Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 70

Találatok száma: 100455


Újra és újra

Click to see the original lyrics (Italian)
Késő éjszaka van és ébren vagyok
Mindig rögeszmém vagy
Veled együtt jobb voltam
És minél többet gondolok rád, annál jobban akarlak
Minden hülyeséget miattad csináltam
Ezért a szerelemért, ami keserű gyümölcs volt
És most hogy annyira szeretlek, elveszítlek
Újból és újból
Mert attól az éjszakától
Csak veled szerelmeskedtem
És nélküled az sem érdekelne
Ha egy angyallal találkoznék
Nem tudna olyan magasra reptetni, mint te
Késő éjjel van és ébren vagyok
Felöltözöm és levetkőzöm ismét
Mániás lettem ettől a vágytól
Amelyiktől előbb-utóbb elkövetem a hibát
És őrületemben betörök a házba
Kaviccsal dobálnám a kivilágított ablakot
Rugdosnám a bezárt ajtódat
Újra és újra
Mert attól az éjszakától
Csak veled szerelmeskedtem
És semmi nem érdekel nélküled
Újra és újra
Újra, szerelmem, újra
Mert attól az éjszakától
Csak veled szerelmeskedtem
És semmi nem érdekel nélküled


Szeresd vagy utáld

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Na, gyerünk, vigyük vissza őket
Uh huh
Kiskoromban össze voltam zavarodva: anyám egy nővel csókolózott
a zavar és a bizonytalanság természetes része a felnövésnek különösen egy hideg világban
Apa nem volt körülöttünk, valószínűleg bűncselekményeket követett el
A kedvenc rapperem azt énekelte 'Cs-csekkold a dallamom'
Jól akarok élni, szóval dorogot kellene árulnom?
Egy négyujjas gyűrűért, pénzért és azokért az aranyláncokért
Nana azt mondta, ha átmegyek, kaphatok egy juhbőr kabátot
Ha tudok el tudok adni néhány packot megszerezhetem a kívánt jutalmat, na az menő lenne
Éjjelente hánykolódtam az ágyamban
Másnap reggel felébredtem, és a srácok ellopták a biciklim
Megint más nap, ugyanaz a szar, semmi jó nincs a környéken
Elfutnék innen, és soha többé nem jönnék vissza, ha tudnék
Utálj vagy szeress, az esélytelenebb a csúcson van
És én ragyogni fogok, haver, amíg a szívem meg nem áll
Irigykedj csak rám,
Én vagyok legértékesebb rapper
És nem megyek sehova, szóval ismerj meg
Utálj vagy szeress, az esélytelenebb a csúcson van
És én ragyogni fogok, haver, amíg a szívem meg nem áll
Irigykedj csak rám,
Én vagyok legértékesebb rapper
És nem megyek sehova, szóval ismerj meg
Már a kezdetektől mondtam Dre-nek, hogy védelmezni fogom őt
Már az első demonálvállaltam a konfliktusokat érted
Szorítottam érted
G-G-G-G(G-UNIT!) érted
Vállalom a terhet, hogy Comptont képviseljem*
Az utolsó show-mon eldobtam az NWA** aranyaimat
És az egész tömeg azt kiabálta, hogy 'Szabadítsátok ki Yayo-t'
Szóval a srácok jobb, ha elhúztok az én területemről
Mielőtt osonva átváltoztatom a projektjeidet Columbine-ná***
Én vagyok legértékesebb rapper
Ne kényszeríts, hogy emlékeztesselek, mi történt DC-ben
Ez a srác nem Gotti****,
ő csak tetteti, hogy az.
Dühös ránk, mert Ashantinak új barátja van
És úgy tűnik, a kis patkányod egérnek bizonyult
Feleslegesek a konfliktusok, jobb lenne, ha mindenki továbbállna
Még Young Buck is megerősítheti
Amikor Dr. Dre nem volt a zenei színtéren, ki volt az, aki életben tartotta a Nyugati Part zenéjét?
Utálj vagy szeress, az esélytelenebb a csúcson van
És én ragyogni fogok, haver, amíg a szívem meg nem áll
Irigykedj csak rám,
Én vagyok legértékesebb rapper
És nem megyek sehova, szóval ismerj meg
Utálj vagy szeress, az esélytelenebb a csúcson van
És én ragyogni fogok, haver, amíg a szívem meg nem áll
Irigykedj csak rám,
Én vagyok legértékesebb rapper
