay.
Who could these flavours sufficiently feel
Of gold, power, fame, pleasure and own made
Beautiful face, so as to fullfill
His heart and from trepidation be saved?
Love is our life's own natural way,
But our body from elements created
Praising what is made of same common clay,
Confounds the soul, which is never sated,
When You, the beauty eternal and true
It fails to see, to whom its love is due.



Move your chair closer
Touch my hand
Tonight you're my muse
In the rhythm of your blues
I will dance non-stop
Our room is small
I'm acting like a drunk idiot
But I haven't had a single glass
I think I've fallen in love
With you
Yes, me, who didn't believe I would be crazy about someone
About you
Like in love songs and movies, I will turn up the sound
Just turn around
Glance towards me
Silence alone will
Pass kilometers between us
In a single heartbeat
Our room is small
I'm acting like a drunk idiot
But I haven't had a single glass
I think I've fallen in love
With you
Yes, me, who didn't believe I would be crazy about someone
About you
Like in love songs and movies, I will turn up the sound
Don't turn the lights on yet
Just one more moment
So I can really look at that beauty
Don't turn the lights on yet
Don't summon the day
Save me, think of some plan
If the sun rises
I'll be alone


This Portrait of a Girl

This portrait of a suffering
girl! ... How she looks at me,
when the fallen evening
plunges her into its melody!
Oh, what happiness, what an intimate
presence of my star!
... Gomo, a divine girl,
who will remember my life.
And everything is idealized.
The misery becomes a breeze.
The clumsy hand that was
in the shadow, remains fixed.
Eternity, sweet girl!



I float
I disappear
I sway
I laugh
Your sleeping face,
At midnight, in winter
Until tomorrow, like this,
Close my eyes, and stay as is
I touch
I stop
I fly
I kidnap
I don't need anything
The betrayal of winter
Just for tonight, stay by my side
Close your eyes, and embrace me
Until tomorrow, like this,
Open your eyes, only at the end
I float
I disappear
At midnight, in winter


Ordinary Words

It's fine if they're just ordinary words,
With that one word, I can keep living
To the end of the road of sadness,
Keep moving, keep moving forward
Orange-colored fruits will grow
A secret base that I won't tell anyone about
I might not be able to go back anymore
But even so, I have to keep going
It's fine if they're just ordinary words,
With that one word, I can keep walking
Even if we end up separated,
We'll still be looking at the same sky
The more I pursued by dreams, they became more distant
By the time I noticed, I'm on the other side of the period*
The winds of meeting and parting blow,
And I can't be a kid anymore
It's fine, even if they're ordinary lies
To that kindness, tears might flow out
W can't have everything we want,
But let's keep moving, keep moving forward
One, two, three, four, to the right
Two, two, three, four, to the left
Three, two, three, four, we're always lost in the world
One, two, three, four, to the front
Two, two, three, four, to the back
Three, two, three, four, even if I cry, I don't want to stop here
They're ordinary words,
But I want to snuggle up to that sadness
We won't change,
We'll still be looking at the same sky
It's fine if they're just ordinary words,
With that one word, I can keep living
It's fine if it's an ordinary road,
Well then, let's keep moving, keep moving forward


When One Day

When one day you'll want
to take a kick at life,
and you'll be really tired of still believing
in fairies—
—then you can return,
then you can understand
the sincere parts
of a love.
When one day you have finally decided
to pack your bags
and, without regrets, leave for me
the life you lead—
—then you can return,
then you can return,
only then can you understand
what the significance is of the love
that I can give to you.
When one day you'll want
to take a kick at life.
Then you can return,
then you can return,
only then can you understand
what the significance is of the love
that I can give to you.


Whoever Dances Calypso

Whoever dances the calypso will live for a hundred years,
the rhythm of the calypso knows no age.
Whoever dances the calypso will find love,
the rhythm of the calypso makes you fall in love.
Bom bom bom-bom-bom,
listening to a distant drum.
Bam bam bam-bam-bam,
even the heart will slowly know the new rhythm.
Whoever dances the calypso will live for a hundred years,
the rhythm of the calypso knows no age.
Whoever dances the calypso will find love,
the rhythm of the calypso makes you fall in love.
Whoever dances the calypso will live for a hundred years,
the rhythm of the calypso knows no age.
Whoever dances the calypso will find love,
the rhythm of the calypso makes you fall in love.
Bom bom bom-bom-bom,
listening to a distant drum.
Bam bam bam-bam-bam,
even the heart will slowly know the new rhythm.
Whoever dances the calypso will live for a hundred years,
the rhythm of the calypso knows no age.
Whoever dances the calypso will find love,
the rhythm of the calypso makes you fall in love.
Whoever dances the calypso will find love,
the rhythm of the calypso makes you fall in love.
Whoever dances the calypso will find love,
the rhythm of the calypso makes you fall in love…


