Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 77

Találatok száma: 100455


Troubled Souls

I admit that
I used to be an evil witch
But I changed and now I'm good
I regretted it and I changed my mind
Huh? Yes!
But I never forgot my spells
That was always my talent
Whatever you say, if you come with me you'll forget all your pain and suffering
Troubled souls, mourning, begging
One wants to be skinnier, the other wants to find true love
Should I help them? For sure!
Troubled souls, mourning, begging
They're all running here asking for spells
And what can I do? I help them
Now, if there's some type of conflict, I'll sadly have to protect myself
But still, I always try for these troubled souls
Here's the deal.
I'll brew a potion and you'll turn human for three days
Get it? Three days only
Before the sun sets on the third day, you and the Prince must've kissed. And not just any kiss, but a kiss of true love
If you do, then you'll stay human forever, if not, then you'll turn back to a mermaid, and you'll belong to me forever.
No, Ariel...
But of course, you'll lose everything that makes you a mermaid
No more tail holding you back, dragging you down
No more breathing underwater, what's the use of that anyway?
And no more singing, because that wouldn't be fair
What'd you think?
Don't worry, I'll keep your voice safe, it will always be with me
Do you agree?
I don't know
I gave you all the privileges, kid
Look! Life is full of hard decisions, isn't it?
No, that's wrong
I won't do it
Well okay, forget about the world up there
Go back to your daddy
And never leave again!
Go ahead, troubled soul! Say what you want!
I have better things to do, and the only thing I ask for is
Your sweet voice
Tortured soul, you're greaving, you're hurt
You get punished for the best things
Throw a fin from your tail, spill a little bit of blood
Flojam! Jejam! I have her now!
I have the key
Of this troubled soul!
Sweet and savory, pure black
Give me her sweet voice forever and ever!
Now you!
Look at her skinny little legs!


Tonight We Strike

Who rules the rift?
Why obey anyone else?
The life cycle doesn't continue
For these fools, but for us
We go wherever we like
We eat our own food
Keon won't be
Ruling us anymore
Strike, strike!
Tonight we strike!
The life cycle continues
It's time to retaliate
Before the new guard is put to work
To protect the kingdom
They will pound the alarm of war
Their kind will be wiped from existance
Strike, strike!
Tonight we strike!
The life cycle continues
It's time to retaliate
Okay guys, pay attention I have a plan
While the animals sleep
We crouch and pass through
Scaring them away
We will eat them in one bite
Strike, strike!
Tonight we strike!
The life cycle continues
It's time to retaliate
Tonight we strike!
The life cycle continues
It's time to retaliate



When the shadow of love
accompanies you,
your eyes, like April,
throw emeralds...
I go and follow you
with a silk scarf.
I did not give it up,
the wind took it away from me…
May a gemstone and a ruby
be granted to you.
You wrote to me,
you did not dare speak to me,
you had no courage enough…
May a gemstone and a ruby
be granted to you.
You wrote to me,
you did not dare speak to me,
you tired the pen...
Why are you
wandering around?
I opened for you the door,
not the window, of my heart!
If you feel like crying,
who will treat you?
You'll be turning over the pages
of the old medical handbooks...
rai ra rirai ra ra rio rai ra rirai ra ra rio.
You wrote to me,
you did not dare speak to me,
you had no courage enough…
May a gemstone and a ruby be granted to you.
You wrote to me, you did not dare speak to me,
you tired the pen...
When the violet-eyed morning comes,
The night will hide like a thief...
When the frost, daughter of winter, comes,
put the sable fur on my neck…
May a gemstone and a ruby be granted to you.
You wrote to me, you did not dare speak to me,
you had no courage enough…
May a gemstone and a ruby be granted to you.
You wrote to me, you did not dare speak to me,
you tired the pen,
you tired, you tired,
you tired the pen...


