Juliette Gréco - Paname dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre
they sung every possible tune about you.
There are so many words in your songs
that speak of wat, of what precisely?
As for me, it's your eyes, your skin
I want to kiss real properly,
just like the gigolos know how to.
the sun has put its pyjamas on,
as you light up and in your alluring downtown
Mister Haussmann is hitting on you.
come and love me like in the old times,
especially at night, as we
walked together toward an unknown goal.
some street names are easily forgotten,
and in such streets, after midnight,
you showed me your little Paris.
as you sobbed in your horn blasts,
a girl lost among men,
you came to me like a mere little girl
tonight I feel like dancing,
dancing with your cobblestones
everyone looks at with their feet.
youre so pretty under the lantern lights,
as you take your seasonal vacations
in the arms of an accordion.
as you dress up with blue,
it makes lovers go out,
saying 'in Paris together'.
as you dress up with grey,
the tailors have only one concern,
that's to dress up all the chicks in grey.
as you get bored you stroll down the quays,
stroll down the Seine and its drowned men.
It brings soe fresh air and that's entertaining.
people talk an afwul lot about you,
yet they don't know who you are.
They live at your place but never actually meet you.
if you could smile, I'd have your charm
If you could cry, I'd have your tears.
If someone hit you, I't take up arms.
You're more than just a thrill to me,
more than an idea, a girl just worth writing songs about,
and that's why I call out your name,
Paris, Paris, Paris, Paris...
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.
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További dalszöveg fordítások
Bizonyos dolgok
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Van valami benned
Ami valami függőséget okoz
Oly szívesen eltalált, édesem
Nincs semmi okom, hogy kételkedjek benned
Mert bizonyos dolgok fájnak
Ugyancsak te vagy az egyetlen értékem
És én jóformán a tiéd vagyok
Hát folyamatosan visszatérsz, újra és újra
Folyton a fejemben vagy, állandóan
És vannak bizonyos dolgok, amiket imádok
És persze vannak dolgok, amiket figyelmen kívül hagyok
De az biztos, hogy a tiéd vagyok
Biztos, hogy a tiéd vagyok
Biztos, hogy a tiéd vagyok
Van benned valami
Amikor mérges leszel
A kegyedbe fogadsz
És te olyan vagy, akihez bátran lehet fordulni
Mert bizonyos dolgokat rendbe teszünk egymásban, mi összetartunk
Oly szorosan kapaszkodunk egymásba
Hát folyamatosan visszatérsz, újra és újra
Folyton a fejemben vagy, állandóan
És vannak bizonyos dolgok, amiket imádok
És persze vannak dolgok, amiket figyelmen kívül hagyok
De az biztos, hogy a tiéd vagyok
Biztos, hogy a tiéd vagyok
Biztos, hogy a tiéd vagyok
Imádlak... rajongok érted
Biztos, hogy a tiéd vagyok
Dark moments
When he left
a fairytale ended
A bright magic
full of wonder
was this minute of infatuation
But the heart is cold
when dreams have died
And the darkness tremble
Every word feels trite
We were together
Meant to be
Now I walk alone
with my melancholy
Dark moments
When he left
a fairytale ended
A bright magic
full of wonder
was this minute of infatuation
But the heart is cold
when dreams have died
And the darkness tremble
Every word feels trite
We were together
Meant to be
Now I walk alone
with my melancholy
Dark moments
When he left
a fairytale ended
From now on, you are my servant.
From now on, you are mine.
Imitate me.
Do as you're told.
Make yourself comfortable.
So that the cracks in your broken heart will be less noticeable.
From now on, you are my servant.
From now on, you are my servant.
From now on you will be my servant
From now on you are my servant
From now on, you are mine.
Imitate me.
Just let it all out.
At least let it out so I can forget.
I wish for you to be able to move on from your brokenness.
May we be able to look forward together forever.
I'll keep on fooling you. Keep on being fooled?
The Chains
You're too unique,
you're too free
and I don't want you to escape
without ever returning.
I put chains on you
and you'll be a prisoner,
you'll never be able
to escape me.
I put chains on you,
I'll be your prison,
you won't leave,
no, no, no, no, yeah!
You have wings too strong,
you're with me, there I have you!
You're looking for too many beaches
but with you I won't take a risk.
I put chains on you
and you'll be a prisoner,
you'll never be able
to escape me.
I put chains on you,
I'll be your prison,
you won't leave,
no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, yeah!
I put chains on you,
I'll be your prison,
you won't leave,
no, no, no, no,
you won't leave, no
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, yeah!
No, no, no...