Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 34

Találatok száma: 2338


The partisan track

1.You mountain track, that has no end,
You run, run, throughout my country.
Who were them that left the footsteps on you?
They are called Partisans.
2. You shine under the flames of the fires
When our sons walked, through the years
And advanced through the storms, tempests
Marching without fearing bullets.
- Refrain 2x
The generations come visit you dear track
They stand next to one another
A fire is always blazing above you
Fire ignited by partisan comrades.
3.You mountain track, that has no end,
You run, run, throughout my country
Who were them that left the footsteps on you?
They are called Partisans.
4. Of your sons, who are no more,
They come and go all the time, walking on you
They stay with us, in the hearts
They shine brightly like the flames of the fires.
- Refrain 2x
The generations come visit you dear track
They stand next to one another
A fire is always blazing above you
Fire ignited by partisan comrades.
Fire ignited by partisan comrades

Love Drink

Hey, there, you don't know how good it feels to see you
My heart beat faster
Than a passionate tarantantan
When I heard that samba that put us together
I felt that fire of love burning
Things of people who love and that happen in life
You're my love drink, you leave me drunk
You dominate me, you caress me
Here I go again, I belong to you
Take me from here
Desire of love, you are in my kiss
Today there's no way out of this
I want to love you
Take me from here
Desire of love, you are in my kiss
Today there's no way out of this
I want to love you
Today there's no way out of this
I want to love you...
Today there's no way out of this
I want to love you...
Hey, there, you don't know how good it feels to see you
My heart beat faster
Than a passionate tarantantan
When I heard that samba that put us together
I felt that fire of love burning
Things of people who love and that happen in life
You're my love drink, you leave me drunk
You dominate me, you caress me
Here I go again, I belong to you
Take me from here
Desire of love, you are in my kiss
Today there's no way out of this
I want to love you
Take me from here
Desire of love, you are in my kiss
Today there's no way out of this
I want to love you
Today there's no way out of this
I want to love you...
Today there's no way out of this
I want to love you...
Today there's no way out of this
I want to love you...
Today there's no way out of this
I want to love you...

You're Madness Itself!

You're madness itself!
My desire...
I dream of you,
Of kissing you.
You're madness itself!
More so than a kiss...
I dream of you:
I want to love you!

When I am without you,
My life doesn't have any colour
But, if you come to me,
I only think about making love.
That's why, I'm still here
Living and feeling you

Joanna of the Sea

From an early age
I bring a secret
Being a fish woman
has no beam
doesn't fit the fear
I decide 
my plot
Where do I go 
When I give myself up
I don't deny it
Jumping in the air
Fish flying
Flaming bed
Joanna of the Sea
Blood in gill
And voice of melra 
I want to sing
And love and give
I know, I know
Who I am, who I am
Where i'm going 
The wind blew
I know, I know
Who I am, who I am
Where i'm going 
The wind blew
And life sang 
Joanna of the Sea
I wanted more than anything
Make a Nest
Having my world
and my way
But like an animal 
I let go of the weight 
And I was bigger
What body and voice
Jumping in the air
Fish flying
Flaming bed
Joanna of the Sea
Blood in gill
And voice of melra 
I want to sing
And love and give
I know, I know
Who I am, who I am
Where i'm going 
The wind blew
I know, I know
Who I am, who I am
Where i'm going 
The wind blew
And life sang 
Joanna of the Sea

Snow Is Falling From Above

Snow is falling from above,
Snowflake after snowflake,
And the Angels from the sky
Have descended all at once.
Overy every house
A song is settling...
For everyone to realise the good omen
To remind everyone about Christ on Christmass Day!
Such a poor birth,
In the middle of a harsh winter
His mother, Mary,
Was holding Him in her arms.
The animals watched over Him
So that he wont freeze,
By warming Him with their warm breath...
And a big Star was lighting the sky!
O, the world is so small
And Christ is allmighty!
Shepherds and boyards
Were bowing before Him.
In that moment
On a December night,
Only light and love was spreading all over the place...
A new reign has come, Christ's reign!
Snow is falling from above,
Snowflake after snowflake,
And the Angels from the sky
Have descended all at once.
Overy every house
A song is settling...
For everyone to realise the good omen
To remind everyone about Christ on Christmass Day!


