Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 111


Albert Einstein vs. Stephen Hawking

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
[Albert Einstein:]
Amikor publikáltam a csata elméletemet,
az emberek elméje felrobbant!
Szóval, ülj le Steve! Upsz, ahogy látom már leültél!
Mi van a hangoddal? Kurvára nem értem!
Úgy hangzol, mint WALL·E, amikor szexelsz egy Speak & Spell-el!
Mindenben leiskolázlak, az MIT-től az Oxfordig!
A rajongóid meg: 'Öm, ez elég kínos volt!'
Két rapper erejével érek fel,
jobb, ha elkezdesz félni, mert itt van Albert E!
E egyenlő M szer C négyzet!
[Stephen Hawking:]
Nincs ötleted. Ki vagy te, hogy kötekedsz velem?
30 centis abroncs van a székemen, azzal gurulok ilyen lazán!
Olyan vagy, mint aki troll babáknak a haját ragasztotta fel bajusznak!
Elfogytak az oltások,
mint a gravitációs hullámok!
Amikor megpróbálod felhasználni a kis elméletedet ez ellen az elme ellen...
Én vagyok a legjobb! Én vagyok a tudomány Snoop Doggja!
Most pedig a fejedre dobok egy almát az óriások válláról!
[Albert Einstein:]
Én vagy az az óriás, akinek a vállán állnál, ha tudnál állni!
Elmondok neked egy rövid történetet a fájdalomról, amit a kezem fog okozni!
Nem tudsz engem elpusztítani, de komolyan!
Nagyobb lyuk lesz rajtad, mint a fekete lyuk elméleted volt!
[Stephen Hawking:]
Több, mint 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 részecske van az univerzumban,
amiket vizsgálni tudunk!
Az anyád fogott egy rondát és berakta egy lúzerbe!
Hőt akarsz mozgatni az atombombával, amit csináltál?
A semmiből hozom ezeket a szövegeket, mint Carl Sagan!
És mind igazak! A munkám elsöpri a tiédet!
Egy szuperszámítógép vagyok, míg te csak egy TI-82!

Be Quiet, Rockola

Versions: #1
Little Rockola, little Rockola
Don't sing so much pain
Because my life is small
And the illusion is very large
Rockola, my little Rockola
Please help me
The trembling of some jealousy
Consumes my heart
You must see what the world is like, Rockola
I live in a crazy passion
And you are making me become crazy
Some bad information
That is killing me
I can no longer stand the pain
The slanders in life, Rockola
Are the greatest betrayal
When a cursed doubt
Eats away at our hearts
Jealousy is hell
In the life of love
Crying in this cantina
Drinking beer and rum
I am becoming thin
My body holds a trembling
So be quiet, Rockola
I am losing control
Rockola, end my sorrow
Lord, forgive me
Today my conscience screams at me, Rockola
That I have been wrong
I acted like a panther
Upon suspecting your betrayal
Without weighing the consequences
Of tremendous humiliation
I will search for this woman, Rockola
To ask her forgiveness
Now I will have the confidence
I will not drink more liquor
The steps to reconciliation are very beautiful

Song No. 53

A passing ship brought me
The windows of my school
It was a rounded square
Two monkey puzzle trees in the middle
A gate would open at six
And the sun would stay inside
Outside, the empty square
The windows of my school

The Angel Angel

And the sea gave her a name
And the wind, a surname
And the clouds, a body
And the fire, a soul
The land, nothing
That unstable kingdom
Hanging from eagles
Doesn't know about her
No man ever
Wrote her shadow


In the Caucasus there's a corner of the Earth
Long known as a land of pride and worth,
Adygea 'neath the sun and moon I see,
Adygea in my soul eternally,
Adygea 'neath the sun and moon I see
Adygea in my soul eternally.
Your every mountain, valley and field
I won't forget - your wonders revealed.
Adygea 'neath the sun and moon I see,
Adygea in my soul eternally,
Adygea 'neath the sun and moon I see
Adygea in my soul eternally.
If things are hard sometimes for you,
Sing the dzhigit's song anew,
Adygea 'neath the sun and moon I see,
Adygea in my soul eternally,
Adygea 'neath the sun and moon I see
Adygea in my soul eternally.
Over the village, Islamey is heard,
It fills the people's hearts with mirth.
Adygea 'neath the sun and moon I see,
Adygea in my soul eternally,
Adygea 'neath the sun and moon I see
Adygea in my soul eternally.
The Kuban river by the Black Sea
This is our Cherkess land indeed.
Adygea 'neath the sun and moon I see,
Adygea in my soul eternally,
Adygea 'neath the sun and moon I see
Adygea in my soul eternally.

