Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 81

Találatok száma: 100455



Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Bébi, örökké is várnék
A napok homályosak
Már nem találom őket
Mert azt fogod mondani, hogy “nem tudlak elfelejteni”
Nézz a szemembe és hazudj
Próbálsz boldog lenni
De nem tudod elérni, hogy tartós legyen
Ekkor kezdesz füllenteni
Próbálsz békét teremteni
Biztosan sajnálni fogod
Tudod, mi késztet arra, hogy így viselkedj
Ezért most rendbe teszem a gondolataimat
Mondd, miért nem tűnsz el innen…?
Úgyhogy gyere vissza, mert hozzám tartozol
Mondd el, miért törsz össze most?
Nem, a veszekedés csak még jobban beleivódik a csontjainkba
Miért nem engedjük ezt el?
Vissza, mert hozzám tartozol
Mintha én lennék az ellenség
Felélesztjük, a figyelem túléli
A fenébe is, akkor sem tudnálak utálni, ha megpróbálnám
Mondd még egyszer, hogy már jobb
Engedem, hogy te urald a világot
Mutasd meg, hogyan
Mert betűnként szakítasz velem
Szétforgácsolod a szívemet
Próbálsz boldog lenni
De nem tudod elérni, hogy tartós legyen
Próbálod összeszedettnek mutatni magad, de ez csak a látszat
Biztosan sajnálni fogod
Tudod, mi késztet arra, hogy így viselkedj
Ezért most rendbe teszem a gondolataimat
Mondd, miért nem tűnsz el innen…?
Úgyhogy gyere vissza, mert hozzám tartozol
Mondd el, miért törsz össze most?
Nem, a veszekedés csak még jobban beleivódik a csontjainkba
Miért nem engedjük ezt el?
Vissza, mert hozzám tartozol
Érzem a krónikus szinergiát
Felélesztjük, a figyelem túléli
A fenébe is, akkor sem tudnálak utálni, ha megpróbálnám
Úgyhogy gyere vissza, mert hozzám tartozol
Nem tudom visszatekerni, most engedd el
A szótlan köteléket, örökkévalóság
Mennyi vágás? Képkockánként
Gyere vissza, mert hozzám tartozol
Érezem az elmédet
Most érezlek
A szótlan kötelék, örökkévalóság
Mondd el, miért törsz össze?
Úgyhogy gyere vissza, mert hozzám tartozol
Mondd el, miért törsz össze most?
Nem, a veszekedés csak még jobban beleivódik a csontjainkba
Miért nem engedjük ezt el?
Vissza, mert hozzám tartozol
Mintha én lennék az ellenség
Felélesztjük, a figyelem túléli
A fenébe is, akkor sem tudnálak utálni, ha megpróbálnám
Úgyhogy gyere vissza, mert hozzám tartozol
Nem tudom visszatekerni, most engedd el
A szótlan köteléket, örökkévalóság
Mennyi vágás? Képkockánként
Gyere vissza, mert hozzám tartozol
Érezem az elmédet
Most érezlek
A szótlan kötelék, örökkévalóság
Mondd el, miért törsz össze?



You're in my head
I had plans for the weekend (Ah)
But wound up with you instead
Back here again (Oh)
Got me deep in my feelings
When I should be in your bed (Oh)
You and I go back to like '09, it's like forever
And you were there my lonely nights, yeah
Keeping me together
So wouldn't it make sense if I was yours?
And you could call me your baby
But we say we're just, say we're just
Friends, just for now
Yeah, but friends don't say words that
Make friends feel like more than just
Friends, just for now (Just for now)
Now, I'm over pretending
So let's put the 'end' in friends
Friends are not supposed to get too close
And feel emotions that
We're feeling now, now, now
We ain't slowing down, down, down (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
But once we cross the line
There's no denying you and
I can never turn around, 'round, 'round
Know we'll never be the same (Ooh)
You and I go back to like '09, it's like forever
And you were there my lonely nights, yeah
Keeping me together
So wouldn't it make sense if I was yours?
And you could call me your baby
But we say we're just, say we're just
Friends, just for now
Yeah, but friends don't say words that
Make friends feel like more than just
Friends, just for now
Now, I'm over pretending
So let's put the 'end' in friends (Let's put the 'end')
Friends, just for now (Ooh)
Yeah, but friends don't say words that
Make friends feel like more than just (Let's put the 'end')
Friends, just for now
Now, I'm over pretending
So let's put the 'end' in friends