Sweet Melody

Sweet melody, secret for my heart,
I feel you more mine,
you are a dream,
you pulsate next to me.
Strange sweet illness
that burns me, I trembled,
clear sweet melody,
you always remain in my dream.
Like a dream you are music
of a color like the sky,
you are sweet sound that created me,
you, secret of my heart.
Sweet melody, secret for my heart,
I feel you more mine,
so much mine
to go beyond me to you.


Too little, too little

I don't know who loved
whom more
And I don't know who took
from whom more?
Who is now feeling worse and sadder
I don't even measure it anymore
And when my tears start to go after you
I assure them that
Hey, too little, too little
has everything lasted, lasted
Hey, too little, too little
for it to hurt, to hurt
Hey, for a long time, too long
have the rains fallen, fallen.
Hey, for too long for the
fires to burn still.
I don't know who said
'Goodbye' to whom first
And I don't know who has waited
for whom longer?
Who is now feeling worse and sadder
I don't even measure it anymore
And when my tears start to go after you
I assure them that
Hey, too little, too little
has everything lasted, lasted
Hey, too little, too little
for it to hurt, to hurt
Hey, for a long time, too long
have the rains fallen, fallen.
Hey, for too long for the
fires to burn still.
The love has fallen like a star into the sea
To the dark, blue bottom.
Let someone else find it,
It's too late for us.
Hey, too little, too little
has everything lasted, lasted
Hey, too little, too little
for it to hurt, to hurt
Hey, for a long time, too long
have the rains fallen, fallen.
Hey, for too long for the
fires to burn still.


My Handsome

In that small hallway, we have met each other, like before.
We have pathed ways there a long time ago, and exactly that we didn't want
Whose fault is it, whose fault is it?
Do you still remember the wall?
Love has spilt over it
It's still waiting for you to lean me
So it could blister our elbows
Whose fault is it, oh, whose fault is it?
My handsome, mine
I'm still carrying you in my soul, remind me
how is it to love to the point of pain, to tire the lips
I have the whole world in a palm,
only when you gently grab me by the other one
Because of the old habit, I'm still waiting for you to wake me up
Happiness is coming slowly, but you lose it in a moment.
Whose fault is it, whose fault is it?
Do you still remember the wall?
Love has spilt over it
It's still waiting for you to lean me
So it could blister our elbows
Whose fault is it, oh, whose fault is it?
My handsome, mine
I'm still carrying you in my soul, remind me
how is it to love to the point of pain, to tire the lips
I have the whole world in a palm,
only when you gently grab me by the other one
My handsome, mine
I'm still carrying you in my soul, remind me
how is it to love to the point of pain, to tire the lips
I have the whole world in a palm,
only when you gently grab me by the other one


I love you

Seeing your eyes
And then dreaming of you
And then waking up so in love
But there’s a problem
We don’t speak the same language
And I don’t know how to tell you
But if you stay with me
You’ll understand why
I love you, I love you
I love you
This way I can tell you:
You are the world for me
A world to fly with you
With you
I love you
I love you, my sweet love
From here to eternity
You are the blue
Of my sky
(But there’s a problem
We don’t speak the same language
And I don’t know how to tell you)
But if you stay with me
You’ll understand why
I love you, I love you
I love you
This way I can tell you:
You are the world for me
A world to fly with you
With you
I love you
I love you, my sweet love
From here to eternity
You are the blue
Of my sky
You are the blue
Of my sky


Solemn Peace

Sounds of victory
From smoldering annihilation
Hoof tracks of horses
With red pelts
A lone ember
Glowing in a doused fire
Solemn peace
A stench of burning steel


A Reflection

You're in the drops
dampening in the fog
You creak in the frost
And seep
Through the cracks in the drought
Reflections in puddles
What is the beginning
When the end turns
And envelops you
In thankfulness?


