A keresés eredménye oldal 29
Találatok száma: 967
Прекалено добър в сбогуванията
[Куплет 1]
Сигурно си мислиш, ча съм глупав
Сигурно си мислиш, че съм глупак
Сигърно си мислиш, че съм нов в тези неща
Но съм виждал всичко това и преди
Никога няма да те допусна близо до мен
Въпреки, че означаваш всичко за мен
Защото всеки път, щом се отпусна, боли
Затова никога няма прекалено да се приближа до теб
Дори когато знача всичко за теб
В случай, че си трънеш и ме оставиш в пръстта
Всеки път, щом ме нараниш, плача по-малко
И всеки път, щом ме оствиш, сълзите изсъхват по-бързо
И всеки път, щом си тръгнеш, те обичам по-малко
Скъпи, нямаме шанс, тъжно е, но е истина
Прекалено добър съм в сбогуванията
(Прекалено добър съм в сбогуванията)
Прекалено добър съм в сбогуванията
(Прекалено добър съм в сбогуванията)
Няма да ме видиш да плача
(Няма да ме видиш да плача)
Прекалено добър съм в сбогуванията
(Прекалено добър съм в сбогуванията)
[Куплет 1]
Знам, че мислиш, че съм безсърдечен
Знам, че мислиш, че съм студен
Просто предпазвам невинността си
Просто предпазвам душата си
Никога няма да те допусна близо до мен
Въпреки, че означаваш всичко за мен
Защото всеки път, щом се отпусна, боли
Затова никога няма прекалено да се приближа до теб
Дори когато знача всичко за теб
В случай, че си трънеш и ме оставиш в пръстта
Всеки път, щом ме нараниш, плача по-малко
И всеки път, щом ме оствиш, сълзите изсъхват по-бързо
И всеки път, щом си тръгнеш, те обичам по-малко
Скъпи, нямаме шанс, тъжно е, но е истина
Прекалено добър съм в сбогуванията
(Прекалено добър съм в сбогуванията)
Прекалено добър съм в сбогуванията
(Прекалено добър съм в сбогуванията)
Няма да ме видиш да плача
(Няма да ме видиш да плача)
Прекалено добър съм в сбогуванията
(Прекалено добър съм в сбогуванията)
Няма да ме видиш да плача
(Няма да ме видиш да плача)
Прекалено добър съм в сбогуванията
(Прекалено добър съм в сбогуванията)
Не, не, не, не, не
(Прекалено добър съм в сбогуванията)
Не, не, не, не
Не, не, не
(Прекалено добър съм в сбогуванията)
(Няма да ме видиш да плача)
(Прекалено добър съм в сбогуванията)
Защото всеки път, щом ме нараниш, плача по-малко
И всеки път, щом ме оствиш, сълзите изсъхват по-бързо
И всеки път, щом си тръгнеш, те обичам по-малко
Скъпи, нямаме шанс, тъжно е, но е истина
Прекалено добър съм в сбогуванията
Szomorú éjszaka
És az én szívemben
Nincsen reménység
Nézd, ezt a napot
Felhő borítja be
Kacagva mondja
Gyere ide
Zengjen egy dal
Zengjen egy dal
A valódiakban, az elhagyottak
Eledelt keresnek, a népség
közepén, az utca
közepén, koldulnak.
Az élet sírva kelt fel.
Ti, senki fiai
Kikről hosszú évek óta megfeledkeztek
Te csak ötvenegy éves vagy
De száznak nézel ki.
A civilizáció igazai óta
Elhagyottak hangján
Kezdünk egy dalt
Anélkül hogy bátorságot merítenénk
Énekelünk hogy ne feledjünk.
Ti, senki nagyszülei
Kikről hosszú évek óta megfeledkeztek
Hova sodort minket az élet?
Az igazakhoz!
Te, szívem
Élő és kellemes forrás
Úgy, hogy még
Én is tudom inni az életet
Nézd, ezt a napot
Felhő borítja be
Kacagva mondja
Gyere ide
Zengjen egy dal
Zengjen egy dal
Mi, senki fiai
Kikről hosszú évek óta megfeledkeztek
Hova sodort minket az élet?
Az igazakhoz!
A valódiakban, az elhagyottak
Eledelt keresnek, a népség
közepén, az utca
közepén, koldulnak.
Az élet sírva kelt fel.
Ti, senki fiai
Kikről hosszú évek óta megfeledkeztek
Te csak ötvenegy éves vagy
De száznak nézel ki.
A valódiakban, az elhagyottak
Eledelt keresnek, a népség
közepén, az utca
közepén, koldulnak.
Az élet sírva kelt fel.
A valódiakban, az elhagyottak
Eledelt keresnek, a népség
közepén, az utca
közepén, koldulnak.
Az élet sírva kelt fel.
Zengjen egy dal
Zengjen egy dal
Ах, Самара-городок
Платок тонет и не тонет,
Потихонечку плывет.
Милый любит и не любит,
Только времечко идёт.
Ах, Самара-городок,
Беспокойная я,
Беспокойная я,
Да успокой ты меня, ох.
Я росла и расцветала
До семнадцати годов,
А с семнадцати годов
Кружит девушку любовь.
Ах, Самара-городок...
Милый спрашивал любови,
Я не знала что сказать,
Молода, любви не знала,
Ну и жалко отказать.
Ах, Самара-городок...
Понапрасну небо ясно,
Одна звёздочка горит,
Понапрасну милых много,
Об одном сердце болит.
Ах, Самара-городок...
Тебе, белая берёза,
Нету места у реки,
Если я тебе невеста,
Ты меня побереги.
Ах, Самара-городок...
Милый скажет - до свиданья,
Сердце вскинется огнём
И тоскует, и томится
Всё о том же, всё о нём.
Ах, Самара-городок...
Du kom ind i mit hoved, som en sang
Som jeg blev ved med at synge helt alene
Men som radioen hold op med at spille for lang tid siden
For lang tid siden
Jeg har vidst fået nok, jeg er vidst færdig
Som en fugl i brand, nu er den borte
Troede jeg så mig selv i dig, jeg tog fejl
Der er ingenting at sige, jeg går min vej
Det vil kræve et mirakel, åh...
Det vil kræve et mirakel at kurere denne kærlighed
Skat, jeg bliver ikke en eneste nat mere
Denne gang siger jeg farvel, jeg lader dig gå
Det vil kræve et mirakel, åh....
Det var en ensrettet vej væk fra dig og mig
Du genopbyggede dette slot baseret på løgne
Og nu er vi kommet til det punkt hvor der ingen vej tilbage er
Vi styrter i grus, du lærer så længe du lever
Det vil kræve et mirakel, åh...
Det vil kræve et mirakel at kurere denne kærlighed
Skat, jeg bliver ikke en eneste nat mere
Denne gang siger jeg farvel, jeg lader dig gå
Ja, det vil kræve et mirakel, åh...
Det vil kræve et mirakel at redde os nu
Og jeg gider ikke lade som om alt er okay
Mit hjerte er på spil, enden på os er min begyndelse, åh
Hey (Mira-mira-mirakel)
Det vil kræve et mirakel
Uhh... (Mira-mira-mirakel)
Åh det vil kræve et mirakel, åh...
Det vil kræve et mirakel at redde os nu
Det vil kræve et mira-mira-mirakel, mira-mira-mirakel
Mira-mira-mirakel at redde os nu
I went to her
there are sometimes when I miss her eyes at nights
there are sometimes when I miss her eyes at nights
I went to her in the middle of the night and
I swore to her that she was my love and the one who's on my mind
And I told her how I missed her and thought of her
I handed my soul to her and left to her my heart which she forgot
And I did everything I could for her what else should I do?
I went to her in the middle of the night and
I swore to her that she was my love and the one who's on my mind
And I told her how I missed her and thought of her
Oui bien sûr, que je crois
Qu'un jour je serai où j'étais
Bien là, bien à coté de toi
Et c'est dur , ces jour ont l'air si sombre
La lune, les étoiles, ne sont rien sans toi,
Ton contact, ta peau, où dois-je commencer ?
Aucun mot ne peut exprimer, la façon dont tu me manques
la nuit, le vide, le trou où je me trouve
Ces larmes, elles racontent leur propre histoire
Tu m'as dit de ne pas pleurer quand tu partirais
Mais ce sentiment est écrasant, cela est bien trop fort
Puis-je m'allonger à tes côtés, à côté de toi, toi
Et sois sûr de ce que tu veux
Je prendrai soin de toi
Et je ne veux pas être ici si je ne peux être avec toi ce soir
Je t'appelle
Peux-tu l'entendre?
Cette douleur dans laquelle j'ai été
Tu me manques, me manques comme un fou
Tu m'as dit de ne pas pleurer quand tu partirais
Mais ce sentiment est écrasant, cela est bien trop fort
Puis-je m'allonger à tes cotés, à coté de toi, toi
Et sois sûr de ce que tu veux
Je prendrai soin de toi
Et je ne veux pas être ici si je ne peux être avec toi ce soir
Je m'allonge ce soir, je m'allonge à tes côtés
Je m'allonge ce soir, je m'allonge à tes côtés
Puis-je m'allonger à tes côtés, à côté de toi, toi
I Told You About That Already
Do you know
I too once had a city, streets...
Dear faces in the backyard...
A table under the chestnut...
Dusty image and a road made of dreams... Little girl...
My friend's song...
Childhood wakes up in my soul...
Picture it... a linden smell... and summer is here...
Later the snows...
I'm a wisp of fog under the neon light in winter...
I'm telling you... I had a friend, a brother to me...
Now a desert....
A longing song... Pacific made of sorrow and remembrance...
They say - fate...
That whore should be called pain... And the reasons...
Million of stories, but each one leads only to wastelands...
I ask do you know...
And I know you don't know nor will you ever understand...
And why should you?
Sorry, it's the bitter liquid talking nonsense through me
It's not nostalgia...
Which is a romantic, innocent infant compared to these conditions...
I will not mention war and horrors,
Politic and similar crap...
I will not repeat... Justice does not exist...
At least that much is clear...
I want to let a tear of love,
I make a good couple with it.
It's late, I know... night is slipping put...
Each one is a small eternity for me.
Yes, I know, you must go,
Oh, how annoying it is when last buses get lost...
I ask - do you know I too once had a city, streets...
Dear faces in the backyard... a table ander the chestnut...
Ah, I told you about that already.
Everybody is alone
Everybody is with you
on every path,
where you sow laughter
into grey days of the uncaring
where you are a spring, intoxicatingly alive
inexhaustible for the mouths
of the lucky ones, everybody is with you...
They stand by you when you're a promise
that makes flowers flourish,
full of hope they go with you
when you are the guide, fate's cry
on the point of return...
You believe in this world
but even the slightest
defeat can lure
the voice of doubt.
Everybody is alone
when left alone
now me, now you,
the hands of time knit us
a spiderweb of a sky.
The soul is a bird with no wings
when life touches the ground,
to the sun reaches the one
who can stand alone
when he* is alone.
Everybody is with you
on every path,
where you sow laughter
into grey days of the uncaring
where you are a spring, intoxicatingly alive
inexhaustible for the mouths
of the lucky ones, everybody is with you.
My friend
they will all be there
when, drunk on victories, you will no longer be
what you were, the world will be with you
even when drinking to hope**
for your ruin, in the last night...
When you wish again to believe in people,
'til the dawn breaks...
Everybody is alone
when left alone
now me, now you,
the hands of time knit us
a spiderweb of a sky.
The soul is a bird with no wings
when life touches the ground,
to the sun reaches the one
who can stand alone
when he is alone.
Giving a ride to a friend
The silences that
Scare me
And flood the inside of
This moving car
Don’t delude yourself
No, I won’t change
The frequence to distract myself
Until at your destination
Now that I have you here
I would like to lose myself
On this autostrada that will take us far away
Now is the moment
Not to think about it anymore
Because you don’t even know I love you
Dance some more
Don’t stop
Have a little breather and start again
Dance some more
Don’t look at me
I know that nothing in this moment can betray us
The secrets that
Scare me
Are the ones I would like you to know by now
If you look at me I know
That I won’t be able
To shout at your face that I love you
Dance some more
Don’t stop
Have a little breather and start again
Dance some more
Don’t look at me
I know that nothing in this moment can betray us
Maybe a moment
Maybe it will pass
Maybe a wave that has swept away all that can’t be seen
Maybe it’s just that
I don’t know how to tell you
I can’t explain to you what’s happening with me
Dance some more
Don’t stop
Have a little breather and start again
Dance some more
Don’t look at me
I know that nothing in this moment can betray us
Dance some more
Don’t stop
Have a little breather and start again
Dance some more
Don’t look at me
I know that nothing in this moment can betray us
Dance some more
Don’t stop
Dance some more
I made this!
You can go ahead and copypaste it to your heart's content, but only if that makes you feel special.
The Samoan Girl
And the other day I saw her
In the apartment
The other day I saw her
I went dumb
She was ironing her clothes with her hot soul
She was cooking soup with her hot soul
Her skin was dark
Delightful essence
Her hair so long
It touched her butt
And it poisoned me how with just one look
I would sigh so deep
That I was left without air
And the other day I talk to her
I asked her out
And I didn't think about her much and she told me yes
And my heart felt so nice
My heart felt so nice for good reason
Precious samoan girl warming my heart
Precious samoan girl would sing singing her sound
Free like the tide
When we shine on the path
Enjoying the night
Moving to the music
Moving to the rhythm
Of her beating heart
And sweat drips
From her lips
She wants to be...
I myself am the finest
In the village I'm the finest, I'm most haughty,
I carry water from a well and do chop the firewood.
I have the nicest ears, the finest face around,
And in bed, in general there, I am, I am just wild.
I myself have long legs, like that of Aguilera,
I do put on some shoes, oh a size of forty four,
And when I do milk the cow, it steams like it be smoke
And the hot milk it does pour straight into the bucket.
I'm - just a queen, straight forward - I'm just a goddess.
And from my sincere kisses your neck will bruise.
I'm just like a little dove, I'm like a little swallow,
I'll hug oh so firmly, ripping there your shirt .
In the village I am the best, the most beautiful,
My teeth in the whole village they are the whitest,
My lips are fuller than those of Angelina Jolie,
It's good, for they were stung by bees just last Sunday.
I work not on a farm, but in a library,
Every day I go to work wearing a new skirt.
I've read now five books and at least two papers,
So why do you oh boys, not take me into marriage?
Chorus. (3)
A simple tune, two small words:
Lapland, Sami earth
It came with the wind from north
From north, Lapland
Can a demand get any softer:
Lapland, the land of the Sami people
It grew from a breeze to a storm
From a breeze to a storm, Lapland
In front of the parliament where they sat
Lapland, Lapland
The yoik was heard day and night
In front of the parliament where they sat, oy…
The joik was heard day and night
Joik is stronger than gunpowder
Because a yoik never ends
Oh… Lapland
Because a yoik never ends
Ugyanúgy Érzek
…Ja, de úgy értem őszintén, ez olyan, ez olyan…
Mi a különbség… Ki vagy te?
Tudod, sok ember nem tudja ezt megválaszolni, érted miről beszélek?
Szóval, ez olyan… ha nem tudunk túljutni rajta, akkor nem tudom meddig fog ez működni.
Szóval úgy értem… úgy értem, ez az, ahogy én látom.
Szerintem mindenkinek van véleménye, szóval…
Ahogy felnézek egy üres égboltra, gondolkodom miért,
Az élet változik, újrarendeződik, és ez így megy mindig
Az ami egyszerű, miért annyira komplikált?
Ez csak problémák, amiket én csinálok?
A boldogság vajon csak egy szó lenne?
Mi az égbolt madarak nékül?
Érzed a fájdalmat, még ha nem is fáj?
Mert itt van valami az idegeimben,
A bőröm alatt és a tüdőmben
A nyomás megmarad, én sosem vagyok elégedett
Szóval egész este sírok
Teljesen egyedül…
Kiss Me
Yeah eh
Yeah eh
You moving so sexy, getting yourself into trouble
Looking at me like that and you looking so good
Are you making it hot in here? That's what I wanna know
Feel you sweating already, dripping down your skin...
Kiss me now
Make time stand still
Just kiss me
Never want this to end
The moon might leave, but your kisses won't
I only ask this, just kiss me now (Muah)
So it will never end (Yeah)
So it will never end (Yeah)
Everything for when you're here (Yes)
You're so close to me, to me
Been wanting you for a while now
So close, got such a weak spot for you (Yeah)
My breath quickening
You're the one I've been looking for
We're too big for games now
If you can do it, don't leave it for later (x2)
Kiss me now
Make time stand still
Just kiss me
Never want this to end
The moon might leave, but your kisses won't
I only ask this, just kiss me now (Muah)
So it will never end (Yeah) Yandel!
So it will never end (Yeah)
Now there's no one to stop you, you're in charge now
Too wild, I'm not watching the time
Want you for all of it, want you for all of it
If I'm falling in love, you are too
Everything for when you're here (Yes)
You're so close to me, to me
Been wanting you for a while now
So close, got such a weak spot for you
Kiss me now
Make time stand still
Just kiss me
Never want this to end
The moon might leave, but your kisses won't
I only ask this, just kiss me now (Muah)
So it will never end (Yeah) Yandel!
So it will never end (Yeah)
Breaking the bass
Bull Nene!
'El Capitán' Yandel
So it will never end, yeah
Gaby Music
So it will never end, yeah
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