Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 3

Találatok száma: 228



Click to see the original lyrics (Serbian)
ma este elárasztom a könnyeimmel a világot,
ma este az angyalok is lemondanak a repülésről
odaadom a zenéért az utolsó centemet is
ma este a dalunk a testamentumom
neked hagyom ezt az üveget, amelynek nem látom az alját,
hogy ne hallja a gonosz
neked hagyom az álmatlan éjszakákat is,
mert mindenem, amim van, az, hogy te nem vagy az enyém
egyetlen kívánságom (vagy te), még egy ital, vagy kettő,
el fogom felejteni, hogy már nem vagy,
hogy valaha is az enyém voltál, túlélem azt is,
hogy a szerelmem már az övé (másik nőé)
egyetlen kívánságom, megesküszöm neked,
hogy el fogok felejtkezni az ajkaidról,
amikor szakítasz vele,
gyere újra, hogy halld, hogyan állnak a dolgok,
egyetlen kívánságom, már túl késő
Hova bújjak a pillantásod elől,
keresem a hibáidat, de makulátlan vagy, mint Isten
kikapcsolom a telefonom, hogy ne nyomjam meg a sendet*,
mert ez az üzenet a testamentumom.
neked hagyom ezt az üveget, amelynek nem látom az alját,
hogy ne hallja a gonosz
neked hagyom az álmatlan éjszakákat is,
mert mindenem, amim van, az, hogy te nem vagy az enyém
egyetlen kívánságom (vagy te), még egy ital, vagy kettő,
el fogom felejteni, hogy már nem vagy,
hogy valaha is az enyém voltál, túlélem azt is,
hogy a szerelmem már az övé (másik nőé)
egyetlen kívánságom, megesküszöm neked,
hogy el fogok felejtkezni az ajkaidról,
amikor szakítasz vele,
gyere újra, hogy halld, hogyan állnak a dolgok,
egyetlen kívánságom, már túl késő
egyetlen kívánságom (vagy te), még egy ital, vagy kettő,
el fogom felejteni, hogy már nem vagy,
hogy valaha is az enyém voltál, túlélem azt is,
hogy a szerelmem már az övé (másik nőé)
egyetlen kívánságom, megesküszöm neked,
hogy el fogok felejtkezni az ajkaidról,
amikor szakítasz vele,
gyere újra, hogy halld, hogyan állnak a dolgok,
egyetlen kívánságom, már túl késő

We Have The Right To Live

Mum, why is so much evil happening now?
I want it to be like it was before
Dad, why do you have to go now?
I need you so much today as never before
I'm afraid, I don't want to look at what's hapenning
I don't understand
Our blood and tears under rubble
Our fates between the cards of the game
Where is the conscience of the foe?
Why does he do this and change our world?
We have the right to live in peace,
Amuse our children instead of going to fight
They had never been supposed suffer from harm
From today the world will be different for them
Mum, I want to come back home,
Wait for dad on my bed with you,
Rejoice, play together with you,
Our blood and tears under rubble
Our fates between the cards of the game
Where is the conscience of the foe?
Why does he do this and change our world?
We have the right to live in peace,
Amuse our children instead of going to fight
They had never been supposed suffer from harm
From today the world will be different for them

This is why we live

When it gets dark you say to me
This can never end
And when the morning comes I say to you
Don't go, don't leave me alone
Because we are one
Nothing happens a second time
It just doesn't
All happens just once
Even if it doesn't seem like it
And I say to this moment: Don't pass!
You're way too beautiful
And this is why we live
We live to be present
Live to be true
And this is why we live
And we take everything with us
All the pain and all the happiness
in this world
Every night begins the first day
of the rest of our lives
And every morning
we jump directly into the orbit
If not today, now and here
When and Where else?
Nobody can see into the future
Or knows the big plan
And I say to this moment: Don't pass!
You're way too beautiful
And this is why we live
We live to be present
Live to be true
And this is why we live
And we take everything with us
All the pain and all the happiness
in this world
You saw it too, just like me
The butterfly in the snow, the tunnel full of light
Just like me you've crossed the valley (metaphorically)
And there is no way back
And this is why we live
We live to be present
Live to be true
And this is why we live
And we take everything with us
All the pain and all the happiness
in this world


I desire
Like everyone on this planet
A desire
To escape from my box
I want to fly higher
Than my depression
I want to escape
To the broken rhythm of a guitar
I need you
To sing, to dance
Oh, freedom
Take me in your arms
To dream, to love
No one
Can live enchained
I least of all
I've found
A child who never plays
I won't forget those eyes
I want to sing higher
To make him smile
I want to find a new sound
Something to tell him
Oh, freedom
I need you
To sing, to dance
Oh, freedom
Take me in your arms
To dream, to love
Oh, freedom
I need you
To sing, to dance
I need you
To sing, to dance
Oh, Freedom
Take me in your arms
To dream, to love
Oh, Freedom
I need you
To sing, to dance
No one
Can live enchained
I least of all
Freedom, freedom, oh
Oh, oh
I need you
To sing, to dance
Freedom, freedom, freedom!

a következő

a legszebb mesékkel kábítottál engem,
mint a kaszált fű, úgy illatoztál,
és én, mint egy gyermek, megremegek
mindig, mikor magam mellett érezlek
minden szégyen nélkül meghódítottál,
négy fal közé zártál,
még nézem a helyet, ahol álltál,
bánatom, vajon megbántad-e valaha is?
hogyan élsz most nélkülem,
vajon mellette teljesülnek az álmaid?
mikor éjszaka belopakodsz,
mint egy vétkes,
vajon ő is ugyanúgy mosolyog rád?
vajon ismeri az összes pillantásodat,
vajon hűséges hozzád úgy, mint én?
mikor éjjelente mellette fekszel,
azt vajon boldogságnak hívod,
vagy ő csak a következő?
tudom, fáj minden bánat, és minden vereség,
de ez itt veled még mindig nem múlik,
még égnek az orcáim, ha visszaemlékezem,
még mindig a bőröm alatt érezlek
hogyan élsz most nélkülem,
vajon mellette teljesülnek az álmaid?
mikor éjszaka belopakodsz,
mint egy vétkes,
vajon ő is ugyanúgy mosolyog rád?
vajon ismeri az összes pillantásodat,
vajon hűséges hozzád úgy, mint én?
mikor éjjelente mellette fekszel,
azt vajon boldogságnak hívod,
vagy ő csak a következő?
vagy ő csak a következő?


You smile when you see me
You lose your mind when I leave
You're looking for me and stopped halfway
I heard that you're waiting, hoping for the right moment
Everything that comes fast goes fast
Please don't come any closer to me,
(because) you can't have me
Please don't tell me,
that you know me
As long as you torture me, you won't give up
you dream and think in secret
I heard, that you're waiting, hoping for the right moment
Everything that comes fast goes fast
Everything that comes fast goes fast
Everything that comes fast goes fast
Please don't come any closer to me,
(because) you can't have me
Please don't tell me,
that you know me

Farewell, yellow-furred dog

Humbly crying in the corner
Little miserable dog
There's some sorrow weighing down him
Why's then crying little dog?
Has then someone hurt her badly
that so sad is doggy's mood.
Or has someone left alone her
Someone dear in way of life.
'Oh farewell, yellow-furred dog!'
You did say, about to go.
'Oh farewell, yellow-furred dog!'
you did say and then you went.
In the corner now yellow-furred doggy
Teartrop's shining in front of her snout
Sitting, barking, for you still calling
Why you don't come, oh why you don't come now?
You left at night, when all around was darkness.
Little friend asleep near to your bed.
You went, the door slamming close but terribly,
Now eyes of the puppy are wet.
'Oh, farewell, yellow-furred dog!'
You did say, about to go.
'Oh, farewell, yellow-furred dog!'
you did say and then you went.


You carry too many battles and it's too strange
Sitting next to me and feeling nothing
You gaze innocently, I gaze angrily
How could you ask what drove us apart
Partitioning for two how stupid, but what to share
When everything that brought us together now splits us apart
I'd let time finish the film
But we're made, unfortunately, to still look for something else
Let my love find its way
And maybe in a life our planets will align
Our dreams, crazy dreams
With weddings and children like in movie finales
Our dream scatters apart in the void
The moment when we wake up
Partitioning for two how stupid, but what to share
When everything that brought us together now splits us apart
I'd let time finish the film
But we're made, unfortunately, to still look for something else
Let my love find its way
And maybe in a life our planets will align
We know too well that any ending is a new beginning
Don't forget me, I won't forget, I won't forget you
I'd let time finish the film
But we're made, unfortunately, to still look for something else
Let my love find its way
And maybe in a life our planets will align

Nobody Can

When I close my eyes
And I imagine
That I'm next to you
I always feel
Your warm hug
And I hold softly
Your hands
Like I'm afraind to lose you
I always want your heart for me
Nobody can replace you
Nobody can make me
Far from you...
Nobody can replace you
Nobody can replace your love
Nobody can replace your heart
Nobody can make me
Far from you...

Daughter of the wind

They have come.
They invade your blood.
They smell of feathers,
of absences,
of weeping.
But you feed fear
and solitude
like two small animals
lost in the desert.
They have come
to ignite the age of sleep.
A farewell is your life.
But you hug yourself
like a serpent maddened with movement
that only finds itself
because there is no one.
You weep beneath the weeping,
you open the coffer of your desires
and you are more rich than the night.
But it's so lonely
that the words commit suicide.

The night

I don't know much about the night
but the night seems to know about me
and still greater, attends to me as if she wanted me,
she covers my consciousness with her stars.
Maybe the night is life and the sun death.
Maybe the night is nothing
and the conjectures about her nothing
and the beings that live her nothing.
Maybe words are the only things that exist
in the enormous void of the centuries
that scratch our souls with their memories.
But the night must know the misery
that drinks our blood and our ideas.
She must cast hatred in our gazes
Knowing them to be full of interests, of disagreements.
But it so happens that I hear the night weep in my bones.
Her immense teardrop raves mad
and shouts that something has gone away forever.
Someday we will be again.

I want the stars

Versions: #1
I want to give* you the stars or the whole moon
An extra hour to breath
A cake, a cherry or a paper with letters on it
Or even crayons for drawing
A clock that doesn't make time, flowers that makes one happy
Books that catch you to the end
A cake, a cherry or a paper with letters on it
Or even crayons for drawing

Love or madness

Versions: #1
Winter and summer
I’m with you
No one’s like you and me
I’m dreaming of you while I’m awake, I’m a bit weird
I’m not normal
Heaven decided that I can’t go on without you
I don’t know if this is love or madness
We're so happy, this is it
We have such a good time together
What is mine is yours, it’s written
We argue a little
We make up a little
But we live for each other
We’re so happy, this is it
We have such a good time together
What is mine is yours, it’s written
We argue a little
We make up a little
But we live for each other
Day and night
I wanna be with you
I don’t want anyone else
When you’re not here, it’s like I’m intoxicated
I cry for hours
Heaven decided that I can’t go on without you
I don’t know if this is love or madness
We’re so happy, this is it
We have such a good time together
What is mine is yours, it’s written
We argue a little
We make up a little
But we live for each other
We’re so happy, this is it
We have such a good time together
What is mine is yours, it’s written
We argue a little
We make up a little
But we live for each other
We’re so happy, this is it
We have such a good time together
What is mine is yours, it’s written
We argue a little
We make up a little
But we live for each other

Amíg élsz

Egyedül éjszaka, egyedül
Egyedül ébredtem, egyedül
Megpróbáltam egyedül
Megszoktam egyedül
Mondd, hogy maradsz-e
Mondd, hogy elmész-e
Amíg a bőröm alatt élsz
A véremmé válsz
De amikor jönnek a fájdalmak
Elmész, és egyedül vagyok újra
Hallgasd meg, hogyan érzek
A testedben elveszek
Egy cérnaszálon függök
Ne hagyj egyedül
Csak az időmet szeretném
Legyél egy kis türelemmel
Mondd, hogy maradsz-e
Mondd, hogy elmész-e
Amíg a bőröm alatt élsz
A véremmé válsz
De amikor jönnek a fájdalmak
Elmész, és egyedül vagyok újra

As long as you live

Alone at night, alone
Alone I was waking up, alone
I had tried alone
I got used to it alone
Tell me if you will stay
Tell me if you will leave
As long as you live under my skin
You become my blood
But when the pains come
You’re leaving and again I am alone
Listen to how I feel
In your body I get lost
I hang from a thread
Don’t leave me alone
I only want my time
Have a little patience
Tell me if you will stay
Tell me if you will leave
As long as you live under my skin
You become my blood
But when the pains come
You’re leaving and again I am alone