A Memory

Grandpa speaks:
...then they came to the Faroese Harbor1, and the bodies were rolled up to the town hall and spread over the floor.
Then some men came from Godthåb2 to build the coffins. When they had finished, the bodies were laid in them.
When that work was done, a a trawler came from the company to retrieve the coffins. There were 14 in total.
And then came a seaplane, which landed in the fjord, and came in toward the quay. A man exited the plane and approached us, who carried the bodies to the boat.
He spoke then... this man, and he thanked us for the work we had done. We carried them down. I remember it well, the one I carried was 22 years old.
Yes, and then the boat left with the bodies, and the seaplane too, and that man who had spoken. And so they all left...
  • 1. in Greenland
  • 2. Danish name for Nuuk, Greenland


In The Beginning

you are
left behind
Go in
Gone to pieces
we are here
from nothing
You're reflected in everything
Like a stream
gushing from
the cracks
in the drought
we walked
to destruction
come in


Dragon Strikes

Seeking the snowy path in the chilly wind, unaware of the ruggedness ahead.
The green pines bid farewell to the rare guest, sincerely approving.
Leaving at dawn, sharpening the sword on the grinding stone, without any concerns.
I lightly lift my treasured sword,
Soaring once again on a thousand-mile steed.
Everywhere filled with anxious inquiries, asking who I am.
Witnessing my proud demeanor, they become even more fearful.
Stars adorn the sky, reaching out to pluck them,
Even if utterly exhausted.
Remember, both near and far, rivers and mountains,
The land is mine to claim.
Heroes shed blood and sweat, shedding tears sparingly.
Beneath the scorching sun, my ambitions stand unwavering.
Seeking the snowy path in the chilly wind, unaware of the ruggedness ahead.
I lightly lift my treasured sword,
Soaring once again on a thousand-mile steed.
The roaring tide softly plays a melody, accompanied by harmonious rhythms.
Seeing me confidently traverse rivers and mountains, they become even more fearful.
Stars adorn the sky, reaching out to pluck them,
Even if utterly exhausted.
Remember, both near and far, rivers and mountains,
The country is mine


Italian tango

One night
Under a distant sky I heard
An Italian tango
A sweet tango
That Italian tango
That sweet tango
Made my thoughts fly
To my distant love
At that moment
I wanted to go
On the wings of the wind
To my first love
My unhappy heart
Wanted to return
An Italian tango
A sweet tango
Brought a call of love
To my tired and nostalgic heart
And made me come back forever
To my Italian love
At that moment
I wanted to go
On the wings of the wind
To my first love
My unhappy heart
Wanted to return
An Italian tango
A sweet tango
Brought a call of love
To my tired and nostalgic heart
And made me come back forever
To my Italian love


When, when, when

Tell me when you will come to me
Tell me when, when, when
The year, the day and the hour when
Maybe you will kiss me
Every moment I will wait
Until when, when, when
Suddenly I will see you
Smiling beside me!
If you want to tell me yes
You have to say it because
My life has no meaning
Without you
Tell me when you will come to me
Tell me when, when, when
And kissing me you will say:
'We'll never be apart'
If you want to tell me yes
You have to say it because
My life has no meaning
Without you
Tell me when you will come to me
Tell me when, when, when
And kissing me you will say:
'We'll never be apart'
Tell me when you will come to me
Tell me when, when, when
Tell me when, when, when
Tell me when, when, when...


When, when, when

Tell me when you will come to me
Tell me when, when, when
The year, the day and the hour when
Maybe you will kiss me
Every moment I will wait
Until when, when, when
Suddenly I will see you
Smiling beside me!
If you want to tell me yes
You have to say it because
My life has no meaning
Without you
Tell me when you will come to me
Tell me when, when, when
And kissing me you will say:
'We'll never be apart'
If you want to tell me yes
You have to say it because
My life has no meaning
Without you
Tell me when you will come to me
Tell me when, when, when
And kissing me you will say:
'We'll never be apart
We'll never be apart
We'll never be apart'


When, when, when

Tell me when you will come to me
Tell me when, when, when
The year, the day and the hour when
Maybe you will kiss me
Every moment I will wait
Until when, when, when
Suddenly I will see you
Smiling beside me!
If you want to tell me yes
You have to say it because
My life has no meaning
Without you
Tell me when you will come to me
Tell me when, when, when
And kissing me you will say:
'We'll never be apart'
If you want to tell me yes
You have to say it because
My life has no meaning
Without you
Tell me when you will come to me
Tell me when, when, when
And kissing me you will say:
'We'll never be apart
We'll never be apart
We'll never be apart'


When, when, when

Tell me when you will come to me
Tell me when, when, when
The year, the day and the hour when
Maybe you will kiss me
Every moment I will wait
Until when, when, when
Suddenly I will see you
Smiling beside me!
If you want to tell me yes
You have to say it because
My life has no meaning
Without you
Tell me when you will come to me
Tell me when, when, when
And kissing me you will say:
'We'll never be apart'


