Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 4

Találatok száma: 138


Why don't you come?

Today I come back to our house
Nothing is the same as before,
Not even a sign remained,
Not even a rebellious scent,
I don't see any book, any picture
Everything is deserted and empty . . .
And I feel like I've really lost much, much more
Than I thought that I'd ever lose
Why don't you come? (Why don't you come?)
Why don't you hear my voice? (Why don't you come?)
Why does the night have your flavor
It's hard for me without you . . . (Why don't you come?)
Why don't you come, just another day
Why, why, why don't you come?
And I feel like I've really lost much, much more
Than I thought that I'd ever lose
I want to turn back time
I want to call love again in two,
I don't know where I'll find
Your former love again?
Why don't you come? (Why don't you come?)
Why don't you hear my voice? (Why don't you come?)
Why does the night have your flavor
It's hard for me without you . . . (Why don't you come?)
Why don't you come, just another day
Why, why, why don't you come?
Why, why?
Why, why?
Why don't you come?
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

Story with an ordinary ending

I meet you at the same table
Where, sometime, just the two of us sat.
You're with another girl,
I, with another boy.
And we glance at each other more indifferently
Than two strangers,
Without emotions,
Just with an amiable smile
How much you've changed!
Or maybe I've forgotten.
I can't find in you again
Anything that had charmed me.
And how much I thought
That time wouldn't change us!
Today, the answer to everything
Is right in my face.
What blame do you have?
What blame do I have?
Losers in love
It's not just us in this fleeting game.
I meet you at the same table
You're not with another girl,
And neither am I with another boy.
Maybe this story has
An ordinary ending.
We all know that tomorrow, tomorrow
Maybe it'll begin again and again . . .
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!


I need you to tell me openly
You need to be loved
I need you to tell me openly that you
You need to be loved, now
Because nobody but you
Can say . . .
You need to be loved
I need you to tell me openly that you
You need to be loved, now
Because nobody but you
Can say
That love is nothing but smoke
Come on, try, tell me all that you want
This evening, it's better
Succeed in understanding
Why you don't
Why you don't believe in love
I need you to tell me openly that you
You need to be loved, now
Because nobody but you
Can say
That love is nothing but smoke
Come on, try, tell me all that you want
This evening, it's better
Succeed in understanding
Why you don't
Why you don't believe in love
Because nobody but you
Can say
That love is nothing but smoke
Come on, try, tell me all that you want
This evening, it's better
Succeed in understanding
Why you don't
Why you don't believe in love
Come on, try, tell me all that you want
This evening, it's better
Succeed in understanding
Why you don't
Why you don't believe in love
Come on, try
Come on, try
To succeed in understanding
Why you don't
Why you don't believe in love
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

Mit vársz te tőlem?

Valami nem stimmel abban,
Hogy Itt ülünk egy helyben
Hogy mondjuk és kimondjuk
A felesleges dolgokat.
Hogy te igaznak tűnsz
Ennek így kellene lennie
Hogy úgy tűnt mindent meg akarsz adni, meg akarsz
adni mindent és itt maradni.
És én ebben hittem
És én ebben hittem, igen
Csak egy olyan életre van szükség, amiben minden egy pillanat.
Mert te így hitted
Mert te így hitted, igen
Hogy elvárhatod hogy az egész élet csak egy pillanat legyen.
Mit akarsz tőlem,
Mit akarsz tőlem?
Mit akarsz legbelül?
Mert te annyira sem tudod.
Te nem is akarod azt
Amit bennem keresel.
Mit akarsz nekem?
Mit akarsz magadnak?
Mit vársz te legbelül?
Valami nem stimmel
És aztán minden itt ér véget.
Kímélheted magad, hogy legalább
A könnyű dolgokat csináld.
Ha igaz az, egyre igazabbá válik.
Ha rendben van, rendben van így.
És a bizonytalanság, bizonytalanság
Itt marad.
És én ebben hittem
És én ebben hittem, igen
Csak egy olyan életre van szükség, amiben minden egy pillanat.
Mert te így hitted
Mert te így hitted, igen
Hogy elvárhatod hogy az egész élet csak egy pillanat legyen.
Mit akarsz tőlem,
Mit akarsz tőlem?
Mit akarsz legbelül?
Mert te azt sem tudod,
Hogy nem is akarod azt
Amit bennem keresel.
Mit akarsz nekem?
Mit akarsz magadnak?
Mit rejtesz magadban legbelül?
De én nem tudom elhinni hogy
Más szerelem is létezik
Olyan szerelem is létezik mint amilyen te vagy.
De én nem tudom elhinni hogy
Más szerelem is létezik
Más szerelem is létezik.
Mit akarsz tőlem,
Mit akarsz tőlem?
Mit akarsz legbelül?
Mert te azt sem tudod,
Hogy nem is akarod azt
Amit bennem keresel.
Mit akarsz nekem?
Mit akarsz magadnak?
Mit rejtegetsz a szemeidben?
Mit akarsz tőlem?