És nem megyek sehova, szóval ismerj meg
Az elejétől a végéig
A vesztesek veszítenek, a nyertesek nyernek
Ez valóság, nem kell tettetnünk
Hideg egy világ ez, amiben élünk
Tele van nyomással és fájdalommal
Azt hittem, változni fog, de ugyanaz maradt
Hányan voltak melletted,
Amikor csak az a kis tévéd volt
amire rá kellett ütnöd egyet, hogy bekapcsoljon?
Fegyvert hordok magamnál,
Mert a srácok sokat provokálnak a klubban
egészen addig, míg a szőnyegen nem köhögnek
Sohem volt meg mindenem, mindig csak egy walkman és a fű
A példaképem eltűnt
Felhúzva az ő drogjait
Elég rossz, hogy meg akarnak fullasztani
A haveromat most szúrták torkon
Most egy R.I.P. pólót viselek a kabátom alatt
Gyorsítok és emlékezem
Beszívok és feleslegesen próbálkozom tanácsot adni
Ha valaha is látom, megölöm
Ez talán kiegyenlíti a mérleget
De ha nem, akkor én leszek a padlón
Utálj vagy szeress, az alulmaradt a csúcson van
És én fogok ragyogni, haver, amíg a szívem meg nem áll
Menj, irigyelj meg
Én vagyok a rap MVP-je
És nem megyek sehova, szóval ismerj meg
Utálj vagy szeress, az esélytelenebb a csúcson van
És én ragyogni fogok, haver, amíg a szívem meg nem áll
Irigykedj csak rám,
Én vagyok legértékesebb rapper
És nem megyek sehova, szóval ismerj meg
15 évesen kezdtem
Rettegve a pokoltól
Vettem 30 packot
És eladtam őket
Ifjúként mindig a pénz hajszoltam
a fegyveremmel
a kabátomban
a belső békét keresve
stílusosan öltözve
De anya megvert, amikor megtalálta a kábítószereket
Visszanézek az életre és azt gondolom 'hálát adok Istennek, hogy áldott vagyok'
Mi vagyunk a legjobbak a bolygón, szóval felejtsd el a többit
Tudod, még mindig jó vagyok a kábítószer előállításában
Nézd csak
Ez egy szegényes dolog
Ezért szeretnek Brooklynban
Kezelem az enyémet
Pont, mint egy igazi srác
Ha leülök
Haver, még mindig minden jó
Hadd mutassam meg, mi az a gengszter lét
Megszületsz, hogy meghalj
Kivettem a golyókat 50-ből
És betettem a .45-ömbe
És még csak vizes sem lettem
Millió dolláros pasi, aki még nem látott jogdíj csekket
Utálj vagy szeress, az esélytelenebb a csúcson van
És én ragyogni fogok, haver, amíg a szívem meg nem áll
Irigykedj csak rám,
Én vagyok legértékesebb rapper
És nem megyek sehova, szóval ismerj meg
Utálj vagy szeress, az esélytelenebb a csúcson van
És én ragyogni fogok, haver, amíg a szívem meg nem áll
Irigykedj csak rám,
Én vagyok legértékesebb rapper
És nem megyek sehova, szóval ismerj meg


Valami új

Click to see the original lyrics (Slovenian)
Egy zavart tekintet
Gyorsan lehunyom a szemeimet
Egy új világ, melegszik
Egy vihar sem tud lehűteni, mert megkaptam
A tegnap estét
Csendben, melletted
Egy jel, hogy ugyanaz
A gondolat csírázik a fejedben
Amikor közel hajoltál
És összeértek a kezeink
Összefonódtak az ujjaink
És a vágyunk egymásét bámulta
Most egymással szemben ülünk
Már nem zavar a környezetünk
Reggeli séta a forró homokon
A sirályok már hívják a neved
Együtt menekülünk ebből a horrorfilmből
Mint a Hold az árt, te úgy irányítod a szívem
Amikor tök boldogan táncolok a mólón
Végre dúrban, és nem mollban
Mi van velem, ki tudja?
Most először érzem ezt, nincs irányítás, de
Egy kincset kerestem, növekszik bennem
Ez az érzés,
Valami új
A nap lement és amíg velem vagy
Nem akarom, hogy itt legyen, mert növekszik bennem
Ez az érzés
Valami új
Most először érzem ezt, nincs irányítás, de
Egy kincset kerestem, növekszik bennem
Ez az érzés,
Valami új
Az érintésed belép minden fájdalomba és
Remélem, hogy örökké itt lesz
Ez az érzés,
Valami új