I Saw You With Him

They asked me if I still miss you (miss you)
Without hesitating, I answered to them yes (yes)
I told them that your goodbye hurt me so much
That I'm not getting used to living without you
And they advised me to go look for you
And to honestly ask you for forgiveness
They don't know it's already too late for that
Because your heart's owner changed hands
And I saw you with him
He gave you a kiss and you kissed him back
After you lost yourself in his arms dancing
To that song which was my favorite
From that corner, I could see you happy
And I understand that I lost your love, my love
I lost forever
'Come on'
And they advised me to go look for you
And to honestly ask you for forgiveness
They don't know that it's already too late for that
Because your heart's owner changed hands
And I saw you with him
He gave you a kiss and you kissed him back
After you lost yourself in his arms dancing
To that song which was my favorite
From that corner, I could see you happy
And I understand that I lost your love, my love
I lost forever
I lost forever



You make every mistake out there
But you don’t seem to care at all
And when we reach the point where simply watching hurts us
You just take another fall
Stubbornly, with serenity
Over and again, you fail it all
Nothing goes right, nothing makes sense
The roads you take are all dead ends
But the most wondrous thing about this place
Is the smile on your face
You’ve still got so far left to go
From all the damage, nothing known
Perfection never on your mind
But you remain the entire time
Sublime, Sublime, Sublime
Should we call it fatalism?
Or is it more like ignorance?
Loud and clear you say there’s nothing else you want
But I don’t know
If there’s anything else you can
Stubbornly so all the world sees
Giving up was never in the cards
It won’t make sense, it never works
Predestined failure to be sure
But if we’re being honest with ourselves
Your victory seems secured
With a smile on your face
You leave the hurdles in their place
You run against the wall again
Senseless and inane and yet
Sublime, Sublime, Sublime
Sublime, Sublime, Sublime
Nothing goes right, nothing makes sense
The roads you take are all dead ends
But the most wondrous thing about this place
Is the smile on your face
You’ve still got so far left to go
From all the damage, nothing known
And still you’ve won the game
Because true beauty lies in all the pain


When the April wind...

You can die of love
Without dying
...And I feel my breath
And I still see the sun
I still listen to the sea
I still live ...
But when the April wind
Carries a scent of oranges
And a thousand voices
Come to my ears
And when the rising dawn
Colors all blue
Then... then
This living without you
Is already dying!
(But when the April wind...)
Without you, my love
Without you, my love!


Frivolous Nights

There is more to come, baby, of frivolous nights
Save those feelings of melancholia for another day
No more speeches, no more tears
'I'm leaving you' is already three words too many
People hurt us more and more
We're not going to let it get to us
And I slam the door shut on my way out
That way, baby, you'll really want me
Baby, are you insane?
You lose yourself, you take off
Too beautiful
Too young and too frivolous
Baby, come back to Earth
Leave the rock 'n' roll to the oldies
And just love
If all that I say is just noise
If I'm lying, believe me, I don't have time
To choose the words that are expected
The ones we love to hear, that are hollow inside
To tell you that I'm not faking
It's love that comes and leaves me stranded
You know, it's not black-and-white
I shouldn't tell you this
But I don't care, I don't care
Baby, are you insane?
You lose yourself, you take off
Too beautiful
Too young and too frivolous
Baby, come back to Earth
Leave the rock 'n' roll to the oldies
And just love
It's not jazz that excites me
I prefer comics since my dad started writing them
I've always known peace
Baby boom, crack-bam, I wasn't born then
You made me spill my drink
My dress is ruined, my night wasted
Neutron bombs for toy soldiers
It's not the Earth that's going wrong
Baby, are you insane?
You lose yourself, you take off
Too beautiful
Too young and too frivolous
Baby, come back to Earth
Leave the rock 'n' roll to the oldies
And just love
There is more to come, baby, of frivolous nights
Save those feelings of melancholia for another day
No more speeches, no more tears
'I'm leaving you' is already three words too many
People hurt us more and more
We're not going to let it get to us
And I slam the door shut on my way out
That way, baby, you'll really want me
I'm frivolous, but not by default
It's just boredom soothes me a bit too much
The cliché loves in verse or in prose
Won't change my point of view
Take two breaks:
All your stories and my bad confessions
Would bring me down, you have enough for two
If that stings your heat
Drop the cards
And don't play, your honor
We will never be a pair
You think I'm trying to provoke you
That I'm a bad influence just to turn you on
You say we can't live on puppy love
And you take my departure for a small escape
I'm not too tempted
By busted macho men
Ugly drunks
Draw to draw
You won't make me come back
With your candid air
The play is over
And the ending is a dud