There, in the distance

There, in the distance, my hope shines like a spark
There, there I freely ran to remain the same
A warm bit of the dawn light arose in a hole so the birds could peck
The snow jumped from the sky and ceased before it could break
The heart, like a dry leaf, will quietly swirl by the feet of passers-by
Rain, rainbow rain, we'll never sing about love
Someone's frozen hearth, a forget-me-not berry freezing below the snow
The path, the correct path that I haven't forgotten, means the morning will come


People on the Hills

Grasses grow in a green forest grove
A lot of larks lay in the grass
Those larks have brown legs and bright eyes
And people stand on the hills
Chase the larks
And squawk hey! like birds
Those larks wave their hands
And fly high
Bright eyes, motley crown, brown wings, brown eyes
People on the hills squawking
They just stand there and rake the cloud
They want to fly and goof around with the larks
Their wings are motley and their necks thin


Do see you the moon where you are tonight

It's nighttime right now somewhere
Somewhere it's daytime
Holding my breath as I look out, remembering all the time that was
Every street carries something
Even when you're far away
Light a candle and light up the night, for all we haven't said yet
Do you see the moon where you are tonight?
Take my hand and then we'll go down
Do you see the sun behind the high-rises
If you close your eyes we're together again
If I close my eyes we're together again
I think I've learned to fly
Without wings, as you said
Straight out into the darkness down toward the city lights, lighting all we left behind
Everything can disappear in a second
So come sit for a moment
And light a candle and light up the night, for all we haven't said yet
Do you see the moon where you are tonight?
Take my hand and then we'll go down
Do you see the sun behind the high-rises
If you close your eyes we're together again
If I close my eyes we're together again
Take my hand and then we'll go down
Do you see the moon where you are tonight?
Take my hand and then we'll go down
Do you see the sun behind the high-rises
If you close your eyes we're together again
If I close my eyes we're together again


Everything In Me Wants

It's crazy but I'm awake
Why does it feel wrong
When I get what I want
I long for freedom and you at the same time
I'm afraid of what I want
What your crazy heart screams, you can't say out loud
You cannot touch the dark side of happiness
Hold on, hold on
Because everything in me wants to go back
Hold on, hold on
Because everything in me wants
Everything in me wants to go back
We after years of heaven
Have gone into hell for a moment
Remind me how to get back
Maybe some day we can
Say we got through it
I still have strength
I still have strength
What your crazy heart screams, you can't say out loud
You cannot touch the dark side of happiness
Hold on, hold on
Because everything in me wants to go back
Hold on, hold on
Because everything in me wants
Everything in me wants to go back
Hold on, because everything in me wants
Everything in me wants to go back
Don't give up, don't give up yet
I'll find you, I'll find you
Don't give up yet
I'm almost there
I'll find you, I'll find you
Hold on, hold on
Because everything in me wants to go back
Hold on, hold on
Because everything in me wants
Everything in me wants to go back
Hold on, because everything in me wants
Everything in me wants to go back


As I Awake from a Dream

As I awake from a dream
And suddenly see our fate in cleaner lines
An end to legends is closer than it seems
Someone tore the veil of dreams from our eyes
Do you hear?! You yourself have started to believe all those whispers
Which go from mouth to mouth and which I've known for a long time
Believe me, the awe will suddenly turn into a curse
For the crowds love you and not your teachings
Everyone thinks that you turned the night into day
So listen Christ, that is a bit too much
They are going as if they were blind and believe that you're their messiah
I was your right hand
And searched for the same goals as you
But you are playing with fire
What I see today is almost a spasm
Because you being God wasn't part of the plan
And even so, believe me that my admiration for you doesn't disappear
May you come out of this alive
Once the crowd goes against you
With the feeling of being lied to and without a vision
Nazareth, why does your son
Have to go down in history
He should have taken up his father's craft
The one, who skillfully makes
Chairs, oak tables
Doesn't sow tension, doesn't disturb the peace!
Listen Christ, you love your people after all
Then why do you want to lead them to their demise?
They are badly tried, as they live under Roman rule for years
And you know the best of all
When the mind drifts a bit higher
Then they will silence us in hate, they will silence us
Please, Christ, listen to one piece of my advice
After all, you see how close we are to our demise
Our chances disappear and slowly die with each hour
Everyone looks to the skies
So throw away your charisma, your wisdom
Forever end this seeming vision, seeming, seeming
Do you hear? Listen, Christ
Listen to my worry!


