Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 19

Találatok száma: 679


A börtönöd

Elmegy a szerelem
Ha így akarja
Mit fogok csinálni?
A hiúságod nem engedi megérteni
Hogy megtudjad a szegénységben hogyan kell szeretni
Szeretnék sírni
És az elpusztít engem amit így gondolsz
És többet mint most, itt maradtam nélküled
Fáj nekem amiért te szenvedsz
De emlékezz
Semmi sem tökéletes
És te látni fogod
Talán ezer jobb dolog lesz
De ez a szerelem sosem volt őszinte
A felejtés eltűnik
Ez hogy ma távoztál és hogy így átváltoztál
A kaland amit te már látsz
A te börtönöd lesz és soha nem léphetsz ki
Elmegy a szerelem
Ha így akarja
Mit fogok csinálni?
A hiúságod nem engedi megérteni
Hogy megtudjad a szegénységben hogyan kell szeretni
Szeretnék sírni
És az elpusztít engem amit így gondolsz
És többet mint most, itt maradtam nélküled
Fáj nekem amiért te szenvedsz
De emlékezz
Semmi sem tökéletes
És te látni fogod
Talán ezer jobb dolog lesz
De ez a szerelem sosem volt őszinte
A felejtés eltűnik
Ez hogy ma távoztál és hogy így átváltoztál
A kaland amit te már látsz
A te börtönöd lesz és soha nem léphetsz ki
De emlékezz
Semmi sem tökéletes
És te látni fogod
Talán ezer jobb dolog lesz
De ez a szerelem sosem volt őszinte
A felejtés eltűnik
Ez hogy ma távoztál és hogy így átváltoztál
A kaland amit te már látsz
A te börtönöd lesz és soha nem léphetsz ki
Elmegy a szerelem
Szeretnék sírni
Elmegy a szerelem

Kicsi lány

A barátaim mindig azt mondják hogy elkalandozom
Van amikor köpök beszéd közben mert olyan sok a mondanivalóm
Úgy látszik hogy nem hallanak meg de az nem baj
Nem miattuk túlórázik az agyam fizetség nélkül
Mindig ugyanazt mondják és kezdem unni
Hogy a fejem nem tud megfázni, sem megbetegedni
Vakarózom és piszkálódom, a bizonytalanságaim bökdösnek
A félelmeim, bizonytalanságaim, egy hang ami ingerel
Menj el sétálni, tisztítsd meg a fejed, lélegezz be, számolj tízig
Mert az élet első oldalán pirossal írva
Ide sosem jutsz el ha nem tanulsz meg görbülni
Ne beszélj csak ha szólítanak, kicsi lány
Valamikor megtalálod a helyed a világon
De a hölgyek nem lesznek piszkosak
Valamikor megtanulod megtelíteni az üres helyet
Üres reménnyel
Úgy érzem minden nap egy csata és mindig megsérülök
Mindig mondták hogy az erőszak nem válasz
De az élet nem követi egy gyerek szabályait
Nem tudom hogy kell harcolni csak feladni tanítottak meg
Van egy típusú sötétség amely öl
Legtöbsször azelőtt visz, minthogy alszol
Talán a rés az ajtónál, ami valahogy beoson?
Vagy a rés az agyadban amely akarja hogy elmúlj?
Nem emlékszem már hogy milyen tisztán látni
Minden nap úgy kelek fel mintha halott ébredne ujjá
Nem kell azt gondolnom, hogy a testem egy börtön
Nem te irányítasz, csak meg kell találnom a kepcsolót
De minnél többet keresem, annál messzebb kerülök
Te vagy az egyetlen dolog bennem, amit meg kell javítani
Mert az élet első oldalán szép nyomtatással
Ne keresd a fényt, inkább éld meg
Ne beszélj csak ha szólítanak, kicsi lány
Valamikor megtalálod a helyed a világon
De a hölgyek nem lesznek piszkosak
Valamikor megtanulod megtelíteni az üres helyet
Üres reménnyel
Az agyamban felfordulás van, de attól még szeretem
Azt mondják hallgassak el, de csak a szavaim maradtak
Tehát az élet utolsó lapján arannyal írva,
Ne pazarold azzal, hogy mindig másokra hallgatsz