Shiv'ring cold on a big city
Well, that's how you found
me, way back then.
And in the startled blink of
an eye,
I knew my life was forever
Walking on a high wire,
And if that's how life's
gonna be,
Then I should have all the
fun that I can,
Yeah, that's a lot more
like me.
Tonight's the night,
Right here, right now,
I swear.
I'll walk into the future
without a care, yeah,
Tonight when all my tears
have come and gone,
I'll say good-bye to all
yesterday's sad songs, yeah,
And there may come a time
when I will hesitate,
But waiting's part of life, now.
Tonight's the night, please
hear me out to the end.
Could you please be the one,
my carefree friend, yeah.
Tonight I need my dreams
to all come true.
Please tell me if that sounds
like a plan to you, yeah.
I know that it may sound too
simple to be true,
But hey, well, that's life too.
But hey, well, that's life too.


I do not know
what you are hiding in your intentions
when asking for forgiveness.
I do not know
If the regret in your heart is sincere.
I do not know
if you wanted me to suffer
with your behavior.
I do not know
if it was written that
ours could not be.
But I am sure
that it was not because of me,
I have sensed it a long time ago.
in almost all your promises
there is only falsehood.
pretending you are the consolation
of my loneliness.
Lie, nothing more...
Lies, nothing more!
Deep in your eyes
there is only falsehood.
with it you have destroyed
all my happiness ...
I do not know
what you are hiding in your intentions
when asking for forgiveness.
I do not know
if I am with the regret of your heart.
But what is true
is that I do not believe you anymore,
with all your deceptions
I learned it:
in almost all your promises
there is only falsehood.
pretending you are the consolation
of my loneliness.
Lie, nothing more...
Lies, nothing more!
Deep in your eyes
there is only falsehood.
with it you have destroyed
all my happiness.
Lie, nothing more...
Lies, nothing more!
Deep in your eyes
there is only falsehood.

Engedd, hogy úgy szeresselek mint egy nő

Egy kisvárosból származom, és te?
Csak azért említem meg, mert kész vagyok elhagyni Los Angeles-t
S azt akarom, hogy velem jöjj
Nyolcvan mérföld északra vagy délre megteszi
Addig nem érdekel ameddig velem vagy
S ameddig veled vagyok és megengeded
Engedd, hogy úgy szeresselek mint egy nő
Engedd, hogy úgy fogjalak mint egy kisbabát
Engedd, hogy tündököljek mint a gyémánt
Engedd, hogy az legyek, akinek lennem kell
Beszélj velem versekben és dalokban
Ne tégy keserédessé
Engedd, hogy úgy szeresselek mint egy nő
Engedd, hogy úgy fogjalak mint egy kisbabát
Engedd, hogy úgy fogjalak mint egy kisbabát
Egy kisvárosból származom, és te?
Csak azért említem meg, mert kész vagyok elhagyni Los Angeles-t
S azt akarom, hogy velem jöjj
Azt hiszem sikerülhet, ha maradsz
Csak ha megteszed, úgy érzem nem fogok szórakozni, így
Engedd, hogy úgy szeresselek mint egy nő
Engedd, hogy úgy tartsalak mint egy kisbabát
Engedd, hogy tündököljek mint a gyémánt
Engedd, hogy az legyek, akinek lennem kell
Beszélj velem versekben és dalokban
Ne tégy keserédessé
Engedd, hogy úgy szeresselek mint egy nő
Elviszlek a végtelenségbe
Engedd, hogy úgy fogjalak mint egy kisbabát
Elviszlek a végtelenségbe
Engedd, hogy úgy szeresselek mint egy nő
Elviszlek a végtelenségbe
Elveszhetnénk a lila esőben
Miközben a régi szép időkről beszélnénk
Leihatnánk magunkat pár rózsaszín pezsgővel
Kicsim, engedd, hogy megszámoljam a hullámokat
Engedd, hogy úgy szeresselek mint egy nő
Engedd, hogy úgy tartsalak mint egy kisbabát
Engedd, hogy tündököljek mint a gyémánt
Engedd, hogy az legyek, akinek lennem kell
Beszélj velem versekben és dalokban
Ne tégy keserédessé
Engedd, hogy úgy szeresselek mint egy nő

