Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 5



Lelkiismeretem szerint döntöttem
Csatlakoztam a kamikazékhoz
És teljes bombateherrel repülök a cél felé
A tartályokban a célig elég üzemanyag,
A cél pedig az irányzékomban van
És ma el akarom süllyeszteni.
Az idegek pattanásig feszültek
Meghalok, egy ideáért
És utoljára zuhanásba döntöm a gépet
És a célponton az emberek,
Kétségbeesve felnéznek,
Tudják mivel fenyegeti őket a műrepülésem!
Az ejtőernyő ottthon maradt,
A zöld mezőn a kifutó mellett,
Ha akarnám sincs visszatérés
A felhők fejtetőre álltak
És a homlokomon az erek kidagadtak
A G-erők acél ujjakként szorítják a mellkasom
Lövedékek körös-körül
Lesújtok, mint a kalapács,
Rendkívül szépen zuhanok
Három másodperc, ez az élet,
Nem bánom, hogy csak ilyen kevés,
A cseresznyefák úgyis virágzani fognak értem.
Nem fogják elérni a kikötőt!
Gondolom, és becsapódok,
És tág pupillákkal nézek a világra.
Hosszú az út a célig,
ami az irányzékomban van
Ok van amögött, hogy felrobbanok!
Ok van amögöt, hogy repülök,
Elveszem a lelket valakitől,
És a sajátom adom cserébe,
Ok van amögött, hogy a célt elsüllyesztem,
Azt, aki az irányzékomban van,
Mert a többieknek élniük kell!

I've seen a dragonfly in the yard

I have seen a dragonfly in the yard
I have open the door, run shoeless
Blasted out something like lightning far
Everything flew around boundless
Dragonfly was dropping down like an ash
Our house turned to mount of brick
Mom was absent and my Dad in the tears
Something awful he was yelling to sky
He was yelling something and doing again
Clouds danced above me with angry
World was burning, no one didn't put out fire
Someone in military form was carrying me
Someone in white form was cutting and sewing me
I was trying to stop my crying
But when silence has come
And suddenly doctor has wept
I've got at that I never grow up adult
I never grow up adult
I never grow up adult
White dove with white wing
Into the turbid glass
He as if was calling me with him
Just as if was calling me with him
I hadn't got at why in bright day
Outside window turned dark
Past the pit of native home
The Sun was going out to sleep
Past the pit of native home
The Sun was going out to sleep
My Summer is dying inside me
I'm scared and I'm yelling
But who is guilty in it and who isn't
I don't know.. and I don't wanna know
It is not too much left for me
And when I'll be in the heaven
I'll complain at all of you to God!
I'll tell him all about all of you..
I'll complain at all of you to God!
I'll tell him all about all of you..

It's unusual, unknown

It's unusual, unknown
I'm living no cares
Soul has been kicked from her home
So naturally, under fence
Body has place sleeping, eating
But it searches everywhere
Cause it looks for soul meeting
Dropping from its strong feet there
Dropping from its strong feet there
Body rides to working place
Through the rivers and bridges
Door is open, soul ain't there
Trace of wretched soul's disappeared
Body is wailing:'What the fool, right!
Is her life so wasn't good?
Don't suck cigar butt in night
You have bad unsheltered mood
You have bad unsheltered mood'
Just loneliness has not
First and middle name
And I want to touch your shoulder
Without any blame
Loneliness has not
First and middle name
And I want to touch your shoulder
Without any blame
And this soul, it would be happy
To turn back, but no ways
House is closed firmly, tightly
And is locked for endless days
And she could be, as common
To slip through the door slit
But all prouds don't repine
And they don't light other's candle
And they don't light other's candle
Loneliness has not
First and middle name
And I want to touch your shoulder
Without any blame
No fat and no money ..
A half of country has been searched
Body every day loses weight
Suffering without soul
And soul flies from top to bottom
Like no sleeping midnight owl
It remembers body often
And your green sofa color
And your green sofa color
Just loneliness has not
First and middle name
And I want to touch your shoulder
Without any blame
It's unusual, unknown
I'm living no cares
Soul has been kicked from her home
Naturally, under fence
And outside is too dank
It would be better have capsule
Give to officer some drink
Well, give to officer some drink
Just to drink, without soul
Just to drink, without soul
Just loneliness has not
First and middle name
And I want to touch your shoulder
Without any blame
Loneliness has not
First and middle name
And I want to touch your shoulder
Without any blame

Babi Yar

Weaved with sky the slope of hill.
Silently stand the chestnuts.
Imerald grass is above...
Yes, that the green field,
Looks like blood today.
And the head bends down to field.
In silence, here, people stand,
It's heard the whisper of their dress.
That is the Babi Yar of fate.
That's my brothers blood.
That's the Women Gulf of fate.
That's my brothers blood.
Not so far the ground lies.
And just hand to touch the sky.
To the sky I have rised up and to earth I down crawled.
Sorry, sisters, I was not near you.
And in your growling I didn't weave my cry.
The air is full of pain.
The Sun is wide as moon.
That's the Babi Yar of fate.
That's the groan of my songs.
The fresh winds are blowing.
With too late repentance
will not hear truth the dead.
That s why the people stand in mournful grief
uder chestnuts leaves.
My God. Where is the way to go...
Judgment mine is awful for myself.
That's the Babi Yar of the childhood
That's the cry of our hearts.
That's the Babi Yar of the childhood
That s the cry of our souls

Prophetic fate

Versions: #1
I have lost way, don't know where
I have seen miracle there
On cold water over there
In dirty wearings
Through the river in a wink
Old man roamed as on land
Or in Past time was his shape
Or in Future time
But such really frozen bound
And snowstorms still whirl around
I saw off him by my eyes
I've heard beats of heart
Lonely, humpy was passing by
Maybe was she fate of mine ?
I would ask her, but my lip
Just was numb at all
By field, field, field,
By white, white field smoke walked
Hair were darker than the tar,
Turned gray-haired
And old man walked, as a wraith,
On new snow shoeless
Whether over horizon
Or in deep of ground
And black height was so strong
And snowflakes had tired of song
They were dropping on his shape
But they didn't melt
Right in ringing silence he,
Turned around straight to me
And I felt goosebumps my back
By so icy wave
He was faced me and was slept.
'Who're you, old man ?'- I had yelled
But old man laughed,laughed to me,
Disappeared at all
By field, field, field,
By white, white field smoke walked
Hair were darker than the tar,
Turned gray-haired (x2)
I would not faith to my eyes,
Would join everything with tears
Maybe everything were there,
It was imagined
Suddenly, my friends, I saw
Him in mirror and I thought
It should be that meeting mine
Was prophetic
By field, field, field,
By white, white field smoke walked
Hair were darker than the tar,
Turned gray-haired (x2)