Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 78

Találatok száma: 100455



As I wipe both my eyes,
and I open my eyelids,
it remained
afterimage of that night
when pieces of memory sink into my pillow
I had a dream that summer night.
With my fading feelings…
...that still don't come back.
I will hold your hands...
…as long as I feel your warmth.
It's a secret, a dream that night
I still remember it what made me so happy
It's a secret, a dream that night, came true with your warm hands
Collect your hair, wash your face,
The image of that night blurs
let's stop time
tie your shoelaces
See you again on a summer morning.
Although manners and form have not changed,
Yesterday, today will also be different.
It's a secret, a dream that night
I still remember him for making me so happy
It's a secret,
dream that night
came true
to be able to feel your warmth
It is an endless dream
It's really true: what I saw in my dream
it was guaranteed with your warm hands.
It's a secret,
dream that night
I still remember him for making me so happy.
It is an endless dream
As I wipe both eyes…
...and I open my eyelids,
Today I had the same dream again.



Foot in the stirrup - one! Risen saber - two!
Aim for the face - three! Just shoot!
And then wave the golden saber
Just axe and there, you'll be a hero!
Do not pity the enemy, he is not dear to you,
Just shoot, and you'll be a hero!
And Makhno sells himself to Lenin
And goes to make the bed for him
And Makhno sells himself, and I'm not happy about it
I put four bullets in him!
Dumb-bullet-tactic*, no remorse, a long, long beard,
The wide lampassen**, brother, watch your head,
Yeah, yeah yeah yeah, the black flag!
Before you we, the Redlets, cut up the pirozhki***
Mom, put the gunpowder in the grenades,
At war in the morning shall march the soldier!
And Makhno sells himself to Lenin
And goes to make the bed for him
And Makhno sells himself, and I'm not happy about it
I put four bullets in him!
I told Marusya****:
'I am fierce! You, dude, take it!' Well, now she's mine!
I do not know, who has lit the flame,
Yeah, yeah yeah yeah, the black flag!
And Makhno sells himself to Lenin
And goes to make the bed for him
And Makhno sells himself, and I'm not happy about it
I put four bullets in him!
I put four bullets in him!
I put four bullets in him!


Only Road

Someone speaks, but I don't hear anything
I have to make it home
Someone cries silently on the subway to the east
Fuck, is it me?
Is it me?
Strangers walk in and out
Time flies by
Someone whispers, 'now you have to get up'
I don't know anymore
What world I am supposed to live in
When the only sky is your blue eyes
And your soul's depth is the only night
And I don't know anymore
How I could love anyone here
When your tears are the only rain
And the only road to you
Tired, I haven't gotten any sleep in weeks
And I'll probably never will
Seagulls screech on the beach again every morning
Fuck, is it me?
Is it me?
Please say that this is just this feeling
Or a dream or a dystopia
That tomorrow you will embrace me again
I don't know anymore
What world I am supposed to live in
When the only sky is your blue eyes
And your soul's depth is the only night
And I don't know anymore
How I could love anyone here
When your tears are the only rain
And the only road to you
Maybe I will live without you
If I learn to breathe under water
I don't know anymore
What world I am supposed to live in
When the only sky is your blue eyes
And your soul's depth is the only night
And I don't know anymore
How I could love anyone here
When your tears are the only rain
And the only road to you
Only sky, only night
Only rain, only road


Break It Down

Ah, what a boring person I am
I tell myself that to fake me out
I put a lid on my rising expectations
Ah, I need to change my mood
EQ up the rock sound
Let my mental illness sink in
My earphones that go against the words
(A love song starts to play)
I'm scared that I'll start thinking about what ifs
It's time to stop listening to
Dreamy melodies
Break it down, break it down, break it down
And wake me up, wake me up
Don't confuse me with your sweet voice
Break it down, break it down, break it down
And wake me up, wake me up
I don't need half-hearted words!
Break it down, break it down, break it down
And wake me up, wake me up
Don't show me lukewarm dreams
Break it down, break it down, break it down
And wake me up, wake me up
I can't tell you yet!
Ah, it's no use anyway
Tie me up and fake me out
I don't know left from right
Ah, I have to move forward
Even if I know, keep me out
I can't move while paused
My earphones go against the words
(A love song starts to play)
A freeway that starts running without brakes
I can't stop like this
I'm going to crash into you.
Break it down, break it down, break it down
And wake me up, wake me up
Don't confuse me with your sweet voice
Break it down, break it down, break it down
And wake me up, wake me up
I don't need half-hearted words!
Break it down, break it down, break it down
And wake me up, wake me up
Don't show me lukewarm dreams
Break it down, break it down, break it down
And wake me up, wake me up
I can't tell you yet!