In the Garden of Gethsemane

I'm only allowed to tell you
My wish, nothing more
Take away that goblet of destruction
Full of bitterness and woe
From my hands, I'm no longer the one
Who I was before
There, at the beginning
I had your strength
But you went mute
Those three years in various lands
Seem like thirty to me
I am losing faith with exhaustion
I am beaten, try wanting that from someone
You know my fate
If I have to die, fulfill the law
May your will happen
Let them beat me
Torture me, kill me, nail me to your doorstep!
God why now, why am I afraid now?
To see the target, to go further along your path?
I want to know the truth, the cruel and evil one, not a lie
Why do you want, why do you want my sacrifice?
You know my fate
Will they understand more when I die
Than they did while I was alive?
Will what I dreamed of
Then return to the people?
God why now, why am I afraid now?
To see the target, to go further along your path?
I want to know the truth, the cruel and evil one, not a lie
Why do you want, why do you want my sacrifice?
My father, I have to know the reason
I have to die, so I have to know the reason
I want to know the truth, the cruel and evil one, not a lie
My sacrifice, why do you want my sacrifice?
I, I will now die
I, I'm dying
Does it make more sense if I die rather than staying alive?
Do you believe that I will return their memory with my blood?
You drown me in uncertainty, you don't hear my cries!
If you want me to die, then tell me why and what for!
I, I'm dying
Oh, I'm dying now
Look, how I'm dying
Oh, how I'm dying!
No, what I say
May your will happen
I'm floating as if I was above an abyss
After those years, bitter sorrows
Counted down to minutes
I see the end... oh, how cruel you are!
No, what I say
May your will happen
I bow down my face, come down from the heights
I drink the drink from your goblet
Quickly nail my body to the cross
Before in fear I say no!


Comes Back Sometime

It's weird how as everything around me falls apart
I built myself back up again
I'm driving to the south and my head isn't screaming
Suddenly my heart isn't as weak anymore
It's weird how everyone are searching for answers here
I'm only searching for a star
With my head on the window, I'm trying to hope
That he'll fall and then save the situation
Dad doesn't know I'm far away
I'm just sick of being the one
That always waits
You'll see
That it'll come back sometime
If you give it time, the pain will pass too
Wow wow
You'll see
You just need light
So hold my hand
Until it comes back sometime
Wow wow
Until it comes back sometime
You're allowed to stand still and allow
The quiet to do it's thing1
And it's okay to scream, too - let the noise out
Continue feeling, don't look for reasons
Because you can't answer every 'why'
You need to wait and let the tears
Dance, on wet cheeks
(It's good too)
Mom, you know I'm strong
I'm just sick of being the one
That always waits
You'll see
That it'll come back sometime
If you give it time, the pain will pass too
Wow wow
You'll see
You just need light
So hold my hand
Until it comes back sometime
Wow wow
Until it comes back sometime
(Until sometime)
(Until it comes back sometime)
(Until sometime)
(Until sometime)
(Until it comes back sometime)
(Until sometime)
(Until sometime)
(Until it comes back sometime)
(Until sometime)
(Until sometime)
(Until it comes back sometime)
(Until sometime)
(Until sometime)
(Until it comes back sometime)
You'll see
You just need light
So hold my hand
Until it comes back sometime
Wow wow
  • 1. The literal translation of this sentence would be: 'the quiet to do his.'



Life's a never-ending ride
In which you're just a dove
Flying to get the answers right
You'll wish to understand
Anything and everything
Good and bad
Remember that every day is a new chance
To find your true meaning
Just believe in your soul, give it a glance
We'll be right here with you, watching
And taking care of you
United in one word
We'll be
We'll be
We'll be
We'll be
Everything's so hard
What could I do?
What should I feel?
I can only believe in what I feel
And listen to my own heart
Wherever I'd be
All of those who have left us
Are here now, protecting us
You're the one who called for them
Joy and bitterness
One thing is certain
We're united in one word, love
We'll be
We'll be
We'll be
We'll be
You and I, we're one
Two minds, one soul
A family, we're the same
What's mine is yours
That's all I feel


The World is a Kaleidoscope

The world is a kaleidoscope
The inside of a kaleidoscope
Prosperous people live as they do
And ugly people live an ugly life
Hey guys
Listen to me
It's fake over here
It's fake over there
It's fake everywhere
If you live life, 70 to 80 years
Will go by fast like an arrow
Get a hold of yourself
Fall into the kaleidoscope
Smiling, smiling, smiling, smiling, the world of young gentlemen
Smiling, smiling, smiling, smiling, the world of young ladies
With one's old-fashioned topknot twisted
He ran away with his grandmother's shoes
The world is a kaleidoscope
The inside of a kaleidoscope
Prosperous people live as they do
And ugly people live an ugly life
The world is a kaleidoscope
The inside of a kaleidoscope
Prosperous people live as they do
And ugly people live an ugly life
Hey guys
Listen to me
It's fake over here
It's fake over there
It's fake everywhere
If you live life, 70 to 80 years
Will go by fast like an arrow
Get a hold of yourself
Fall into the kaleidoscope
Smiling, smiling, smiling, smiling, the world of young gentlemen
Smiling, smiling, smiling, smiling, the world of young ladies
With one's old-fashioned topknot twisted
He ran away with his grandmother's shoes
The world is a kaleidoscope
The inside of a kaleidoscope
Prosperous people live as they do
And ugly people live an ugly life


Give me your hand, give me love

The Marseillaise isn't the hymn to love*
It's just a hymn to you and me
Pleasure of love is a French conception
I want to live it with you
Give me your hand in moments of joy, in moments of pain
Give me love, I'm waiting the one who'll love me
A love song, I've sung it so many times
I know the legend
To die of love at the heart of Brocéliande*
It's a grief for every king
Give me your hand in moments of joy, in moments of pain
Give me love, I'm waiting the one who'll love me
I've read romance novels in the railway stations
When the train leaves
Lovesickness again and again
It's melodrama, but I believe it


Maris Stella

Under the linen headdresses, all, crossing their arms
Dressed in rough wool or thin percal,
The women, kneeling on the rock of the hold,
Watch the Ocean whiten the island of Batz.
The men, fathers, sons, husbands, lovers, there
With those of Paimpol, d'Audierne and Cancale,
Towards the north, left for the distant stopover.
How many bold fishermen will never return!
Above the noise of the sea and the coasts,
The plaintive song rises, invoking aloud
The Holy Star, hope of sailors in péril


The snowflakes on your cheek have melted, yeah,
You haven't been in my head in a long time...
Or am I lying to myself?
Tell me, how can I live a moment without love?
Drinking clear Cristal
You're too close here... mm
This is wrong
Your cold kiss
This is wrong
Yeah, I'm held captive
This is wrong
Drops dripping down glass
This is wrong
This is wrong
We agreed not to catch feelings
How can I not catch feelings?
I just want to feel you
Forget to remember and feel again
Tell me, how can I live a moment without love?
Drinking clear Cristal
You're too close here... mm
This is wrong
Your cold kiss
This is wrong
Yeah, I'm held captive
This is wrong
Drops dripping down glass
This is wrong
This is wrong