Free Albania 100 years

Tears are rolling (on my cheeks )
I don't cry I'm smiling
Free Albania 100 years
In the blue sky there are clouds
Today there's only hope
Free Albania 100 years
Kings and Queens were there for cemturges alive
That's why you smile ,smile
The beautiful future is waiting for us
That's why you smile ,smile (x2)
La la la, la la la , la la la ,
La la la, la la la , la la la,
La la la, la la la, (x2)

My goal

Looking at the deep ocean, I feel as if someone is calling me
Why does this happen?
The waves keep coming and going,
Someone tell me what to do
Without knowing, I move forward
Something pulls me to move forward
To that place, which is forbidden
Why that place?
Where the sky and ocean meet
No one knows my goal in life
All around me somebody's wind blows
If that is the case, then I will meet my goal where I want to
I know, everyone here is family, look.
They are all so happy, everyone is fine
They go their own ways
When told what to do, I will do that too
We will move ahead together, and build up strength
I will stay happy however I am
But still my mind cries
What is it lacking?
Where the waves of the light rise,
my goal is there
The light spreads over my path
It calls me - what is there in the middle of the ocean?
Where the sky and ocean meet,
No one understands my goal
Someone's wind blows all around me
I hope I realize my goal


I looked for you once,
But you didn't see me and you made me sad
Today, I tried to tell you
That I have no way anymore
To go down the same path.
And the song is so that you don't forget me,
Not even when you get very old.
Out of a thousand perfumed flowers, I picked you,
Out of a thousand colored masks, you chose me,
Out of a thousand thoughts which torment me,
And don't let me sleep sometimes,
It hurts me the most that we loved each other
Only a thousand times.
I just want reconciliation
With the love that destroys you and then left
And one last try,
Is it still worth it to truly love?
And the song doesn't mean 'bye,'
It's a gift for your birthday.
Out of a thousand perfumed flowers, I picked you,
Out of a thousand colored masks, you chose me,
Out of a thousand thoughts which torment me,
And don't let me sleep sometimes,
It hurts me the most that we loved each other
Only a thousand times.
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!


How are you ?
My heart (x3)
(Where are you x2)
Because I'll take you home day and night
Havana o ana whenever you want !
And the girls with you, in love they fall
(WoW there's no chance she can be that stupid )
Wow wow you made my pockets tired
Wow wow you move it like you want
Oh my God x2
Come on don't leave me alone
Hmm Anna
Where are you Anna
Bring Anna
Anna move it like you want
Move it Anna
Anna go on

Do not go to pluck the flowers

Do not go to pluck the flowers
If the flowers see you,
a sword fight between flowers occur
Do not go to apply a red dot* in your forehead
If the mirror sees you,
it will lend its hand towards you
Do not go to temple,
The temple monumental tower will gaze at you in a slanting manner
Do not go inside forest,
The stinging bees will roam around your lips to take out honey
Do not go to pluck the flowers
If the flowers see you,
a sword fight between flowers occur
Is it possible for anyone to stop this youthfullness,
which goes like a hurricane?
Is it possible for anyone to come near this age,
which dances and roams around?
If you take bath in a river,
the fishes inside river are roaming around sharpening their moustaches
Even a small goat grows a beard and
roams around with a one sided love
Dances like kuchupudi and kathakali watches your walk
and will learn new moves from it
Why is there a need for chalk powder drawing?
You just express your shyness, in your cheeks the colours appear
The white dove which migrates from country and country and stays in Vedanthangal,
to which heart it comes to build a nest?
You roam in a fantastic manner like as if the sun got legs,
Will this (I) moon get light from you?
O, the butterfly that roams around, in your colors
the flower has sprung in it to stick around
No plan or no direction,
Where is the hindrance for your youth age to fly?

Love will find a way

We're now here
In this world we
We will fight for life
But only you and me
I want to be
Always myself
Maybe I'm no that strong and I'm scared
But inside my heart I know
Love will find a way
No I won't lose ,we won't
We will always be happy
A way and harmony
That I feel in my heart
Because it'll find a way
By itself this love
If you want to be you
You won't understand
Where love is
You won't be mistaken
Everything is full of lights
I see you eyes
(Both )
With the happiness we have
We will tell to everyone
That love will find a way
No I won't lose you
With you I'll always be happy
A way ,love will always find
That we are like a flower
And a way this love will find
On its own this love
This love