The Wine Romance

Happiness, light, life - all of this is concurrent
On a beautiful May evening! Like the birds
Who serenade their song through my window,
So do my hopes resonate in my heart!
O beautiful May evening! O happy May night!
The miasma of the declining day is reflected
In rays of sunlight that like daggers appear at
The end with the sounds of sorrowful music!
I'm happy! I'm happy! In a glass, there sings
Songs of wine, songs of wine! Always songs
Of wine that I want to forget with all my pain
And the days of my existence upon this earth!
I'm happy! I'm happy! Long live wine and art!
My dreams are of songs that recall for me
That which begins with the sad music of
Autumn winds found on the distant horizon!
In good company comes my cheerful madness,
No one truly understands the soul of the poet,
All that is in my heart is only rescued by the
Moonlight and the fury of the dark nights!
Women! I drink to you who art aloof from me,
The arms of roses in my dream bid me welcome,
And I also drink to men whose pride reveal their
Contempt for my life and the works of my hand!
My own youth conceals my weariness within

Inside my heart (Biggest Part of My Life)

I am something, something he wanted right now
Someone probably already senses
It's talked about everywhere,
What did I want
It feels like I was deaf
Now my life will change
Everything fits together
It's way better
Everything seems prettier
Everything I wanted
And everything I desired
Everything I dreamt of, I have already
Inside my heart I ask,
Where do thoughts go
Who can feel more than I do
I didn't know, what I know, I didn't know, what I know
And with what I'm feeling right now, I wanna continue living my life
Now my star shines for one thing
For one big wish
I'd like to be a master and I'm interested
To be a Pokémon master and start
Now my life will change
Everything fits together
It's way better
Everything seems prettier
Everything I wanted
And everything I desired
Everything I dreamt of, I have already
Inside my heart I ask,
Where do thoughts go
Who can feel more than I do
I didn't know, what I know, I didn't know, what I know
And with what I'm feeling right now, I wanna continue living my life
World seems to get better day by day
And that's exactly how it should be
All for one and power in one
I have what I wanted to have inside of my heart
Everything I wanted
(What I wanted)
And everything I desired
Everything I dreamt of, I have already
Inside my heart I ask,
Where do thoughts go
Who can feel more than I do
I didn't know, what I know, I didn't know, what I know
And with what I'm feeling right now, I wanna continue living my life
Everything I wanted
And everything I desired
Everything I dreamt of, I have already
Inside my heart I ask (inside my heart I ask),
Where do thoughts go
(Where do thoughts go)
Who can feel more than I do
(Who can feel more than I do)
I didn't know, what I know, I didn't know, what I know
And with what I'm feeling right now, I wanna continue living my life


Two Portraits of My Mother

My mother, how I loved her in this painting made
In her glory days when she was a maiden fair

September 29th

I can change the colour of the sky
I can jump without looking where I am about to fall
I can make the entire world explode without a warning
And shut up forever until the wind becomes a sea
I will go look for what I don't know where to find
And burn the troops of evil one by one
You will run and you won't be able to forget
You will take five steps back before thinking
Don't you see that I am fine like this?
I don't need more than this
Don't you see that I am fine like this?
I don't need more than this
You can talk without breathing
You can smile without looking
You can imagine a special place
You can even leave without a warning


Blasse Tage

Alle unsre blassen Tage
Türmen sich in stiller Nacht
Hoch zu einer großen Mauer.
Stein fügt immer sich an Stein.
Alle leeren Stunden Trauer
Schließt sich in die Seele ein.
Träume kommen und zerfließen
Gleich Gespenstern, wird es Tag. -
In uns bleibt das ewig zage
Fassen nach den bunten Scherben,
Und im Schatten blasser Tage
Leben wir, weil wir nicht sterben ...


Magányos Farkas

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Hideg szél dúl és szaggat,
Feltámadó heves vihart figyelem,
Hódombok fedik fel sorsomnak
A történetem vége,
Hol egykor foggal-karommal éltem én,
A vadász dicsfényében,
Elődök mancsainak nyomában.
Étek s otthon melege sok testvért
Hívott bukásra.
Pórázon, mint kutyák, csalit nyelve,
Hallották gazdájuk hívását.
Magányos farkas egyedül jár,
Minden egyes fagyott gerincen s dűnén.
Mivel a vadászat tilos,
S az erdők mind kiirtva,
Büszkeség s szabadság eltűnt,
S vonyítok a Holdra,
Magányos farkas az utolsó,
S az is hamarosan eltűnik.
A vadászat a hegyekben van,
Mély a hó, az ösvény durván rögös.
Csontig megborzongok, mert
Sosem lesz elég nekik.
Vérebek vonyítanak őrülten,
Kórus kiált korbácsolt kétségben.
Szomorúan fülelek, s hallom
Rokonaim hangjait ott.
Gyűlöletben s dühben nyáladznak
Alig várják, hogy elkapjanak.
Akik eladták a szabadságukat,
Gyűlölik azt, ki még szabad.
Magányos farkas egyedül jár,
Minden egyes fagyott gerincen s dűnén.
Mivel a vadászat tilos,
S az erdők mind kiirtva,
Büszkeség s szabadság eltűnt,
S vonyítok a Holdra,
Magányos farkas az utolsó,
S az is hamarosan eltűnik.
A telihold sápadt,
Gyilkos fényben ragyog.
Ma este a vadászra vadásznak.
Én csak vérvonaltól fosztott
Fáradt vadász vagyok,
Utolsónak maradó kínja az, hogy ha egyszer elmegyek,
Magányos farkas egyedül jár,
Minden egyes fagyott gerincen s dűnén.
Mivel a vadászat tilos,
S az erdők mind kiirtva,
Büszkeség s a szabadság eltűnt,
S vonyítok a Holdra,
Magányos farkas az utolsó,
S az is hamarosan eltűnik.