Hold On Me

Hold On Me, with my eyes closed, I want to give
A melody without form as a gift to you
Stay just as you are now
I love you more than anyone else
Get to the car at midnight, driving to you
Even if you try to hide that you're troubled, I'll know
As our love deepens, little by little
Feelings that cannot be put into words grow between us
Hold On Me My Happiness, I want to give
A melody only belongs to me as a gift to you
Stay just as what you really are
I'll always love you
Outside the familiar window, your silhouette is waving
Somehow when I'm sighing, I can't deal with that pain
No one could substitute you
We at least believe in the warmth of embrace
Hold On Me, with my eyes closed, I want to give
A melody without form as a gift to you
Stay just as you are now
I love you more than anyone else
Hold On Me, with my eyes closed, I want to give
A melody without form as a gift to you
Hold On Me My Happiness, I want to give
Melody... Oh yeah...


Fire is Burning

Arms like branches
Raise them high
Feel the earth firmly with your roots
Protect the forest
The fire is burning, tūta tūta
Gabija is burning, tūta tūta
On the sacred mound, tūta tūta
On the high hill, tūta tūta
Mother Sun, tūta tūta
Father Moon, tūta tūta
Sisters Stars, tūta tūta
Strengthen us, tūta tūta less


Irene dear (Delenda est)

I'll get you violins and a sweet tambourine to play for you
Irene dear, Irene dear
our time is running short as you can see
Irene1 dear, Irene dear
The burnt down cities, the dead children, I remember, and the blood
Irene dear, Irene dear
and my own life, without meaning without a voice and with an empty look
Irene dear, Irene dear
Whispers started, whispers started and the mercenaries who're ruling you
whispers started, whispers started, the same ones will pass judgement on you tomorrow
and 'Hail Cesar, you who's gonna die'2 they'll tell you
that's how it is, 'et preaterea censeo Carthago delenda est'3
You're frightening me like the yells and the flags in the stadiums
Irene dear, Irene dear
I'm looking at you scared, I'm keeping my head down
Irene dear, Irene dear
Whispers started, whispers started and the mercenaries who're ruling you
whispers started, whispers started, the same ones will pass judgement on you tomorrow
and 'Hail Cesar, you who's gonna die' they'll tell you
that's how it is, 'et preaterea censeo Carthago delenda est'
You start reaching out for me and it's as if you keep hitting a wall
Irene dear, Irene dear
And you fall in love there, without color, without smell and without legend
Irene dear, Irene dear
Whispers started, whispers started and the mercenaries who're ruling you
whispers started, whispers started, the same ones will pass judgement on you tomorrow
and 'Hail Cesar, you who's gonna die' they'll tell you
that's how it is, 'et preaterea censeo Carthago delenda est'
But I'll get you violins and a sweet tambourine to play for you
Irene dear, Irene dear
  • 1. Irene means peace in greek
  • 2. alteration of 'Ave Caesar/Imperator! Morituri te salutant' to 'Ave Caesar! Moriture', The original phrase 'Hail Cesar/Emperor! Those who are about to die salute you' was the salutation of the gladiators as they paraded in front of the emperor before entering the Colosseum
  • 3. 'and in addition I move that Carthage is to be obliterated' a phrase by , Roman army officer and statesman, used as a conclusion in all his speeches, because he considered Carthage a danger to Rome. Finally he won the argument and Carthage was razed to the ground in 146BC with its population sold as slaves, which put an end to the Phoenician civilization