What Do You Expect From Me?

There is something wrong
with being seated here,
with saying to each other at least and saying at least
useless things.
Things that seem true only if
it was supposed to go like this,
if you were supposed to want to give everything, give everything
and stay there.
And I believed it.
And I believed it, yes,
it takes only a lifetime to be a moment.
Because you believed it,
because you believed it, yes,
you expect a whole lifetime to be a moment.
What do you want from me,
what do you want from me?
What do you expect inside yourself,
'cause you really don't know it much,
you really don't want it much,
you really don't want what you're searching for from me.
What do you want for me,
what do you want for yourself?
What do you expect at the bottom of yourself?
There's something that goes wrong
and then everything finishes here.
You can spare, doing at least
the easy things.
If it's true then, the more true it is.
If it all goes well, then it's fine.
And fragility, fragility
remains there.
And I believed it.
And I believed it, yes,
it takes only a lifetime to be a moment.
Because you believed it,
because you believed it, yes,
you expect a whole lifetime to be a moment.
What do you want from me,
what do you want from me?
What do you expect inside yourself,
'cause you really don't know it much,
you really don't want it much,
you really don't want what you're searching for from me.
What do you want for me,
what do you want for yourself?
What's hidden inside of you?
But I cannot believe that,
that another love exists,
that another love exists like you.
But I cannot believe that
another love exists,
another love exists.
What do you want from me,
what do you want from me?
What do you expect from me,
'cause you really don't know it much,
you really don't want it much,
you really don't want what you're searching for from me.
What do you want for me,
what do you want for yourself?
What's hidden inside those eyes of yours?
What do you want from me?

Let me find a cure for my heart

I'd rather sit at home
to hide my sad life.
I don't wan to be asked about you anymore
and why you no longer are mine.
Please, let me find a cure for my heart.
Understand me, I no longer want to be your second choice
yet I want so much to hug you tightly
and at least once more kiss your eyes.
I feel bad when I see those
who spend each day together happily.
And I feel even worse when I realize I'm losing
both you and the most beautiful drram.
I'd rather keep crying in my room
so that neither you nor anyone can see me.
The time will wipe my tears away
and bring a brand new life.

100 days in a month

What's changing if I know
Which day is now - date is unimportant
The 5th on the 2nd, the 2nd on the 5th
Or some december - very important thing
For the hundredth time I am cutting solitaire for blef
And I am waiting that cards opening
When I drink a coffe, I turn the cup
And I am waiting that I start up from the zero
I want you here
100 days in a month
I want you here
Another one light year
I want you here
No sound, for me it's all
like a mute film - I'm bored with myself
I don't rush, I'm moving somewhere
I arrive nowhere - I often sink
For the hundredth time I am cutting solitaire for blef
And I am waiting that cards opening
When I drink a coffe, I turn the cup
And I am waiting that I start up from the zero
I want you here
100 days in a month
I want you here
Another one light year
I want you here

