Dalszöveg fordítások

Shervin Hajipour - انقضا (Engheza) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

English Align paragraphs


I know I was meant to be used
That one day I will expire to you
I knew that as soon as you would start
I and my heart would be at the bottom of the garbage can
Do not think I am blind, if you lied right into my eyes
I just didn't let you notice (that I knew)
I had hope in your cold body of stone
I thought there was a noble and a simple person in it
I heard your talk don't think I wasn't paying attention
I didn't talk behind your back because I'm not that kind of person
I didn't let your eyes get wet for a second
Though those eyes were not for a second for me
This was not the answer, how quickly have you forgotten all these good feelings
I lost my heart for that heart that was not in love
This was not the answer
Go, don't be for me, if I'm not there for you it's better because I ache for you
Have fun wherever you go, my friend
Even if you weren't my friend for once
It's not your fault, you just weren't in love
I could have guessed you weren't mine
I became sea for you so you would not fall among sharks
We made it to land, but you were not my shore
Wherever you sat, you immediately told my weaknesses
You've said everything that could betray me
I did not wash my wound so I can think of you
You used all kinds of things to avoid thinking about me
I heard your talk don't think I wasn't paying attention
I didn't talk behind your back because I'm not that kind of person
I didn't let your eyes get wet for a second
Though those eyes were not for a second for me
This was not the answer, how quickly have you forgotten all these good feelings
I lost my heart for that heart that was not in love
This was not the answer
Go, don't be for me, if I'm not there for you it's better because I ache for you
Have fun wherever you go, my friend
Even if you weren't my friend for once

Az előadó további dalszöveg fordításait megtalálhatod a következő linken: Shervin Hajipour

Az oldalon található minden zeneszöveg magyar fordítás másként dalszöveg fordítás vagy lyrics fordítás csak személyes és oktatási célokra használható fel.

Minden dalszöveg tulajdon és szerzői joga a szerzőket vagy a szám tulajdonosait illeti.

További dalszöveg fordítások


Ärger, der am Herzen frißt

Ärger, der am Herzen frißt,
Wird's nur ärger machen.
Was nicht wegzuschelten ist,
Such es wegzulachen.


All seine Werke mußt du kennen

»All seine Werke mußt du kennen,
Gerecht zu schätzen des Mannes Wert.« –
Darf ich den Wein nicht sauer nennen,
Eh' ich das ganze Faß geleert?


Egyszemélyes Matrac