Most nézz rám!

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Azt mondtam, jövőre ilyenkor
Én leszek az, ki mindent megtesz,
Minél többet mondtál, nem tehettem.
Ez itt a tiéd:
Jövőre ilyenkor
Erősebb leszek,
Kicsit magasabb,
Csúcs az egyetlen nézetem.
Most berúgom az ajtót,
Jobb, ha tűnsz az utamból!
Sosem igazán láttál jönni,
Egy szó nélkül mentél el
Ez mindenkinek szól, ki engem levert,
Remélem, kinyitod szemed,
S most jól megnézel engem!
Mert jövőre ilyenkor
Végigjárom e folyosókat,
S feltárom arcomat a világnak,
Hogy lásson engem!
S minden lányt felhívok, aki visszautasított,
S közlöm velük, hogy túl elfoglalt vagyok,
Nincs rájuk időm.
S vicces, hogy az úgynevezett barátaim,
Kik mindig egyedül hagytak,
Hirtelen most belém futnak,
S állandóan hívnak.


Az első szerelem sosem hal meg

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Talán az első szerelem soha nem hal meg,
Ezért szeretlek még mindig téged.
Szoríts meg, s nézz a szemembe,
S mondd, hogy te nem így érzel már,
Ahogy régen, amikor mondtad:
Örökké tartana, te és én együtt.
És sosem búcsúztunk el igazán,
Sosem mondtuk, hogy ez a vége,
Sosem búcsúztunk el igazán,
Első szerelem sosem hal meg.
Mikor megláttalak, alig tudtam szólni,
Oly szép vagy, mint akkor voltál, Kedves.
Azt hiszem, még mindig ugyanaz a sárm.
Első szerelem sosem hal meg.
Talán csak elpazaroltad szerelmedet.
Nem mehetünk vissza, de megyünk tovább.
Egyszer elkezdtünk szerelmes dalokat dúdolni,
Mielőtt messze sodródtunk egymástól,
S tudtam volna, elvesztettem szívemet.
Örökké élünk, - Csak te (csak te)
Életemben együtt.
Soha nem búcsúztunk igazán,
Igazából sosem mondtuk, hogy vége.
Soha nem búcsúztunk igazán,
Az első szerelem sosem hal meg.
Mikor megláttalak, alig tudtam szólni,
Oly szép vagy, mint akkor voltál, Kedves,
Azt hiszem, még mindig ugyanaz a sárm.
Első szerelem sosem hal meg.
Soha nem búcsúztunk igazán,
Igazából sosem mondtuk, hogy vége.
Soha nem búcsúztunk igazán,
Az első szerelem sosem hal meg.
Mikor megláttalak, alig tudtam szólni,
Oly szép vagy, mint akkor voltál, Kedves,
Azt hiszem, még mindig ugyanaz a sárm.
Első szerelem sosem hal meg.
Első szerelem sosem hal meg.
Sohasem (hal meg.)
Soha nem búcsúztunk igazán,
Soha nem búcsúztunk igazán,
Soha nem búcsúztunk igazán,
Első szerelem sosem hal meg.


