Dalszöveg fordítások

Maddow - RBG #16 - Scooby-Doo vs. Monokuma dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


RBG #16 - Scooby-Doo vs. Monokuma

Rap Battle of GAAA!
I'm on the hunt for clues with the aid of Mystery Inc.!
I go to where the trail concludes to unmask the mystery fink!
We may have our differences, you a bear and me a dog,
But when we're around our humans, we are both spotlight hogs!
Except, unlike you, I've got my toons and the Scooby Gang!
When you feed me, I can fire some shots, bang bang!
Like all my other foes, you'll only last one episode!
You cannot outlast my flow, back to Hope's Peak you will go!
You're just a children's toy compared to me, you get the gist?
You and your gang will be buried every time I spit a diss!
Even little children know about monsters such as this:
They do not exist!
Welcome to my game, doggy! This is how it's set up!
This punchline will say to your gang: 'Let's split up!'
Fred, Velma and Daphne will have do something drastic
By killing you and Shaggy all tied up in the attic!
Ha! Now do you see how much these games have evolved?
You're not used to real games where there is murder involved!
While I keep my paws clean, I create killing machines!
You can't leave this crime scene without proving you are keen!
This next batch has potential to become unbearable!
Not a single Ultimate could even make it repairable!
Could've watched your movies, but all of them are terrible!
So I'ma make your death completely despairable!
Welcome to Hope's Peak! I am your headmaster!
I know all of your tricks, you'll have to think faster!
Reveal your true nature quickly, don't hem and haw!
The Ultimate Punishment of Rap Battle of GAAA!
Sorry, my friends, I have to move onward!
Without a doubt, I can't afford to falter!
Not a chance that I'll play the blame game!
All I have to do is slay those who get in my way!
I'd sever their corpses into pieces with a saw,
Then in their bloodied remains I'd plunge my paws...
SCOOBY DOOBY DOO!!! I've solved the mystery!
Just a few Scooby Snacks, and I'll know your identity!
You teleport from place to place via the TV
To broadcast your 'rules for thee, but not for me'!
Not worthy of a captor of your stature!
Perhaps you're one of those students held captive?
I would rule out Makoto, Aoi, and Kyoko!
And you always seem to target each tyro though!
The Scooby Snacks made me Ultimate Dog Virtuoso!
The guilty party's none other than Junko, yo!
SPOILER!!! You should be ashamed!
You've completely ruined the entire first game!
And you overlooked one tiny detail in your chatter:
I'm a robot teddy bear and not the one you're after!
You act high and mighty, so let's fight!
You think you can frighten Teddy Black-And-White?
Just look at the title! Close your eyes, take a bite!
While you're in denial, shots keep flying left and right!
That's your true nature, and therefore your swan song!
A dang strong Danganronpa gangbang gone wrong!
If everything spins around until you can't stand,
Then good becomes evil, I'm the Yin and the Yang!
I alone am the Ultimate Despair!
When you freak out at night, I'm the only one there!
Demons don't exist! They're all in your head!
Now be a good little boy, and please go to bed!
Demons don't exist? You don't know who I am...
Creepypasta 2.0 featuring Slenderman!
Now... who transforms psychosis to reality?
Who uses your own fears with such brutality?
Photobombing pictures of your ancestry,
Hiding behind a tree in the vicinity,
Ready to deal with those who mess with me!
If you find all my pages, you might have a chance!
My tentacles will terrify you, send you into a trance!
Godfather of Creepypasta! If my existence is contestable,
Then so is your definitely pathetic spectacle!
Jeff The Killer:
Oh, here you are! I just couldn't miss
Dropping a killer diss on my favorite nemesis!
Why are you wasting your time with these two, my friend?
They're just two mascots who annoy me to no end!
One of them fucks a bunny, and the other's a dummy,
Who obviously couldn't compete with Billy's Buddy!
I've got the Joker's smile, and L's flowing hair!
I kill investigators and criminals without a care!
Became an orphan after I had my family dismantled!
My face is melted, but not from vanilla candles!
GO TO SLEEP!!! Does that sound familiar?
It's time to be killed by Jeff The Killer!
My fanbase is enormous, just like my background!
I slay my opponents before the end of the first round!
You two are gonna die, Monokuma and Scooby!
Give you a permanent smile while ruining you cruelly!
Laughing Jack:
Wow, bro! You have a sick sense of humor!
This rap is called 'Scooby-Doo vs. Monokuma'!
But hey... now that we're here, might as well give it a try!
Even if that teddy bear... might have slightly caught my eye!
Bring me a small child, I'll cut him open like a sack!
Drown him so he won't come back! Or my name isn't Laughing Jack!
It is better for you not to be afraid of clowns!
My nose is made for partying, I'd be the slickest pimp in town!
Hello there, kids! Make way for Sonic!
The blue hedgehog with a lot of fanfics!
When you see a blue blur from beyond,
You're about to meet the one who calls himself god!
Go into hyperspeed when I cause your head to glitch!
Skin you, trample you, gut you like a fish, bitch!
When I run at high speed, I invade your consciousness!
Take control of your game and hurl you into the abyss!
No CD-ROM can keep me incarcerated!
With my powers unleashed, all is discombobulated!
Whether it's Eggman, Tails, or even Knuckles,
They'll end up jumbled like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle!
ROUND 1!!! You try my game, it seems like fun!
But then you realize it's a bad thing you've done!
ROUND 2!!! Pursued by horror, you will slither!
Terrified by bloodshot eyes that approach you hither!
Even through the screen, you can feel adrenaline,
You'll even cry, don't be embarrassed, this was my scheme!
Nowhere you can hide! Even in China, you'll be seen!
No match for the sleuthing skills of Sonic.exe!
ROUND 3!!! This time you're no more!
You'll soon succumb to your own high score!
There's no Creepypasta that can break me quietly!
The threat you're thinking of is of a different variety!
I'll roll into a ball as often as it takes!
Rather than give Amy a high score, I'll make her heart break!
Just ask Sega, or even better, Farod!
Everyone will agree that I AM GOD!!!
To prove to you that we exist, and we've run out of rhyming schemes,
We want to wish you... a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!
Who won?
Who's next?
You decide!