Vegyi csíkok a vidéki klub felett

Menekülésben vagyok veled, az édes szerelmemmel
Nincs semmi gond megszemlélni Istent
A vegyi csíkok alatt a vidéki klub felett
Ékszereinket viselve a medencében
Én és a húgom csak lazán
A vegyi csíkok alatt a vidéki klub felett
Vedd elő drágaköveid és az összes ékszered
Menj el a vásárba amíg a gyerekek a medencében vannak
Kicsim, mi a csillagjegyed?
A holdam az oroszlánban van, a napjegyem rák
Nem fogsz játszani, nem vagy mókás
Nos, nem érdekel, hogy ők mit gondolnak
Sebesen száguldok a vörös kis sportkocsimmal
Nem vagyok megzavarodott sem boldogtalan, csak vad
Menekülésben vagyok veled, az édes szerelmemmel
Nincs semmi gond megszemlélni Istent
A vegyi csíkok alatt a vidéki klub felett
Ékszereinket viselve a medencében
Én és a húgom csak lazán
A vegyi csíkok alatt a vidéki klub felett
[2. versszak]
Találkozunk egy kávéra
Az általános iskolában
Nevetünkn a semmin
Ahogy a nyár lehűl
Gyönyörű, ahogy a hihetetlen
Természetszerűség letelepszik felettem
Nem vagyok egykedvű sem boldogtalan
Még mindig nagyon különös és vad vagyok
Te a szélben, én a vízeben
Senki fia, senki lánya
Nézem a vegyi csíkokat a vidéki klub felett
Külváros, Barbara Road Market
Mi legyen a következő? Kicsim, szeretni fogjuk
Fehér karóházak, vegyi csíkok a vidéki klub felett
Szerelmem, szerelmem
Mosom a hajam, mosom a ruhákat
Késő esti tévézés, szeretném, hogy rajtam légy
Mint amikor gyerekek voltunk
A vegyi csíkok alatt a vidéki klub felett
Soha nem túl késő kicsim, tehát ne add fel
Soha nem túl késő kicsim, tehát ne add fel
A vegyi csíkok alatt a vidéki klub felett
(Te decemberben születtél, én pedig júniusban)
Aha (A vegyi csíkok alatt a vidéki klub felett)
Te decemberben születtél, én pedig júniusban
Aha, a napjegyem rák, a holdjegyem oroszlán
A napjegyem rák, a holdjegyem oroszlán
Aha, aha, aha, aha
Aha, aha, aha

Me, you and parting

Me, you and parting
What are you talking about?
A clod gathered in my throat
My heart is fettered in a chest
Till the pain
Tell me, why should I cry
What should I ask God for
And the fact that tomorrow
You leave and won't return
I don't believe it
I pray
For Christ's sake
If silence is in your heart
Love naps
Let it rest a little bit
It will wake up again
Me, you and parting (parting)
Please don't tell
I will die today
Without your love
And it does more hurter
Because I know that tomorrow
You die of this pain
I pray
For Christ's sake
If silence is in your heart
Then love sleeps
Let it rest a little bit
It will wake up again
Me, you and parting (parting)
Please don't say
Don't say
Don't say
I will die today
But you, like that
I beg
Do not say

Dormant Moonlit Night’s Aria

Tranquil moonlight showering on the desert
By the window pane fall shards of gentle dreams
Come on, close your eyes
Fall asleep
In the cradle of the drowsy silver moon
My little prince, there’s nothing to fear
If this world ever closes you up
I’ll be loving you forever
I’ll be praying for you until the door opens
At night I long for your unreachable warmth
Lingering on my fingertips are shards of dreams
If the moonlight weaves out
A transient dream to be had only once
Come on, let me see the dream
Where I’ll hold you in my arms
Dilute this hurt with a pang of sleepiness
The pain of feeling for you
And of holding on to a mirage all alone
If I could see you at the end of my dream
I’d be kissing you so many times
And never ever let you go