Szerezd meg

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
[Intro] Gyere ide, gyere ide
Gyere ide, gyere ide
Gyere ide, gyere ide
Gyere ide, gyere ide
Gyere ide, gyere ide
Gyere ide, gyere ide
Gyere ide, gyere ide
Gyere ide, gyere ide
[Verse 1] Gyere ide, táncolj a zene ritmusára
Legyél a közvetlen közelemben
És rázd
Csak rázd
Táncolj kicsit, mozogj többet
Táncolj a padlón
És rázd meg
Csak rázd
Nézz mélyen a szemembe
Fordulj vissza és hozd a legjobb formád,
hogy megtörd a korlátokat
hogy megtörd a korlátokat
Lány, nagyon beleillessz a képbe
Eléred a szívem,
most vedd is el.
Csak vedd el, vedd el, vedd el
[Verse 2] Gyere ide, táncolj a zene ritmusára
Legyél a közvetlen közelemben
És rázd
Csak rázd
Táncolj kicsit, mozogj többet
Táncolj a padlón
És rázd meg
Csak rázd
Nézz mélyen a szemembe
Fordulj vissza és hozd a legjobb formád,
hogy megtörd a korlátokat
hogy megtörd a korlátokat
Lány, nagyon beleillessz a képbe
Eléred a szívem,
most vedd is el.
Csak vedd el, vedd el, vedd el
[Bridge] Gyere ide, gyere ide
Gyere ide, gyere ide
Gyere ide, gyere ide
Gyere ide, gyere ide
Gyere ide, gyere ide
Gyere ide, gyere ide
Gyere ide, gyere ide
Gyere ide, gyere ide
[Verse 3] Gyere ide, táncolj a zene ritmusára
Legyél a közvetlen közelemben
És rázd
Csak rázd
Táncolj kicsit, mozogj többet
Táncolj a padlón
És rázd meg
Csak rázd
Nézz mélyen a szemembe
Fordulj vissza és hozd a legjobb formád,
hogy megtörd a korlátokat
hogy megtörd a korlátokat
Lány, nagyon beleillessz a képbe
Eléred a szívem,
most vedd is el.
Csak vedd el, vedd el,


Eat Your Man

Ah, ah, oh
I'll eat your man, devour him whole
Lickin' my fingers, I'm in control
Fly like a bird, I'm takin' it home
Movin' my body like a nympho
I say it right, now do what I say
Apply the pressure into your veins
Blood on the floor, I'm pushin' the pain
I let the creatures out of the cage
Ah, ah, oh
I let the creatures out of the cage
Ah, ah, oh
(I'll eat your man, devour him whole)
(Lickin' my fingers, I'm in control)
(Fly like a bird, I'm takin' it home)
(Movin' my body like a nympho)
Ah, ah, oh
(I say it right, now do what I say)
(Apply the pressure into your veins)
(Blood on the floor, I'm pushin' the pain)
(I let the creatures out of the cage)
Ah, ah, oh
I'll eat your man, devour him whole
Lickin' my fingers, I'm in control
Fly like a bird, I'm takin' it home
Movin' my body like a nympho
I say it right, now do what I say
Apply the pressure into your veins
Blood on the floor, I'm pushin' the pain
I let the creatures out of the cage
I'll eat your man, devour him whole
Lickin' my fingers, I'm in control
Fly like a bird, I'm takin' it home
Movin' my body like a nympho
I say it right, now do what I say
Apply the pressure into your veins
Blood on the floor, I'm pushin' the pain
I let the creatures out of the cage
Ah, ah, oh
I let the creatures out of the cage
Ah, ah, oh
I let the creatures out of the cage
(I'll eat your man, devour him whole)
(Lickin' my fingers, I'm in control)
(Fly like a bird, I'm takin' it home)
(Movin' my body like a nympho)
Ah, ah, oh
(I say it right, now do what I say)
(Apply the pressure into your veins)
(Blood on the floor, I'm pushin' the pain)
(I let the creatures out of the cage)
(I'll eat your man, devour him whole)
(Lickin' my fingers, I'm in control)
(Fly like a bird, I'm takin' it home)
(Moving my body like a nympho)
Ah, ah, oh
(I say it right now do what I say)
(Apply the pressure into your veins)
(Blood on the floor, I'm pushin' the pain)
(I let the creatures out of the cage)
Ah, ah, oh
I'll eat your man, devour him whole
Lickin' my fingers, I'm in control
Fly like a bird, I'm takin' it home
Movin' my body like a nympho
I say it right, now do what I say
Apply the pressure into your veins
Blood on the floor, I'm pushin' the pain
I let the creatures out of the cage
I'll eat your man, devour him whole
Lickin' my fingers, I'm in control
Fly like a bird, I'm takin' it home
Movin' my body like a nympho
I say it right, now do what I say
Apply the pressure into your veins
Blood on the floor, I'm pushin' the pain
I let the creatures out of the cage


Povej mi Marina

Skupaj sva rasla med bloki v predmestju
Skupaj odkrivala svet
Skupaj iskala življenjsko sva cesto
Po vseh zaprašenih poteh
Vedela si, da skrivaj sem te ljubil
Vedela si za vse to
Z leti otroškimi sem te izgubil
Ko rekla si: 'Več me ne bo'
Povej mi, Marina, zakaj ne poznaš me več?
Povej, Marina zakaj umikaš pogled?
V imenu moje in tvoje mladosti povej mi, zakaj
Povej mi, Marina, zakaj ne poznaš me več?
Povej, Marina zakaj umikaš pogled?
V imenu moje in tvoje mladosti povej mi, zakaj
Skupaj sva rasla med bloki v predmestju
Skupaj odkrivala svet
Skupaj iskala življenjsko sva cesto
Po vseh zaprašenih poteh
Vedela si, da skrivaj sem te ljubil
Vedela si za vse to
Z leti otroškimi sem te izgubil
Ko rekla si: 'Več me ne bo'
Povej mi, Marina zakaj ne poznaš me več?
Povej, Marina zakaj umikaš pogled?
V imenu moje in tvoje mladosti povej mi, zakaj
Povej mi, Marina zakaj ne poznaš me več?
Povej, Marina zakaj umikaš pogled?
V imenu moje in tvoje mladosti povej mi, zakaj
V imenu moje in tvoje mladosti povej mi, zakaj


