Dalszöveg fordítások

Vivienne Mort - Не ходи ти тут, не ходи (Ne khody ty tut, ne khody) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


Don't you come here

Don't you come here
Don't you come
Don't you come here
Don't you come
Don't you come here
Don't you
Don't you come here
Don't you come
Here, you'll be the only one
Lord, how angry is the winter
Writhes down smoke,
Don't you come to
Roads like these
Sins have hidden in the trees
Black is the sky
Wind thrashes through the prison
Frozen bleeds the winter season
Don't you come here
Don't come in
But Lord and ruins are within
This here road
Bodies mark
They are counted in the dark
You best forget
This place's lot
Quicksilver-harsh and poisonous the blood
Into poppies
People turn 1
Heart is hook-split by the storm
Wiped out names and
Wiped out towns
Sorrows hang, if bone-hard, rough
Birds were thrashing
In the dark
Against prison built and dark
Wiped out names and
Wiped out towns
Sorrows hung, if bone-hard, rough
Birds were thrashing
In the dark
Against prison built and drab
Don't you come to
Roads like these
Sins have hidden in the trees
Black is the sky
Wind thrashes through the prison
Frozen bleeds the winter season
Don't you come to
Roads like these
Sins have hidden in the trees
Black is the sky
Wind thrashes through the prison
Frozen bleeds the winter season
Don't you come here
Don't you come
Don't you come here
Don't you come
  • 1. In Ukraine, poppies are a symbol of lives lost during WWII and, subsequently, the russian invasion of Ukraine.


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További dalszöveg fordítások


Ärger, der am Herzen frißt

Ärger, der am Herzen frißt,
Wird's nur ärger machen.
Was nicht wegzuschelten ist,
Such es wegzulachen.


All seine Werke mußt du kennen

»All seine Werke mußt du kennen,
Gerecht zu schätzen des Mannes Wert.« –
Darf ich den Wein nicht sauer nennen,
Eh' ich das ganze Faß geleert?


Egyszemélyes Matrac