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A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 30


ShinChan Intro German

Say Hey, hey!
If you search for trouble is he your man
Say Hey, hey!
He breaks the rules so good he can
He is really naughty
And unbearable
His behavior is unexplainable
He drives his parents crazy
His teachers are clueless
Homework finds he are nothing for him
He prefers to sleep through the whole day
He is Mom's favorite
Ask her, Yeah Ask her
He is a walking bundle of chaos, walking bundle of chaos
Say Hey, hey!
If you search for trouble is he your man
Say Hey, hey!
He breaks the rules so good he can
He is really naughty
And unbearable
His behavior is unexplainable
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Sonic Underground Intro

Triplets was born
Was facing a fate
Had to be separated
And the mother waits
Sonic Underground
Sonic Underground
The vow the mother made
The kids grow up
Learn what's right
Fight for the Freedom
Searching for their mother
She knows this
Comes the prophecy true?
Sonic Underground
Sonic Underground
Queen Aleena:
I yearn for my kids, but I must wait
To act too soon would seal their fate
The vow the mother made
Sonic Underground
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Egy Normális Élet

Annyi barátom van körülöttem nap mint nap
És vannak ellenségeim is, akik megütnek
Valamint az egyetlen szerelmem, amit sosem fogok elengedni
Az életem örömmel teli, minden nap izgatott vagyok (majdnem)
És a hobbijaim különlegesek, nem úgy, mint a többieké
De van egy dolog, amim nincs
Egy normális élet, egy normális élet
Az életem egyáltalán nem normális
Mert én egy normális életet
Akarok, egy normális életet
Nem mindenki érti, amit mondok
Sok ember van odakint, akik most összezavarodtak
De engem kérdezz, hanem magadat
És alkoss saját véleményt arról, amit mondok
Az álmom, hogy legyen egy családom és velük egy házam
Hogy kiköltözzek a társbérletből
És elmenjek ebből az ellenszenves városból, mert én csak
Egy normális életet, egy normális életet akarok
Az életem egyáltalán nem normális
Mert én egy normális életet
Akarok, egy normális életet
Nem mindenki érti, amit mondok
De remélem hamarosan érteni fogják...

Sonic Unstoppable (Introduction)

He is the fastest hedgehog in the world,
Everyone sees him first when he stops.
Because he is...
Sonic Unstoppable, Oh oh oh oh,
Sonic Unstoppable.
He helps all those who are
In trouble, together with his friends.
Because he is...
Sonic Unstoppable, Oh oh oh oh,
Sonic Unstoppable.
  • En: Total, partial or modification reproduction of this lyrics without the express and/or written permission of the author is prohibited. All translations on this website are protected by ''.

Enjovher® All Right Reserved.

Sleep sweet child

Sleep you sweet child sleep fine
The Moon is shining on you
It is looking on you with a protecting look
The Moon never will faint before the morning rise
Sleep you sweet child sleep tight
The Moon is shining bright
It dissapears when the morning rise
Sleep you sweet child sleep tight
Sleep you sweet child sleep fine
Until the sun appears and the moon faint
And you awake again
Shhh Sleep well and have good dreams
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Sonic Drive (Sonic X Intro) German Version

S-O-N-I-C Go
S-O-N-I-C Go
Go Go Go Go Let's Go
I do whatever I
Maybe I pause or
That is my way I don't have anything to lose
I don't look back
I just run
I will be the first at every race
That is my Style
I never give up
the fight
Now can I feel the
speed. How are you going to stop me?
Hold on tight, otherwise it will tear you away, everything is just blurry
I fly as high as the wind. I am free!
North and South. Now Let's Go
East and West. Now! Super Speed
No matter which way we go, we always get to the destination
Straight ahead? I see nothing except sand and wind
Inside Outside Go Sonic Outside Inside Yes Sonic
Now finally we got you.
Be ready for the case.
My advice to you?
You don't live twice, get everything out
Every new day gives you a chance to run. Go out and do it now
S-O-N-I-C Go
S-O-N-I-C Go
Go Go Go Go Let's Go
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to


Streets are dark, Streets are quite
The City sleeps
You just hear your thoughts
It's Midnight, the hour of the ghosts
It's Midnight, everything else is asleep
It's Midnight, just you are awake
Streets are dark, Streets are quite
You are afraid
And you just want home
It's Midnight, the hour of the ghosts
It's Midnight, everything else is asleep
It's Midnight, just you are awake
You fear the darkness, like nothing on earth
But soon you will overcome the fear
It's Midnight, the hour of the ghosts
It's Midnight, everything else is asleep
It's Midnight, just you are awake
It's Midnight, the hour of the ghosts
It's Midnight, everything else is asleep
It's Midnight, just you are awake
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Just Ignore Me