The Song of the Yodonheim Princess

Abandon, betray, cast aside, abandon
Abandon your family, betray your friends
Cast aside your school, government, and country
Because the future is pitch black anyway
Crush it, break it, strike it down
Abandon, abandon, betray, betray
Cast aside, cast aside, abandon, abandon
I’m giving you a cover
I’ll bury myself in darkness
Don’t stop betraying and leave everything behind
Abandon, betray, cast aside, abandon
Abandon your dreams, betray your heart
Cast aside your courage, justice, and love
To what extent for a human to be pure
Find it, take it, knock it down
Abandon, abandon, betray, betray
Cast aside, cast aside, abandon, abandon
You’re now my prisoner
I’ll let you die if you’re willing to give up everything
Never stop abandoning and throw everything away
Abandon, abandon, betray, betray
Cast aside, cast aside, abandon, abandon
There’s darkness beyond the sole of Yodonheim
I’ll put you to an infinite, deep sleep
Don’t stop forsaking and cast everything aside

Dears kiss does

Dears run across fields
With them are winged does
I would go towards happiness
But I have no strength in my wings
Chorus 2x
Sad are the green pastures
Sad are the springs
Dears are kissing does
But where are you know?
Dears seek does
Morning caresses them
I want us to be in love
But I have no strength in my wings
Chorus 2x
Dears run across fields
With them are winged does
I would go towards happiness
But I have no strength in my wings
Chorus 2x

I want some tenderness and love

When you have a bad day, and the night doesn't offer you sleep
You yourself don't know that voice sounds like a foreigner's one
All your worries and your unrest I know,
Because of them I leave alone, because of them you are alone
I want some tenderness and love,
A few pleasant words can help.
Sad days live in my memory
Because I am left alone
When my whole world fell apart.
I want some tenderness and love
Some light in my dark nights
I want to find peace in your embrace
Because when love is gone,
my love won't be meaningful
I often ask if this is the end for dreams
But, there is hope for us and for everything?
That love is not the one I know
Because you offer so little for what I give.
[Refrain.] x 2
Because when love is gone,
my love won't be meaningful

I met you and it was night

I met you and it was night
you told me that you were going to be engaged
oh night, in your image, there cannot be another
oh the sleep upon my eyelashes
oh Bedouin, oh anklet of mine
the affection has made me cry
and i swear to Allah, i will dwell with the camels
and roam with the herds
oh drum and oh silent one
resound with your percussions
the black eyes of her love-struck me
and then blamed me of yearning for her

The Strokes

I've come back inside
With this shitty ass music that destroys my brain
Indifferent songs
And people fight to be so ordinary
I leave the bathroom, again, I see dead people
Listening to shit music, again
Where's the door? Take this whole crowd
And put on the Strokes
I'll jump out of your window if you put on C. Tangana
And put on the Strokes
I'll jump out of your window if you put on C. Tangana
I lie to you if I dance slowly
You and your friends can fuck off if you think I'll twerk for you
And now I've seen myself inside
With this shitty ass music that destroys my brain
And put on the Strokes
I'll jump out of your window if you put on C. Tangana
And put on the Strokes
I'll jump out of your window if you put on C. Tangana

Dead-ends of life

While dead-ends of life have been eating you,
I've been telling you how to be strong,
I've been saving your ribs for them not to be
taken out
(с) Іолана Тимочко
(c) translated by Maryna Tchianova


I let myself, I do easy
I sing, I sing
It's just my life in danger
Nights, it haunts me
When from top to bottom it rocks
Me, eyes closed I move forward
All in unconsciousness, when I think about it
You, you believe, that I shine, that I lie
For your eyes, big
But don't look at me as if it was easy
You know well that me, I'm not so manageable
If you knew how it costs me
Not to show you my doubts
I appeal to my wisdom, SOS
But don't look at me
As if it was easy
You know well that me
I'm not so manageable
If you knew how it costs me
Not to show you my doubts
I appeal to my wisdom, SOS
It's okay, I'm delicate
Almost without defenses
Don't believe that it's pointless
It's here that everything starts
When inside it flutters
It's agitated, it hits
I run away and I'm surprised
You, you believe, that I shine, that I lie
For your eyes, big
But don't look at me
As if it was easy
You know well that me,
I'm not so manageable
If you knew how it costs me
Not to show you my doubts
I appeal to my wisdom, SOS
But don't look at me as if it was easy
You know well that me, I'm not so manageable
If you knew how it costs me
Not to show you my doubts
I appeal to my wisdom, SOS
You, you believe, that I shine, that I lie,
For your eyes, big
Yes, you, you believe, that I shine, that I lie
For your eyes, big
But don't look at me
As if it was easy
You know well that me,
I'm not so manageable
If you knew how it costs me
Not to show you my doubts
I appeal to my wisdom, SOS
But don't look at me
As if it was easy
You know well that me,
I'm not so manageable
If you knew how it costs me
Not to show you my doubts
I appeal to my wisdom, SOS
Don't look at me
If you knew, if you knew
Don't look at me
If you knew, if you knew
If you knew