Water glow

A brook deep in the mountains
Nurturing the forest soil
Floating grass enrobes me in green clothes
Past the night haze, through morning mist
Dew departs, turns to rain
Trickling down the streams
Converging in the great lakes
Fog lifts up, rain brings about
lush green mountains
Caressed by the sun, I turn to vapour
I journey all over the sky
Dissipate in clouds and hills
Riding the breeze makes me light and wispy
Past cold winters, through hot summers

A Thousand Voices

I took a walk and wondered
What the evil of the world feeds on
Now I’m here kneeling
Praying, praying all the way
The moon moves around
But you move alone
I think, I think I’m falling for it
Inside the void of the abyss
A bad night is good
Give me my goodnight
Teetering, I don’t have oxygen
I see you and I seem ridiculous
Low voice in my ear
Cold air on my chest
Just kiss me on my neck
Kiss me and leave a mark
If I think of you while I sing
I waste time finding the words
I don’t care, I’m off course
But there’s no map that’ll take me back to you
A thousand voices sing about us
A thousand voices talk about you
But it doesn’t count if it’s not easy
You’re vulnerable that way
I like you that way
How you are
Hold me tight
I’m coming back to you
I’ve got a lot to give you but little to say to you
I was looking for something, I found someone
A hundred thousand is nothing
A hundred thousand the times I’m late
Just to see you
Your eyes are like diamonds
A tear falls down your face
A dry tear and I smile
I see, I don’t see
As if I could see but I’m blind
As if I could fall but I’ve got wings
I’d trade the moon for the sun to see you tomorrow
It would be crazy to tear each other apart
It’s enough that you welcome the end
If I think of you while I sing
I waste time finding the words
I don’t care, I’m off course
But there’s no map that’ll take me back to you
A thousand voices sing about us
A thousand voices talk about you
But it doesn’t count if it’s not easy
You’re vulnerable that way
I like you that way
How you are
Hold me tight
I’m coming back to you
We’re eternal without time
We’re eternal without you
Just kiss me on my neck
Kiss me and leave a mark
If I think of you while I sing
I waste time finding the words
I don’t care, I’m off course
But there’s no map that’ll take me back to you
A thousand voices sing about us
A thousand voices talk about you
But it doesn’t count if it’s not easy
You’re vulnerable that way
I like you that way
How you are
Hold me tight
I’m coming back to you

Most már vége van

Te, te sarkon fordultál és elmentél
Nem tudtam, hogy mit mondjak
Behunyom a szemem, hogy elrejtsem
A fájdalmat mit magamban éreztem
Sosem tudtam megérteni
Hogy a szerelem, hogy fajulhatott el
És most már semmit sem tehetek
Bár az érzés nem múlt el
Szomorúan azt kell mondjam, hogy a szerelmünk nem maradt meg
Kérlek ne kérd, hogy színleljek
Mert tudom, hogy vége van
Mikor már végleg elfelejtettelek
Akkor elmondhatod, hogy mit akarsz
Kérlek ne kérd, hogy színleljek
Mert tudom, hogy most már vége van
Most itt maradtam teljesen egyedül
Egy otthontalan szív
Hogy fogom valaha megtalálni
A szerelmet, amit magam mögött hagytam?
Egykor a napok a közös élményeinkről szóltak
Ma meg már téged nem is érdekel
És még mindig nincs semmi, amit tehetnék
Bár az érzés nem múlt el
Szomorúan azt kell mondjam, hogy a szerelmünk nem maradt meg
Kérlek ne kérd, hogy színleljek
Mert tudom, hogy vége van
Mikor már végleg elfelejtettelek
Akkor elmondhatod, hogy mit akarsz
Kérlek ne kérd, hogy színleljek
Mert tudom, hogy most már vége van

Unlucky Struggler

Who would say that that among all of the people
This fire of blooming pleasure will destroy me,
Will, drag me to hell.
We danced in the dark, looked into our eyes softly
Supposedly there is nothing between us,
Everything is between us.
Everyone booked their chairs,
There isn't any seat for me to go, oh
I've had friends, now they all got ruined,
They had no strength left in them to knock on my door without being merciful
It were all finished when I wasn't even started
While you were crying, she left
Unlucky struggler, unlucky struggler
It's morning and I don't remember the night,
I'd stay in yesterday, I cannot forget
Your broken flower-like face,
Your hurt flower-like face.
Who would say that that among all of the people
This fire of blooming pleasure will destroy me,
Will, drag me to hell.
We danced in the dark, looked into our eyes softly
Supposedly there is nothing between us,
Everything is between us.
Everyone booked their chairs,
There isn't any seat left for me to return, oh
I've had friends, now they all got ruined,
Because of the pain they had no strength left in them to knock on my door
It were all finished when I wasn't even started
While you were crying, she left
Unlucky struggler, unlucky struggler
It's morning and I don't remember the night,
I'd stay in yesterday, I cannot forget
That broken flower-like face of yours,
Your hurt flower-like face.


