Dalszöveg fordítások

Leslie Cheung - 红 (Hung) [Red] dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

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Red, like the willful ending of baby roses.
Red, bitterly resentful like blood dripping upon the lips.
In the gloom, amid the pitch blackness, that beautiful dream.
No wave of pain can be seen from [the reflection] within the mirror.
You are heavy, like red dust having swept past.
Ha, my joys are falling chaotically. Ha, [I am] sleeping in the ferocious fire.
If one comes into contact, one will become inebriated without even tasting.
That heat has never retreated.
You are the most stunning wound, perhaps.
Red, like the arrogance of an age of flourishment.
Red, like the remembrance of a setting sun that has gradually grown distant.
[It] is that smiling face [you had when] you danced in the air with me.
Like the foreshadowing of life [written] in the center of your palm and mine.
Also bright and beautiful, as if [it] had been suffused with red dust.
Ha, my joys are falling chaotically. Ha, [I am] sleeping in the ferocious fire.
If one comes into contact, one will become inebriated without even tasting.
That heat has never retreated.
You are the most stunning wound, perhaps.
Red, like the willful ending of baby roses.
Red, bitterly resentful like blood dripping upon the lips.
In the gloom, amid the pitch blackness, that beautiful dream.
No wave of pain can be seen from [the reflection] within the mirror.
You are heavy, like red dust having swept past.

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