Bali (Theme Song)

Now the fun begins
So Bali is coming
Sing and play
Your hands are up
You love so much dancing
Come on and jump around
Jump into his/her arms
Come on and jump around
Jump into his/her arms
Run to their lap
Give now a tiny kiss
To your mum
Sing and play
Your hands are up
You love so much dancing
Come on and jump around
With your friends
Play all together
When being enthousiastic while dancing
Everything is all fine


We shall cry out

This is the story of a nation
who left Egypt behind, It all began with a cry.
Not the prophet Ezekiel, nor Isaiah,
saw the handmaid's vision so high
And now they stand
before a sea that stretches out forever,
surrounded by desert

Icarus - Acoustic Version

I'm about to make a fool of myslef
I'm going to go for it
I have nothing to lose
And everything to gain
I'm going to fly so high
My wings are going to burn
If I fall like Icarus
I'll get up again for you
I feel explosions between shocks of electricity
The earth moves, planes request permission to land
In this magnetic field
We have a space to eliminate
I cling to your flight
I let myself go
I feel explosions between shocks of electricity
The earth moves, planes request permission to land
I have no intentions of missing this opportunity
The earth moves, planes request permission to land
I don't know why I feel this way
The earth begins to melt
I feel explosions between shocks of electricity
The earth moves, planes request permission to land
I have no intentions of missing this opportunity
The colored lights turn, they make us dance
They make us dance
They make us dance
They make us dance


Bali (Intro)

Now the fun begins
So Bali is coming
Sing and play
Your hands are up
You love so much dancing
Come on and jump around
Jump into his/her arms
Come on and jump around
Jump into his/her arms
Run to their lap
Give now a tiny kiss to your mom
Sing and play
Your hands are up
You love so much dancing
Come on and jump around
With your friends
Play all together
When being enthousiastic while dancing
Everything is all fine


Sailing (Japanese ver.)

I am sailin'
I am sailin'
To you
Even if the stormy seas
I'll ride through
I am flyin'
I am flyin'
Like a swallow
I fly across the sky
In search of freedom
Wait for me,
my love
Even to the ends of the earth
I'll go with you
Even though we're far apart
You and I
are bound
by an unbreakable bond
We are sailin'
We are sailin'
To you
Even if the stormy seas
We are going together
We are with you
We are with you


To Leave with You

Since my eyes saw you,
I desire only one thing
but that depends on you.
Do you agree with me?
To leave with you
and go faraway, faraway
into dreamland,
where all is a fairy tale.
To leave with you,
staying close, close
for all of life
and dreaming together.
Friends of the sun,
of the sky, of the sea,
on all roads
exchanging a kiss.
To leave with you
and go faraway, faraway
into a dreamland
and never to return.
To go faraway with you.
Friends of the sun,
of the sky, of the sea,
on all roads
exchanging a kiss.
To leave with you
and go faraway, faraway
into dreamland
and never to return.
To go faraway with you
To leave with you,
with you.



When the evening falls
and unfurls its veil,
a sweet enchantment comes over me
and makes me dream.
My most beloved memories,
a longing for oblivion
slowly say goodbye
and go, go with the wind.
At the emergence of every star,
it leaves a golden dream on earth,
perhaps the serene soul
finds a heart in that dream.
When the evening falls
and unfurls its veil,
all the enchantment comes over me
from love.
At the emergence of every star,
it leaves a golden dream on earth,
perhaps the serene soul
finds a heart in that dream.
When the evening falls
and unfurls its veil,
all the enchantment comes over me
from love.


Why I Live

alone among people
without ever loving.
alone with my dreams
without ever hoping.
Time goes by,
my life consumed
by anxiety
and dread.
I felt myself
a lost soul,
a body
without a heart.
of gray
but in the sky
at the end shines a ray of gold.
I live
because I love you
and find in love
my happiness.
I live
because you are close to me,
bound to my destiny
with me.
The world is so sad
and you see it dark
but I'm not afraid,
love is my sun that won't set.
I live
because I met you
and just one kiss of yours
gives me a purpose.
Once I neither knew how to pray
nor how to smile, before you.
I asked why I live
but now I know why.