Verse 01:
I hate it to be ignored and to be choked
Man you can me
Man, I give a shit about you
Man what do you want to hear from me?
You can lick me on my ass
If its not to salty for you
Just Ignore me that you can do best
Just Ignore me that you do good
Just Ignore me
Verse 02:
I hate it if you insult me
I hate it if you don't understand me
I hate it when I am air for you
Just Ignore me that you can do best
Just Ignore me that you do good
Just Ignore me
Just Ignore me
Just Ignore me that you can do best
Just Ignore me that you do good
Cause you can't do anything else
Cause you don't do anything else
Thats why i say it again
Just Ignore me
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to


Ha a Nap megérinti a Horizontot
És a telihold az Égen marad
Nem tudsz aludni, mert a hold
Nem hagy téged
Telihold - Fényesen ragyog
Telihold - Annyira gonosz
Telihold - Nem hagy aludni
Nem ma este
Telihold - Fényesen ragyog
Telihold - Annyira gonosz
Telihold - Nem hagy aludni
Nem ma este
Reggel úgy nézel ki, mint egy Zombi
Ne is említsem a járásodat
A következő éjszakán megint ébren vagy, mert a telihold nem hagy aludni újra
Telihold - Fényesen ragyog
Telihold - Annyira gonosz
Telihold - Nem hagy aludni
Nem ma este
Telihold - Fényesen ragyog
Telihold - Annyira gonosz
Telihold - Nem hagy aludni
Nem ma este
Ne higgy a legendákban, amit neked mondanak Nem valódiak, csak az elméd képzelgése
Telihold - Fényesen ragyog
Telihold - Annyira gonosz
Telihold - Nem hagy aludni
Nem ma este
Telihold - Fényesen ragyog
Telihold - Annyira gonosz
Telihold - Nem hagy aludni
Nem ma este
Telihold - Fényesen ragyog
Telihold - Annyira gonosz
Telihold - Nem hagy aludni
Nem ma este

Bumm bumm bumm (Zakatol a szíved)

Fel és lemegy az életben
De mikor olyasmire gondolsz, amit szeretsz
Akkor a szíved így szól:
Bumm bumm bumm
Zakatol a szíved
Bumm bumm bumm
Gyorsabban és gyorsabban
Bumm bumm bumm
Most nem fog megállni
A gondolatod keresztül megy az agyadon
Mint egy vírus, még nem állítja meg semmi (még semmi)
És olyan jól érzés, mikor így megy:
Bumm bumm bumm
Zakatol a szíved
Bumm bumm bumm
Gyorsabban és gyorsabban
Bumm bumm bumm
Most nem fog megállni
Bumm bumm bumm
Zakatol a szíved
Bumm bumm bumm
Gyorsabban és gyorsabban
Bumm bumm bumm
Most nem fog megállni
De hamarosan leszállnak gondolataid
És akkor ismét a sötét valóságban vagy
És epekedsz ezért a gondolatért és aztán a szíved
Így szól:
Bumm bumm bumm
Zakatol a szíved
Bumm bumm bumm
Gyorsabban és gyorsabban
Bumm bumm bumm
Most nem fog megállni

HSV Relegated Team

HSV was relegated what a pain
They thought they rescue themself another time
But then it came strike on strike and then the 17
was there
And then was the last Gameday there
and then it was a Ciao GoodBye
HSV was relegated Bye Bye Bye
They always said we rescue ourselves
But this is the time and League Two
is already calling
HSV was relegated what a pain
They thought they rescue themself anothher time
But then it came strike on strike and then the 17
was there
And then was the last Gameday there
and then it was a Ciao GoodBye
HSV was relegated Bye Bye Bye
HSV was a good rival they was rarely genius
But often a laughing stock well that was once
Now everyone is laughing more and more
Cause the clock will be stopped and reduced
And League Two is calling
HSV was relegated what a pain
They thought they rescue themself anothher time
But then it came strike on strike and then the 17
was there
And then was the last Gameday there
and then it was a Ciao GoodBye
HSV was relegated Bye Bye Bye
HSV was relegated Bye Bye Bye
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Egy álom, mint a valóság