Save your excuses

After what happened
You came to me confused
Save the excuses
All my years are for you
A bird came and flew
And hear the summary
The life is Insidious
Where are the faithful ones
When we were young
At the back of the house
Drawing all the thoughts
In flowers and jasmine
You strings player
Don't make it harder
Secrets in the heart
Longing and nostalgia
The night became day
And the thoughts became aroused
The commando story
The war of lovers
Fate has decided
In making our decision
Revenge doesn't happen
By the tears of the departed
You didn't tell me you're departing
You didn't come to me before your leave
You made me sit and talking to myself confused
Sitting there reading your texts
Look back at me
Enough of your longing departing
You're crown on his head
Medicine and doctors didn't do me any good
And no one can preach me to replace you
Your sweetness and beauty is rare
It suits your era and generation
Oh, I spent the nights staying up late
And you're sleeping comfortably
What ever was hard for you earlier
Comes back even if wail


Remember Me

Remember me even if I said goodbye
Remember me, don't you cry again
Even when I'm far away with my longing heart
I'll sing for you despite the separation
Remember me despite the yearning, even when I'm gone
Remember me in every plaintive melody
I'm lonely in this world without you
And until you are back in it
Remember me


Rise in Love

What is going on?
I wouldn’t care less
A fairy fine and raw
None can get their eyes off
All those smiles are proof of my blood and sweat
Indifference just turns me off
No one desecrates my love
I’m not even seeking
True love, I’ve come to succumb (To me you should succumb)
Please spoil me, give me a hug
Fit me like a glove
Hill tops, torrents make no difference
Be one of a kind, my goal
Take a dose, here we go, please love me, sis and bros
Pro, good show
All I know, whatever it takes, hard work is gold
All are lovable
All in, just for survival
Listen to me now, you all
I don’t hate I rise in love
Eh eh eh
I don’t hate I rise in love
Eh eh eh
I don’t hate I rise in love
The truth I know, just that I still hope
There are things for me to put a final note
Don’t force a comeback
Don’t lose faith—look at the predecessors
No one desecrates my love
I’m not even seeking
True love, I’ve come to succumb (To me you all should succumb)
Please spoil me, give me a hug
Passionate enough
Can’t care too much, let me shrug
Be one of a kind, my goal
Take a dose, here we go, please love me, sis and bros
Pro, good show
Learn it all, love the thrill, get it done as I’m told
All are lovable
All in, just for survival
Listen to my chant, you all
Eh eh eh
I don’t hate I rise in love
Eh eh eh
I don’t hate I rise in love
Eh eh eh
I don’t hate I rise in love
Eh eh eh
I don’t hate I rise in love
Hey hey hey eh
Hey hey hey eh


I don't have you

Without always and still, a pain from you is with me
My heart died as soon as you left and no longer beats
It wasn’t fair to get lost among the memories
It wasn’t supposed to be this way, but you quickly grew old of it
My heart remains longing to have you
But this is what love is, what it is
Whether I want it or not, I don't have you
So much time has passed and yet your sorrow remains fresh for me
I wish I could go back, I wish I had never seen you
My heart remains longing to have you
But this is what love is, what it is
Whether I want it or not, I don't have you
So much time has passed and yet your sorrow remains fresh for me
I wish I could go back, I wish I had never seen you
Return to the home of my heart, it's at the end of its life
Its bricks sing of sorrow, such regret its pillars hold
The fire of your departure still lights up my home
A dandelion on the roof, an owl on my shoulder
Its clocks are slow, eyes waiting eye to eye
I won’t go gently into the clasp of fate, listening to the word of time
Day by day stranger to its people, without feeling
The past has passed, come, be, come to my aid
My heart remains longing to have you
But this is what love is, what it is
Whether I want it or not, I don't have you
So much time has passed and yet your sorrow remains fresh for me
I wish I could go back, I wish I had never seen you
My heart remains longing to have you
But this is what love is, what it is
Whether I want it or not, I don't have you
So much time has passed and yet your sorrow remains fresh for me
I wish I could go back, I wish I had never seen you


The Ocean Is Deep

The ocean is deep,
and love is great
I have a pain in my soul
And who will take it away
The ocean is sweet,
A caress and a tear
And it rolls over me foaming
To the edge of the horizon.
'The ocean is a child,
It runs and I can't reach it
A child and its love,
which as a child I lose.


It's Late

Now that you've come it's too late
Never wait to be reunited
The parlour of my heart
No one else is proud of it
And holds the keys
It's too late, too late
It's time for you to hurt
As I once ached for you
By my love's fireside
There's another with a passion
And she's lit the fire
It's too late, too late
Now that you've come it's too late
Forget me, forget me, write me off forever
On the balcony of my heart
Another swallow has come
And has built its nest
It's too late, too late



[Verse 1: Jala Brat] Tired, so tired, I'll take off your Saint Laurent
You're 'level up', that's why they don't like you
Baby cute as fuck, has a troublemaker's face
Her butt, oh my God, such cannot be gotten over
And my baby girl is like an undercover cop
And we're full like Marakana, our hood's on top
You're shady, skin tanned, trouble on your heels
Awake for five days, beautiful, but a hated,
Give me your heart when I drive myself wasted in the hood,
Too high, and they said you fuck like a beast,
Give me that, tonight fuck me up like a line,
You're cocaine, you're a nervous breakdown, honey so fine
[Pre-Verse: Jala Brat] And you're a monster, oh how your booty jiggles,
And I'm a gangsta, a bad son, protected by my crowd,
The street bounced out as soon as it heard our shit,
It goes non-stop, no-no-non-stop
[Verse: Jala Brat] No, I'm not a cynic, but my Glock's unlocked,
No, emergency room awaits them, but that's expected
When she undresses, an unexpected shock
And our first million went straight to the hood
Play me Šemsa, Sinan, my gene is from the Balkans
Fresh like never before, whole wardrobe from Milan
She's aloof, drunk, a ten-thousand-dollar booty
WhatsApp full, full of snakes, but I'm healing my heart from wounds
[Verse 2: Buba Corelli & Jala Brat] That lady's on an ego trip, we all know who the G is
I'm sitting in the VIP with three bitches, all three are snakes
I don't snitch, I don't tip, always deaf and mute
I drink and sit, I kill, I love to have fun,
She gets a Coke Light, give me syrup with Sprite, yeah
All white on me, I'm always ready for a fight,
You'd be my Kawasaki if you were a bike, yeah
(You'd be my Kawasaki if you were a bike, yeah)
And Cora's bossy like John Gotti, rides the flow like a Cherokee
I'm not a boxer like Rocky, I pull out a gun, empty the mag
I take three to the hotel, Cora Top G, and you're my type
You're perfect, hair, nails, plus butt cheeks like two basketballs.
[Pre-Verse: Jala Brat] And you're a monster, oh how your booty jiggles,
And I'm a gangsta, a bad son, protected by my crowd,
The street bounced out as soon as it heard our shit,
It goes non-stop, no-no-non-stop
[Verse: Jala Brat] No, I'm not a cynic, but my Glock's unlocked,
No, emergency room awaits them, but that's expected
When she undresses, an unexpected shock
And our first million went straight to the hood
Play me Šemsa, Sinan, my gene is from the Balkans
Fresh like never before, whole wardrobe from Milan
She's aloof, drunk, a ten-thousand-dollar booty
WhatsApp full, full of snakes, but I'm healing my heart from wounds



The neck
is twisting.
Making the sound.
My mother is here.
Only her neck will be twisting.
My mother will look at me
where my neck is.
M, M, M, Mo, Mo, Mo, th, th, er er er er er-
My mother is here.
Only her neck will be twisting.
My mother is here.
Only her neck will be twisting.
My mother [bad word]
You [bad word] away right now.
My mother [bad word]
She already... got me...


We lived

Every bit of me had loved you
And as time went by we were convinced
That the key to everything was love
But it was wrong the way we thought
We got carried away by necessity
Alone, you couldn't stand alone in life
And we decided in one night
That it was time to live together
And we lived
Just for a little while and we parted
Cause at night what we were building
In the daytime was torn down
We didn't do it together
And even if we lived
It was only for a little while and we parted
And we started the book again
That writes alone in life
We don't do it together
We never wanted to see the truth
We always wanted to hope for ourselves
I'm the princess in a thousand fairy tales
And you the prince looking for me
Somewhere we mistook lies for truth
And our passion was like a hot wind
But when we ran out of fairy tales
With them our love was gone too


I Am Longing for Her

I am longing for her1in the loneliness of every place where she dwelled
Like every good-natured youth who is attracted to the drink
If you would come down2to visit me beneath the treetops
With the call of the cuckoo I would take you as my wife
Molly, my first love, never forsake me
That I might follow you every day despite public condemnation3
You’re the flower4of the women of Ireland, you’re the perfect fit for my hand
And I swear what I am telling you is no lie
Oh Molly, my greatest love, with your radiant golden hair
And fair form that would make any man in the world proud
Honeyed lips5like the roses, calm blue eyes without guile
And in the woods gathering nuts, it’s my sorrow that Molly is not with me
  • 1. lit. “she is far from me.” This is a common way to say “I miss her” but I’m trying to suggest the feeling of distance inherent in the Irish words
  • 2. lit. “from above”
  • 3. ”curses from on high”
  • 4. lit. “the wheat,” but metaphorically in English we would say “flower”
  • 5. lit. “little mouth”


Baby please

I’m already feeling the alcohol.
Im filled with the desire to go out, and find another that loves the way you did.
I know that your love is irreplaceable.
I pray there's a solution because this love hurts like hell.
I thought about moving to a place very far from here.
So I wouldn’t remember my treasure I lost.
I thought about moving to a place very far from here.
But I can’t see myself without you. there are kisses I gave you, pieces of me that you stole from me.
You filled me with courage, baby, please let yourself
come. Think a little about me.
Baby, think of me, baby.
Think about it, me and you starting from scratch like before.
We don’t forget yesterday falling in love again.
Think about it, you and I doing it right without the jealousy, like the first time.
We didn’t learn to love, but this time we have to do it right.
And we have to do it right
we have to do it more.
we have to do it more.
I don’t care about that, I just want you to be mine.
Without paying rent, you live in my head.
There’s no way to get out of here.
However, for you it was easy to extinguish the flame I ignited in you.
Whatever you need me from me
Blame me, but don't stop loving me.
Do anything to me, besides letting me go.
Bottle after bottle, I write more about you.
I'm everything, I'm a lot.
Why did you say 'you can put up with it'?
Remember, remember.
Think about it, me and you starting from scratch like before.
We don’t forget yesterday, falling in love again.
Think about it, you and I doing it right without the jealousy, like the first time.
We didn't learn to love, but this time we have to do it right.
(Think of me.)
Baby, Please.



man made out of dents
might be already unbroken.
At least I won't fall from small one
I just sing shalalalaa
collars up and still proud
again I go into inner polar night.
This evil yearning is always by my side
Still some day I will make hole into the darkness
It is enough for me and I can breath.
Man who is silent in the shadows
got suite from hall of sadness
hope is the heaviest, I will forget it
I just sing shalalalaa
Your light is tempting and it dazzles me
maybe soon my darkness calls you
In my chest I might feel fright (1)
I just sing shalalalaa
collars up and still proud
Still some day I will make hole into the darkness
It is enough for me and I can breath.
I have played with the wrong cards
twilights tail on my shoulders
In my back the most beautiful suffering
I just sing shalalalaa
The heaven has no place for me
The last cradle is only on the earth
I have already seen what I was afraid of,
The hell, hey shalalalaa
I have played with the wrong cards
twilights tail on my shoulders
In my back the most beautiful suffering
I just sing shalalalaa
The heaven has no place for me
The last cradle is only on the earth
I have already seen what I was afraid of,
The hell, hey shalalalaa