Instead of you

Instead of you, I chose a blooming hell,
a dungeon filled with screams and rain,
A shipwreck at the center of a chimera
To gaze the impossible and the silence.
I will continue searching in the music
whatever life didn't give me and took away,
laughing and drinking,
singing and hoping
that before this journey ends within the wildest sorrow
in an unknown place, oh, it will be revealed to me, why so much effort was worth it.
I will continue searching in the music
whatever life didn't give me and took away...

This body is timid

Be careful,
This body is timid,
it folds back, recognizes itself,
water and soil is clay,
it hurts itself.
Your hands should be thin,
your lies anemic,
you swear.
Nude pictures, remorse,
wild, steep turns,
you are sinking,
you are sinking.
This body on the cross,
it is nailed,
levitates, like a horror,
the demise is spreading in the blood.
I am despair, anger,
a mist at a cliff
where you hide.
I arrived, from the shadows, near you
Like a ghost without joys,
I am crushing down,
I am crushing down.


Versions: #1
Ez egy kis lépés a nőnek
Nagy lépés a nő-fajtának
(Ariana Grande)
Inkább egyedül leszek ma éjjel
Mondhatod hogy szeretsz a telefonon keresztül ma éjjel
Tényleg nem akarok a karjaid között lenni ma éjjel
Csak a takarómat fogom használni hogy melegen tartsam magam ma éjjel
Szerintem jobb lesz nekem egyedül ma éjjel
Nem jelentkezem be mikor hazaérek ma éjjel
Csak meg akarok bizonyosodni, hogy jól megvagyok egyedül is ma éjjel
Akkor is, ha nincs semmi baj ma éjjel
Igen, csak azt mondom
Hogy nem igazán tudlak hiányolni, ha veled vagyok
És ha hiányzol, az megváltoztatja azt, ahogy megcsókollak
Baby, tudod hogy előnyös a külön töltött idő
Mintha én lennék az univerzum, te pedig a NASA
Neked adom a világot, térre van szükségem, térre van szükségem
Tudod, egy csillag vagyok

Your Welcome

Versions: #1
I know, I understand
Now the big man is in front of you
Well, you don't know what happened to you
That's too sweet!
I see people don't change anything
Take a good look at me
It's really me - just Maui, accept
I know a lot now: that hair, the physique
When you see a demigod
That's why I'm telling you you're welcome
For that sand and sun shine
Everything is fine, you're welcome
I'm just ordinary, you know
What is powerful, I know - a powerful trick
Let the sky rise - I am that character
When it's a cold night, who steals the fire for you?
Haha, you're looking at him, hey!
Oh, I tamed the sun
What ?!
To be longer every day
I harnessed the wind
What ?!
Let all the sails be full
That's why I'm telling you you're welcome
What I pulled out all the islands
Everything is okay and you're welcome
Because that's the only way I know it to be me
You're welcome
But when I think about it
I could talk for hours now
I could explain every phenomenon
And grass, and earth, and power
I created the tides for the night
An eel's tail when buried alone
The palm tree sprouted with coconut nyam
Tell us now what we have learned
Beware of Maui when you approach the shore
Tapestry on leather web
Attack, victory to see the world
Where I stand, the grass grows
See naughty Maui, tupka and cupka
Ha x6 Hey!
I will definitely say you're welcome
For that beautiful world you know
Everything is fine, you're welcome
Come to think of it - I'm leaving now!
Today is a day for 'you're welcome'
Because I need that ship now
I'm sailing on the road and you're welcome
Because Maui doesn't have a floating mode
There is no ...
...on what
And thanks!