Today I have a new fear that I didn’t have before
It was the month of March, they said I was losing you 1
I was by your side, but I already missed you
I swear to God, I couldn't say goodbye to you
And all the world asking how was I
And I wish to be in the place where you are
The world still spins but not for me
Thinking about everything we still have to live for
You were always the best of me
You taught me to love by loving me
I can not accept to say goodbye like this
That's why I begged on my knees to ask 2
For a little while longer, because you're still here
Because among so many people no one makes me so happy
And if one day you leave, you will never leave
Because every moment you gave me lives in me
Because I am part of you
Because I am part of you
I wanted you to hear it from me, not from a third party
I looked for words to tell you, but they hid away
I have written love songs, but never the first one
And since '97 you know that I love you
And in your arms I learned to take risks
In another life you were my angel
And in this without you there is no longer Buenos Aires
You taught me everything, but not to let go
You were always the best of me
You taught me to love by loving me
I can not accept to say goodbye like this
That's why I begged on my knees to ask
For a little while longer, because you're still here
Because among so many people no one makes me so happy
And if one day you leave, you will never leave
Because every moment you gave me lives in me
Because I am part of you
Because I am part of you
Because I am part of you
Because I am part of you
  • 1. This refers to when Tini's father, Alejandro Stoessel, was hospitalized for 8+ days in March of 2022.
  • 2. The direct translation of rodillas is knees. In this context begging on my knees would make more sense as Tini doesn’t want her father to die.


I Wish That Life

I wish that life would give you to me,
I'd no longer need anything.
All the little that now I own I'd give
for the joy of finding everything in you, in you alone.
Perhaps I ask too much in desiring you
but for me you are the only one who exists.
There's nothing that is worth what you
can give me and do give me.
Now I realize that it's foolish to live,
it's something that I didn't know
and since you know I never lived
one day the same as the others.
I wish that life would give you to me,
I'd no longer need anything.
I now know it was wasted time,
the time without you.
Now I realize that it's foolish to live,
it's something that I didn't know
and since you know I never lived
one day the same as the others.
I wish that life would give you to me,
I'd no longer need anything.
I now know it was wasted time,
the time without you,
the time without you.


You're Here

You're here, you're here so as to no longer leave me,
you're here on my heart and only you
can give me with a yes
the joy of life again.
I'll love you, I'll love you, the world will know it,
I'll love you evermore and nothing will matter
because you, only you (are mine)
are mine, love.
I waited so very much time
for love (love)
but I didn't imagine it sweet
like this.
You're here, you're here and now I know because
you're here, you my heart, because close to you
every day I'll live (forever)
forever from love.
(I'll love you, I'll love you, the world will know,
I'll love you always more and nothing will matter
because you, only you
are mine, love.)
I waited so very much time
for love (love)
but I didn't imagine it sweet
like this.
You're here, you're here and now I know because
you're here, you my heart, because close to you
every day I'll live
forever from love (you're here, you).


Someone Like Me

Someone like me (someone like me),
no, you'll never forget (no, you'll never forget).
You'll miss me
now that I'll leave.
Someone like me (someone like me)
won't search for her again (won't search for her again),
there aren't others better than you
who will suffer more for me.
I'll leave.
I regret the days lost with you,
therefore just one day she'll come,
will come in order not to run away
like you.
Someone like me (someone like me),
no, you'll never forget (no, you'll never forget).
You won't miss someone like me.
You'll no longer find him (you'll no longer find him),
you'll no longer find him.
Someone like me (someone like me)
won't search for her again (won't search for her again),
there aren't others better than you
who will suffer more for me.
I'll leave.
I regret the days lost with you,
therefore just one day she'll come,
will come in order not to run away
like you.
Someone like me (someone like me),
no, you'll never forget (no, you'll never forget).
You won't miss someone like me.
You'll no longer find him (you'll no longer find him),
no, you'll no longer find him (you'll no longer find him),
no, you'll no longer find him (you'll no longer find him),
you'll no longer find him...