Снова сидишь одна
Смотришь на водную гладь
Под спокойной водой
Таится глубокий страх
Ты не хочешь делиться ни с кем своею душой
Ты не хочешь делиться ни с кем своей красотой
Дай мне руку, забудь про страх
Я утоплюсь в твоих глазах
Дай мне руку, забудь про страх
Я захлебнусь в твоих слезах
Сколько холодных сердец
Упало на самое дно
Их даже никто не искал
Так под водою темно
Ты не хочешь делиться ни с кем своею душой
Ты не хочешь делиться ни с кем своей красотой
Дай мне руку, забудь про страх
Я утоплюсь в твоих глазах
Дай мне руку, забудь про страх
Я утоплюсь в твоих глазах
Дай руку, забудь про страх
Я захлебнусь в твоих слезах
Дай мне руку, забудь про страх
Я утоплюсь в твоих глазах
Дай мне руку, забудь про страх
Я утоплюсь в твоих глазах


Song of Songs

Song of songs, echo of echoes
Loud, broad, strong and powerful
Over mountains, forests, fields
Happy, sad and true
Song of the nation, you stood alone
After our heroes were slain
When times of terrible trouble came down
You also suffered a lot, oh a lot
But in the house of the hardy villager
You survived, healthy and strong
After our heroes were slain
Song of the nation
For ages you sustained our soul
You alone kept watch while our giants in their graves
Dreamed of a beautiful nation
You stood guard, sheltered the cradle
You comforted the youngster and the grandpa
You raised the soul of the nation
Woven into one thread
Unite Lietuva, our homeland
Loud, broad and powerful



Immaculate lady of pastries
Make the wine never run out in the tuns
And let the brandy be even stronger
I swear and will swear to drink until death
When I die I don't want cries or screams
Next to me, I want five, five liters
Go, go up, go up and go down
Go, go to the center
Go to the center and gulp it down


The River Runs Morning-Glad

The river runs morning-glad
down among gardens,
pure as the day that broke
between mountaintops.
I take water in my palm,
music in my mind,
I become like a blade of grace
billowing in the wind.
As day gets its cargo,
I will stand pure,
walking under night lands
with a spirit free as a river.



I'm living in disquiet after turning down a competent beat.
Glorious trends. Im tired of analyzing them.
Brain, full of NO's
'Nothing' is a bad conversation, just a small exchange of words.
It consumes energy and irritates me.
I don't expect you to do more.
All you do now is talk.
You're just talking and talking, and you're too sceptical.
You're so paranoid...
Shut up.
Shut up and wait for me.
One-way, life is fun. Is that what you want?
I'm just saying, you're scared of live music. It's normal in other places.
Most of the time, I can't do what I'm ordered to do.
Cover for me. Stand right there.
The world you see through and the knowledge that doesn't loosen up
Live in the world, but you're afraid, you're afraid, you're afraid, you're afraid, you're afraid
Most of the time you can't do what you're ordered to do
Take cover, or just stand there
A transparent world with knowledge that does not loose.
I'm taking cover, I'm standing right here
A world rushing by with a view that never shifts
It's already become a taboo to say 'this' and 'that.
What do you really think?
I wish I could stop talking to myself.
'I want to be lectured by my doppelganger' is a lie.
I want to talk to you.
I don't know what I'm doing right now.
I don't know what I'm doing right now, but...
I'll just be quiet. I'll wait here.
It's a one-way street. I'm enjoying life. That's fine.
I'm wearing the wrong size shoes. They're painful.
I can't walk like I imagined.
I'm covering for you, I'm just standing right here
The world is rushing me with a view that won't change
I'm tired of talking about 'this' and 'that'
I wonder who it is that I want to meet...



Would you love someone
who is exactly like you?
just like the way I loved you
and no one else?
Would you forgive someone
who burned you
and laughed with
your ashes?
Insensitivity, you damn slut,
why can't I have you?
I take into consideration everything
and I don't take care of myself
The clock stroke one o' clock in the morning
cigarettes, insomnia
you are not here
and I can