szakasz 1:
Az éjszaka beköszönt, lefekszem áludni
Rólad meg rólam álmodom, egy sávon vagyunk
Ha látlak, örülök
De ha felébredem, nem látlak
Egy álom, mint a valóság
Egy álom, amely a valóságra hasonlít
Egy álom, amelyben látlak
És azt gondolom, maradj velem mindörökké!
Szakasz 2:
Minden éjjel, amikor rólad álmodom,
Azt gondolom magamban: Kérlek, gyere hozzám!
De annyira messze vagyok tőled
Mikor, vajon mikor jöhetünk össze,
Te meg én, ez azonos a mivel?
Egy álom, mint a valóság
Egy álom, amely a valóságra hasonlít
Egy álom, amelyben látlak
És azt gondolom, maradj velem mindörökké!
Szakasz 3:
Vágyakozom rád
te meg rám
Mi ketten mindig akarunk együtt lenni
Mindig és örökké
És semmi nem válasszon el minket
Egy álom, mint a valóság
Egy álom, amely a valóságra hasonlít
Egy álom, amelyben látlak
És azt gondolom, maradj velem mindörökké!


A szobában vagyok
totál zsibbadtan
Senki sem ismeri
Ez elmebaj
Vörös a hold
Akár a vér
Senki sem ismeri
Ez elmebaj
Éhezem a szobámban
Nem tudok mozogni
le vagyok dermedve
Senki sem ismeri
Ez elmebaj
Vörös a hold
Akár a vér
Senki sem ismeri
Ez elmebaj
Aludtam az éjszakában
Izzadni kezdek és felébredek
Senki sem ismeri
Ez elmebaj
Vörös a hold
Akár a vér
Senki sem ismeri
Ez elmebaj
Eltemetkezni elevenen
mialatt üvöltözök
ne állj le a vége előtt
Csak te tudod
Ez elmebaj
Vörös a hold
Akár a vér
Csak te tudod
Ez elmebaj
Befed a sötétség
Akár a tengerbe fulladnék
Csak te tudod
Ez elmebaj
Vörös a hold
Akár a vér
Csak te tudod
Ez elmebaj
Vörös a hold
Akár a vér
Ez elmebaj

Please No Violence!

My Life have a crack
and my life have a strike
I'm astonished that I still have my life
you don't know what i saw in my life
Brutality goes through all this is also
so you do not believe me then hear me easy to
I have seen a lot of brutality
and shall propose is violence and threats
are all not the same to me
I did seen and felt it too
And when you don't believe me then you never felt it
Now you know my Story well just superficial
I can't go deeper or it gets to obivious
I just can tell you one Thing and that i know exact
I have seen a lot of brutality
and shall propose is violence and threats
are all not the same to me
I did seen and felt it too
And when you don't believe me then you never felt it
I can only say violence is no solution if you want something then talk together better as high hands clench fists
please please please take it seriously I will be here no pope but dear people this message is not difficult to understand
I have seen a lot of brutality
and shall propose is violence and threats
are all not the same to me
I did seen and felt it too
And when you don't believe me then you never felt it
I have seen a lot of brutality
and shall propose is violence and threats
are all not the same to me
I did seen and felt it too
And when you don't believe me then you never felt it
Please be no asshole
that you never awards
please be not as the people which
you never more give anything
And cut
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

A Dream like in Reality

Verse 01:
The Night comes I lay down
I dream from you and me on one track
If i see you then i'm happy
But when I awake I don't see you
A Dream like in Reality
A Dream that's similar to the Reality
A Dream where I see you
And think be with me forever
Verse 02:
Every Night if I dream from you
do I think please come to me
but I'm too far away from you
When oh When do we come together
You and I is We
A Dream like in Reality
A Dream that's similar to the Reality
A Dream where I see you
And think be with me forever
Verse 03:
I long for you
And you for me
We two want to be together
Forever and ever
And nothing more should take us apart
A Dream like in Reality
A Dream that's similar to the Reality
A Dream where I see you
And think be with me forever
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

Heads or Tails (You have the Choice)

Verse 01:
The Game starts the dice rolls
he sweats all over his face
then the dice stops it shows the six
then the coin i take it in my hand say to him:
Head or Tails you have the choice
Head or Tails you have the choice
Head or Tails
Verse 02:
He took Head
I took Tails the coin flew and flew
it landed on my hand and what was there
Head or Tails you have the choice
Head or Tails you have the choice
Head or Tails
Verse 03:
He lost the game it was over
A pit opened and he fell in
Head or Tails you have the choice
Head or Tails you have the choice
Head or Tails
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