I Love My Youth

I beg you, don't leave me
because you know
it needs you, my youth,
I don't know why you run away from me.
Precisely you, I ask you
not to run away from me
because it needs to live,
this youth of mine.
I'll keep it until the end
even if tomorrow you
will no longer be close to me.
I'll search for you.
It needs you, my youth,
I don't know why you run away from me.
Precisely you, I ask you
not to run away from me
because it needs to live,
this youth of mine.
I'll keep it until the end
even if tomorrow you
will no longer be close to me.
I'll search for you,
I'll search for you,
I'll search for you.


Nothing Too Good for You

Since she returns in your blue eyes,
that's how I love you and you love me,
you always appear in all dreams
with so many things that you already give to me.
Then day comes and so I find myself
with the little that I can give to you
but you gaze at me and in your blue eyes
I have hope and see love.
There's not in the world, no, there's not
a love that's too good for you.
If you like this think about me then
we'll have the world in ourselves.
Since she returns in your blue eyes,
that's how I love you and you love me,
I know that nothing, there's nothing in the world
that's too good for you.
There's not in the world, no, there's not
a love that's too good for you.
If you like this think about me then
we'll have the world in ourselves,
the world in ourselves,
the world in ourselves.



Let’s pull on the
Troublemaker monkey's ear
The monkey is shouting some weird sounds
Aya, aya, eo-yeo, o-yo, u-yu, eu-i
Aya, aya, eo-yeo, o-yo, u-yu, eu-i
Aya, aya, eo-yeo, o-yo, u-yu, eu-i
Aya, aya, eo-yeo, o-yo, u-yu, eu-i
Let’s pull on the
Troublemaker monkey's ear
The monkey is shouting some weird sounds
Aya, aya, eo-yeo, o-yo, u-yu, eu-i
Aya, aya, eo-yeo, o-yo, u-yu, eu-i
Aya, aya, eo-yeo, o-yo, u-yu
Aya, aya, eo-yeo, o-yo, u-yu
Aya, aya, eo-yeo, o-yo, u-yu, eu-i
Aya, aya, eo-yeo, o-yo, u-yu, eu-i


I Knew That

They told me that
you still are searching for me,
that you suffer without me because
you don't want to forget my love.
They told me that
you can't stay alone,
that you no longer live because
no one else makes you happy.
But why, but why, but why
didn't you call me
when you, when you
wanted to see me again?
And you know that with you
I'm always in love
and therefore like you,
like you I'm suffering.
But why, but why, but why
didn't you call me
when you, when you
wanted to see me again?
And you know that with you
I'm always in love
and therefore like you,
like you I'm suffering.
They told me that
you want to meet me.
Love, I await you,
I'm here where you know,
here where I kissed you
the last time,
the last time,
the last, last, last time...


Not an Accident That Destiny (Made Us Meet)

I love you with the innocence of a child,
I love you with the strength of a man,
I love you for the will of my destiny,
I love you like this.
The more I gaze at you, the more I speak to you,
the more you please me.
You are the strength, the reason
for my tomorrow.
I'm certain, sweet love,
that you'll give me joyfully
the caresses
that I've never had.
The more I gaze at you, the more I speak to you,
the more you please me.
I get confused and lost
in your kisses.
But if one day on earth
I'll lose you, I know
among the stars, among the stars
I'll meet you.
The more I gaze at you, the more I speak to you,
the more you please me.
I get confused and lost
in your kisses.
But if one day on earth
I'll lose you, I know
among the stars, among the stars
I'll meet you.
I love you with the innocence of a child,
I love you with the strength of a man,
I love you for the will of my destiny,
I love you like this,
like this,
I love you like this.



Since you left,
you promised me to return,
I despair at the wait
and no longer believe in your return.
Who knows how much longer
I must to wait?
Who knows for how much longer
I must suffer?
I turn to the stars,
to the moon at which I gaze,
to the passing wind,
no one speaks to me about you.
I'd like, I'd like to cry out
my pain
but positively nothing,
I can do nothing.
I turn to the stars,
to the moon at which I gaze,
to the passing wind,
no one speaks to me about you.
Days go by
and my wait is in vain
but this wait doesn't end,
no, it never ends.
I turn to the stars,
to the moon at which I gaze,
to the passing wind,
no one speaks to me about you.
I'd like, I'd like to cry out
my pain
but positively nothing,
I can do nothing.
I turn to the stars,
to the moon at which I gaze,
to the passing wind,
no one speaks to me about you,
no one speaks to me about you.