How, where and when

Verse 1:
Between routine and stress
life is a bitch, I know
but after every withered flower
another grows again
my head can't explain
why sometimes one gets complicated
and because of some stupid thing
ruin someone else's day
Grab a towel and a swimsuit
let's go to the beach and forget
for a millimicrosecond
of the bad things in the world
Time flies
when you have a good time
it doesn't matter how, where and when
what matters is with whom
Time flies
when you have a good time
it doesn't matter how, where and when
what matters is with whom
Verse 2:
There are so many lies in the cities
how there is so much garbage in the seas?
There is no one left who is honest
only the drunks in the bars
I have already seen that the past means nothing
it's only the future that's remembered
I took the burden off my back
I feel strong now
Time flies
when you have a good time
it doesn't matter how, where and when
what matters is with whom
Time flies
when you have a good time
it doesn't matter how, where and when
what matters is with whom
Only exists today
tomorrow hasn't come yet
and yesterday is gone
Time flies
when you have a good time
it doesn't matter how, where and when
what matters is with whom
Time flies
when you have a good time
it doesn't matter how, where and when
what matters is with whom


Goodbye Tenderness

My chest aches, a draft blows through my heart
Although we sometimes fought
Even now your kindness remains unchanged
That was what i couldn't bear
Without saying a word
I bolted out of your empty room
Without a destination, in front of a station
Yes, i finally understood
Your kindness is the opposite of weakness
I have already changed
So i bid you farewell
Without realising it, in the passing days
Our hearts drifted apart
Everyday was the same thing over and over
In the past, that would have been nice
With me gone, and you by yourself
A new life awaits us both
There is no turning back
Because I don't need your kindness anymore
This gap in my heart cannot be filled
So don't hold me back



Say that you really love me
say that you really love me
say that you really love me
I want to say this to you so much
fake words, I want to see so much more
I don't care if you are pretty
I want the right person, there are so many sluts
how can I trust?
Which persona of mine, do you like more?
wealthy Bossikan or George from the farmer's market?
the guy from Neapolis or the one from the USA?
the good kid, I am at the interrogator's
I don't ask for many things, only for you to be faithful and we will be alright
we don't play games, we are not children
I lock in my heart and throw away the keys
You play with me and you make me go crazy, what are you trying to do?
you want to torture me, to torment me
you come and go, be straightforward
don't make me overthink , do what you say
You come closer to me and kisses burn me
I'll change my neighbourhood so that I can see you more often
don't tell me once again that I was just a habit
stop playing the games ,say that you really love me
say that you really love me
say that you really love me
say that you really love me…
We can't be together
such a toxic relationship
I know where this leads
either dead or in prison
I am a bum but I am reasonable
and my heart is hurt
let me write these on paper
you leave me no other choice
You come closer to me and kisses burn me
I'll change my neighbourhood so that I can see you more often
don't tell me once again that I was just a habit
stop playing the games ,say that you really love me
say that you really love me
say that you really love me
say that you really love me…


Thousand Matches

If you were a night
I would burn thousand matches
I would burn thousand matches
the day would have dawned
and I would have saved myself
If you were a rainstorm
you'd have dried by now
you'd have dried by now
and I would be walking outside
I would be able to live
But you are a scar
on the body at night
I have been waking up for years
but (the scar) is still there
I try to hide it
I try yo conceal it
but it is still there
But you are a scar
on the body at night
I fight to erase you
to love you again
I pretend to be in love, I go out
but you are still there
If you were a night
I would burn thousand matches
I would burn thousand matches
the day would have dawned
and I would have saved myself
If only you would come here from your paradise
for a minute
just to see how I get through
whilst I love you
in strangers' bodies
and you are not here to tell you this
If you were a century
you'd have ended already
you'd have ended already
time would have nullify you
and I would have started over
But you are a scar
on the body at night
I have been waking up for years
but (the scar) is still there
I try to hide it
I try yo conceal it
but it is still there
But you are a scar
on the body at night
I fight to erase you
to love you again
I pretend to be in love, I go out
but you are still there
If you were a night
I would burn thousand matches
I would burn thousand matches
the day would have dawned
and I would have saved myself


