Dalszöveg fordítások

Juliette Gréco - Je suis bien dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

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I feel good

And I no longer love anyone
And nobody loves me anymore.
Nobody awaits me anywhere,
I await nothing but fate.
I feel good.
Outside, the night wraps itself
all around its North Star1.
In the distance, a crowd is cooing,
with more meanness than rudeness.
I feel good...
I dream up gardens
laden with grey roses.
I burn down a few churches,
I boil off a few perfumes.
I feel good...
I flip through my former lovers2,
mixing up their first names.
Funny thing, the family name of all these volcanoes
I extinguished is always Smith3.
I feel good...
I swim up the river of
that great bed that encloses me4.
A diamond tinkles merrily
deep inside my glass.
A tree is growing inside my heart,
I'm going to hang all the fusspots there,
and I will no longer be surnumerary5,
and I will feel good...
I recall insults
and old enemies, and it no longer
bothers me either way.
Would I be growing up?
That would be good.
I hear nothing but my heart of stone.
Tonight I won't party6
nor act the beauty7 nor the beast.
I don't even care bout my wrinkles.
I feel good
and I switch the light off.
I feel good.
I'm not being honest...
  • 1. probably a pun on 'polaire' also meaning 'fleece jacket', though the night wrapping itself 'around' a jacket does not work terribly well, in my opinion
  • 2. It's about male lovers, which tends to indicate the song was meant to be sung by a woman in the first place (LGBT concerns were still in a distant future when this was written).
  • 3. 'Dupont' is the emblematic common French family name, though the most widespread is actually 'Martin'
  • 4. Brel invents the verb 'vestibuler' from 'vestibule', which usually means 'entrance hall' but also 'vestibule' (a cavity inside the body) in medical terms. The image of the bed as a cavity enclosing the singer seems more likely to me, but that's debatable
  • 5. that's a word Brel has used a lot in this particular album. Might be the symbol of a dying man feeling already out of place among the living
  • 6. plays on two different meanings of 'faire': 'faire la fête'(party) and 'faire la belle ou la bête'(act the beauty or the beast), while reffering to the tale 'la belle et la bête' ('Beauty and the Beast)
  • 7. again 'la belle' is meant for a female singer
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.

Az előadó további dalszöveg fordításait megtalálhatod a következő linken: Juliette Gréco

Az oldalon található minden zeneszöveg magyar fordítás másként dalszöveg fordítás vagy lyrics fordítás csak személyes és oktatási célokra használható fel.

Minden dalszöveg tulajdon és szerzői joga a szerzőket vagy a szám tulajdonosait illeti.

További dalszöveg fordítások


Bizonyos dolgok

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Van valami benned
Ami valami függőséget okoz
Oly szívesen eltalált, édesem
Nincs semmi okom, hogy kételkedjek benned
Mert bizonyos dolgok fájnak
Ugyancsak te vagy az egyetlen értékem
És én jóformán a tiéd vagyok

Hát folyamatosan visszatérsz, újra és újra
Folyton a fejemben vagy, állandóan

És vannak bizonyos dolgok, amiket imádok
És persze vannak dolgok, amiket figyelmen kívül hagyok
De az biztos, hogy a tiéd vagyok
Biztos, hogy a tiéd vagyok
Biztos, hogy a tiéd vagyok

Van benned valami
Amikor mérges leszel
A kegyedbe fogadsz
És te olyan vagy, akihez bátran lehet fordulni
Mert bizonyos dolgokat rendbe teszünk egymásban, mi összetartunk
Oly szorosan kapaszkodunk egymásba

Hát folyamatosan visszatérsz, újra és újra
Folyton a fejemben vagy, állandóan

És vannak bizonyos dolgok, amiket imádok
És persze vannak dolgok, amiket figyelmen kívül hagyok
De az biztos, hogy a tiéd vagyok
Biztos, hogy a tiéd vagyok
Biztos, hogy a tiéd vagyok

Imádlak... rajongok érted
Biztos, hogy a tiéd vagyok


Dark moments
When he left
a fairytale ended
A bright magic
full of wonder
was this minute of infatuation

But the heart is cold
when dreams have died
And the darkness tremble
Every word feels trite
We were together
Meant to be
Now I walk alone
with my melancholy

Dark moments
When he left
a fairytale ended
A bright magic
full of wonder
was this minute of infatuation

But the heart is cold
when dreams have died
And the darkness tremble
Every word feels trite
We were together
Meant to be
Now I walk alone
with my melancholy

Dark moments
When he left
a fairytale ended



From now on, you are my servant.
From now on, you are mine.

Imitate me.
Do as you're told.
Make yourself comfortable.
So that the cracks in your broken heart will be less noticeable.

From now on, you are my servant.
From now on, you are my servant.
From now on you will be my servant
From now on you are my servant
From now on, you are mine.

Imitate me.
Just let it all out.
At least let it out so I can forget.
I wish for you to be able to move on from your brokenness.
May we be able to look forward together forever.

I'll keep on fooling you. Keep on being fooled?


The Chains

You're too unique,
you're too free
and I don't want you to escape
without ever returning.

I put chains on you
and you'll be a prisoner,
you'll never be able
to escape me.

I put chains on you,
I'll be your prison,
you won't leave,
no, no, no, no, yeah!

You have wings too strong,
you're with me, there I have you!
You're looking for too many beaches
but with you I won't take a risk.

I put chains on you
and you'll be a prisoner,
you'll never be able
to escape me.

I put chains on you,
I'll be your prison,
you won't leave,
no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, yeah!


I put chains on you,
I'll be your prison,
you won't leave,
no, no, no, no,
you won't leave, no
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, yeah!
No, no, no...