Dalszöveg fordítások

Federico Garcia Lorca - Balada de un día de julio dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

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Ballad on a Day in July

The oxen carry
Sterling silver.
Where are you going, my girl,
Of sun and snow?
        I'm going to the daisies
       of the green meadow.
The meadow is far away
And he has fear.
To (the god) Airón and to the Shade
       My love does not fear.
Fear the sun, my child,
Of sun and snow.
He left my hair
Who are you, white girl?
Where do you come from?
I come from the loves
       And from the fountains.
The oxen carry
Sterling silver.
What are you wearing in your mouth
that lights you up?
The star of my lover
       Who lives and dies.
What are you wearing on your chest
So fine and light?
        The sword of my lover
       Who lives and dies.
What are you wearing in your eyes,
Black and solemn?
        My sad thought
       That always hurts.
Why are you wearing a cloak
of Black Death?
        Alas, I am the widow
       Sad and without assets!
       From the Earl of Laurel
       of the Laurels.
Who are you looking for here
If you want nobody?
I'm looking for the Count
of the Laurel's body
Are you looking for love,
Aleve wink?
You are looking for a love
I hope you find.
Stars of the sky
       They are my wants,
       Where will I find my lover
       Who lives and dies?
Is he dead in the water,
Snow girl,
Covered with nostalgia
And of carnations.
Oh! errant knight
       From the cypresses,
       My soul offers you
A moonlit night
Ah dreamy Isis,
Girl without honeys
The one in children's mouths
Your story pours.
I offer you my heart,
Dim heart,
Wounded by the eyes
of women.
        Galant knight,
       With God you stay.
I'm going to look for the count
       Of the Laurels ...
Goodbye my little maid,
Sleeping rose,
You go for love
And I to death.
The oxen carry
Sterling silver
My heart bleeds
like a fountain.

Az előadó további dalszöveg fordításait megtalálhatod a következő linken: Federico Garcia Lorca

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További dalszöveg fordítások


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Such es wegzulachen.


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Gerecht zu schätzen des Mannes Wert.« –
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Eh' ich das ganze Faß geleert?


Egyszemélyes Matrac