Dalszöveg fordítások

BAZOOKA - MOJITO dalszöveg fordítás


[Versul 1: Echo]
Un pahar la băiatul să mai treacă timpu’
N-am clipit bine, trece anotimpu’
Încerc să zic ceva, nu pot accesa link-ul
Că fără CRBL nu prea mai pare simplu
Trag din țigară până mă arde filtru’
Problemele vin la plic, mă lipesc de ele ca un timbru
Ce-i cu mine? Ce nu-i bine? Ceai de cimbru
Să-mi calmez nervii la cum o să intru
Dau din casă-n masă, mort la terasă
Stai să mă transform că dracu știe ce-o să iasă
Ungur scuipat la mine-n cană, eu căzut în plasă
ADN-ul îmi îndeasă cuvinte dintr-o altă rasă
Oh, csinálok neked három gyereket, itt vagyok részegen
Szeretem a piát jobban mint a pinát
Piálok vedelek egyszer, sem keverem, kérek egy Mohítót
Asszony kiborító nem kell itt burrito amíg van Mohító
[Refren: Echo]
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, Mojito
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, c-am belit-o
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, Mojito
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, c-am belit-o
[Versul 2: Codrin]
Fresh în pahare, tot n-avem figuri, de ce?
Când intrăm pe scenă, chat-ul e 'BAZOOKA W'
Hm, am toane, egomaniola
E si spaniola, să mă fut în fața ta
12 Birra, 4 Cuba, am picat ca o popică
Scot flăcări pe nară de la shot-uri de pălincă
Eu sunt așa de blană că poate o fac de oaie
Noi când parcăm mașina, venim cu naveta, coaie
Hai să renunțăm la griji că poate ne bântuie
Calculat, fac rocadă cu pământu'
Deseara alunecăm pe iarbă ca Ronaldo
Nici nu discutăm, haide, sparto la bailando
Că bag cha-cha și bachata fata pa-pa, vine alta
Din beci alta, ce mă? Nada, recrutez ca din Cicada
Cada? Scuzi din jacuzzi-n capu' meu cade grenada
Ca de rev tun-artificii se-nvârt, micii ne ia nava
[Refren: Echo]
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, Mojito
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, c-am belit-o
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, Mojito
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, c-am belit-o

Az előadó további dalszöveg fordításait megtalálhatod a következő linken: BAZOOKA

Az oldalon található minden zeneszöveg magyar fordítás másként dalszöveg fordítás vagy lyrics fordítás csak személyes és oktatási célokra használható fel.

Minden dalszöveg tulajdon és szerzői joga a szerzőket vagy a szám tulajdonosait illeti.

További dalszöveg fordítások


Live Wire

[Verse 1]
Plug me in
I'm alive tonight
Out on the streets again
Turn me on
I'm too hot to stop
Something you'll never forget
Take my fist
Break down walls
I'm on top tonight

No, no
You better turn me loose
You better set me free
Because I'm hot, young, running free
A little bit better than I use to be

Because I'm alive
Live wire
Because I'm alive
Live wire
Because I'm alive
Live wire
Because I'm alive
Live wire

[Verse 2]
I'll either break her face
Or take down her legs
Get my ways at will
Go for the throat
Never let loose
Going in for the kill
Take my fist
Break down walls
I'm on top tonight

No, no
You better turn me loose
You better set me free
Because I'm hot, young, running free
A little bit better than I use to be

Because I'm alive
Live wire
Because I'm alive
Live wire
Because I'm alive
Live wire
Because I'm alive
Live wire


Come on baby
Got to play with me
Well I'm your live wire
You better lock your doors
I'm on the prowl tonight
Well be mine tonight

Because I'm alive
Live wire
Because I'm alive
Live wire
Because I'm alive
Live wire
Because I'm alive
Live wire

Come on be my baby
Come on tonight
Come on be my baby
Come on tonight
I'll give you everything
You want inside
Plug me in, plug me in
I want you
Come on tonight

Maradj fogoly

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Figyelek rád
Szemek nélkül elképzelve
Figyelj a hangra
Ültess belém szemeket, amelyek kinyílnak
Vezetnek, amerre járok

[Refrén előtti]
Úgy érzem, jól ismerlek
A helyedben várnék

Amíg valaki meg nem mozdul vagy törődik
Maradj fogoly
Tartsd magad ott
Várj a szerelemre

Amíg valaki meg nem mozdul vagy törődik
Maradj fogoly
Tartsd magad ott
Várj a szerelemre

Mindent látok
Minden mozdulat, amit cselekszem
Előtted meglett festve
Halaszd a lépésed
Egy szív, ami megmarad
Csak érted mozdulok

[Refrén előtti]
Úgy érzem, jól ismerlek
A helyedben várnék

Amíg valaki meg nem mozdul vagy törődik
Maradj fogoly
Tartsd magad ott
Várj a szerelemre

Amíg valaki meg nem mozdul vagy törődik
Maradj fogoly
Tartsd magad ott
Várj a szerelemre

Amíg valaki meg nem mozdul vagy törődik
Maradj fogoly
Tartsd magad ott
Várj a szerelemre

Amíg valaki meg nem mozdul vagy törődik
Maradj fogoly
Tartsd magad ott
Várj a szerelemre

Várj a szerelemre
Amíg valaki meg nem mozdul vagy törődik
Várj a szerelemre
Várj a szerelemre
Várj a szerelemre
Várj a szerelemre


You are not hidden
There's never been a moment
You were forgotten
You are not hopeless
Though you have been broken
Your innocence stolen

I hear you whisper underneath your breath
I hear your SOS
Your SOS

I will send out an army
To find You in the middle of the darkest night
It's true, I will rescue you

There is no distance
That cannot be covered
Over and over
You're not defenseless
I'll be your shelter
I'll be your armor

I hear you whisper underneath your breath
I hear your SOS, your SOS

I will send out an army
To find You in the middle of the darkest night
It's true, I will rescue you
I will never stop marching
To reach you in the middle of the hardest fight
It's true, I will rescue you

I hear the whisper underneath Your breath
I hear you whisper you have nothing left

I will send out an army
To find you in the middle of the darkest night
It's true, I will rescue you
I will never stop marching
To reach you in the middle of the hardest fight
It's true, I will rescue you

Oh, I will rescue you

Love's Not Over Yet (2025)

Gone is the spring and the long summer days
Cold has set in now that you've gone away
Retracing my steps wondering where I went wrong
I'm haunted by the words I didn't say

Searching for light only shadows remain
Day fades to night nothing eases the pain
I loved you like fire but I buried the flames
I never had the courage to explain

Each time I close my eyes I see you here with me
I would give it all to hold you near to me
Yet you're always just beyond my reach
But how my arms are aching to embrace you
To gather you inside them and erase
All the hurt the regret
For our sun hasn't set
I believe love's not over yet


Give me your hand and I'll never let go
Words that I should have confessed long ago
I'll love you forever until my dying breath
I'll never be afraid to let it show

Each time I close my eyes I see you here with me
I would give it all to hold you near to me
Yet you're always just beyond my reach
But how my arms are aching to embrace you
To gather you inside them and erase
All the hurt the regret
For our sun hasn't set
I believe love's not over yet


Will this be our story's ending
Or is it a new beginning
I could be your prince your hero your romance
You hold our destiny inside your hands

Each time I close my eyes I see you here with me
I would give it all to hold you near to me
Yet you're always just beyond my reach
But how my arms are aching to embrace you
To gather you inside them and erase
All the hurt the regret
For our sun hasn't set
I believe love's not over yet