Še kdaj

Saj ne morem te krivit,
ker si vedno imela prav,
ampak videt te, boli
in še vedno mi je žal.
Velikokrat ne moreš spat,
razmišljaš le,
a bi lahko šlo kej boljš?
Ker vse hočeva nazaj,
ampak veva,
da ni več, kot je bilo nekoč.
Zakaj bi pisal pesmi, če jočeš ob njih?
Zakaj bi jih poslušal, če jočem ob njih?
Zakaj sva sploh zgradila, če morava podret?
Ker s tem, ko si odšla, si ubila ves moj svet.
Kam naprej in kam nazaj,
kje je levo, kje je desno?
Hočem videt te še kdaj,
(še kdaj)
in to mislim čisto resno.
Ostaniva prijatelja.
Tako kot sva dve leti
že bila sicer,
Ker drugačna sva oba
v novi jeseni
nisva za skupaj več.
Zakaj bi pisal pesmi, če jočeš ob njih?
Zakaj bi jih poslušal, če jočem ob njih?
Zakaj sva sploh zgradila, če morava podret?
Ker s tem, ko si odšla, si ubila ves moj svet.
Ja, ves moj svet.
Ja, ves moj svet.


Ne imádkozz értem!

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
(Mindenki, aki meg akar halni, kérem, emelje fel a kezét!)
Nem vesztem el a sötétben,
Nem vagyok vak arra, amit látok.
Tudom, hogy a folyó széles s a víz mély,
Hideget érzem, szívem ütemet hagy ki.
Nem kell a feloldozásod,
Így ne tartsd felettem azt a kardot!
Gyónásaimhoz nincs szükségem templomra,
És sóra sem ahhoz, hogy tudjam, hol fáj.
Ne imádkozz értem, ne...
(Mindenki, aki meg akar halni, kérem, emelje fel a kezét!)
Érted nem lélegezhetek.
Újra s újra próbálod, tagadod, amit érzek.
S mindig, mikor imára hajtod a fejed,
Ne imádkozz értem, értem aztán ne!
Ó, kellett a fordulat,
Elmémben sosem volt háború,
S a folyó kiszáradt, s mély a vízesés.
A való sötét, s elvéreztet minket.
A pokolban állok,
Hol megtalálom a belső erőmet.
Gyónásaimhoz nincs szükségem templomra,
És sóra sem ahhoz, hogy tudjam, hol fáj.
Ne imádkozz értem, ne...
Érted nem lélegezhetek.
Újra s újra próbálod, tagadod, amit érzek.
S mindig, mikor imára hajtod a fejed,
Ne imádkozz értem, értem aztán ne!
(Hagyom, hogy imádkozz értem!)
Érted nem lélegezhetek.
Újra s újra próbálod, tagadod, amit érzek.
S mindig, mikor imára hajtod a fejed,
Ne imádkozz értem, ne imádkozz értem!



Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Egyik fosztogatás napjától
A minap egy korsó sör legurult
A csatatéren lelkem vár Óðinnra
Þórr vezet csatáimban
Hazavisz (Ásgárðrba)
A győzedelmes nem hoz szégyent az istenekre
Fent, a hegyek felett
Tüzet gyújt a kék égen
A vér még mindig fut
Yggdrasill gyökerében
Fent, a hegyek felett
Tüzet gyújt a kék égen
Vigyél a mezőre
Yggdrasill tetejére
A végítélet órájában
Ó, vezess hát, atyám
Mikor a tűz uralkodik
Meghalnak fivéreim
Neveink elfeledtetnek
Örökké élhetnek
A győzedelmes nem hoz szégyent az istenekre
Fent, a hegyek felett
Tüzet gyújt a kék égen
A vér még mindig fut
Yggdrasill gyökerében
Fent, a hegyek felett
Tüzet gyújt a kék égen
Vigyél a mezőre
Yggdrasill tetejére
Gyűlöletem megszületett
Csecsemők halálától
Az anyák sírása bosszúra élez
Végtelenbe lovagolok
A halál dicsőség
A győzedelmes nem hoz szégyent az istenekre
Fent, a hegyek felett
Tüzet gyújt a kék égen
A vér még mindig fut
Yggdrasill gyökerében
Fent, a hegyek felett
Tüzet gyújt a kék égen
Vigyél a mezőre
Yggdrasill tetejére
Yggdrasill tetejére