The code of good manners

[Verse 1: Puya] Blood doesn't turn into water, no matter what you do
Anyone who gets involved between us will face consequences, damn
We always have the guts in good times and bad
Back to back, God is my witness
If you're one of us, we respect you
We help each other, you, your children, your wife
We do not speak out of turn between us
We are careful how we use the Romanian language
What the fuck are you doing is cursing and greeting
We always pay attention to this accent
Sit down, open a bottle of wine
Now you're one of us, let's honor each other
[Chorus: Guz] About one in a thousand, I have something to say
And a glass from heart to heart, cheers!
Few, but we stand back to back
Maybe too few, but with everything!
About one in a thousand, I can say something
And a word from the heart for a good heart!
Whether sister or brother
We are content with everything!
[Verse 2: Puya] Your friends are our friends too
Your enemies are our enemies too
If my enemy is your comrade
Adios, we have nothing more to say to each other!
We live by unwritten laws
Where revenge is not forbidden
Many things are allowed
Know that we come for you anywhere!
[Verse 3: Șisu] When you have, good! When you don't, good!
Whoever has, gives more if they hold it!
The basic rule is to make sunny days
For you, for brothers, for mothers, for fathers!
Because the wheel turns, we all know that
That's the law among rogues!
If you make a mistake with drink, we forgive you
If you make a mistake being perverse, we expel you
We don't sit at the table, we don't laugh, we don't eat
With those we can't stand or don't respect
You have to meet a few criteria
Because you can't earn respect if you do dirty deeds
I don't raise glasses in the air for fools
I'd rather see them on the street and fight
Some have talent, but they're full of themselves
Others sell out at the market, maybe for a few hundred
In this brigade, no one waits for charity
Everyone works hard like in a gym, no one sits on the sidelines
Because idleness kills you, others are on the run
In this race for gold, our law is clear
[Chorus: Guz] About one in a thousand, I have something to say
And a glass from heart to heart, cheers!
Few, but we stand back to back
Maybe too few, but with everything!
About one in a thousand, I can say something
And a word from the heart for a good heart!
Whether sister or brother
We are content with everything!
About one in a thousand, I have something to say
And a glass from heart to heart, cheers!
Few, but we stand back to back
Maybe too few, but with everything!
About one in a thousand, I can say something
And a word from the heart for a good heart!
Whether sister or brother
We are content with everything!


I am tormented

Red like the sunset
my love for you was fading in my blood
Once I was waiting for you my heart
and you had all the sunrises for me
Now who,
tell me who can take your place?
how does the moon change?
Someone else's eyes , I don't know them
someone else's body, I don't want it
I am not giving myself to another love
I want you
I have no brakes
it's too late now, I am at full speed
I can

With you in the house

When everything in August blurs
Even Curry has orange background
Something ends, nothing waits
I walk alone, the thirtieth year flies by already
Look, how your words drip on my fingers
There are too many of them playing in the city
You say, I look pretty and I forgot
Could you start once again?
I used to live in a phone, standing on a balcony
Time was passing, passing like that.
I already wanna have home and you in the house (with you in the house)
I don't wanna drink, don't call today, 'cause no
I already wanna have home and summer in the house (with you in the house)
You were here, you were always here
I already wanna have home and you in the house (with you in the house)
I don't wanna drink, don't call today, 'cause no
I already wanna have home and summer in the house (with you in the house)
You were here, you were always here
Any asian with you rewards
That we have less time
If you'll be reading beside, I'll bear it
September is always better
I've been listening to Blondie, already for four
Nights - she's still doing pretty well
Even though I feel like a stranger here, it behooves me
After all, say no to everyone
I already wanna have home and you in the house (with you in the house)
I don't wanna drink, don't call today, 'cause no
I already wanna have home and summer in the house (with you in the house)
You were here, you were always here
I already wanna have home
I don't wanna drink, don't call today, 'cause no
I already wanna have home
I don't wanna drink, don't call today, 'cause no
I already wanna have home