For a while

Versions: #1
It may seem like cocaine, but it's just sadness, possibly your city.
Many fears are born from weariness and loneliness
And the imbalance and the squandering are now the heirs
Of the virtuousness that we lost.
A while ago I had a dream
I can't remember, I can't remember
Your sadness is so precise
And the day is so beautiful today
We are already used to
Not even having that anymore.
The dreams come and the dreams go
Everything else is flawed.
You said that if your voice was as strong
As the enormous pain you are feeling
Your scream would wake up
Not only your home
But the whole neighborhood.
And for a while not even the saints know for sure
The extent of evil
For a while it is the youth who is falling ill
For a while the grace is absent
And the smiles are full of rust
And only luck can reach out to touch
Those who seek shelter and protection.
My love, discipline is freedom
Compassion is fortitude
To be kind is to be brave
And she said:
-There is a well at my house, yet its water is too clean.

The Lion’s Heart

From a jump to a flight is only one step,
You know, since birth everyone dreams about [being able to] fly.
From a jump to a flight is all life in the eyes
Flashes so fast,
Oh we don’t wanna die.
From a jump to a flight, collecting all of the bravery,
To jump and not know if you’ll end up there.
Harder [than this] is a[n inner] fight you have with yourself,
Fight with the self, fight with the self,
Fight with the self, fight with the self
For the right to be myself.
No matter how [fast] fighter’s heart beats
He’s alive.
No matter how [many times] you’ve been beaten by fate, don’t hide your face.
Keep holding on.
From a jump to a flight the moon is so close,
You know, this [thought] is so luring to now how to fly.
From a jump to a flight there’s only one chance,
And each of us dreams about keeping on flying and [never] fall.
From a jump to a flight, all strength can’t be gathered,
And to solidly stand with our feet on the ground so we [can] get up.
Harder [than this] is a[n inner] fight you have with yourself,
Fight with the self, fight with the self,
Fight with the self, fight with the self
For the right to be myself.
No matter how [fast] fighter’s heart beats
He’s alive.
No matter how [many times] you’ve been beaten by fate, don’t hide your face.
Keep holding on.

Not Hungry

No, you can't have my number (my number)
What to go eat? I'm not hungry (not hungry)
No caviar and no lobster either (hey)
Forget the movies, ey, come down again (Brr)
No, you can't have my number (my number)
What to go eat? I'm not hungry (not hungry)
No caviar and no lobster either (hey)
Forget the movies, ey, come down again (Brr)
Please don't ask me how I'm doing (pah, pah)
Please get out of my way (out of my way)
You are a victim, I can see that (haha)
That's why I include you in my prayer (amen)
Yeah, you talk a lot, but don't pretend
You'll never get to my account balance
You're creative when it's about your story
You can't convince anyone you're making money
Hey, I can see how you stare (how you stare)
You like my jewelry (my jewelry)
It hasn't even started (started)
But I break up with you (haha)
No, you can't have my number (my number)
What to go eat? I'm not hungry (not hungry)
No caviar and no lobster either (hey)
Forget the movies, ey, come down again (Brr)
No, you can't have my number (my number)
What to go eat? I'm not hungry (No, you [plural]
No caviar and no lobster either (stay high)
Forget the movies, ey, come down again (yes)
Yes, I'll buy you a Birkin (Birkin)
Yes, I'll gift you a dog (woof)
Baby, don't ask me for my number
Only want to see how you twerk, 'cause your ass is round, yeah (you [plural] know)
Yeah, my cash is colorful (yeah)
Yeah, I count bank notes, don't stress out, no
college girls, uhh, cheerleaders
Facetime with my ex? No, never again (never again)
I can see how she stares
Eliantte, one million just for jewelry
Yes, she wants my number, pushes
No, you won't get it [my number], not even when you swallow (hahaha)
yeah, yeah
No, you can't have my number (my number)
What to go eat? I'm not hungry (not hungry)
No caviar and no lobster either (hey)
Forget the movies, ey, come down again (Brr)