Can you still hear me
I'm there
Where we were completely lost
Where you said
That words don't make sense anymore
Do you need something?
Can I
Get it for you
I'd like to bring it to you
You have to ask for it
Where you are there is
Stillness, stillness, stillness
Like freshly fallen snow
Like a new land
Like the first day
Of the new year
There where you are
Stillness, stillness, stillness
Like a sanctuary
That nobody understands
But everyone feels
I lose myself
Just like you
But I'm worse
Losing myself in you
You always
Were so impossible
Are you coming out of me
Lets go out
You show your face
It makes me happy
To see it
You don't have to talk
Just get up
Where you are there is
Stillness, stillness, stillness
Like freshly fallen snow
Like a new land
Like the first day
Of the new year
There where you are
Stillness, stillness, stillness
Like a sanctuary
That nobody understands
But everyone feels

A Meter Away From Me

I want to play a game, I want to play it with you
Do you have some time for me?
Let's pretend that from tomorrow they say
That kisses and hugs are forbidden for a while
Let's pretend that we can't touch ourselves
That your skin is a like a desert of seas
Then let's pretend that if you meet someone
You must stay away from them
And not even give them your hand
A meter away from me
A meter away from us
If it looked easy for you
Tell me now what is useless
I want to play a game, I want to play it with you
Imagine a world with me
Let's pretend that we can't go out anymore
You'll only be able to call me
Try to picture the blinds down
And the empty roads in long days
Now tell me if you lack anything
Think of a song
And a whole country out on the balconies
A meter away from me
A meter away from us
If it looked easy for you
Tell me now what is useless
You lack something inside the room
There's an emptiness around you
Cold comes from the inside and outside it's all silence
And there's only you here
A meter away from me
A meter away from us
If it looked easy for you
Tell me now what is useless
A meter away from me
A meter away from us
If it looked easy for you
Tell me now what is useless

Colonel Marcos Pérez Jiménez, Constitutional President

Colonel Marcos Pérez Jiménez
Constitutional President
Chosen by the people
With national pride
Venezuela loves you a lot
And cheers you with joy
Long live the new ruler!
Guarantee symbol
Long live my Venezuela!
For peace and tranquility
For the order and justice
Work without resting
He's a genius in the military.

New Love

I'll play 'Nad stádem koní'1 in my car, it's like I can hear your voice
You don't even know how good it smells here, I wish I could turn our time back
What happened, happended, it still hurts. I want to move on, but how?
When I can't sleep
And you're still beautiful
Call me sometime, I'll ask
About your new love
And you'll reply they're waiting for you
You're still the same, so what changed?
What happened?
Your new love
Why did you have to say yes straight away?
I actually like those states of sadness
In which I drown for days
I just mind the small bit of you,
that's left somewhere on my soul
What happened, happened, it still hurts
I want to carry on, but I can't sleep
And you're still beautiful
Call me sometime, I'll ask
About your new love
And you'll reply they're waiting for you
You're still the same, so what changed?
What happened?
Your new love
Why did you have to say yes straight away?
Just look at me, you know what I wish for, you know what I wish for
When our world was collapsing, I was just standing there and I don't know why
Stay a little longer, I don't want us to sleep alone again
I'm still hoping a little bit that sometime we'll love each other again
And you're still beautiful
Call me sometime, I'll ask
About your new love
And you'll reply they're waiting for you
You're still the same, so what changed?
What happened?
Your new love,
why did you have to say yes straight away?
  • 1. Nad stádem koní (Above a horse herd) is a Czech song by the group Buty

Is it true ?

Is is true, days will come with forgiveness and grace
You will walk in the field, like an innocent traveler
Your naked foot will fondel the lucerne grass
And the spica's thorns will prick you, and the pricking will be sweet.
A shower will get you with all it's pounding drops
On your shoulder, chest, neck and refresh your head
You will walk in the wet field, and quiet will grow in you,
Like the light at the edge of the cloud.
You breathed in the smell of the ploughman breath and relax
You saw the sun, like a mirror in the golden puddle
Simple are the things, and life, they can be touched
And it is permitted to love.
You will walk alone in the field, you will not burn in the heat
The fires in the roads, stiffened from panic and blood.
And with all your honest heart, you will be modest and submissive
Like the grass, like a human being.