You lie
I know that now
But I leave you in the belief
That you don’t
When the moment we stray from the path comes
And we run away
You’ll see that the emptiness you feel
Is just a bad dream
The labyrinth may be deceitful
I wish to rediscover
That which is beautiful and precious
The treasure I have in you
You say: Fear not
But you leave me to it
You don’t know how to change it
When the moment we stray from the path comes
And we run away
You’ll see that the emptiness you feel
Is just a bad dream
The labyrinth may be deceitful
I wish to rediscover
That which is beautiful and precious
The treasure I have in you
The labyrinth may be deceitful
That which is beautiful and precious
The treasure you have in yourself
When the moment we stray from the path comes
And we run away
You’ll see that the emptiness you feel
Is just a bad dream


Back To Earth

The illusion is strong
but the presence is here
I’m moving through you now
and you’re mine.
Earth is my home today
it’swhat holds
us together her
me and you.
One step on the way
is totally endless, totally endless
here and now.
Maybe it was you
who didn’t dare, didn’t dare
to make the leap,
just now, it was you
So I’m flying back
to earth as is
and what I feel here.
Everything that’s mine
I get from you
just us two
The land beyond the fog
it appears now
to watch over all time
and maybe you
will find on earth
what’s dead to your heart
that everyone can’t manage
to find here.
One step on the way
is totally endless, totally endless
here and now.
Maybe it was you
who didn’t dare, didn’t dare
to make the leap,
Just now, it was you
So I’m flying back
to earth as is
and what I feel here.
Everything that’s mine
I get from you
just us two


Girl of Death

[Verse 1]:
Those who remain lying in the dirt
And feeding restless birds
For foreign peoples and countries
For the gray pages of history
They retained peace forever
Laughter stuck on their lips henceforth
They saw my happiness
They saw the girl, “Death”
I love the girl named Death
Her big blue eyes
She sits alongside someone now
But soon she will come back to me
I love the girl named Death
Her gentle gaze and an iridescent laughter
A Mona Lisa smile and a soft comfort,
Which will always be enough for all
[Verse 2]:
Ground bones of people
Numerous fraternal graves
She needed to hurry back
To the places where anybody was living
If the world were immortal and pure
And nobody would forgot about honor
I wouldn’t love the girl Death
And wouldn’t know she exists
I love the girl named Death
Her big blue eyes
She sits alongside someone now
But soon she will come back to me
I love the girl named Death
Her gentle gaze and an iridescent laughter
A Mona Lisa smile and a soft comfort,
Which will always be enough for all


Body of Light

You are our blood
Our secret name
Left behind are regions known
Wise voices, paths traveled
Left behind are regions known
Wise voices, paths traveled
The bounds of tongue
The bounds of mind
The bounds, Ra
The holy word is fuck, not uttered in vain
The holy word is fuck and in mourning ribbons
Are instructions written and printed into memory
Contusions embellished and magics true
The child's name is knowledge, it is hidden
And the star's shine is black, it is forgotten
And the name has a face, its voice mute
Darkness has hands that knead demanding
I long for an ultimate kiss, proficient
I long for a time when I drain, deplete
In the embrace of beauty, embrace of truth
Embrace of nothingness, embrace of bliss
You are our blood
Our secret name
At night you're the body of light
Incomplete and fragile
At night you're the body of light
Chords curl up in the ear


Slot Machine Life

My life is a slot machine
It pays back less than I bet
It gives me good chances
Until I end up going broke
Mesmerized by the warship march
Torpedoed way before it finishes
Loaded only enough for a one-way trip
My life is a slot machine
How wearying this slot machine life is
How depressing this slot machine life is
What a limitlessly long road
What a limitlessly painful road
What a limitlessly dark road
What a limitlessly addicting road


The blood of redbud flowers

In the night of the motherland, the blood of redbud flowers has enflamed the grasses.
Oh, you exciting cry, blaze to the horizons until dawn,
Because in the blood of the tired and heartbroken rests the storm.
Look at posterity, look at now, the storm has begun.
Burn the cage. Free the birds, the messengers of hope,
So that the smile of freedom and the buds of joy will grow until dawn and
The splash of the fountain will sing the anthem of the stars to the deer.
The stars will fight. The night will flee and the bright dawn will come.
That dove will flap anew and come back to the motherland.
In its beak will be a red branch pollinating through the night.
It will fly, spreading pollen and cultivating seeds and then the spring will come.
Burn the cage. Free the birds, the messengers of hope,
So that the smile of freedom and the buds of joy will grow until dawn and
The splash of the fountain will sing the anthem of the stars to the deer.