The door shuts
Like a tomb.
The bell is calling me
It's time for the ritual
The fire guides me
Through shadows
To the altar.
It's time for the ritual
It's time for the ritual!
The scent of myrrh
Ancient magic
Opening its wings
It's time for the ritual
Inside the chalice
Life is flowing,
Eternal flame
It's time for the ritual
It's time for the ritual!
Oh necromancy
Funeral magic
Force of darkness1
Funeral magic
My chant echoes
Against the chapel's
It's time for the ritual
A door opens
Like a tomb
The night is calling me
It's time for the ritual
It's time for the ritual!
  • 1. not sure whether this is the best translation
Feel free to correct whatever I wrote, even when I haven't requested proofreading. ^^


How much light, how much warmth
These three weeks gave us!
The kind wildflowers
Looked into our eyes everywhere
Who can remember how many times
Stars fell from the sky for luck.
This does not often happen on Earth
But where are they now?
The happy times have left their fleeting glimpse and passed
The short holidays are over
Alas, love did not call on us then
Love did not call on us, it just called out.
The grey rain is coming
And then there will be blizzards...
Will these three weeks really remain somewhere in the past?
Who can remember how many times
Stars fell from the sky for luck.
This does not often happen on Earth
But where are they now?
The happy times have left their fleeting glimpse and passed
The short holidays are over
Alas, love did not call on us then
Love did not call on us, it just called out.

Like a Dream

Like a dream of a paradise
In a dream and through a mist of tears
I was looking for an answer
Like a dream through the light of the night
I felt your soft hand on my cheek
Like a sound of wings
You and I, we were looking for the same answers
So ingeniously, without knowing where
Give me your hand and our dream will become real
Stretch your hand out to me
My life with you is like a dream
In my dream, you mean everything to me
And you are the answers of my dream
In my dream of an eternity
I found a reality
Yes, to me you are the answers of my dream
You and I, we were looking for the same answers
So ingeniously, without knowing where
Give me your hand and our dream will become real
Stretch your hand out to me


When I saw you
That's when I saw me
When I felt you
I saw myself right here
Far away from everything
When I looked at you
When I found myself
I didn't want to go back
To where I was alone
Take this rose
So you'll remember me
I throw you this rose
To remind you that I've loved you
And I will always be right here
That I will always love you here
Stop running away
Stop keeping me away
From my plans
Where you belong and what now?
What now?
Take this rose
So you'll remember me
I throw you this rose
To remind you that I've loved you
And I will always be right here
That I will always love you here
Take this rose
So you'll remember me
I throw you this rose
To remind you that I've loved you
And I will always be right here
That I will always love you here
Take this rose
So you'll remember me
I throw you this rose
To remind you that I've loved you
And I will always be right here
That I will always love you here

Ben 10 Intro (Czech)

One day they came to the ground
and a boy named Ben himself got to be sick
So, from that time, he is gifted with super power.
Ben ten (10)
It can shine through colors until the eyes,
and calmly stands upright in the cloud.
He's a real boy and not just the world
Ben ten (10)
He is facing all the pitfalls and
whether he can handle and can not help,
is beautiful and is popular everywhere,
he will also improve your most sad day.
Ben ten (10)
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Poor Independent Bosnia

ALAS poor independent Bosnia
Thanks to Alija you are destroyed
Because you declared Bosnia's independence
There will no longer be a head on your shoulders
It is time for the Serbian revenge
All the mosques will be blown away
There's no more Ante, Azem or Tito
To protect you from the Serb again
There's no point to hold the Ramadan fast
Nor Allah nor Virgin Mary will save you
No one is as strong as the Serb
And the Serbs will not be enslaved again
It is time for the Serbian revenge
All the mosques will be blown away
There's no more Ante, Azem or Tito
To protect you from the Serb again
You wont get away like last time, Alija
And you will carry your dimije on a stick
Your doom is already in sight
Right when your daughter is studying politics
It is time for the Serbian revenge
All the mosques will be blown away
There's no more Ante, Azem or Tito
To protect you from the Serb again