Here where you left me

Listen to me, really, I am telling you
that you left and I stopped laughing
Sit down for two minute,
I have to tell you a few things
Here, where you left me , really I am telling you
you forgot and I forgot to live
days have become dark but it's not my fault
since I am used to going around in the black of the night
here where you left me
here here where you left me
here here where you left me
I am not going around alone, loneliness isn't winning
I have changed five different houses, not one can fit me in
nothingness can't fill up my insides
there are blank spaces inside me,and all the things you said hurt
I want to go downstairs and into the rain
so that the spell disappears
perhaps you might remember then, perhaps it wouldnt be late
to trust me first, to fall in love again with me
I would love it if you could come and hug me
Listen to me, really, I am telling you
that you left and I stopped laughing
Sit down for two minute,
I have to tell you a few things
Here, where you left me , really I am telling you
you forgot and I forgot to live
days have become dark but it's not my fault
since I am used to going around in the black of the night
here where you left me
here here where you left me
here here where you left me
The sun rises again, it looks like love and it scares me
how much it resembles you, people are yelling, they convict me
that I am still mourning one love
Listen to me, really, I am telling you
that you left and I stopped laughing
Sit down for two minute,
I have to tell you a few things
Here, where you left me , really I am telling you
you forgot and I forgot to live
days have become dark but it's not my fault
since I am used to going around in the black of the night
here where you left me
here here where you left me
here here where you left me


Once broken up

I'm the only who left where we left off
you go further, forget everything else
i cannot, i cannot, i cannot speak
somewhere deep inside me are growing your roots
and when i speak i'm not talking about you
i never cry but i'm dying inside me
i often dream of you, i think there is no end
but once broken up it no longer connects
like a leaf that falls from a branch it separates
after so many years you live inside me
it's all fate's fault, don't blame me
that i cannot, i cannot part from you
somewhere deep inside me everything gets together again


That's how I do it

[Intro] And how about the ninja?
Umm, Ninja Majesty, that was Majesty Ninja
Oh yes, well I was [?] 'Which Majesty Ninja?'
I know how to fight all the gypsies, all the pagans, I've fought
He says 'Long live, boss!', commanded lord
[Verse 1: ECHO] Good boy who sounds really bad
Holds fucking tight 'cause I was born near Zalău
During the day lord, during the night rascal
I piss next to Budeanu to show him I'm not a wimp
I live fully from the glass, 12 hours a day
The dead with the dead and the living once or you won't live anymore?
You ask me if I'll stay, as if you didn't know
I have a range of answers: do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si
That's me, I doubt all the noobs
I turn off the light like Ruby
Hello! Love? Want mysteries? Fuck Scooby
In 'the pursuit of happiness' I only find Kid Cudi
Reading how it's written, I realized you're 'cute'
Hang on the wall like a painting
Old as the coaster, covering the new one
Underground like the subway
I pass by quickly, you only hear the echo
[Chorus: ECHO] That's how I do it, one day yes, one day no
One day I drink, one day I quit, one day I start, one day I perform
That's how I do it, one day yes, one day no
One day I drink, one day I quit, one day I start, one day I perform
[Verse 2: Codrin] The right man to make your days fried
Codrea enters the track and only fucks rhymes
12 o'clock full right at noon
The boys from BAZOOKA can't stand up anymore
Oops now I calmed down, no wait, at least three beers from here
Earthquake 10-4, okay but on the Jaundice scale
My life as an artist, how the hell does it balance?
Silence bores me, music annoys me, well?
But how about 'Good Boys'? I'm schizophrenic, huh?
And me and all my boys in my head are the same, huh?
What I noticed once means that
People talk nicely to me 'cause they're scared
Don't be afraid that I'm busy and peaceful
I'll take your heart out of your chest and put it on a skewer
Wrapped in eggs and flour and cornmeal
My fucking track 3-2-1, let's go!
[Chorus: ECHO] That's how I do it, one day yes, one day no
One day I drink, one day I quit, one day I start, one day I perform
That's how I do it, one day yes, one day no
One day I drink, one day I quit, one day I start, one day I perform


Song of Yamanaka

(choi choichoi)
never forget the way to Yamanaka