The Last Summer Evening

This is the last evening,
summer is over,
time has gone by
without telling you I love you.
I spoke to the sea,
confided in the stars
my love for you
and now you're not with me.
The last summer evening
I remained alone,
you left,
you no longer could stand my silence.
I believe it futile to say I love you
and this silence of mine
you have exchanged
for a summer love.
And I've lost you, lost forever,
tonight I'll go crazy, I'll wander searching for you
and I'll cry out to the world
my stupidity.
This is the last evening,
summer is over,
time has gone by
without telling you I love you.
I caress the sand
where you warmed youself in the sun
and now I have regret
and this stupidity of mine.
You left,
you no longer could stand my silence.
I believe it futile to say I love you
and this silence of mine
you have exchanged
for a summer love.
And I've lost you, lost forever,
tonight I'll go crazy, I'll wander searching for you
and I'll cry out to the world
my stupidity.


Dream of Love

This music plays for us,
stay like this held tight to my heart.
With your thoughts don't go far away,
share with me the time that goes by.
This evening I believed myself dreaming,
holding you tight to my heart.
Don't sweep away this dream,
don't stay alone in my fantasy.
Even if I have no words,
I need you like the air I breathe.
I want you like I've never wanted,
I love you like I've never loved.
You can't stop time
just as you can't invent love.
In life you can have everything
but without love you can't rejoice.
I want you like I've never wanted,
I love you like I've never loved,
you, sweet dream of my life,
you, love dreamed about all life long.
Even if I have no words,
I need you like the air I breathe.
I want you like I've never wanted,
I love you like I've never loved.
You can't stop time,
like love you can't invent it.
In life you can have everything
but without love you can't rejoice.
I want you like I've never wanted,
I love you like I've never loved,
you, sweet dream of my life,
you, love dreamed about all life long.


I Want You

If I take you by the hand
and bring you with me,
I feel in my heart
my desire for you.
Make up your mind, love,
don't make me wait
because love
breaks out in my heart.
It's too beautiful
having you next to me,
it's too great,
my love for you.
Love, I want you,
I want you like this,
hold me tight to your heart,
don't make me suffer.
Live only,
only for me,
it's too great,
my desire for you.
Love, I want you,
I want you like this,
stay next to me,
don't make me die.
It's too beautiful
having you next to me,
it's too great,
my love for you.
Love, I want you,
I want you like this,
hold me tight to your heart,
don't make me suffer.
Live only,
only for me,
it's too great,
my desire for you.
Love, I want you,
I want you like this,
stay next to me,
don't make me die.


City Life

City life
is nice they say,
the price to pay
is expensive to bear.
People look for houses,
they don't have work.
When evening comes,
you think about the day,
you'll always hear this refrain.
The roar of an engine,
the beating of a heart,
the sound of a trumpet
quickly passes and goes away.
The cry of a child,
the tears of a mother,
an abandoned dog
that leaves alone.
A motorbike passes by,
it carries off your handbag,
it's an impoverished drug addict
that the law will arrest.
A siren is heard,
sooner or later it'll arrive
and the unfortunate one
will wait there on the ground.
City life
is nice they say,
the price to pay
is expensive to bear.
People don't stop,
a glance and they leave
it seems inhumane.
You feel alone
and this refrain will accompany you.
The roar of an engine,
the beating of a heart,
the sound of a trumpet
quickly passes and goes away.
The cry of a child,
the tears of a mother,
an abandoned dog
that leaves alone.
A motorbike passes by,
it carries off your handbag,
it's an impoverished drug addict
that the law will arrest.
A siren is heard,
sooner or later it'll arrive
and the unfortunate one
will wait there on the ground.
A motorbike passes by,
it carries off your handbag,
it's an impoverished drug addict
that the law will arrest.
A siren is heard,
sooner or later it'll arrive
and the unfortunate one
will wait there on the ground,
will wait there on the ground.