I have waited for far too long

Anna: Look the shutters and gates opens now
I had almost forgotten they could that
And imagine, we have plates enough for an army
It's over with the flag on half
It's not a ballroom before there's a ball
Now here's no longer dark and silent anymore
It'll be weird to have guests, but I'm sure I'll learn
I'm the world's most prepared host
'Cause I have been waiting for far too long
To dance all night long
New music from new strings
Talking and laughter, light and song
I have a rather lot of air in my stomach, so something is definitely happening
Yes, I was lonely for far too long
Now it's over
I'm so excited to greet every single one!
The only one, who knows!?
When I'm getting the pretty dress on
And finds the right spot to stand
At the same time graceful and nonchalant
Suddenly I'll see him right there
A tall and charming cavalier
And gets a completely mad craving for sugar
But we'll talk and laugh for hours
It's strange that I dare to
After all I have never tried it before
I have waited for far too long
For a bit of fun and a bit of magic
I have waited for far too long
For him I'll fall in love with
And I know it's totally crazy, to think it'll happen today
But I have been dreaming of it for so long
It's a chance I'll have to take
Elsa: Let no one in, let no one see
Fight alone, as you're obliged to
Shut off every day, and lie yourself cold
One wrong move and I'll lose all control
It's a day that requires bravery
Anna: I'm ready, I'll go accept them
Elsa: Soon it'll be over
Anna: Do not make the agony last longer
Elsa: Guard open up the gate and say: Here you go!
Anna: Here you go!
I have waited for far too long
Elsa: Let no one in, let no one see
Anna: Set the dream free from this place
Elsa: It's a life you're obliged to
Anna: And the chance is only there today
Elsa: Shut off
Anna: To find love
Elsa: Shut off every day and lie yourself cold
Anna: I can't sit still at all
Party and colors, here I am
'Cause I have been waiting for far too long
Shall finally live the life
And nothing's in the way


Alongside a murky road I found
A glimmer of light in the darkness
You completely believed in destiny
That's when I knew I would wake up beside you
Supernatural, several touches
I felt you breathe deeply
In that eternal moment
I wanted to stay and rest
I laid my head on you, safe
As I used to
I won't get lost in an illusion
Instead I'll find my way to you
I'll always belong here
The shadows withdrew, worries as well, as dawn came
My dark sides were killed by your light
And when I arrived on your wing at my empty house
It didn't feel like home anymore
As I used to
I won't get lost in an illusion
Instead I'll find my way to you
I'll always belong here
And when eventually
I sleep forever
I'm not afraid of it
I will always find you
As I used to
I won't get lost in an illusion
Instead I'll find my way to you
I'll always belong here
And when eventually
I sleep forever
I'm not afraid of it
I will always find you

When did I become a woman?

Why did my heart after coming to eyes
lose its eye lids?
When did I?
When did I become a woman?
When did I become a woman?
When did I become a woman?
When did I become a woman?
Is that during when my first smile blossomed?
Is that during when I uttered my first word?
Is that during the sacred day when she lit lamps
and said an angel?
Is that during when I got a small fear which
occurred in between my sleep and I got sweat in my whole body?
Is that when I felt inside my heart
like you stand somewhere and looking at me?
When did I become a woman?
When did I become a woman?
In an empty seashore,
I was waiting like a sand castle
Like a wave you come,
You take me within you..
When did I become a woman?
When did I become a woman?
When did I become a woman?
When did I become a woman?
Is that during when you gazed me?
Is that during when I knew only your name?
Is that during when you told me to open my eyes
and put me as a request?
Is that during when you told me to open my eyes
and put me as a request?
Is that during when I felt your smooth moustache
touched me while bathing?
When did I become a woman?
When did I become a woman?
When did I become a woman?
When did I become a woman?

The fastest in the world (Sonic SatAm Theme German)

So clever so you know
Sonic the Hedgehog
Unknown hard to lose
Sonic the Hedgehog
He always knows it
He is really clever
He's the fastest in the
Hold on tight when he passes by
Sonic the Hedgehog
Don't doubt what he can do
Sonic the Hedgehog
He always knows it
He is really clever
He's the fastest in the
He's the fastest in the
He's the fastest in the
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Herb of Guinea