Az előadó további dalszöveg fordításait megtalálhatod a következő linken: Maddow

Az oldalon található minden zeneszöveg magyar fordítás másként dalszöveg fordítás vagy lyrics fordítás csak személyes és oktatási célokra használható fel.

Minden dalszöveg tulajdon és szerzői joga a szerzőket vagy a szám tulajdonosait illeti.

További dalszöveg fordítások




E prima zi de primăvară, ultima zi de iarnă,
Natura e o taină, se îmbracă cu o haină
De flori nuanțe, culori, privighetori,
Rațe sălbatice, berze, cocori
Planează pe sol, fac cuiburi, se-ntorc din țările calde,
Și nucul înmugurește, vorbește cu vântul,
Slăvind pe Dumnezeu că le-a facut cu cuvântul.
Râul udă și grâul,
Albina zboară propolis, ceară, din zori până-n seară
Omul muncește și ară, muncește și are,
Nu concepe să ceară. E primavară.
Dacă eram Enescu1 scriam cheia sol
Pe un solfegiu la major, arpegiu' meu de dirijor
Și comandam la un tenor un solo cutremurător,
Poc brrrrrap, e Haarp Cord!

Refren: (Dragonu)

Primavară, cât te-am așteptat!
Toată iarna asta ce-a trecut
Am cam stat înghețat.
De-abia așteptam să înflorești,
De-abia așteptam să mă bucur că ești
Aproape! Cu o mie de flori, într-un covor multicolor,
Plin cu bujori și arbori, pe câmpii cu-ale lor,
În timp ce soarele galben sclipește din nori.


E prea belea deja, prea belea deja... (x4)

Când viața îmi dă lămâi, iau o apă plată,
Fac o limonadă, beau o ciocolată caldă,
Niște cafele, acadele, caramel, bombonele,
Lapte cu miere, vanilie-n aprilie
Stau cu-n bătrân sub un salcâm,
Rulăm tutun cu aromă de căpșuni.
Fum gros în cătun, copiii joacă pe drum,
Seara se lasă pe deal și se presară pe sat...
E prea belea deja, e un covor de flori...
E prea belea deja, stejarii ajung la nori,
Salbe albe, dalbe, le poartă ca podoabe
Puradeii, gura leului, ce plante minunate!

Primăvară, cât te-am așteptat,
Toată iarna asta în care-am înghețat.
Zic adio, căciuli, ne vedem de Crăciun,
Adio, geacă șucară, cu glugă cu puf!

  • 1. George Enescu, Romanian child prodigy and composer


Click to see the original lyrics (Korean)

Oh igen
Az arcod biztosan kezd elfáradni
Mert folyton téged nézlek bébi
A füled biztosan csöng
Mert mostantól kezdve csak rólad fogok beszélni

Hű, az a frizura, azok a ruhák, minden “menő”
A népszerű stílus, amit mindenki akar
Kicsim, te vagy az egyre népszerűbb új ikon aha

Beléd szerettem
Nem tudom abbahagyni
Mindenkit megbabonázol
Pont úgy, mint engem

Kész katasztrófa lettem
A megszállottad vagyok
Most rögtön rázz fel, tölts meg, gyógyíts meg újra

Beleégtél a szemembe
A szexi hangod szól a fejhallgatómból
Mit tegyek? Megőrültem
Éjjel-nappal rád gondolok

Hű, azok a szavak, azok a mozdulatok, minden feltűnést kelt
Az emberek könnyekben törnek ki és zsebkendőért nyúlnak
Kicsim, te vagy a ragyogó új ikon aha