Egy pillanat az időben

Minden nap élek, létezni akarok
Egy nap, hogy a legjobbat adja nekem
Egy vagyok, de nem egyedül
A legjobb napom még ismeretlen
Összetörtem a szívem minden nyereségért
Hogy megkóstoljam az édeset, szembenézek a fájdalommal
Felemelkedek és zuhanok, még mindenen keresztül
Ez a sok maradt
Egy pillanatot akarok az időben
Amikor több vagyok, mint aki lehetek
Amikor az minden álmom egy szívverésnyire van
És a válaszok csak rajtam múlnak
Adj egy pillanatot az időben
Amikor a végzettel versenyzek
Aztán az időnek abban az egy pillanatában
Érezni fogok, érezni fogom örökké
Úgy élek, hogy a legjobb legyek
És mindet akarom, nincs idő kevesebbre
Megvannak a terveim, most már csak esély kell
Itt a kezeimben
Egy pillanatot akarok az időben
Amikor több vagyok, mint aki lehetek
Amikor az minden álmom egy szívverésnyire van
És a válaszok csak rajtam múlnak
Adj egy pillanatot az időben
Amikor a végzettel versenyzek
Aztán az időnek abban az egy pillanatában
Érezni fogok, érezni fogom örökké
Te egy életre szóló nyertes vagy
ÉS ha megragadod azt az egy pillanatot az időben
Tedd ragyogóvá
Egy pillanatot akarok az időben
Amikor több vagyok, mint aki lehetek
Amikor az minden álmom egy szívverésnyire van
És a válaszok csak rajtam múlnak
Adj egy pillanatot az időben
Amikor a végzettel versenyzek
Aztán az időnek abban a pillanatában
Létezni fogok, létezni fogok, szabad leszek
Létezni fogok, szabad leszek

You come and go

If you don't have a hug for me, I quit the party
I haven't seen you in a week and a half
You're not serious, you disappear on me every time
I've gotten used to it, I'm now almost indifferent
You come and go
You don't stay
And it's impossible to decide anything with you
You come and go
You don't stay
If you're not a friend, don't come anymore
If you do not have a hug for me, I quit the party
My tears almost dried up, I almost calmed down
You're not sincere, you're not for me
Another night I waited for you in vain
You come and go
You don't stay
And it's impossible to decide anything with you
You come and go
You don't stay
If you're not a friend, don't come anymore
If you do not have a hug for me, I quit the party
I haven't seen you in a week and a half
Coming and going[...]
You don't stay
And it's impossible to decide anything with you
You come and go
You don't stay
If you're not a friend, don't come anymore


Már régóta keresek egy érvet
És kifutok az időből
Érzem, hogy ez az az időszak
Itt az ideje, hogy eldöntsem
És nem igazán tudom neked megmondani, hogy mit fogok tenni
Olyan sok gondolat kavarog a fejemben
Két úton mehetnék és az egyiket ki kell választanom
Úgyhogy átgondolom a dolgokat, amiket mondtál
Végiggondolom a dolgokat
A dolgokat, amiket mondtál
És végiggondolom
végiggondolom a dolgokat...
Kész vagyok az örökkére?
Ó, Istenem, adj jelet
Mert ha nekünk együtt kell lennünk
Az isteni akarat kell legyen
És nem igazán tudom neked megmondani, hogy mit fogok tenni
Olyan sok gondolat kavarog a fejemben
Két úton mehetnék és az egyiket ki kell választanom
Úgyhogy átgondolom a dolgokat, amiket mondtál
Végiggondolom a dolgokat
A dolgokat, amiket mondtál
És végiggondolom
végiggondolom a dolgokat...
Ő feleségül akar venni
Elvinni messze
Életem végéig szeretni akar
Velem akar lenni
Minden reggel, mikor felébredek
Egész éjjel a karjában akar tartani
Atyám, melyik úton menjek?
Nem látom tisztán
Ó, úgy szeretem
De csak te tudod, hogy ő-e az igazi számomra
A dolgokat, amiket mondtál
És végiggondolom
Csak te tudod, ő-e az igazi számomra
És nem igazán tudom neked megmondani
hogy mit fogok tenni
Olyan sok gondolat kavarog a fejemben
Két úton mehetnék
és az egyiket ki kell választanom
Úgyhogy átgondolom
a dolgokat, amiket mondtál