Yes, man!
I'ma Titica
Ha ha ha ha ha ha
Xô speaks:
1. the child at school, vinyl on the turntable
and thin waist is for
2. every family begins with two,
work is food for
3. bean[s and] rice, food on the plate
a visit arriving for
4. educated police are part of the people
so save that gun in the (belt) 5
For I feel your presen6
We are walnuts 7 caboclo is walnuts 8
Xô speaks:
Eight caboclos dancing with the mouth foaming
With mouth foaming with love
Eight caboclos dancing with the mouth foaming
With the mouth foaming with hate
It wasn't foreseen, no?
Herb of Guinea
Several caboclos replacing the place
And the scent of the supernatural herb
It's what I'm feeling...
Of the Herb of Guinea, of the Herb of Guinea
(Several caboclos replacing the place)
It's of the herb of Guinea
(The scent of the supernatural herb)
Margaret Menezes
Herb of Guinea, guinea, guinea, guinea
Original kuduro
I'm ticny, no basic
Multiplied we are stronger
We don't have to depend on luck
Even without knowing the type of compass
We [will] never lose the north
Lost for one, lost for a thousand
It's so in Angola, it's so in Brazil
We can be two, the cover be one
If we're united, no one is cold
People without culture is an empty people
The worst slavery is mental
Alone no one goes far
He stumbles in life and then falls from high
It wasn't foreseen, no?
Herb of Guinea
Several caboclos replacing the place
And the scent of the supernatural herb
It's what I'm feeling...
Of the Herb of Guinea, of the Herb of Guinea
(Several caboclos replacing the place)
It's of the herb of Guinea
(The scent of the supernatural herb)
Margaret Menezes
Herb of Guinea, guinea, guinea, guinea
Poker-faced, precious wood
Come to steal the king's throne!

The 2 of us, for always 1

I'm not myself when you are with me
All is turned upside down, don't know how to move on
Just your eyes and my knees are weak
I'm totally lost, something like that never happens to me(ya, yah, uhuh, check)
Your eyes amend for everything with me
Will let you believe cotton candy was part of me
Credit card burning but for ya I would try it
No breaks, let's go shopping and later to your place
But you're so far away, oh, yaya
Searching for ya with my hightech nav
You need a guy who'll forever be da one for ya
I'll be standing in front of your door if I remember your street
This feeling, you're turning everything upside down
And I'm standing between so many questions
Way too many, too many words in my head
Hey, I got to tell you now
Come on, tell me, tell me
Only the two of us, only the two of us, ohoh
For always one, always one, ohoh
I want to lose myself with you
Only the two of us, only the two of us, ohoh
For always one, always one, ohoh
I want to lose myself with you
I've got this gut feeling about you
That it is right when you are with me
You are smiling all my sorrows away
You are every holiday, my secret hideaway
I'm only gonna listen to what my gut feeling says
We're gonna share popcorn on our bumper car ride
Don't look at me like that or I'm gonna make a crash
Something's in our way I'm gonna honk and honk (ya)
I'm gonna jump straight from the block into your bed
I'm gonna smile your sorrows away (yaya)
I see your look is so soft
Then I'm just gonna forget about myself
Way too many, too many words in my head
Hey, I got to tell you now
Come on, tell me, tell me
Only the two of us, only the two of us, ohoh
For always one, always one, ohoh
I want to lose myself with you
Only the two of us, only the two of us, ohoh
For always one, always one, ohoh
I want to lose myself with you
And if the weather changes
I'll have an umbrella for ya
Just let the raindrops fall
Look at them and just let it happen, happen
But you're so far away, oh, yaya
Searching for ya with my hightech nav
You need a guy who'll forever be da one for ya
I'll be standing in front of your door if I remember your street
Way too many, too many words in my head
Hey, I got to tell you now
Come on, tell me, tell me
Only the two of us, only the two of us, ohoh
For always one, always one, ohoh
I want to lose myself with you
Only the two of us, only the two of us, ohoh
For always one, always one, ohoh
I want to lose myself with you
Only the two of us, only the two of us
For always one, for always one
Only the two of us, only the two of us
For always one, for always one

You Albania give me honour

Oh you mountains of Albania
And you tall(type of big trees)
Wide Valleys with flowers
I'm telling this to my self day and night
You beautiful shore
And shallow rivers
(Types of trees)
And green forests, I
Will sing about love
That you hold ,you hold and feed
Oh you blessed local
My mind
My mind you entertain
You Albania give me the biggest honour
You Albania give me the name Albanian
Because you cooked (created )my heart
You cooked it full of desire and fire
Oh you mountains of Albania
And you tall(type of big trees)
Wide Valleys with flowers
I'm telling this to my self day and night
You beautiful shore
And shallow rivers
(Types of trees)
And green forests, I
Will sing about love
That you hold ,you hold and feed
Oh you blessed local
My mind
My mind you entertain
You Albania give me the biggest honour
You Albania give me the name Albanian
Because you cooked (created )my heart
You cooked it full of desire and fire
You cooked it full of desire and fire