Teach Me

When bundles of thoughts head up to you,
Teach me how to proceed to stop them from their way,
Teach me to get you out of my icons, and then
To understand that it is the time of the storm in us.
Find the time to teach me not to scream
When the silence hurts and when freezes on my face
The whole secret of love, slowly yeasted
In a thousand years since I've been waiting for you.
Hence help me to forget you, my dear,
When I miss you and when I hope in vain
Not to die of pain, when the step takes me
From your love to a new crossroad.
Hence help me to forget you, my dear,
When I miss you and when I hope in vain
Not to die of pain, when the step takes me
From your love to a new crossroad,
To a new crossroad.
Teach me, I'd ask you, to finally understand
Who, where, why, how and when we went wrong.
Teach me not to cry, teach me to forget about
All the dry springs from my heart.
Break the moment in two and dress me in it,
Put your heart over my heart,
And let the amazement in your eyes that ask you to stop
To flood the second when we say farewell.
Hence help me to forget you, my dear,
When I miss you and when I hope in vain
Not to die of pain, when the step takes me
From your love to a new crossroad.
Hence help me to forget you, my dear,
When I miss you and when I hope in vain
Not to die of pain, when the step takes me
From your love to a new crossroad,
To a new crossroad.
Hence help me to forget you, my dear,
When I miss you and when I hope in vain
Not to die of pain, when the step takes me
From your love to a new crossroad.
Hence help me to forget you, my dear,
When I miss you and when I hope in vain
Not to die of pain, when the step takes me
From your love to a new crossroad,
To a new crossroad.


Are you, are you not?

Are you, are you not?
Do you hear me, do I hear you?
From the root of a wild rose, I bloomed
I let the high sky pour its light onto me
Are you, are you not
Can you hear me, can I hear you
I didn't say a word, I always just trusted
Are you, are you not
Can you hear me, can I hear you
I didn't say a word, I always just trusted
Out of invisible hands, the light braided a wreath
Fate dragged me towards an abyss, in vain
It whispered, whispered
'Don't look back'
Here is Life, its water is clean
I didn't say a word, I always just trusted!
Are you, are you not
Can you hear me, can I hear you
I didn't say a word, I always just trusted
I got lost in the dense, dark forest
My torch didn't light the way, so I just wandered
Hand in hand, sadness and sorrow
They broke me, they hit me
I didn't say a word, I always just trusted!
Are you, are you not
Can you hear me, can I hear you
I didn't say a word, I always just trusted
If only I could pull the sky's two corners to the ground
The sky with the ground
I could knead together
With stars
I'd pin it together
In my heart I would carve it
You are watching over me!
With stars
I'd pin it together
In my heart I would carve it
You are watching over
You are watching over
You are watching over
You are watching over me!


Instinct of Destruction

I want it all, all of you
Even though I haven't slept an hour
It's the instinct of destruction that messes things up
Prevents the ignited from going out
We don't speak in words
We were coded to fall in love differently
Somehow we're the same
And the opposite, but nobody else
Has hit me like this
Broken through the wall, no permissions asked
Every cell in me aches
But I want it, I want it
Yeah I want it all, all of you
Even though I haven't slept an hour
It's the instinct of destruction that messes things up
Prevents the ignited from going out
And you are an exception, the only exception
Who can get through me
It's the instinct of destruction that messes things up
Prevents the ignited from going out
When you're not here
The walls are painted with your shadow
I keep the lights on
But your voice lingers in my ears
And you've gotten the better of me
It's pointless to pretend I'm stronger
What I ran away from before
Now I want it, I want it
Yeah I want it all, all of you
Even though I haven't slept an hour
It's the instinct of destruction that messes things up
Prevents the ignited from going out
And you are an exception, the only exception
Who can get through me
It's the instinct of destruction that messes things up
Prevents the ignited from going out
Yeah I want it all, all of you
Even though I haven't slept an hour
It's the instinct of destruction that messes things up
Prevents the ignited from going out
And you are an exception, the only exception
Who can get through me
It's the instinct of destruction that messes things up
Prevents the ignited from going out



Again and again like before
I betrayed myself
Betrayed myself
And again you gave me another chance
Your mercy is unending
I pray
That you allow me to be your warrior
I implore
You to allow me to sing songs to you with your voice
I stand on my knees, there's smoke rising in my land
The ocean weeps ever so silently, and along with it—the entire world
I pray
That you allow me to be your warrior
I implore
You to allow me to sing songs to you with your voice
I stand on my knees, there's smoke rising in my land
The ocean weeps ever so silently, and along with it—the entire world
But you're giving me notes
That come oozing out of my chest
Myriad stars circling me like a flock of birds
They remind me of my home so far away
Where I come from
And at that very moment, when I'm no more
My music will thaw the ice-covered hearts
I pray
That you allow me to be your warrior
I implore
You to allow me to sing songs to you with your voice
I stand on my knees, there's smoke rising in my land
The ocean weeps ever so silently, and along with it—the entire world
I pray
That you allow me to be your warrior
I implore
You to allow me to sing songs to you with your voice
I stand on my knees, there's smoke rising in my land
The ocean weeps ever so silently, and along with it—the entire world