At a turning point

A train is leaving
another is returning in the station with no sense
At a turning point,
we stop for a moment in the illusory walk
but you're always waiting me
you, my only train
when I wander, you call me
you're not ephemere...
Year after year,
the road of life is complicating with no sense
just searches,
places and images, days with no sense
but you're always waiting me (waiting me)
you, my only train
when I wander, you call me
you're not ephemeral...
with no word,
you watch me cry
I find you the same
I love you like yesterday
Again, I turn to you,
Come, please...
A train is leaving
another is returning in the station with no sense
At a turning point,
we stop for a moment in the illusory walk
but you're always waiting me
you, my only train
when I wander, you call me
you're not ephemeral...
with no word,
you watch me cry
I find you the same
I love you like yesterday
can't exist
without seeing you
with no word
you watch me cry
Again, I turn to you,
Come, please...


If someday, somehow,
we'd sit for a moment
looking back
how they turn and return
for a whil and pass
through images of dream
that turn if we want
for what we swear
that not us, for we didn't want to
think so weary...
And then, when, late,
for the ones that want more
to think and can
live and want
to be more beautiful and better
than they are and they were
even when it's not late
for the ones that want more...
When a day has gone
and an hour has stopped
when, with eyes to the sky
we are trying to dream
but nothing more's left
and all is confuse
nothing is anymore,
they remained...

Don't Beg Me To The God

There is a mountains enemies and liars between us
Everyone tell something about me to you they said he is a devil
I can't believe when i heard you leave me
You don't have any heart dear!
There is a eyes, lie words,people without books in our love
Everyone damned me about games and gone
You don't have mercy dear!
Don't beg me to the God,don't throw rocks to my heart
I'm wounded don't ask me anything about that i hope i will meliorate
Don't beg me to the God,don't throw rocks to my heart
I don't care don't ask me anything about that i hope i will forget

Pull Apart The Sky

Oh not me, not me
It wasn't, it wasn't
Not me, not me
It wasn't, it wasn't
Call me a white crow* with a black wing
I feel at home, even though the world is not my home
Call me whatever, I don't care
My glance is cold, but cold with fire
Call me abnormal, don't call me ashamed
Call me immoral, don't call me ashamed
But in your modest mind, remember one thing
That your world is all crumpled, and you are only the result
Oh not me, not me
It wasn't, it wasn't
Not me, not me
It wasn't, it wasn't
Pull apart the sky
And wake up, wake yourself up
Cast away doubts!
And we'll fly with you to the Heavens
Call me a black cat, persecuted by people
Let there be a maybe, where it's difficult, try to accept
But it may turn out to be the same as you
Pull yourself together, hold on to your dreams
Call me informal, don't call me ashamed
Call me an outsider, don't call me ashamed
Earse all my songs, burn all my poems
You see, my name is Phoenix, they're immortal
Oh no me, no me.. Was there, was there...
No me, no me... Was there, was there...
Oh not me, not me
It wasn't, it wasn't
Not me, not me
It wasn't, it wasn't
Pull apart the sky
And wake up, wake yourself up
Cast away doubts!
And we'll fly with you to the Heavens

A sea full of dreams

Sarah really wanted
To be a famous movie star
A sea full of dreams takes you with it
A black coat and a pink umbrella
That's how she dances
Singing in the rain
Suzy likes to hug
Old trees in the park
A sea full of dreams takes you with it
Their roots suck life out of the land
She wants a wooden loverboy
Joeri found
The sweetest girl of the century today
Last week, he said that too
He doesn't want to be on the way alone anymore
The best friend I ever had
If we go our way
Gates will open
To a sea
A sea full of dreams
It can't be more beautiful than this
A sea full of dreams takes you with it
A sea full of dreams takes you with it
A black coat and a pink umbrella
That's how she dances
Singing in the rain
If we go our way
Gates will open
To a sea
A sea full of dreams
And it can't be more beautiful than this
A sea full of dreams takes you with it

Hopeless and lost

You're too pretty to be true
Since I know you, I feel pain
Warmth in my heart
And that feeling makes me confused
I know, you didn't promise me anything
I only believed in the dream
Without answer to
My question, if you also care about me?
That day I will never forget
I saw you for the first time
But you, you didn't see it then, that I
Was so hopelessly lost
Don't ask me, how it has to continue
Now that I met you again
This quiet pain
That I'm feeling now has to be love
That day I will never forget
I saw you for the first time
But you, you didn't see it then, that I
Was so hopelesly lost
Since that first time
That I met you
I have no rest anymore, darling
I'm hopelessly lost
Hopelessly lost

I love you

I call you
tell me, do you hear me?
I want to tell you
what I feel
without you
I think about you
I yearn
I know I can never forget you
I need your warmth
let me in your arms
I can give you everything
you are the luck, my life
I love you
don´t you know it?
These are the words from
the deepest reason in me
You are so much
the sense, my aim
the answer to my whole life
I think about you
very tight about you
all my dreams
I have dreamed only for you
I love you
and always you
These are the words from
the deepest reason in me
I love you

Goodbye, my friend

Versions: #2
Goodbye, my friend, goodbye, my dear,
You'll stay forever in my heart.
Impending parting is too near
But we won't be too long apart.
Without a word, goodbye, my friend,
Don't grieve for me, be calm and meek.
'Death' in an old thing in the end,
'To live' is hardly newer it.

So what?!

So what?!
So what?!
So what?!
So what?!
Come, take me with you in the life
take me to paradise...
Come, give me the moment that comes,
give me a new universe.
I want to come in your life
call me, I will follow you
Chase my fear, give me the love
In life, you are the designed...
Come, don't stop,
for a moment, don't think
Come, wherever you are
I'd still find you.
I don't regret. not for a second.
what I've done in my life
Let the people talk
don't look back!...
So what?! It's the same for me!
So what?! I love non-sop
and my heart - wants or not -
is beating like crazy!...
So what?! What do I care?!
So what?! It's crazy
but we can't live
without loving!...
Come, don't stop,
for a moment, don't think
Come, take me with you in the life
take me to paradise...
I don't regret. not for a second.
what I've done in my life
Let the people talk
don't look back!...
So what?! It's the same for me!
So what?! I love non-sop
and my heart - wants or not -
is beating like crazy!...
So what?! What do I care?!
So what?! It's crazy
but we can't live
without loving!...
So what?! It's the same for me!
So what?! I love non-sop
and my heart - wants or not -
is beating like crazy!...
So what?! What do I care?!
So what?! It's crazy
but we can't live
without loving!...
So what?!
So what?!
So what?! What do I care?!
So what?! It's crazy
but we can't live
without loving!...
So what?!...

There are days

This love is illness, but not so rare
this relationship, it's weird from the start
maybe this is the end
but just in case don't ask...
You gave me an engagement ring, and then you left
I need an advice, is this vow still on?
but our bridge, unfortunatelly
crashed , 'cause it was joining together very different people
And it was irresistible , but it was right
There are days
when I wonder what's up with us
when I wake up alone
alone and sleepy
There are nights
when my heart leaps
when it feels like
you're somewhere close
but I know, but I know
little ring, real diamond
stays with me to relieve my pain

Comme ci comme ça

I walk along a foreign town
You're in my head and there's no choice
You don't know, it happens within me
Comme ci comme ça | Je rêve de toi
Je l'ai connue | si différent
Son image vie dans ma tête
It's always the same, heart breaks,
And the world as well
Je l'ai connue | si différent
Son image vie dans ma tête
How is it always with you, parties till sunrise,
Seul avec toi,
Going down to the Paris metro,
I should decide, in this noise, with you I got no silence,
Cry about myself
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט

I Die For Who Created You

I die for who created you
who created you (x2)
I admire who created you
who created you (x2)
Fell onto your cheek one by one
Look at that black beauty spot, that black beauty spot
Fell onto your cheek one by one
Look at that black beauty spot, that black beauty spot
your lashes and eyebrows
your braids, your hair to your waist
comb it to your wrist, love, comb it to your wrist, girl, I better die (x2)
I die for who created you
who created you (x2)
I admire who created you
who created you (x2)
For which part of her I die
her chest, her white chest
For which part of her I die
her chest, her white chest
Fell onto your cheek one by one
Look at that black beauty spot, that black beauty spot
Fell onto your cheek one by one
Look at that black beauty spot, that black beauty spot
your lashes and eyebrows
your braids, your hair to your waist
comb it to your wrist, love, comb it to your wrist, girl, I better die (x2)
I die for who created you
who created you (x2)
I admire who created you
who created you (x2)


mindig marad egy fénysugár
bár a halált hozza az éj
a lélek így is utat talál
a remény szárnyain
már az élet kezdetén
az évek hajnalán
lágy szemünk tisztán csillog
ha a lélekhez ér
már közel ide a széles part
hol kínunk végre véget ér
a nagy föld csendben vár reánk
míg hajónk hozzá elér
jöjj tárd ki szíved
a csillagok
nyúlnak te érted
most és örökké
az út a nagy vízen
ezen órán partot ért
egy nagy föld mely nekünk oly mesés
mindig róla álmodtunk
örömünk most már végtelen
mától itt lesz otthonunk
egy álom a csillagok fölött
hol végtelen a víz és a föld.
és ez most már mind miénk
az egész vidék
jöjj tárd ki szíved
a csillagok
nyúlnak te érted
most és örökké
az út a nagy vízen
ezen órán partot ért
mindig marad egy fénysugár
bár a halált hozza az éj
a lélek így is utat talál
a remény szárnyain
a remény szárnyain
fordította Gaál György István


Party time, above the city
With many spells, for the coming year
Among the usual idiots, magicians, hairdressers
Gianni & Pinotto, but who is Pinocchio
Sister. Hit at the first ball
Sister. From a shrewd scoundrel
Party time, flower plastic ... Mmmm
Santa Claus, who works overtime
Hunting air, which tastes of holy war, of
Witch hunting, who got away with it.
To all the black Cats, almost extinct race
Against ignorance, the beautiful country 1 that advances
In the indifference in front of an assassin
The sign of the cross, which is against a kitten
People, pious believers , launch anathemas
Above the city, it's a parlor game
What's the truth, it's not new
People pay well for their sorcerers
That baby runs there. And which people will pay
That little girl, big and black eyes
Black as his thoughts
Sister. That the paying public
Sister. Consecrated great
Sister. You will remain that example
Like Jesus in the temple.
To red summer sunsets over the sea
In front of the horizon, like another front
To the missing stars, our birthdays
Never celebrated in all those years.
To the desires left suspended between earth and sky,
on that rainbow.
To the summer lull, year 1969
It was a day in July, and also to Beethowen ..
And how much it costs me to forget,
And I prefer to hurt myself.
But what unconsciousness, in this world without.
In this world without
To days lost between tears and smoke,
Under the batons used on the brothers.
To the years against, to the * years
To those of lead and damn slaughters.
To the lighted lights, of the fishermen
To all those nights, you spent outside
To the love given. Given without reservations.
To your heart, broken forever. Forever.
Siii ster...
  • 1. Italy
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A Drop in the Sea

The years pass around me
You lift the white veil from her face
An ego like a defeated slave
And it really knows how to start hurting
there on the left side...
I'm a bullet, you're a bullet in a gun
Bad news that simply isn't vanishing into ether
We are a boat getting lost at sea
Like a lose myself whenever I meet you
[Chorus x2]
But I can't and I don't have anywhere
I would go but I can't
Because without you there is no 'me'
I'm losing myself like a drop in the sea
Like cancer you kill me with theft
Around town they're saying that I'm gone
Like I'm a waltzer who danced with the devil
Whilst my eyes were looking at angels.
I'm a bullet, you're a bullet in a gun
Bad news that simply isn't vanishing into ether
We are a boat getting lost at sea
Like a lose myself whenever I meet you
[Chorus x2]
But I can't and I don't have anywhere
I would go but I can't
Because without you there is no 'me'
I'm losing myself like a drop in the sea
(I would go but I can't)
(I'm losing myself like a drop in the sea)
(But I can't and I don't have anywhere)
(Because without you there is no 'me')
[Chorus x2]
But I can't and I don't have anywhere
I would go but I can't
Because without you there is no 'me'
I'm losing myself like a drop in the sea


Angels rise, their wings opening
When I'm with you, in your arms, my eyes close
Angels rise on rays of the sun
In the golden light, they start to wrap us up
Their gentle and warm breath
Can be felt smooth, like a breeze on your pillow
Our eternal pain extinguishes slowly
I'm here, love
I'm here love
I'm here, love
Heaven is above us
You with me
Wherever we may be
We no longer need
The sky opens us, it rains love
And the angels dance out of so much happiness
Their gentle and warm breath
Can be felt smooth, like a breeze on your pillow
Our eternal pain extinguishes slowly
I'm here, love
I'm here love
I'm here, love
Heaven is above us
You with me
Wherever we may be
We no longer need
Drops of rain beat against the window gently
How happy I am, love, because I have you
And the crazy thunder gets lost in the stars
Just like you get lost in my arms
I'm here, love
Heaven is above us
You with me
Wherever we may be
We no longer need
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

The dawn

The dawn, the dawn came
I didn´t close my eyes
Because my dear one doesn´t come
he doesn´t visit my house
somewhere he´s drinking september´s vine
he doesn´t care about how I feel
Dawn, dawn, little dawn
my friend
Say to my dear one that he needs to call me
or forget me
it doesn´t matter neither he was made from pure gold
I´ll get married out of spite
The dawn, the dawn came
I cried whole night
My dear one didn´t drink vine
he cheated on me with another woman
I wish him a lot of luck
but I won´t forgive him
I wish him a lot of luck
but I won´t forgive him

Zagorje* pulls me

I passed the whole world
you´ve been in my heart
you smelled like a flower
my dear Zagorje
I´ve been like a harvested flower
winter was following me
I didn´t know where to put my heart
a foreign land is cold
Instead of heart Zagorje
beats in me, it last
so I whisper: I give you everything
that living gives
Instead of blood in my veins
Zagorje is flowing
it´s the end of every path
everything pullis me into it
Let the sun hugging me
everywhere is cold winter
let the wind take everything from me
there is a light in me
Then I will sing
let´s hear it through hills
here in the lap of Zagorje
nobody can do anything to me


My guards falls down only when it's nighttime
I let my hands go when
I see myself
and when
your voice fades out more and more
Take me into your arms, Slađana
The fella is broken, bitter, so alone
he says it's because of me,
because of me
I'm lovable every night
and they love me lamely
What's the hot crowd hiding?
I'm not even gonna drink anymore
I'm deceptive while I
look cocky every night
What's the hot crowd hiding?
I'm not even gonna drink anymore
Just picture me - oh, come on
What do you see - oh, when
it seems like it to you - oh, come on
just try me, but it's in vain
You're trippin', hey? I'm barely breathin'
when I take everything off
Bitter, broken, seduced
allegedly, it's because of me
because of me
I'm lovable every night
and they love me lamely
What's the hot crowd hiding?
I'm not even gonna drink anymore
I'm deceptive while I
look cocky every night
What's the hot crowd hiding?
I'm not even gonna drink anymore
Take all of me
I'm taking everything
Don't care about the
May Du-du-a play, hey baby!
Something else, Du-du-a, hey baby!