Fuck and Go

Fuck, go
Fuck, go
Fuck, go
Fuck, go
Whoever fucks slowly fucks more
For the show, you're not Calado1
Don't make balloons, don't call
Don't send a message, control [your] emotion!
Drag your yesi2, move move move
You've tried the mail, you've lost control
Don't think I'm a new troll
You saw me, you pretend that you didn't see me!
Ai, don't cause me stress!
Ei psycho, follow the bullet...
Whoever touches is orderly, fuck, go go go
Fuck, go
Fuck, go
Fuck, go, fuck, go
Go, go, go, go!
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...
Go, go, go
Fuck, go
Fuck, go
Fuck, go, fuck, go
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!
In this novel there's no happy end
What is the idea, now you want an encore?
You came with a lot of dancing the xaxo3
You came with a lot of dancing the xaxo
Ai, you're stuck
Hum, you're stuck
Ai, now don't bother
Go, go, go, go (you're stuck)
Fuck, go
Fuck, go
Fuck, go, fuck, go
Go, go, go, go!
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...
Go, go, go
  • 1. Calado is the name of a famous comedian in Angola.
  • 2. I am sorry, I'm unfamiliar with this word. If anyone knows, please inform me.
  • 3.


Don't you ever waste your life
spread your wings little and pretty butterfly
whatever anyone says don't lose your sleep at night
whatever anyone says, shh
go away quietly
My feet don't touch the ground
I don't hear a single word
you keep on blabbering but oh yeah
go, walk over there
I'm too gorgeous to worry oh yeah
It's meaningless
I don't listen
keep on shouting, trust me
Mama told me not to waste my life
She said, 'Spread your wings, my little butterfly'
Don't let what they say keep you up at night
And they can't detain you 'cause wings are made to fly
And we don't let nobody bring us down
No matter what you say, it won't hurt me
Don't matter if I fall from the sky
These wings are made to fly
That runway becomes hot
when I arrive
I don't need to get ready no no
talk even if the sky is divided
I don't care at all oh yeah
It's meaningless
I don't listen
keep on shouting, trust me
Mama told me not to waste my life
She said, 'Spread your wings, my little butterfly'
Don't let what they say keep you up at night
And they can't detain you 'cause wings are made to fly
And we don't let nobody bring us down
No matter what you say, it won't hurt me
Don't matter if I fall from the sky
These wings are made to fly
I don't need no one saying hey, hey, hey, hey
I don't hear no one saying hey (hey), hey (hey), hey (hey), hey (hey)
You better keep on walking, I don't wanna hear your talking, boy
You better keep on walking, I don't wanna hear your talking, boy
just keep walking
don't say anything and pass by (Boy)
just keep walking
don't say anything and pass by (Boy)
It's meaningless
I don't listen
keep on shouting, trust me
Mama told me not to waste my life
She said, 'Spread your wings, my little butterfly' (my little butterfly)
Don't let what they say keep you up at night
And they can't detain you 'cause wings are made to fly
And we don't let nobody bring us down
No matter what you say, it won't hurt me
Don't matter if I fall from the sky
These wings are made to fly
And we don't let nobody bring us down
No matter what you say, it won't hurt me
Don't matter if I fall from the sky
These wings are made to fly
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.


You helped me to be a better person
I was talking to you
But you didn't want to understand
So .. I said
Let's leave the light of my heaven in peace
The truth gives me a signal ..
RIT: Yes! Place like this! Life of my dreams! Always listen to your heart that beats and beats!
Live the emotions that each person feels.
Madness, it's a word that represents me a lot! Sepas ... love does not always last but it is love.
There are birds behind your window
They look at you! They listen to you! They think! As soon as human life is difficult.
I am your diamond that you have in your hand
What ...
You .. will queer!
RIT: Yes! Place like this! Life of my dreams! Always listen to your heart that beats and beats!
Live the emotions that each person feels.
Madness, it's a word that represents me a lot! Sepas ... love does not always last but it is love.
So many things can happen to me
If there is not your look
Your smile..
Take with you ... shine like a world star
But stop!
They envy me, eh!
RIT: Yes! Place like this! Life of my dreams! Always listen to your heart that beats and beats!
Live the emotions that each person feels.
Madness, it's a word that represents me a lot! Sepas ... love does not always last but it is love.