I Believe In You

Verse 01:
Who can I trust if I don't have someone
Who stands by me and holds me it's you yeah it's you
Verse 02:
Who comforts me if I worry
Who knows the way if I don't see it anymore
Who gives me hope every morning it's you yeah it's you
You were there in my darkest days
Protected me if I suffered
You had paved the hard ways for me
Yeah I believe in you
Yeah, yeah
Verse 03:
When I fall then you hold me
If I don't know anything anymore then you do it
I don't get confused if you understand me
It seems like we always exist
I know you as long as I life
Sometimes I wonder what were if you wouldn't exist
You were there in my darkest days
Protected me if I suffered
You had paved the hard ways for me
Was I weak then you gave me your power
You spoke if I couldn't
Yeah I believe in you
Yeah I believe in you
You were there in my darkest days
Protected me if I suffered
You had paved the hard ways for me
Was I weak then you gave me your power
You spoke if I couldn't
Yeah I believe in you
You were there in my darkest days
Protected me if I suffered
You had paved the hard ways for me
Yeah I believe in you
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

You will see (Egoists)

Verse 01: My house your house I do not give a shit, no I don't you're just an
egoist but listen to me then you know what happens to someone like you
Refrain: You will see what happens to you, you're just a little egoist
who kisses just himself you will see what happens with you Egoists
will not be accepted
Verse 02: Hey you Egoist you can't share cause it would break your own
rules and you can't accept it if someone interferes your
self talk
Refrain: You will see what happens to you, you're just a little egoist
who kisses just himself you will see what happens with you Egoists
will not be accepted
Verse 03: One may say that he is an egoist but that wouldn't affect really good on
the public image what the other people see from you
Refrain: You will see what happens to you, you're just a little egoist
who kisses just himself you will see what happens with you Egoists
will not be accepted
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

Fog Haze Of Boredom

Verse 01
The boredom is coming up like a thick Fog haze
I can't stop him I'm wrapped up in this haze
I can't stop him
The Fog haze of Boredom comes
always then if you can't do anything with your time
the Fog haze
Verse 02:
Never you can resist it
you don't even resist cause you can't it
The Fog haze of Boredom comes
always then if you can't do anything with your time
the Fog haze
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

Just Ignore Me

Verse 01:
I hate it to be ignored and to be choked
Man you can me
Man, I give a shit about you
Man what do you want to hear from me?
You can lick me on my ass
If its not to salty for you
Just Ignore me that you can do best
Just Ignore me that you do good
Just Ignore me
Verse 02:
I hate it if you insult me
I hate it if you don't understand me
I hate it when I am air for you
Just Ignore me that you can do best
Just Ignore me that you do good
Just Ignore me
Just Ignore me
Just Ignore me that you can do best
Just Ignore me that you do good
Cause you can't do anything else
Cause you don't do anything else
Thats why i say it again
Just Ignore me
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

The Horror Clowns going on

Verse 01: They're waiting in the alleys
They're waiting on the streets
They're waiting for a victim
When they get you then they won't let you go cause they just want
The Horror Clowns going on no one can stop them
The Horror Clowns going on they look barmy
The Horror Clowns going on
Verse 02:
Look out what steps you do
Cause they're waiting everywhere ready to get you
They have no scruple to catch you unawares
The Horror Clowns going on no one can stop them
The Horror Clowns going on they look barmy
The Horror Clowns going on
The Horror Clowns going on no one can stop them
The Horror Clowns going on they look barmy
The Horror Clowns going on
Verse 03:
But if you're smart enough then stay at home
Cause so you escape your fate
that threatens you elsewhere these Clowns are dangerous
They are going up to you with chainsaws
Then you just can run cause
The Horror Clowns going on no one can stop them
The Horror Clowns going on they look barmy
The Horror Clowns going on no one can stop them
The Horror Clowns going on they look barmy
The Horror Clowns going on no one can stop them
The Horror Clowns going on they look barmy
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

Away From Here

I see that the gray disaster
rumbles toward us, I've already guessed it
oho what should I just make Uuuuuh
I want to get away from here away from the spot
I walk from here to Italy or Spain
Rather away
Such boredom I never had
and even more dangerous is it to escape
and we sing
I want to get away from here away from the spot
I walk from here to Italy or Spain
Rather away
What should i do against this boredom,
she eats us up like never before
I want to get away from here away from the spot
I walk from here to Italy or Spain
Rather away
I see the boredom in front of me I kick it away, and we sing
I want to get away from here away from the spot
I walk from here to Italy or Spain Rather away (3x)
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission