Dalszöveg fordítások

TNMK (Tanok Na Maidani Kongo) - dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

English (poetic) Align paragraphs

History of Ukraine in 5 minutes

Look to the left, look to the right -
It's your land, it's your state!
History is in it. It's catchy and bright.
Glory to Ukraine! - Glory to heroes!
At first there were no birds or fish,
And suddenly there was a big bang,
Stars and furry cats appeared,
Shortly, everything you need to be happy.
Once upon a time, Trypillians lived on these lands-
Vincent Khvoyka will write more about this,
And Homer wrote about the Cimmerians -
Not the one from the cartoon, but a little different.
Then the Eastern Slavs appear:
Polians, Northeners and other Drevlyans.
When enemies come, they would fight them,
If there're no enemies, they would fight each other.
Even Apostle Andrew, once looked at this place
and said 'A nice city will be built on the Dnieper by
Kiy, Shchek, Khoryv and their sister Lybid'
In her honor there's a river and a metro station.
Back then there was no internet or radio stations,
The kings were bored and looked for something to do:
In any incomprehensible situation,
they went to war with Byzantium.
There they learned to fear the Lord
And sing in church 'God forgive me!'
Then Volodymyr the Great repented,
got rid of Perun and christened the Rus.
Each king had his own feature:
Svyatoslav the Brave fought to the end,
Yaroslav the Wise wrote wise books,
And Monomakh listened to his mom and always wore a hat.
But before that, it was not that bad,
Because then the Mongolian horde broke into here,
But what doesn't kill us, makes us stronger.
King Daniel fought valiantly,
Only no man is an island, of course,
and the Lithuanian principality grew little by little.
Poland and its lords threated from the West,
and the Moscow horde from the East,
The Tatars came in too and as they sing in the song:
'Ukraine was stunned that there was nothing to live for...'
Here, as desperate as predators,
Cossack warriors raised,
Until Father Bohdan made a great mistake
made friends with the Moscow king and believed in his loyalty.
But Cossack blood is not for showing off:
Dovbush, Karmelyuk, Zaliznyak, Honta
Fought for the fate of the common people
Because the Cossack kind is eternal!
Power is not only in sabers and guns,
Remeber, friends, about Petro Mohyla:
He founded the Academy to teach everyone
And I must say what pretty girls study there!
And who is the first hippo in Europe? Of course,
Grigory Savich Skovoroda
Pushkin couldn't even say a word yet,
And the Ukrainian writer Ivan Kotlyarevskyy has already written his Aeneid.
Look to the left, look to the right -
It's your land, it's your state!
History is in it. It's catchy and bright.
Glory to Ukraine! - Glory to heroes!
The nineteenth century. What do we see?
Serfdom in Ukraine, tsar in St. Petersburg
No Cossack Sich, no Hetmanate,
It was here that the Great Kobzar was born
It was his will to see how brothers hug each other
he said 'Be open to the world and don't shun your own. Fight - fight it out, make lve, Ukrainian girls, but not with moscovites'
Imperial crud got mad to the death:
they created Valuev circular and Ems decrees
that shot our language like the bullets,
They wanted to kill it, but it will never happen!
Marko Vovchok, Mykhaylo Staritskyy,
Hulak Artemovskyy, Nechuy-Levyts'kyy,
Hrinchenko, Stefanyk, Rudanskyy, Hrebinka,
Franko, Kotsyubynskyy and Lesya Ukrayinka
knew how to use the word adn made it as strong as hard iron -
The moscow imperial clowns still can't sleep!
Twentieth century: here you are -
the First World Wat begins.
Everyone stood for fight with each other,
Empires divide Ukraine between each other.
Vynnychenko, Petlyura, Makhno, Skoropadskyy
Were busy with the quarrels and suspicions to each other,
In the meantime, the communist plague came in,
Here is when the fun begins, my brother
There are many things to remember and to mention:
A number of shot dissidents, red terror,
And a tender gratitude from 'the older brother'
a multimillion genocide
But what people's memory learned out of the fire
To continue the fight, and here a few facts about that:
Knights of the glorious Cold Yar
And the feat of the immortal heroes of Kruty
New sneaky problems came one by one
Hitler came along
Then, the Kharkiv citizens' patience broke down
They came up with a tank - the best of the best tanks!
T-34 - beauty and horror!
They fought all the way to Berlin,
And in Volyn and the Carpathian forests,
They fought on two rebel fronts.
Nazis were banished - the communists came,
Death doesn't ask which side are you on,
Defeated again, or the winning ones,
A sad holy evening in 1946
No beef or pork - only Stalin on the wall.
Is this the end of history? No!
Gorbachov, a Ukrainian, once came
And destroyed the people's prison. Well, what?
The freedom has come, the freedom is desired,
Willful freedom, promised freedom,
It was just too early to rejoice
Because lice are not so foreign as their nits.
Molotovs flew, tires burned,
The tyrant's pork belly was twisting,
The gap was dug by the black abysses
The Heavenly Hundred flew into the sky.
And again, from the east, the soldiers fade
The Kremlin freak is complex.
But neither glory nor freedom die in Ukraine
Fate will always smile towards us,
Therefore the blue sky will be rye,
And what's next is up to you!
Look to the left, look to the right -
It's your land, it's your state!
History is in it. It's catchy and bright.
Glory to Ukraine! - Glory to heroes!

Az előadó további dalszöveg fordításait megtalálhatod a következő linken: TNMK (Tanok Na Maidani Kongo)

Az oldalon található minden zeneszöveg magyar fordítás másként dalszöveg fordítás vagy lyrics fordítás csak személyes és oktatási célokra használható fel.

Minden dalszöveg tulajdon és szerzői joga a szerzőket vagy a szám tulajdonosait illeti.

További dalszöveg fordítások


A Nyugat alkonya

Click to see the original lyrics (German)

Ó, ne
Lehetséges, hogy ez a próbaelőfizetés
tegnap automatikusan meghosszabbodott?
És a Center-Shocknak sem olyan
az íze, mint régen

Ó, ne
Lehet, hogy a macskám hamarosan apa lesz,
mert teherbe ejtette Charlie macskáját?
Most meg a végrehajtóval fenyegetőzik

És hirtelen rájövök,
miről beszélnek az emberek
És hirtelen rájövök,
pontosan mire gondolnak:
Ez már a
Nyugat alkonya

Ó, ne
Mi van, ha ez a Linda a Tinderről hazudott,
és valójában gyereket akar tőlem?
És ez a stream is már
egy órája bufferel

Ó, ne
Miért nincs több gyerek abban
a dologban, amiben
régen imádtunk mászkálni?
Most meg az első kör után
le vagyok égve

És hirtelen rájövök,
miről beszélnek az emberek
És hirtelen rájövök,
pontosan mire gondolnak:
Ez már a
Nyugat alkonya

És hirtelen rájövök,
miről beszélnek az emberek
És hirtelen rájövök,
pontosan mire gondolnak:
Ez már a
Nyugat alkonya

Vadul fúj a szél

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Szeress, szeress, mondd: nagyon
Szállj el velem, s én hagyom
A szerelmem, mint a szél
És vadul fúj a szél, vadul fúj a szél

Simogass meg ezerszer
Éhemre az ellenszer
Szívedbe búj, fúj a szél
Mert vadul fúj a szél, vadul fúj a szél

Érj hozzám
S mandolinok hangja kel
Csókold szám
Csókod életre lehel

Tavaszom vagy, mindenem vagy
Az élet is te magad vagy

Ahogy levél az ágba,
Kapaszkodj belém, drága
Mert minket formál a szél
És vadul fúj a szél, vadul fúj a szél

Érj hozzám
S mandolinok hangja kel
Csókold szám
Csókod életre lehel

Tavaszom vagy, mindenem vagy
Az élet is te magad vagy

Ahogy levél az ágba,
Kapaszkodj belém, drága
Mert minket formál a szél
És vadul fúj a szél, vadul fúj a szél

Life's a beach (and then you swim)

It you're a gambler with a giveaway tic
A red carnation and a heavy brick
It your sharpest eye is the one in the middle
And with your big toe you always fiddle
Then, my friend, hark to my gospel grim:
Life's a beach and then you swim.

(Shobidoa, life is a beach)

If your teeth are blue from singing the blues
You eyes shiny like Luciter's shoes
Your mind scrambled like the Cosmic Egg
And you snore like a bat with a wooden leg
Then, my friend, the horizon's dim
Life's a beach and then you swim.

If you're a tiger in the land of the meek
A faded Casanova dancing cheek to cheek
If you soar like the regal eagle in the Valley of Tears
Before you cut off both your ears
Then, my friend, hear the angels' hymn:
Life's a beach and then you swim.

(Shobidoa, life is a beach,
Popoopidoo, and then you swim)

Rapunzel (Kiki Solo Version)

Hair down, feeling like Rapunzel
Keep your doggies in the motherfucking muzzle
Only one queen in the jungle
Ayy, only one queen, only one
I don't win the shot, I pick spin
If I got a message I click 'Send'
You can't lie to me, I got a sixth sense
Fill my energy with some Himalayan incense

Livin' lavish while we still young
Spendin' that shit till we go dumb
Flashin' them gold teeth all damn day
When I walk by I hear them say

'That's money, that's motherfuckin' money'
Bitch, tell me how you love me
Bitch, tell me how
Yeah, yeah, yeah
'That's money, that's motherfuckin' money'
Bitch, tell me how you love me
Bitch, tell me how
Yeah, yeah, yeah

Hair down, feeling like Rapunzel
Hair down, feeling like, hair down
Hair down, feeling like Rapunzel
Hair down, feeling like, hair down

Need some me time, gotta meditate
Level up, level up, bitch, I levitate
In my pocket I got somethin' you will never make
But I'm generous, maybe you can have a taste
Anyway, gotta go, 'cause I'm runnin' late
Everyday, make a bag, but you gotta hate
I want two
But this is my life, baby, I ain't you

Livin' lavish while we still young
Spendin' that shit till we go dumb
Flashin' them gold teeth all damn day
When I walk by I hear them say

'That's money, that's motherfuckin' money'
Bitch, tell me how you love me
Bitch, tell me how
Yeah, yeah, yeah
'That's money, that's motherfuckin' money'
Bitch, tell me how you love me
Bitch, tell me how
Yeah, yeah, yeah

Hair down, feeling like Rapunzel
Hair down, feeling like, hair down
Hair down, feeling like Rapunzel
Hair down, feeling like, hair down
Hair down, feeling like Rapunzel
Hair down, feeling like, hair down
Hair down, feeling like Rapunzel
Hair down, feeling like, hair down

Hair down, feeling like Rapunzel