Moonlit night

Wounded soul in the darkness
You look in the mirror - loneliness
You feel the longing screaming inside of you
Where is the hope to set your heart free?
Faded dreams, so deep inside you
All you feel is emptiness - loneliness
You close your eyes and time stands still
Where is the hope to set your heart free?
We're on our way into endlessness
Sadness and sorrow, forget about your fear
Look into your heart and overcome the pain
Don't get discouraged - trust your heart
We're on our way into endlessness
No journey is too long for us, we're riding through the night
Looking for the morning that will never arise
Give us your hand, your goal is now within reach


I’m doing good, I’m doing fine
I'm doing well I’m doing alright
trust me believe it or not
I'm doing well I'll keep pushing forward (go go)
but I worry sometimes
what if everything I've done so far isn't real?
how does it feel?
I won't believe it even if what I've done so far is just a placebo
placebo effect
In fact I know it has no effect yet I let myself get deceived
while I'm not confident they keep deceiving me
they pretend to give me medication and then tell me I'll get inspired
living in a hallucination
the world I live in will become a reality
I know it's difficult and frustrating
I don't know, even if this drug is a fake it's okay
Cause later when I become addicted to life
even though the medicine I take when I'm sick has no effect
it still comforts me in another way and makes me want to fly
going up towards the sun yeah
It’s all up in my mind
please deceive me this time
Please deceive me this time
Please deceive me
It will come to me too
soon another thing will surprisingly come in front of my eyes
I feel uneasy and frustrated
I have a lot of thoughts
it spreads through all of my cells like poison,when I become sensitive to exasperation
even without an antidote
let's live with positive thoughts is my motto
even if it takes control of my always expanding big day I like it
right there's nothing vague about dreams depending on your mind
Placebo starting to dream
going up step by step
trust in my dream
the little amount of my flops that others envy
it was possible because of their faith and expectations
at first I didn't know
that if I'm passionate and hardworking anything is possible,it was only a few months ago that I took this medication
I spend my time just letting it flow
my steps towards my dream become faster after taking that medicine
Cause later when I become addicted to life
even though the medicine I take when I'm sick has no effect
it still comforts me in another way and makes me want to fly
going up towards the sun yeah
It’s all up in my mind
please deceive me this time
Please deceive me this time
Please deceive me this time
Cause later when I
Addicted to life
Cause later when I become addicted to life
even though the medicine I take when I'm sick has no effect
it still comforts me in another way and makes me want to fly
going up towards the sun yeah
It’s all up in my mind
please deceive me this time
Please deceive me this time
Please deceive me this time
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Our way

Du you think you're a better person?
Do you enjoy playing God?
Are you the one to decide about life or death?
Are you the one to tell us which direction to go?
You can't convert us (to your faith)
Because we don't play your games
Our life is the greatest gift (we've been given)
And death is not our goal
Our souls are dark,
Our hearts are golden
We take pride in what we are
We live our lives
We're going our way
We'll never want to be different
The world is on the edge
And there's no common sense
It's time to make a stand
You can't convert us (to your faith)
Because we don't play your games
Our life is the greatest gift (we've been given)
And death is not our goal
Our souls are dark,
Our hearts are golden
We take pride in what we are
We live our lives
We're going our way
We'll never want to be different


I used to dream about you but I wasn't the only one
Then back in '95 I got you into my flat
I hadn't felt a connection like that
Immediately I was like a fish in the net
You can definitely feel it when you just click, click
No other girl could offer the same
And though I had to share you with others
I'm sure this is pretty serious
I don't care if it's filtered or real
I'll have to change my keyboard soon
And cables melt when I drool over your picture
You are #lovely
Finnish girl, duck face, sexy body, fitness baby
#LOVELY (It sure is lovely)
Bootylicious hot pants belfie sexy lady
Electricity in the air, can you feel the ray
I'm melting into you like a mouse in a hand
In the evenings I inspect you privately
Although taking care of the latest virus took a while
Oh well, sometimes love takes your energy (energy)
The most important thing is that the connection works (works)
If I leave you BRB
You're a ready-made fucking wife VVV
I don't care if it's filtered or real
I'll have to change my keyboard soon
And cables melt when I drool over your picture
You are #lovely
Finnish girl, duck face, sexy body, fitness baby
#LOVELY (It sure is lovely)
Bootylicious hot pants belfie sexy lady
Hey I'm Petri, hey Petri
I'm hooked on you just like everybody else
I'm an addict, I can't be without you even for a quarter
McDonalds is my aisle, Steve Jobs my priest
Facebook my congregation, Zuckerberg my best man
When we say 'I do' there's nothing stopping us
I don't care if it's filtered or real
I'll have to change my keyboard soon
And cables melt when I drool over your picture
You are #lovely
Finnish girl, duck face, sexy body, fitness baby
#LOVELY (It sure is lovely)
Bootylicious hot pants belfie sexy lady
The internet is lovely
Hey baby, what's you Wi-Fi
The internet is lovely
It sure is lovely

