Dalszöveg fordítások

Federico García Lorca - Lluvia dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

English (poetic) Align paragraphs


The rain has a vague secret of tenderness,
something of resigned and sweet sleepiness,
and with it, a humble music awakens slowly
that makes the sleeping soul of the landscape vibrate.
It is a blue kiss the Earth receives,
it is the primitive myth that awakens everything to life.
It is the contact of the cold sky with the old earth
and with the continuous gentleness of dusk.
It is the bud of the fruit. The one that brings us the flowers
and anoints our soul with the holy spirit of the seas.
It is the one that pours life into the sown fields and
sadness in the soul none knows where it comes from.
The terrible nostalgia of a life lost,
the fatal feeling of having been born late,
or the restless illusion of an impossible tomorrow
with a restlessness close to the color of flesh.
Love awakens in its grey rhythm,
our inner sky has a triumph of blood,
and our optimism turns to sadness
contemplating the crystalline drops dying.
And they are the drops: eyes of infinity that gaze
at the white infinity that served them as their mother.
Each raindrop trembles in the cloudy crystal
and leaves divine wounds of diamond.
They are poets of water who have seen many things
and meditate on what multitude of rivers do not know.
Oh, silent rain, without storms and with no winds,
gentle and serene rain full of light,
good and quiet rain you are the truth,
that makes weeping and sorrow fall over things!
Oh, Franciscan rain that bears in its drops
souls of clear springs, of humble springs!
When you descend slowly over the fields with your
sounds you open the roses in my chest.
The primitive song you sing to the silence
and the sonorous story you tell to the branches
Make my desolate heart weep
into a deep, black pentagram without a key.
My soul has the sadness of the serene rain,
a resigned sadness of something unattainable,
I have on the horizon a shining star but my heart
prevents me from running to contemplate you.
Oh, silent rain that all trees love so much
you are the sweetness of emotions for the singing piano

Az előadó további dalszöveg fordításait megtalálhatod a következő linken: Federico García Lorca

Az oldalon található minden zeneszöveg magyar fordítás másként dalszöveg fordítás vagy lyrics fordítás csak személyes és oktatási célokra használható fel.

Minden dalszöveg tulajdon és szerzői joga a szerzőket vagy a szám tulajdonosait illeti.

További dalszöveg fordítások


Ärger, der am Herzen frißt

Ärger, der am Herzen frißt,
Wird's nur ärger machen.
Was nicht wegzuschelten ist,
Such es wegzulachen.


All seine Werke mußt du kennen

»All seine Werke mußt du kennen,
Gerecht zu schätzen des Mannes Wert.« –
Darf ich den Wein nicht sauer nennen,
Eh' ich das ganze Faß geleert?


Egyszemélyes Matrac