Dalszöveg fordítások

Unlucky Morpheus - Angreifer dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

English Align paragraphs


Last memory, middle of the darkness
I strained my eyes and in my line of sight
Coldly lay my mother's corpse
And a scent of blood so strong I could choke
In my nightmares, someone asks me
'Do you have any regrets?'
And in my head a voice calls out to me
'Carry out their punishment'
The worst waking bears upon me
'Fate! Is this what you call karma?'
To carry out my mission of one who has escaped death
Left alone in a coffin
The color of the scattered flowers is but an illusion
I've lost both my past and love, all of it
The only sliver of hope left here
Is a fang that doesn't know how to thirst
Something that was once before human...
Oh, the pride of the beast that devours scarlet blood, come before me!
My impulses howl at me, 'exterminate them all'
This bottomless nothingness
I've known it from long ago
Under control of a fate I can't escape
It is but a minimal comfort
Pulling on the string that was once cut,
Spun up, awakened and fell, 'a boy of his days'
Except for this killing intent that clouds my lungs
There is no other reason to live
Something that was once before human...
The resolve of a beast that steals and is stolen from, come before me!
My instincts roar at me, 'Return them to the earth, leaving none behind!'
A death that expresses happiness is in itself a parting gift
Tearing up both sin and divine punishment
To those of 'lower stature', at most fakes,
I will no longer grant a path of escape
Pure blood or blood that has been tainted?
Which one are you
Who do you face, listen to?
Do you really understand?
There is no demise to the prayers for the dead
If eternal condemnation is the law of this mortal form
Oh, the pride of the beast that devours scarlet blood, feed the destruction!
My soul screams at me, 'Don't stop until you slaughter them all...'
Erupted thick fumes
Enveloped in smoke
He gets down and stands
Yes, no matter how many times

Az előadó további dalszöveg fordításait megtalálhatod a következő linken: Unlucky Morpheus

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További dalszöveg fordítások


Egy dolog, ami igaz

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

[Verse 1]
Csaltam és hazudtam
Összetörtem és sírtam
Nincs mit többé rejtegetnem
Szerettem és bántottam
Összetörtem embereket a szavaimmal
Több kegyelmet kaptam, mint amit megérdemeltem, ez biztos

Úgy ismernek, mint aki őrült és vad
Anyunak megvan a maga kis ördögi gyereke
A baj nem ismeretlen az ajtóm előtt

Rossz helyen voltam rossz időben
A rossz dolgokat kergettem az életem nagy részében
Annyira el voltam veszve, hogy képtelenség megtalálni
De egy dolgban igazam volt
Az a fajta srác voltam, akit az lányok anyukái nem kedvelnek
A rossz társasággal mentem a rossz éjszakákon
Mert rossz voltam vagy ezer alkalommal
De egy dolgban igazam volt, benned

(Baby egy dologban igazam volt)
(Baby egy dologban igazam volt)
Igen, benned
(Baby egy dologban igazam volt)
Egy dolgoban igazam volt

[Verse 2]
Átláttál a fájdalmamon
Türelemre intettél minket, miközben változtam
Sosem fordult meg a fejedben, hogy elsétálj (Elsétálj)

Amikor őrült voltam, vakmerő és vad
Úgy viselkedtem, mint anyu kicsi ördögi gyereke
A tiédre hasonlító szívnek meg kell találnia a helyét (Megtalálnia a helyét)

Rossz helyen voltam rossz időben
A rossz dolgokat kergettem az életem nagy részében
Annyira el voltam veszve, hogy képtelenség megtalálni
De egy dolgban igazam volt
Az a fajta srác voltam, akit az lányok anyukái nem kedvelnek
A rossz társasággal mentem a rossz éjszakákon
Mert rossz voltam vagy ezer alkalommal
De egy dolgban igazam volt, benned

(Baby egy dologban igazam volt)
(Baby egy dologban igazam volt)
Igen, benned
(Baby egy dologban igazam volt)
Egy dolgoban igazam volt

Rossz voltam vagy ezer alkalommal
De egy dolgban igazam volt, egy dologban igazam volt

Rossz helyen voltam rossz időben
A rossz dolgokat kergettem az életem nagy részében
Annyira el voltam veszve, hogy képtelenség megtalálni
De egy dolgban igazam volt (Egy dologban igazam volt)
Az a fajta srác voltam, akit az lányok anyukái nem kedvelnek
A rossz társasággal mentem a rossz éjszakákon
Mert rossz voltam vagy ezer alkalommal
De egy dolgban igazam volt, benned

