Dalszöveg fordítások

Taylor Swift - All You Had To Do Was Stay dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Dutch translation

Je hoefde alleen maar te blijven

Versions: #2
[Eerste couplet]
Mensen zoals jij willen altijd
De liefde terug die zij hebben weggegeven
En mensen zoals ik willen je geloven
Wanneer je zegt dat je veranderd bent
Hoe langer ik er nu over nadenk
Hoe minder ik weet
Ik weet alleen maar dat je ons
Van de weg hebt gedreven [?
(Blijf) hé
Je hoefde alleen maar te blijven
Je had me in de palm van je hand
Waarom moest je dan weggaan
En mij buitensluiten terwijl ik jou binnenliet?
(Blijf) hé
Nu zeg je dat je het terug wilt
Nu het gewoon te laat is
Had het gemakkelijk kunnen zijn
Je hoefde alleen maar te {blijven)
Je hoefde alleen maar te {blijven)
Je hoefde alleen maar te {blijven)
Je hoefde alleen maar te {blijven)
Je hoefde alleen maar te {blijven)
[Tweede couplet]
En nu bel je me op
Maar ik weet niet wat ik moet zeggen
Ik heb de brokstukken gehaald
uit de rotzooi die jij gemaakt hebt
Mensen zoals jij willen altijd
De liefde terug die zij hebben afgewezen
Maar wanneer je vaarwel zegt
Dan zijn mensen zoals ik voorgoed verdwenen
[Derde couplet]
Ik wil je eraan herinneren
Dat jij dit gewild hebt
Jij hebt het stopgezet
Ik wilde alleen maar jou
Maar niet op deze manier
Niet op deze manier, niet op deze manier
Please alert me when spelling, print or other inconsistencies are spotted. When spotting them myself I tend to lapse into a *#@%* mood!

Az előadó további dalszöveg fordításait megtalálhatod a következő linken: Taylor Swift

Az oldalon található minden zeneszöveg magyar fordítás másként dalszöveg fordítás vagy lyrics fordítás csak személyes és oktatási célokra használható fel.

Minden dalszöveg tulajdon és szerzői joga a szerzőket vagy a szám tulajdonosait illeti.

További dalszöveg fordítások


Is everything really fine as is?…

[Stanza omitted in this performance]
The world is washed by the rain, dried by the sun…
In this world, everyone knows:
If you can hear - then you must listen!
If you have a voice - then you must sing!

I did not go looking for a forbidden treasure.
Life threw me a nickel - on that nickel I lived.
I do not need anything... need not be anywhere.
Everything is fine as is. Everything is fine as is.

No abode, no yard… no cherry orchard…
Home and family to us - a tavern, everlasting
I do not need anything... need not be anywhere.
Everything is fine as is. Everything is fine as is.

From the latest war, my rewards are prostheses.
They say we died for nothing in the crucible of war.
I do not need anything... need not be anywhere!
Everything is fine as is. Everything is fine as is.

Even if we are docile, like an obedient herd,
And even if dogs cannot stomach our food.
We do not need anything! We need not go anywhere.
Everything is fine as is. Everything is fine as is.

Even though at times, we aren’t even glad to be living,
Even if the neighbor lives for a quarter a month.
She needs nothing, she needs not to go anywhere!
Everything is fine as is. Everything is fine as is.

And it seems to me that beyond the grave’s veil,
Chuckling in the coffin, I will say: 'What a nut!
I don't need anything... need not go anywhere...
Everything is fine as is. Everything is fine as is.

And when, finally, we’ll tire of humiliation,
Get tired of handouts, tired of fights -
Maybe then we will ask ourselves:
Is everything really fine as is? Is everything really fine as is?!


The Mariner

The Mariner, The Mariner
Has gone around the Earth
From Portugal to Peru
From Brazil down to England

The Mariner, The Mariner
Went on an adventure
On the Atlantic Ocean
He lived like a corsair

Gentlemen, gentlemen
The Mariner is back
Ladies, ladies
They say it's for love
Ola Olé, The Mariner is in town
Olé Ola, be careful with your daughters!

The Mariner, The Mariner
Arrives from the ends of the world
With magnificent silks
For brunette girls and blonde ones

The Mariner, The Mariner
Had left without wealth
He returns on a three-mast ship
Filled with gold and jewels

Gentlemen, gentlemen
The Mariner is back
Ladies, ladies
They say it's for love
Ola Olé, The Mariner is in town
Olé Ola, be careful with your daughters!

The Mariner, The Mariner
Loves the strong wind in the sails
The scorching sun of Africa
And the Northern Lights as well

The Mariner, The Mariner
Is a child of Bohemia
He doesn't know how to say thank you
But knows too well how to say I love you

Gentlemen, gentlemen
The Mariner is back
Ladies, ladies
They say it's for love
Ola Olé, The Mariner is in town
Olé Ola, be careful with your daughters!

Ola Olé, The Mariner is back
Olé Ola, they say it's for love


Don't look at me that way and kiss me no more

Don’t look at me that way tonight
As I sense your love in my heart
Don’t look at me as the music is playing
I’ll tell you the things I'm feeling
So close your eyes and leave
For your eyes are as green and dreamy
As once hers
I’m a man without the strength
To start all over again
I’m a dreamer
who’s dreamed
With only one woman
I’m a gambler with no luck
I’m scared
I’m begging you
Leave now
And don’t look at me that way
And kiss me no more
Don’t offer me your lips tonight
I’ll wish them to always kiss me
Don’t speak so nicely
I don’t trust the lips that lose
They lied to someone else
They will lie to me too
Like once hers once.
As they lied to someone else
They will lie to me too
Just like once hers


How beautiful this world is

How beautiful it is
This world
There the stream,
Here the flower,
Over there the field,
Here, the garden,
Up there, the sun,
Down here, the shade!
Over there the Danube,
Full of gold,
There the grass,
Here the shrub,
The nightingale's song
Sways the hedge.
I listen to it
And my friend.