Remember Me

Do you still remember me?
I want to be by your side forever and ever
You look sad
I mean you're usually strong-willed
We haven't had a date for a while now yet you just quietly...
...driving on our night out
Don't keep your sadness to yourself
You can try to tell me
(Do you remember me?~)
You shouldn't sacrifice your precious dream...
...for me, of course, but...
(Do you remember me?~)
...I want to protect our love, I won't let anyone take it away
You kissed me roughly...
...as you held me that day
'I fall in love with this side of you', I...
...whispered quietly that twilight
Until you regain your light and shine brighter than anyone,
...let's wait together for the spring till we meet again
(Do you remember me?~)
If you want to be alone for now, let me just hug you from afar
I'll be waiting for you
(Do you remember me?~)
You don't have to worry about us, let me be the one to worry
Do you still remember me?
I want to be by your side forever and ever


If You Please

This is my phone number, call me please
This is the key to my heart, open it whenever you want
Don't let the days pass by, don't say maybe today
Talk to me from Monday to Sunday please
This is my phone number, call me please
This is the key to my heart, open it whenever you want
They say the sun is up there, up there, up there
They say the moon is up there
They say the sun is up there, up there, up there
They say the moon is up there
I spin around you, you're my sun and moon
I spin around you, you're my sun and moon
Don't let the days pass by, don't say maybe today
Talk to me from Monday to Sunday please
This is my phone number, call me please
This is the key to my heart, open it whenever you want
They say the planet is up there, up there, up there
They say the universe is up there
They say the planet is up there, up there, up there
They say the universe is up there
I spin around you, you're my planet and universe
I spin around you, you're my planet and universe
Don't let the days pass by, don't say maybe today
Talk to me from Monday to Sunday please
This is my phone number, call me please
This is the key to my heart, open it whenever you want
Don't let the days pass by, don't say maybe today
Talk to me from Monday to Sunday please


Theme from The Amazing Digital Circus

Gangle and Zooble and Kinger, too
Ragatha and Jax and there's Kaufmo, woohoo
Day after day after day we fly
Past the moon and the sun and we don't know why
Gangle and Zooble and Kinger, too
Ragatha and Jax and there's Kaufmo, woohoo
Day after day after day we fly
Past the moon and the sun and we don't know why


Right Now, I'm In Love.

If I admit, if I get to admit it
I'll give up on trying to hide it
Right now I'm falling in love with you
Can't be relied on, doesn't stand out, always running out
'Just looking at you makes me irritated!'
Without knowing you were an upperclassman, I said such harsh words
Our encounter was the worst
After that, I always notice you
When our eyes meet, you'll be the first one to give a smile
It bothers me, that innocence
One day I'll realise that I've fallen in love
After how many time? Hey, when our eyes meet...
The countdown stopped
If I admit it, if I get to admit it
The voice I hide will tremble
Right now I'm falling in love with you
I've become closer to you, I've become further to you, having changed a little bit
I know the reason, so it really can't be helped
I've been thinking of you for a long time, it's not something great
I wish if you didn't become so popular
After that, our relationship becomes vague
When our eyes meet, I'll be the first to turn away
I feel bothered but I want to talk to you
Compared to yesterday, the two of us today
One more step? Hey if I get closer...
The countdown continues
If I tell you, if I get to tell you
Probably it will make a distance between us
Right now I'm delivering it to you
The timing is really the worst
I hid the letter I wrote without being able to pass it on
It bothers me, something like ”tears tracks”
The word 'like' that I end up saying
One more step? Hey, if I get closer
Will it reach you ? Right now
Because it will overflow even if I suppress it
Even though I've known all about it
Hey, I'll greet you once again


Thank you for everything

Thank you for everything:
For the trembling of the hands and the sensitivity of the heart,
For your tender mercy,
The one that kept me warm.
For meek meetings in the garden,
Where sometimes it was sad
Where I clung to your lips,
Where feelings smelled like apples,
For that lemon color of the moon,
For the magic of last night
When we didn't need
Streams of words to confluences of lines,
For all the walks in the rain
For the rustle of grasses and the noise of rye ears,
Hot summer together
Behind the door, wide open into autumn!
Because life is so beautiful
Like dew on mint leaves...
Just for the love
We once were in!