Seashells are sometimes

Versions: #1
Chofim hem lif'amim ga'agu'im lenachal.
Ra'iti pa'am chof
shenachal azavo
Im lev shavur shel chol va'even.
Veha'adam, veha'adam
Hu lif'amim gam ken yachol lehisha'er
Natush uvli kochot, mamash k'mo chof.
Gam hatz'dafim,
k'mo chofim, k'mo haru'ach
Gam hatz'dafim hem lif'amim ga'agu'im
Levayit shetamid ahavnu.
Asher hayah verak hayam
Shar levado sham et shirav.
Kach bein tzid'fei libo shel ha'adam, sharim lo ne'urav.

The adventure of the queen bee

Something in the gardens
is calling for me endlessly.
The rain in the leaves
seems trustworthy
Blessed be this wind
and behind the walls
I hear something telling me:
I knew you would come here
to this cave
I suppose you're going to get used
to the total silence
Inferior world
that is eternal
like evil itself.
This way, there will be no other light
for tomorrow
to lament
while dying
the desert of the thirst for loving
and for blossoming
you will never escape from here!
Oh, oh!'
Without leaving my wonder
I begin observing
thousands of beehives
burning in the fire
millions and millions of deaf tapirs
('Oh my God')
'but this is hell'
I told myself.
Well, I don't care
I know very well
that I will get out of here
out of your beehive
maybe the lights
that will rise will bring Peace
that colour so different
to this, without a doubt
and I know that I won't care
if I die in the light of one summer
while biting my prey
while giving up
leaving my sting in it
Oh, oh!
That way, without noticing
I broke the riddles
and in an insane impulse
I left the cave
and I heard the lightning sound
and I ran through a thousand flower beds
where shy flowers
died with the rain.
In that instant I understood
that explaining this to someone
would be useless.
The lights trembled
with the fury of the wind
and the wet leaves
with pearls of the dawn
saw me flee.
Oh, oh!

Emptiness in outer space

Come get the stones
all your music
so long after the rain
comes out to see its ghost….
Remember that the moon
is just a body
between your tears
and the emptiness in outer space…
Come tell the leaves
of all your captive flowers
say goodbye to me, tell me please
I will not know what you think
Remember that the hours
are made
of the bricks
of your crystal soul…
Think about that in your steps
a star is being born
a star…
a star…
a star….
a star….
You dream of dreaming of living here
where there will be mornings forever
that the light will be with you
as inviolable as the time here
Remember that the moon
is just a body
between your tears
and the emptiness in outer space…

And your love is an old medal

The wind and the rain
used up your voice
the heavenly bodies trembled without knowing
you loved and you slept
and the sun went away
And your love is an old medal
And your love is an old medal
The bridges of the body
whistled in you
the berries fell on your skin
you watched and you didn't see
and the sun went away
And your love is an old medal
And your love, I will find it
The lights of the soul
without walls and without thirst
will have to find each other at the end
The gold and death
changed your loving
they bartered your laughter for fear
you loved and you slept
and the sun went away
And your love is an old medal
And your love, moon in the nothingess
And your love is an old medal
And your love, well, I will find it...

They Killed Cupid

Why didn't anyone explain to me (why didn't anyone explain to me)
That there's no life without love (yeah, yeah)
That living with time heals the wounds
But not the pain (pain)
I didn't feel complete because he didn't love me
I said goodbye to Cupid, I never listened to him (eh, eh)
That he rests in peace, I didn't need him
And now that I look for him, he doesn't respond
And many say that they killed
That they killed Cupid, oh
But time passes
And I realize that there's no life without love
And many say that they killed
Killed Cupid
But time passes
And I realize that there's no life without love
Ay, if there's no love
Ay, if there's no love
What's the beach without sand? What's the sky without stars?
Heart without love, a mind that poisons them
When they don't have what they need the most (ri-pa-pa-pay)
Reading phrases, now no one is satisfied
And now I need it, I need the feeling of being hugged
I love myself, but who loves me
If the loneliness accompanies me (accompanies)
And many say that they killed
That they killed Cupid, oh
But time passes
And I realize that there's no life without love
Many say that they killed
That they killed Cupid, oh (ri-pa-pa)
But time passes
And I realize that there's no life without love
Ay, if there's no love
Ay, if there's no love
Uoh-uoh-uoh-oh-oh (¡uoh!

The whole world is sky blue

The whole world is sky blue
When I look into your eyes
And ask: are you also just as loyal?
Like the blue, like the blue in your eyes.
A look at your face
And around it forget me not blooms
Yes, the whole world makes you, you cute man
So blue, so blue, so blue