A Wreck out of Love

I sit on the couch in front of you and realize
I love you no less than the music
And you reply: 'You're such a liar, stop it
You love your songs more, you moron'
And I swear to you on the mezuzah, on the God of Rhyme
You're so annoying and so beautiful in a tunic
And how they told me once -
Life is a race so at least run with her
So let's run together, let's push mountains
Before anything else, we're partners
So at your own pace and at my pace
Explain to me why's everyone in such a hurry?
I'll bring it up every day so we'll never forget it
That as long as you're with me, I'm invincible
There's a whole world outside and in my world, there's you
You know that ever since I'm with you, I'm...
I'm a wreck out of love, I'm weak out of love, and you
You're the reason I'm still pulling
I'm through out of love, I'm broken out of love
There's nothing else I need except for you.
My quality time with you always do me good
Heals all my scars,
I like it when you're implying that 'It's so cold'
'Cause I could hug you for years
I want to watch some series with you
So you'd fill up my routine
As you know, you always ask if it complements you like that
Everything complements you, you always forget it
And once again I'll forget all my troubles
When you'll fix up my collar
I no longer get excited from other girls
Babe, I'm all yours till the very last day
When you come, you clear up my mind
When you go, you clean up my room
And that's funny 'cause there's a mess in my heart
And that's okay, 'cause I'm...
I'm a wreck out of love, I'm weak out of love, and you
You're the reason I'm still pulling
I'm through out of love, I'm broken out of love
There's nothing else I need except for you.

FENERBAHÇE 100th years song

You are a breath that I take every moment
You are longing that I have
Nobody gets your love
You are a child smiles and naughty
Long live Fenerbahçe within love and enthusiasm
Your flag arise
Long live Fenerbahçe within love and enthusiasm
Write your name down to the mountains
The glorious legend was born 100 years ago
Be happy on your 100th birthday
The glorious legend was born 100 years ago
My heart is yours and it beats with you
Only can be happy and cry if you do
You are unsurpassed love in my heart
It shines everywhere and everytime
Long live Fenerbahçe within love and enthusiasm
Your flag arise
Long live Fenerbahçe within love and enthusiasm
Write your name down to the mountains
The glorious legend was born 100 years ago
Be happy on your 100th birthday
The glorious legend was born 100 years ago
Sinful night becomes

Oúte me 100

Oúte me 100 de s 'allázo egó
ého kóllima mazí sou, póso s’agapó
Me éna vlémma móno me ékanes kai lióno
se erotéftika, pagidéftika
Tóra ého kollísei se ého erotefteí
stou érota na páme thélo to nisí
Oúte me 100 de s 'allázo egó
ého kóllima mazí sou, póso s’agapó
Mou évales fotiá mésa stin kardiá
eímai foul erotevménos, épatha zimiá (x2)
An poté se háso, den xéro pou tha ftáso
ísos trelathó, ísos trelathó
Noiótho mageménos, se ého erotefteí
kai exartiménos me éna sou filí
Oúte me 100 de s 'allázo egó
ého kóllima mazí sou, póso s’agapó
Mou évales fotiá mésa stin kardiá
eímai foul erotevménos, épatha zimiá (x2)
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for Lyricstranslate.com
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το Lyricstranslate.com
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.

Poem for Evening

Suddenly you remember
And he you – suddenly sometimes
Where is he? What’s he doing now?
A longing sparkles between the memories.
This ‘evening’ – what a strange word
It’s like hearing it for the first time, it makes me uneasy
Evening: Will I find him if I look upon the roads?
I don’t know
The fire will extinguish soon
and longing cool
We’ll meet again one day
One day, one half evening.
All of my work is dedicated to Ms Z. G., who is the real counterpart of Beatrice Portinari for me.