Serenade for Daina

In your smile
There is heaven
Your mouth
Is a sweet flower
And who touches it
A thrill of love
All life
Will be delicious!
And I just want you
For me
To dream
Oh, Daina
I like the way you are
In your smile
There is heaven
Your mouth
Is a sweet flower
And who touches it
A thrill of love
All life
Will be delicious!
And I just want you
For me
To dream
Oh, Daina
Oh, Daina
Oh, Daina
I like the way you are



I love looking at the stars, gathering in the night sky and thinking
Is more fun than anything
People from a hundred years ago, a thousand years ago, ten thousand years ago
People from a million years ago...
These are stars all kinds of people looked at
Stars that we're looking at now
For the most part, nothing's changed
And that makes me happy
I like it when you're here with me, thinking about stars
Is more fun than anything
The stars laughed, too, back then. Sadly, they welled up with tears, too
On that day, back at that time...
These are the stars that we looked at in days passed
Stars that we're looking at now
Nothing's changed at all
And that makes me happy
These are stars all kinds of people looked at
Stars that we're looking at now
For the most part, nothing's changed
And that makes me happy
These are the stars that we looked at in days passed
Stars that we're looking at now
Nothing's changed at all
And that makes me happy


The clone

Everyone loves you
men and boys
it's a fact:
when they see you, everyone
is knocking their heads off
the newspaper salesman,
the bread salesman,
the neighbors from my block
the high school boys
everyone, and of course me.
A world of men
is thinking about you
but the problem is that we're more
and you're just one, but...
They've cloned a sheep
(They've cloned a sheep)
They've cloned a cow as well
(They've cloned a cow as well)
and I don't see why they can't
clone you too
Let's clone you
(Let's clone you)
Let's multiply you
(Let's multiply you)
and then, let's all
enjoy you!...
Dunno about others
but as I'm thinking of
personal needs
I realize that 3-4 clones of yours
might suit me nicely
one in the kitchen to cook food
one in the bathroom for the dirty laundry
one in the living room to watch tv
and one in the bedroom!
Chorus (x2)


O madam where are you? (I missed your beauty)

O madam where are you? I missed your beauty
The longing artist and the cup has filled
When you come to me and my eyes see you
I swear by my right I will build for you a dome
And I hide my scar, and I will spread my soul
And we water two loving valleys with your legs
And I hide my scar, and I will spread my soul
And we water two loving valleys with your legs
Have mercy, oh sir, on my scar and sigh
The longing artist and the cup has filled
O madam where are you? I missed your beauty
The longing artist and the cup has filled
When you come to me and my eyes see you
I swear by my right I will build for you a dome
And I hide my scar, and I will spread my soul
And we water two loving valleys with your legs
And I hide my scar, and I will spread my soul
And we water two loving valleys with your legs
Have mercy, oh sir, on my scar and sigh
The longing artist and the cup has filled
The absence was long and the division was difficult
Between your hugs, I wish to hide
The absence was long and the division was difficult
Between your hugs, I wish to hide
I wished wellness and your beloved soul
I freshen myself up and forget about the weirdness
I wished wellness and your beloved soul
I freshen myself up and forget about the weirdness
Have mercy, oh sir, on my scar and sigh
The longing artist and the cup has filled
There is nothing wrong with God’s promise to me
For God's sake, guide me to a doctor
There is nothing wrong with God’s promise to me
For God's sake, guide me to a doctor
I am not hiding and the earth is my God's
Why isn't your heart not healthy
I am not hiding and the earth is my God's
Why isn't your heart not healthy
Have mercy, oh sir, on my scar and sigh
The longing artist and the cup has filled
O madam where are you? I missed your beauty
The longing artist and the cup has filled
When you come to me and my eyes see you
I swear by my right I will build for you a dome
And I hide my scar, and I will spread my soul
And we water two loving valleys with your legs
Have mercy, oh sir, on my scar and sigh
The longing artist and the cup has filled


Saami Saami (English)

