Dalszöveg fordítások

Axel Pätz - Morgen gründen wir ‘ne Bank dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


Tomorrow we'll start a bank

If you're down in the ditches and don't know which way to turn
And the torrential river in the valley of tears does churn
You're at the end of your rope and everything becomes a chore
You think, there's no way out left for me no more
Have you too slaved away your life like any common beast?
Today you get by with loose change and unemployment money at best1
Your savings don't cut it anymore, cornered from all sides by your costs
What they call 'human dignity', you've long since lost
And those old values: upright, honest, concise and fair,
Diligent and upstanding, none of those are what they once were
Then make way, it should be a piece of cake2
Fuck propriety, without restraint, we'll take and take and take3
Tomorrow we'll start a bank
Attract some buyers, our money never stank
And if the world comes to and end
And least we'll get our dividend
In this line of business, it's impossible to lose
Tomorrow we'll start a bank
After all state and country vouch for our ranks
We're on top and you're below
We love being scoundrels, takin' it slow
As long as we make fat bank in the end
And when you rule a country and can't get the hang of it
Your frigate sails through the storm and by a rock gets split
Debts, bankruptcies, recessions and the floor gives out
And the president's car gets stuck in filthy mud on its daily route
When the DAX4 and Dow Jones 5 come crashing down, ain't it funny
For any kind of future, you simply lack the money
Chin up! As Goethe said: Those that don't gamble, won't fail
To hell with those budget gaps, from today on I'm the one who will prevail
Hey! Tomorrow we'll start a bank
Moving, no face in the country will remain blank
And, how quaint. After elections are in
We'll all get a bonus, everyone wins
Ha, I bet everyone would love to be a banker
Tomorrow we'll start a bank
That it's relevant to the system isn't a question, to be frank
And our pension is nicely secured
With that fat divvy we ensured
And now stop it with your nagging
Strolling around with Thilo, isn't life nice
For being mean is Thilo's strongest trait
And even if bad times may come our way
I'll just stuff my Samsonite, stuff it with money like a bundle of hay6
Bundles of cash, and then off to Liechtenstein7
Yes, tomorrow we'll start a bank
No more poverty or stench, no thanks
Because the landlords, it's well known
Those rulers, owners of the cash
Are sensitive and tactful like the properties they own.
In times like these, who's got a use for commissions?
Wealth should pay off again in these conditions!
We'll throw birthday parties in the chancellery room
Rather be rich and pretty than poor, sick and gloom
Tomorrow we'll start a bank!
  • 1. Hartz-IV is a stage of the Harzt-concept in german which regulates unemployment benefits
  • 2. 'Das wäre ja gelacht' - German idiom, meaning something is so easy that it would be laughable if it failed
  • 3. 'Bis die Schwarte kracht' - Idiom meaning 'To do something excessively (even until it breaks/until something bad happens)
  • 4. German share index
  • 5. American share index
  • 6. Samsonite is a suitcase brand
  • 7. Liechtenstein is a small country bordering Switzerland and Austria, some people evade taxes by having a bank account there instead of their own countries


Az előadó további dalszöveg fordításait megtalálhatod a következő linken: Axel Pätz

Az oldalon található minden zeneszöveg magyar fordítás másként dalszöveg fordítás vagy lyrics fordítás csak személyes és oktatási célokra használható fel.

Minden dalszöveg tulajdon és szerzői joga a szerzőket vagy a szám tulajdonosait illeti.

További dalszöveg fordítások


Bizonyos dolgok

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Van valami benned
Ami valami függőséget okoz
Oly szívesen eltalált, édesem
Nincs semmi okom, hogy kételkedjek benned
Mert bizonyos dolgok fájnak
Ugyancsak te vagy az egyetlen értékem
És én jóformán a tiéd vagyok

Hát folyamatosan visszatérsz, újra és újra
Folyton a fejemben vagy, állandóan

És vannak bizonyos dolgok, amiket imádok
És persze vannak dolgok, amiket figyelmen kívül hagyok
De az biztos, hogy a tiéd vagyok
Biztos, hogy a tiéd vagyok
Biztos, hogy a tiéd vagyok

Van benned valami
Amikor mérges leszel
A kegyedbe fogadsz
És te olyan vagy, akihez bátran lehet fordulni
Mert bizonyos dolgokat rendbe teszünk egymásban, mi összetartunk
Oly szorosan kapaszkodunk egymásba

Hát folyamatosan visszatérsz, újra és újra
Folyton a fejemben vagy, állandóan

És vannak bizonyos dolgok, amiket imádok
És persze vannak dolgok, amiket figyelmen kívül hagyok
De az biztos, hogy a tiéd vagyok
Biztos, hogy a tiéd vagyok
Biztos, hogy a tiéd vagyok

Imádlak... rajongok érted
Biztos, hogy a tiéd vagyok


Dark moments
When he left
a fairytale ended
A bright magic
full of wonder
was this minute of infatuation

But the heart is cold
when dreams have died
And the darkness tremble
Every word feels trite
We were together
Meant to be
Now I walk alone
with my melancholy

Dark moments
When he left
a fairytale ended
A bright magic
full of wonder
was this minute of infatuation

But the heart is cold
when dreams have died
And the darkness tremble
Every word feels trite
We were together
Meant to be
Now I walk alone
with my melancholy

Dark moments
When he left
a fairytale ended



From now on, you are my servant.
From now on, you are mine.

Imitate me.
Do as you're told.
Make yourself comfortable.
So that the cracks in your broken heart will be less noticeable.

From now on, you are my servant.
From now on, you are my servant.
From now on you will be my servant
From now on you are my servant
From now on, you are mine.

Imitate me.
Just let it all out.
At least let it out so I can forget.
I wish for you to be able to move on from your brokenness.
May we be able to look forward together forever.

I'll keep on fooling you. Keep on being fooled?


The Chains

You're too unique,
you're too free
and I don't want you to escape
without ever returning.

I put chains on you
and you'll be a prisoner,
you'll never be able
to escape me.

I put chains on you,
I'll be your prison,
you won't leave,
no, no, no, no, yeah!

You have wings too strong,
you're with me, there I have you!
You're looking for too many beaches
but with you I won't take a risk.

I put chains on you
and you'll be a prisoner,
you'll never be able
to escape me.

I put chains on you,
I'll be your prison,
you won't leave,
no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, yeah!


I put chains on you,
I'll be your prison,
you won't leave,
no, no, no, no,
you won't leave, no
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, yeah!
No, no, no...