(Baby egy dologban igazam volt)
(Baby egy dologban igazam volt)
Igen, benned
(Baby egy dologban igazam volt)
Egy dolgoban igazam volt
Rossz helyen voltam rossz időben
A rossz dolgokat kergettem az életem nagy részében
Annyira el voltam veszve, hogy képtelenség megtalálni
De egy dolgban igazam volt (Egy dologban igazam volt)

The Boat of Time

'Until that day you return
I will convey it until it reaches you
This song I hear, echoing forever
Transcending time as it goes round and round'

As the rain, feeling like despair, falls
Dawn breaks, while I am in a state of semi-consciousness
I bid goodbye
To the sadness etched into
Your scarred back
As you leave once again for parts unknown
Please stay the way you are
This voice is in order to shout that to you
Have you discarded those ideals you threw around?
This voice is in order to reach you

Within a memory that is like heat haze
Playing with unfulfilled dreams
Will that nostalgic smile
Regain its shine
Locate the map
To living through this sad world, yes, it's true...
I love you, everything about you
Please do not forget it, my dear
I can hear your voice, as it cries
Now, I want to deliver to you this voice

'Without knowing why we were born
Or why we encountered one another
I will gaze upon only you, while you journey
On the boat of time, as it goes round and round'

'No matter how many nights pass
Or how ever many mornings I greet
I will gaze upon only you, while you journey
On the boat of time, as it goes round and round'

'Until that day you return
I will convey it until it reaches you
This song I hear, echoing forever
Transcending time as it goes round and round'


The Art of Stitching

Thread by thread, stitching it all together
Twilight's dress, I guarantee, will be beautiful
Because it's too colorful
I have to know what to do
It has to be done and to happen
Because Twilight's dress
It has to be more beautiful

Step by step, looking at the details
Adjust, because the stitch may even be saved
That's so it doesn't look bad
Because she hates being formal
I have it all in my mind
I have to make her so content
It's Applejack's dress

Stitching is easy for Pinkie Pie
It's always pink
And for Fluttershy,
What's this?

Mixing colors is so fancy
Just put it together, it'll be lovely
You'll even lose your voice
Everything is so pretty and among us
It's not that hard to do
All you need is the will and want
To learn everything

Cropping, stitching
A dress to create
And after proving
She'll be very happy
I like to stitch
Twilight Sparkle: The stars on my belt have to be technically accurate. Orion has three stars on his belt, not four.

Stitch by stitch, stitching it all together
Deadline ends, and the client is always right
It will be ready by midnight
And everything has to be perfect
Pinkie Pie, the colors aren't those
Wait until you see the sun shine
We're sewing it all together!

Pinkie Pie: Don't you think my gown would look more like me with some lollipops?
Rarity: Well, I think...
Pinkie Pie: Balloons?
Rarity: Well...
Pinkie Pie: So do it!

Hour by hour, another change
We're sewing, it's so good
Fluttershy, I will help you
Rainbow Dash, don't mess around
Don't forget that Applejack's clothes
Have to look great and shine!

Making a dress is not easy
Every client asks
And we have to do a complete review

Twilight Sparkle: That constellation is Canis Major, not Minor.
Fluttershy: French haute couture, please.
Rarity: Hmm, agh...

Applejack: What if it rains?
Rarity: Huh?
Applejack: Oh, galoshes!

Pinkie Pie: More balloons! No, there's too many balloons. More candy! No, less candy. Wait, I know. Ribbons!
Rarity: More ribbons?
Pinkie Pie: Whose dress is this?
Rarity: So be it, ribbons.

Rainbow Dash: What?
Rarity: Aren't you going to tell me to change something too?
Rainbow Dash: No, I just want my dress to be cool.
Rarity: Do you not like the color?
Rainbow Dash: The color is fine, just makes it look cooler.
Rarity: Do you not like the model?
Rainbow Dash: No, the model is fine, but you could make it even more... cooler. It needs to be about twenty percent cooler.

I feel a bit indecisive
That's what we call indecision
It has to be stylish and balanced
Having a good presentation
We have to do it loyally
This has to be our truth
Overcoming intimidation
Making a great presentation!

Cut here, cut there
Hips, tail and haunch
Pass here, pass there
Thread by thread, and that is
The art of stitching!



Well then—
how joyous, how joyous, how joyous!

In a gondola (sesse)
on their way to Fukagawa—
they cross the pier (arewaisanosa)
The passengers' hearts are restless,
longing to fly away (arewaisanosa)
and be by their beloved's side.

Oh my—
how joyous, how joyous, how joyous!

Two young monks (hai hai)
heading to Yoshichō together—
they climb the steep stairs
with a thud.
The people next door are lively,
pouring and passing drinks,
playing rock-paper-scissors.

Oh my—
how joyous, how joyous, how joyous!