You cannot compete

You cannot compete, cannot compete
With a person with a mouth
If words were able to pierce this body
Then my body would be full of wounds
In the war of words, there are Generals
If you were to compete, you will lose
Being fought is usual, do not let it bother you
You are a tree with fruits, get used to the stones
Cry a little, then be quiet that the pain will end
When you continue, you confuse them more
Then pick up your faith and return to the fight
When they see you to say you have become tough
Let them speak, let them talk about you
For there is a God that will shut their mouths
If God judged by listening to words
Then what of pregnancies that are talked about a lot
If God judged by listening to gossip
Then I would advise you my minister to close the church
The human, the man has an issue with the tongue
If you teach it silence, you will not lose
My friend, what is your problem?
Why lie? Fear God
Remember it is a promise, that a day is coming
That every word from your mouth with be brought to account
I have already told you, agree to leave it alone
You will understand yourself to be tough
I cannot compete, cannot compete
With a human with a mouth
Jesus, this Jesus did not defend himself
Though they talked with evil intents, He forgave them
And you forgive them, and pray for them
For they do not know ..?
When they do wrong, answer them with kindness
Do not compete with anyone, answer them with kindness
Even if it is your close brother, answer them with kindness
It is not good for you to revenge, answer them with kindness
Do good and leave, answer them with kindness
Oh, you answer with goodness
Because, because
Translation Mine if no other Translation Source is given. Soon as a 'Source' field with a weblink appears below, it is not my translation, but taken from another website.
If you have corrections. i will consider them if they are made in a courteous way, including stanza and line, and what it is that needs to be replaced. If you only type one or two words into the comment box, without giving the location, I will simply ignore it.
Another option is you correct the entire song and paste it so I can in turn copypaste it, which is less work for me. You can also take my translation and make your own translation using mine as a basis.
If you start a fight over commas, apostrophes, grammar, syntax, lower and upper case, english dialects that you don't understand cause your english is just too poor, as it has now happened for the last couple weeks constantly. I promise you soon as you start monkeying around and bossing me around with your comments that I can't delete. I will delete the translation instead. and Keep it on my computer where it belongs.

I Love Venice

At the third double whisky
I almost shouted: 'I love Venice!'
A glance behind my shoulder, I know,
He never wants to say no
I turned to the darkness, behind the glass I imagined my home
But there's not one reason to leave
A silk stocking on the bedside lamp
I love Venice!
A slow music pulls you up
and you live a little more
Right at the foot of the bed a newspaper, the question of Algeria
But not even a reason
that I recall
to go away
And three bottles in a row
Then four and laughter
Whatever the hell
I had that night
I don't remember anymore
I felt it was over and the *day was upon me already
And I looked like someone in another place
But I was still there
The motives of a man
They're not pretty
to be proven
The problem is to allow yourself a little of
the best and a little more
He came to the window,
I told him: 'I think the darkness is going away'
*so calm, and sitting there
I seemed like I was
still in that place
He came to the window,
I told him: 'I think the darkness is going away'
*so calm, and sitting there
I looked like I was
still in that place

Build Your House on Love

Morning sun, morning joy.
It begins for us both
every new day becomes a festival.
Yes, we have the time and
found our lucky recipe,
and it simply said:
Build your house on love and don't build from sand,
love can withstand the ravages of time, and wind, and weather.
What helps with the best plan, cement and brick?
Without love, it all collapses!
Friendship, which one offers to friends,
big plans to hammer out,
remain only in daydreams.
Every now and then a pub crawl,
and sometimes a big hustle and bustle
all that, and all for two.
Build your house on love and don't build from sand,
love can withstand the ravages of time, and wind, and weather.
What helps with the best plan, cement and brick?
Without love, it all collapses!
Build your house on love and don't build from sand,
love can withstand the ravages of time, and wind, and weather.
What helps with the best plan, cement and brick?
Without love, it all collapses!
Without love, it all collapses!