I walk along a small river
Someday we'll meet at the sea
I can't get that day's letter back
Will it arrive today or tomorrow?
It's not yesterday that I miss
The person I want to see is not you
The view of tomorrow that's calling in the distance
The view of tomorrow that's calling in the distance
The day I hid in the tall grass and cried
On top of the hill, the ruins of a sleeping factory
The grass that I thought was always the same...
Every year it had a different flower
In the morning, in the city, in the station
People make a landscape that never changes
Someday, after I'm gone...
Someday, even after I'm gone...
It's not yesterday that I miss
The person I want to see is not you
The view of tomorrow that's calling in the distance
The view of tomorrow that's calling in the distance
The me of tomorrow calling in the distance
The view of tomorrow that's calling in the distance


We are happy with no clothes and argent

We are happy with no clothes and argent
We prosper in suffer and happy in fear
We are drunk with the wine of submission to you forever
To assure you that we are happiest to be with you


The song of mountain

toward the mountain
Toward the glorious peaks
The sky is blue
In the way of kindness
As our ambition
The air is nice and pure
On the peaks
Make your body free from the dust of darkness
Start a new life on the high ground
Always be on top
Always be proud


Great hands

As the shadows have landed in the evening
The dawning of day is too far away
Boots go too heavy on the bridge
And the song of death is playing
All friends have gone home
A white moon is awake
The final light is carrying the sky
Until it finally dresses in black
The greatest hands take ahold of your hand
The brightest eyes watch down to you
And everything, everything they see
The greatest hands protect you
So wounded, wounded is heart
Only tears are left on wounds
With salt, salt they burn
On cheeks like stars they shine
No need to fear your night
It's attached to day with nails
The morning will soon rise on the back of night
That's how it's ordained
The greatest hands take ahold of your hand
The brightest eyes watch down to you
And everything, everything they see
The greatest hands protect you


Sofia in November

Twilight shone on the campus street
Sitting in the usual coffee shop...
...until the last class ended,
...I was waiting for you that day
The same white campus gate
I'm staring at it from here again
You might run through it at any time
There's only one cup sitting next to the window
Looking back at the love that has passed me by,
...the season feels quiet
Sofia in November
The memories are gradually losing their color
Sofia in November
When the chapel bells ring, tears well up in my eyes
I gave you my first kiss...
...last Christmas
After the dance party,
...you took off your class ring and put it on my finger
Those days were so wonderful, I won't ever forget it
That season feels like it was not so long ago
Sofia in November
The two of us walked on the tree-lined street
Sofia in November
I'll take a detour on my way home, just like that day
Sofia in November
My time has stopped since then
Sofia in November
When the chapel bells ring, tears well up in my eyes



In three pairs walked the clouds
One is of shape bent out
My mom scolded me aloud
That too late stay I out
Too late (6x)
Scold you may, or do not scold
I am not to be controlled
I'll wed the one of whom I'm fond
I am not to be controlled
One is, one is
In three pairs
One is of shape bent out


Officially Cool

A few days have passed
So you and I
We’re okay
Sometimes we talk on the phone
All night
Why not?
All night
Uh uh
So I told you
We’d be okay
Now it feels like
We’re just friends
Just friend
For long
We can see each other now
Talkin’ about the reasons for breaking up
As easily as A B C D E
No lingering feelings, I’m no child
I’m not feeling you
Talk talk talk, let’s talk for a bit
Nah, just buy me a drink
This thought, (It’s alright)
Just pretending it’s not
Teasing each other just try try try
Cuz, I guess we’re officially cool
Coo ooh ooh ool
I’m not bothered, no surprise
I say I got no problems with you
Coo ooh ooh ool
Hold up
This is getting complicated somehow
I’m tired of this
Are you too?
Look at us right now
Awkward timing
If there’s such a timing
We probably
Are having thoughts that aren’t cool
Talk talk talk, comes to my mind
‘What if you feel the same way as me?’
This thought, (It’s alright)
Just pretending it’s not
Teasing each other, just try try try
Cuz, I guess we’re officially cool
Coo ooh ooh ool
I’m not bothered, no surprise
I say I got no problems with you
Coo ooh ooh ool
This feels a bit strange
And I don’t want to lie
Lovey dovey baby baby
That’s what they call us so silly
Just be honest with me (Be honest with me)
If it goes on like this, we might really
Give up oh ah
A few days pass by
So you and I
An awkward relationship
Can’t even call All night
All night
All night
All night
Oh, girl you got me thinking
Teasing each other, just try try try (Ye we just try try)
Cuz, I guess we’re officially cool (I guess we’re officially cool ah)
Coo ooh ooh ool
I’m not bothered, no surprise (Surprise)
I say I got no problems with you (No problems with you)
Coo ooh ooh ool
Got no problem
Said that we’re officially cool
Got no problem (Cool)
Officially cool