Bella Ciao

Someone is singing from afar
Our sky of horror is the tablecloth of plague.
Shame from this nightmare, from this regret.
Shame from this suffering in vain.
At the end, the new life will begin on an ashen hill.
From your throat to our voice:
Bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao
We wake up to a moonlit night.
Someone calls out, 'O people!”
Either we are together or in solitude.
We will stay awake until tomorrow.
From your throat to our voice:
Bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao
Either we are together or in solitude.
Either a new day or a night that has no tomorrow.
We wake up to a moonlit night.
Someone calls out, 'O people!”
The soil of this wheat is in the street.
The cluster of our wrath is thirsty for rain.
We deserve more, not sinking into despair.
Our hearts are not far apart
The new world, It's a beginning
The window is open to dreams
Either we are together or in solitude.
Bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao
We wake up to a moonlit night
We will stay awake until tomorrow
At last, the shackles, the universal oppression
will be broken by our hands


Old city

We left our city behind
Sorrowful exile
Say hi to Jericho for me
And the old city for me
Oh, you traveling bird
On this generous land
They can't take what's inside us
Say hi to Jericho for me
And the old city for me
Oh, you traveling bird
Between the river and the mountains
I find my belonging
Between the shore and the sand
Is where my life begain
Oh, you my homeland
Happiness and sorrow
Oh, you my homeland
Our beloved Palestine is calling
Big dreams
Heavy nights
Praying that my family could stay alive
Imagine tryna fly with no wings
But I promise you the cage bird sing in the winter time
Heavy nights
Big dreams
Praying that we make it to sixteen
And even though I traveled the world
I won't find anything like Palestine
Oh, time passed and passed, my beloved
It passed, but we won't forget
Even though the years pained us


My Planet

The pages of yesterday's newspaper catch a draft
The photo shows a wrecked train and a burning rocket
That's my planet, that's my planet.
Here on white paper, the letters show in black
Printed whim-whams to warm the opinion
About my planet, about my planet.
In four gloomy walls
I draw my own world
On broken knees
I stand all day, on my planet.
And in the sky a helicopter flies proudly
And I want sticks to not be thrown into my wheels.
There are those who sit near and envy every moment,
And I just want to sleep well at night.
In four gloomy walls
I draw my own world
On broken knees
I stand all day, on my planet.
I don’t want the sunshine, I don’t want the wind.
I’m only looking for peace, to love myself, and my planet.


Do you have all of them?

Do you have all of them?
It's you and me,
Who have to save the world.
This's my friend,
Shoulder to shoulder into the great battle.
Do you have all of them?
This's just you,
Courage will add us strength.
Train with me, time has come.
Do you have all of them?


Steel squadron

In places, where infantry can't go,
And an amored train won't rush,
A heavy tank won't crawl,
A steel bird will fly there!
Propeller, sing the song louder,
Carrying your flattened wings,
For perpetual peace a steel squadron
Flies into the last battle.
A pilot knows no fear,
He looks into the eyes of death boldly,
And he'll give his life if necessary,
Just as Captain Gastello did!
Propeller, sing the song louder,
Carrying your flattened wings,
For perpetual peace a steel squadron
Flies into the last battle.
Let the enemy know, that we're strong,
Glory to heroes-patriots!
We'll retaliate fascist skunks
For Leningrad and Stalingrad!
Propeller, sing the song louder,
Carrying your flattened wings,
For perpetual peace a steel squadron
Flies into the last battle.