you darling, be what he says
I feel like I am your wife.
sami mor sami
Whatever I say, you feel like my love.
sami mor sami
I follow you as if I follow you as if I climb the stairs of the temple, Sami.
Let me sit next to you like Gauri Mor Sami sits next to Shiva.
That road where your eyes take me Hey Prem Nagar Sami come Sami Hey Sami
Aaja Sami Balam Sami Param Sami Sanam Sami Hey Sami (Sami)
Aaja Sami (Sami) Balam Sami Param Sami Sanam Sami
Drink on your knees and wrap your lungi
Drink on your knees and wrap your lungi
My heart pounds Sami
Press the bead in your mouth and chew it tightly
Sami climbed on the saffron body
Jab Tu Chikhe Chilla Ke Bole Aaye Aaye Aaye Aye.
When you scream and shout, the liver rejoices, Sami
Keep your feet on your feet and rock your eyes, Sami
Whoever comes near steals eyes and spills man's patience
Sami came Sami hey Sami
Aaja Sami Balam Sami Param Sami Sanam Sami Hey Sami (Sami)
Aaja Sami (Sami) Balam Sami Param Sami Sanam Sami
I should wear something new that doesn't catch your eye.
I should wear something new that doesn't catch your eye.
What was its value Sami?
Flowers in your hair, fragrance that you don't get, broken heart, this bundle of flowers.
If I slide this pallu down then come!
If I slide this pallu down
Sami you don't look
Sami, don't stop this cruel wind from teasing me.
If I can't be what you want, then this is dishonesty my love.
Sami came Sami hey Sami
Aaja Sami Balam Sami Param Sami Sanam Sami Hey Sami (Sami)
Aaja Sami (Sami) Balam Sami Param Sami Sanam Sami


May you be blessed with peace

Here is the of the Punjabi hymn:
'If it pleases You, I chant Your Name.
If it pleases You, I chant Your Name.
May Your peace be ever-present.
O my King, my Lord,
O my King, my Lord,
O my King, my Lord,
O my King, my Lord,
As You keep me, so do I remain.
As You keep me, so do I remain.
May Your peace be ever-present.
You are the Supreme Lord, the Transcendent Lord, the True Guru

In advice, in secret

In advice, in secret
Along the trails, for love
Girls walk around the world
As bright lights
An unsolved marvel
An inconspicuous star
Loneliness is familiar
Bright daylight, green colors
Waiting for hope
The day passes

Mainstream (mannered) Arts

When and where and why did it evaporate?
This feeling of courage, resistance and strength?
As soon as there is negative feedback
The fire dies down, the fighting spirit loses its power
You sing of streets and revolutions, of justice
Of courage for the truth of rebellious times
But I see media-sluts, system puppets
Standardized noobs under punk rock labels
Everything in the same tone
You government chapels
I see soldiers at most
No true rebels
Where are your fists?
Your screams and flags?
Against those who have blown up our freedom
All in the same tone
You government chapels
In the mainstream of the media
No heroes can shine
We see our mission in the opposition
Because we've already had mainstream-art*
We already had it
Protest culture, ala' 'London calling' operation
Red carpet, beware of the spotlight, paralyze every revolution
Where is the real hard shit, the voice of the 'concerns of the people'?
On which thousands of thousands bite their teeth out
You remain the artists without a backbone, system puppets
The people - living - dancing - world - musician fools
Everything in the same tone
You government bands
I see soldiers at most
No true rebels
Where are your fists?
Your screams and flags?
Against those who have blown up our freedom
All in the same tone
You government chapels
In the mainstream of the media
No heroes can shine
We see our mission in the opposition
Because we've already had mainstream-art*
Anti, anti, anti, my balls, who or what are you against?
Anti, anti, anti, 'no shit' listen to me now
Je suis my ass, shut the fuck up, don't you realize it?
There's more than the far right, the evil capitalist
There are political stone throwers, the 'other opinion haters'
The refugee mafia, the war instigators
Everything in the same tone
You government bands
I see soldiers at most
No true rebels
Where are your fists?
Your screams and flags?
Against those who have blown up our freedom
All in the same tone
You government chapels
In the mainstream of the media
No heroes can shine
We see our mission in the opposition
Because we've already had mainstream-art*
We already had it
When and where and why did it evaporate?
This feeling of courage, resistance and strength?


Meadow flower

Meadow flower
Messenger of love
Please kiss the mouth that never kissed:
Meadow flower
Don’t tell me no
Each serenade
Says with languor:
'Beautiful among the most beautiful is the beloved mouth
But who can not kiss
Dies of thirst'
Oh! Oh! If you kiss me
Oh! Oh! You’ll make me happy
Meadow flower
Messenger of love
Please kiss the mouth that never kissed:
Meadow flower
Don’t tell me no
Meadow flower
Messenger of love
Please kiss the mouth that never kissed:
Meadow flower
Don’t tell me no
Meadow flower
Don’t tell me no
Meadow flower
Don’t tell me no!


We have a man overboard

Oh! Captain
We have a man overboard
Oh! Captain
Come and save him
He doesn’t know how to row
Or swim
The poor man will drown
That poor man
To stay afloat
For an hour is sitting
On a ball
That above the wave
Begins to do 'Glu-glu-glu-glu-glu'
Oh! Captain
Come and save him
Oh! Captain
We have a man overboard
Oh! Captain
Come and save him
He doesn’t know how to row
Or swim
The poor man will drown
That poor man
To stay afloat
For an hour is sitting
On a ball
That above the wave
Begins to do 'Glu-glu-glu-glu-glu'
Oh! Captain
Come and save him