Beléd szerettem
Nem tudom abbahagyni
Mindenkit megbabonázol
Pont úgy, mint engem

Kész katasztrófa lettem
A megszállottad vagyok
Most rögtön rázz fel, tölts meg, gyógyíts meg újra

Hogy lettem ilyen? Fogalmam sincs
Olyan vagy számomra, mint egy túl távoli csillag

Kérlek vedd észre, mit érzek bébi, vedd észre, mit érzek bébi
Sose törd össze a szívemet
Kérlek, ne felejts el bébi, ne felejts el bébi
Pont, mint én
Kérlek, vedd észre, mit érzek bébi, vedd észre, mit érzek bébi
Sose törd össze a szívemet
Most rögtön rázz fel, tölts meg, gyógyíts meg újra

Beléd szerettem
Nem tudom abbahagyni
Mindenkit megbabonázol
Pont úgy, mint engem
Kész katasztrófa lettem
A megszállottad vagyok
Most rögtön rázz fel, tölts meg, gyógyíts meg újra
Sose törd össze a szívemet

Tetszik nekem

Click to see the original lyrics (English, Korean)

Túlságosan összezavarsz, igen vagy nem?
Nagyon frusztráló vagy, mik a szándékaid?
Túl ostoba és közömbös vagy
Túlságosan gyanús vagy, kérlek, változtass a viselkedéseden

Túlságosan óvatos vagy, mint egy gyáva alak
Ha akarsz engem, tedd egyértelművé
Csak legyél nyílt és őszinte, így közeledj felém
Meddig akarsz még várni és hezitálni?

Részemről mindent vagy semmit
Ha nincs benned elég bátorság ahhoz, hogy mindent beleadj, akkor inkább
Felejtsd el az egészet, igen

Mert tetszik nekem, tetszik, igen
Mert tetszik nekem, tetszik, igen
Mert tetszik nekem, tetszik, igen
Mert tetszik nekem, (tetszik neked)

Túlságosan ég bennem a tűz miattad
Túlzásba viszed, ahogy az apróságok mentén méregetsz
Legyen ez vagy az, csak tégy egy próbát
Mutasd meg, mit érzel, mert én várok rád

Részemről mindent vagy semmit
Ha nincs benned elég bátorság ahhoz, hogy mindent beleadj, akkor inkább
Felejtsd el az egészet, igen

Mert tetszik nekem, tetszik, igen
Mert tetszik nekem, tetszik, igen
Mert tetszik nekem, tetszik, igen
Mert tetszik nekem, (tetszik neked)

Ha akarsz engem, bátran, mint egy férfi, közelíts felém
Utálom a bizonytalanságod, sosem tudod
Ha szeretek valakit, mindenemet neki adom, amim csak van
Ha szeretsz engem, adj nekem mindent, vagy engedj el

Mindent akarok
Mindent akarok

Részemről mindent vagy semmit
Ha nincs benned elég bátorság ahhoz, hogy mindent beleadj, akkor inkább
Felejtsd el az egészet, igen

Mert tetszik nekem, tetszik, igen
Mert tetszik nekem, tetszik, igen
Mert tetszik nekem, tetszik, igen
Mert tetszik nekem, (tetszik neked)

I Like It (English Ver.)

my momma said I should never go too far

my momma said just remember who you are
my momma said don't go chasing all them boys
my momma said take it slow, don't get caught up in the noise
my momma said I should always walk the line
my momma said take it easy when you're drinking the wine

but all the talk makes me wanna slam the door
cuz all the bruises only make me want it some more

I want it all, all or nothing
and I'm not ashamed of what I am
It's how I'm living yeah
cuz I like it like it like it like it like it yeah
cuz I like it like it like it like it like it yeah
cuz I like it like it like it like it like it yeah
cuz I like it like it like it like it like it yeah

my momma said leave your ego at the door
my momma said girl you're crazy always looking for more
I don't care I just wanna live my life
No I don't care if it's wrong when it's felling so right

I want it all, all or nothing
and I'm not ashamed of what I am
It's how I'm living yeah
cuz I like it like it like it like it like it yeah
cuz I like it like it like it like it like it yeah
cuz I like it like it like it like it like it yeah
cuz I like it like it like it like it like it yeah

you make the rules, I live to break
I love the life on center stage
All eyes on me I say it proud
It's who I am I'm coming out

you make the rules, I live to break
I love the life on center stage
All eyes on me I say it proud
It's who I am I'm coming out

I want it all, I wnat it all, I want it all
all or nothing
and I'm not ashamed of what I am
It's how I'm living yeah

cuz I like it like it like it like it like it yeah
cuz I like it like it like it like it like it yeah
cuz I like it like it like it like it like it yeah
cuz I like it like it like it like it like it yeah