Avion Hotel

Two armchairs at the ground floor and a double door,
a blue carpet measures my steps on the stairs.
The receptionist keeps yawning as she gazes outside.
The corridor runs nowhere, hiding tiny worlds.
A couple passes by from time to time and I look at
the one happy day left for us here.
I don’t want to forget what I know about the two of us, ever.
The moments spent in the Avion Hotel won’t fade out tomorrow.
The Avion Hotel was more than a paradise,
tomorrow we’re moving on, I’m paying rent to time.
The Avion Hotel was a white paradise,
tomorrow we’re moving on, time is our master.
A room small as the palm of my hand.
Where are you going, my dear?
I might come aflame for a little while,
there’s so much I want to tell you, you’re the only one I’m with.
Promises of the Avion Hotel—promises that make you cold.
The Avion Hotel was more than a paradise,
tomorrow we’re moving on, I’m paying rent to time.
The Avion Hotel was a white paradise,
tomorrow we’re moving on, time is our master.

Take Care

As long as this pain lingers on, my love
I'll take care of everyone around
As long as this pain lingers on, my love
I'll take care of everyone around
And you come, mistreat, say this nostalgia kills
But you have to survive
And you come, mistreat, say this nostalgia kills
But you have to survive
Love is just like a swallow
Alone, it doesn't make a summer
Love is a box of secrets
Don't feel afraid as the heart guards it
I'll ask my organ playing friend
When will luck end in our hands
And go
And you come, mistreat, say this nostalgia kills
But you have to survive
And you come, mistreat, say this nostalgia kills
But you have to survive
As long as this pain lingers on, my love
I'll take care of everyone around
As long as this pain lingers on, my love
I'll take care of everyone around
And you come, mistreat, say this nostalgia kills
But you have to survive
And you come, mistreat, say this nostalgia kills
But you have to survive
Love is just like a swallow
Alone, it doesn't make a summer
Love is a box of secrets
Don't feel afraid as the heart guards it
I'll ask my organ playing friend
When will luck end in our hands
And go
And you come, mistreat, say this nostalgia kills
But you have to survive
And go
And you come, mistreat, say this nostalgia kills
But you have to survive
And you come, mistreat, say this nostalgia kills
But you have to survive
And you come, mistreat, say this nostalgia kills
But you have to survive

Stop Crying For No Reason

Hey, child, all is old, all is new
All is new, all is old
Stop crying for no reason, crying for no reason
Crying for no reason
See life is good, life is good
Life is good
But I said it
Stop crying for no reason, crying for no reason
Crying for no reason
See life is good, life is good
Life is good
Hey, Dagmar, put your hands on your legs
Come and samba, Dagmar
Hey, Dagmar, put your hand on your legs
Come and samba, Dagmar
Hey, Dagmar, put your hands on your legs
Come and samba, Dagmar
Hey, Dagmar, put your hand on your legs
Come and samba, Dagmar
This lady looks beautiful, looks beautiful
Looks beautiful, looks beautiful
But this lady looks beautiful, looks beautiful
Looks beautiful, looks beautiful
This lady looks beautiful, looks beautiful
Looks beautiful, looks beautiful
But this lady looks beautiful, looks beautiful
Looks beautiful, looks beautiful
Stop crying for no reason, crying for no reason
Crying for no reason
See life is good, life is good
Life is good
But I said it
Stop crying for no reason, crying for no reason
Crying for no reason
See life is good, life is good
Life is good
Hey, Dagmar, put your hands on your legs
Come and samba, Dagmar
Hey, Dagmar, put your hand on your legs
Come and samba, Dagmar
Hey, Dagmar, put your hands on your legs
(Look, look! What a pretty thing!)
Come and samba, Dagmar
Hey, Dagmar, put your hand on your legs
Come and samba, Dagmar
This lady looks beautiful, looks beautiful
Looks beautiful, looks beautiful
But this lady looks beautiful, looks beautiful
Looks beautiful, looks beautiful
This lady looks beautiful, looks beautiful
Looks beautiful, looks beautiful
But this lady looks beautiful, looks beautiful
Looks beautiful, looks beautiful
Stop crying for no reason, crying for no reason
Crying for no reason
See life is good, life is good
Life is good
But I said
Stop crying for no reason, crying for no reason
Crying for no reason
See life is good, life is good
Life is good
Oh, so beautiful!
Stop crying for no reason, crying for no reason
(All is old, all is new, all iss new, all is old...)
Crying for no reason
See life is good, life is good
Life is good