Goodbye, My Town

Goodbye, My Town
Goodbye, Your eyes
The train disappears... a familiar sight. Do you remember?
The sunset with you was even more beautiful than it is now
Don't cry, don't look back
I wonder if you would be angry like this
'Let me see you smile one more time, don't be depressed.'
The memories of you in my mind push me back
I'll never forget it
Goodbye, my town
Goodbye, your fragrance
It's too late to fight the seasons, I hid it from
To the tomorrow I dreamed of, I wanted to hold you close and take you with me
Don't cry, don't look back
I wonder if you would be angry like this
'Hang in there, don't ever lose, don't ever be afraid.'
The memories of you in my mind push me back
Just as we were then, forever and ever
Always and forever. -I'll never forget you
Always, always... (I love you.)


Staring at the flowing clouds

Tears welled up in my eyes as I remembered the days gone by
Many scenes pass through my mind
We all worked together to accomplish one thing
I remember the times we had fights
I'm staring at the clouds
I dream of a never-ending tomorrow
I'll never forget my irreplaceable youth
I'll always remember those happy days
I'm staring at the clouds
I dream of a never-ending tomorrow
The unforgettable memories of my childhood
I will live tomorrow with them as the support of my heart
I will live tomorrow with them as the support of my heart


Nowruz e Rūmi

The month of Dey has come, Bahmand has gone,
The season of springs has come,
The garden is in full bloom,
As beautiful as your eyes are,
The efforts of cold and smoke,
They have failed and fallen,
The time has come,
For the rose flower's spindle to announce itself,
The garden's cold has left,
It asked for God's help,
And God obliged upon this request,
The state of lovers has now come,
The time of merriment and wine is here,
Sleeping is now haram,
The time of merriment's birth is here,
The time of flowers is upon us.



Even the slight warmth
has gone cold on my bed
A day where time stands still
(Feelin’ the gloom)
In that pitch-black darkness
The more I reach out, the further you drift
Blue sky little stars, everything
The light is fading away
Every night, every day (Oh-oh-oh)
Daybreak overwhelms my empty heart (Oh-oh)
The more I inhale, the more I get lost in you
In my heart, it spreads out
Blissful dreams come true, oh
So sweet like nectar
Give it to me give it to me, like that, that
So sweet like nectar
'Cause I want it in the growing fantasy
I run toward you
I just can’t deny you
Shining brightly, you are my nectar
Run, run, baby where I go?
Closer and closer to you
I’m addicted I’m addicted to you
Mm, my nectar
You got everything I need
Feeling you deeply
I’m addicted I’m addicted to you
Mm, my nectar
So what? Heart like a pain machine
Thirsty, it led me to you
The shine breeze in your view
My lips are tinged
Why’d you go? Let me know (Beautiful eyes)
My feet are running (Us on that day)
Please how to revive it (Can't be forgotten)
Hope you won't forget (Beautiful)
Go, baby, we don’t stop it
Every time, everywhere (Oh-oh-oh)
A natural longing Mayday (Mayday, oh-oh)
The more I shout, the clearer it gets
Fantasize, overflowing
Our dreams come true, oh
So sweet like nectar (Come on)
Give it to me give it to me, like that, that
So sweet like nectar
'Cause I want it in the growing fantasy
I run toward you
I just can’t deny you
Shining brightly, you are my nectar
Every day by your side
Stay with me in this dream as I grow nearer
As if being drawn, I go closer, closer to you (Closer)
What a shine (There’s no one like you)
Give it to me give it to me, like that, that (Babe)
So sweet like nectar (Oh ah)
Keep on runnin’ toward you, my heart's desire, yeah
Takin’ all the way
I can't stop
I just can’t deny you (You, oh, baby)
Shining brightly, you are my nectar (Ooh)
Run, run, baby where I go?
Back to you (Ooh)
I’m addicted I’m addicted to you
Mm, my nectar
Spread out in the distance (Ah)
You and me in eternity (Ah)
I’m addicted I’m addicted to you
Mm, my nectar