Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 17


My sweet friend, the rose

Versions: #3
Life is short then it goes
And my sweet friend , the rose,
this morning, told me so.
At daybreak, I was born,
With dew baptized, highborn,
I spread out my petals,
Happy and full of love,
under the morning beams.
at night, I had to close,
Woke up, already old.
Yet, I was a splendor,
Yes, was the most splendid
flower in your garden.
Life is short then it goes
And my sweet friend , the rose,
this morning, told me so.
See the god that made me
has made me bow my head
and I feel I'm falling
and I feel I'm falling,
my heart is almost bare,
My foot is in the grave,
I am already dead.
Yesterday, you marvelled
at me yet dust I'll be
tomorrow for ever.
We are trifling beings
and my sweet friend, the rose,
passed away this morning.
Last night, the moon attend-
ed the death of my friend,
While I saw in my dreams,
Bare and resplendishing,
Her soul that was dancing,
Beyond the sea of clouds
and was smiling to me.
He who can must believe.
I, it's hope that I need,
Or else, I am nothing .
and I feel I'm falling,
my heart is almost bare,
My foot is in the grave,
I am already dead...
Yesterday, you marvelled
at me yet dust I'll be
tomorrow for ever...

Autumn flowers

Crystalline breath and silence
The warm days hurry
Steep road blows cold
Summer dreams die.
Infinitely alone, pointless
Blossom wonderful flowers
Only for an instant they live
With blinding beauty
Autumn flowers, scattered through the grass
Droplets of dew, among dry desert wind
Autumn flowers, stars among the dark
Sun spots, playing with the leaves
Guilty look, vague call,
Love, too late.
It blossoms among silence
And the last flowers.
Autumn flowers, burning the grass,
Droplets of dew, among dry desert wind
Autumn flowers, stars among the dark
Sun spots, playing with the leaves (x2)
Autumn flowers, forgotten in the grass,
Droplets of dew, among dry desert wind
Autumn flowers, stars among the dark
Sun spots, playing with the leaves

The shortest night

Why did I believe in you?
I had tenderness, only for a night,
you whispered - it will be good.
Even I don't know why I didn't say 'No'
I don't know why I didn't stop
There is no place inside my heart
How I wanted your laugh
Even I don't know why I didn't say 'No'
The shortest night, when the stars rained down
(above your face)
The shortest night, when I didn't say 'No'
Love - illusion,
a sweet mistake, but only for a night
How I wanted your laugh,
I know why I didn't say 'No'
The shortest night, when the stars rained down
(above your face)
The shortest night, when I didn't say 'No'
The longest day,
when I didn't have your hands
wordless, because I couldn't say 'No'
The shortest night, when the stars rained down
(above your face)
The shortest night, when I didn't say 'No'


Ébren vagyok és zuhanok,
hallottam, ahogy egy szívverés hívogat.
Próbáltam elnyomni a szikrát,
mert úgy volt minden beállítva, mint a 'West Side Story'.
Átlépted a nyitott határaimat,
a kapuk épp nem működtek.
Darabokra tépted a világot,
de megmutattad a sötétséget, amit látnom kellett.
Elolvastam a figyelmeztető jeleket
és átugrottam a homályos részeket,
egészen a mélyre mentem, hogy felhúzzalak.
És sosem engedlek el,
mert te vagy számomra a nagy Ő,
az összetört Valentinom
és mindig szükségem lesz az életre, amit megmutattál.
Mert élőnek érzem magam,
mintha zuhannék a peremről
és imádlak a legnagyobb őrületben.
igen, oda emelsz az égben,
én vagyok a világod, te pedig az Atlaszom.
Vastag páncélt hordtam,
biztonságban voltam a menedékemen,
aztán jöttél és kicsalogattál.
Lóherékbe burkoltál,
sosem kellett nagyon győzködnöd.
Első érintésre belegabalyodtam a hálódba,
de pont ott akartam lenni.
Elolvastam a figyelmeztető jeleket
és átugrottam a homályos részeket,
egészen a mélyre mentem, hogy felhúzzalak.
És sosem engedlek el,
mert te vagy számomra a nagy Ő,
az összetört Valentinom
és mindig szükségem lesz az életre, amit megmutattál.
Mert élőnek érzem magam,
mintha zuhannék a peremről
és imádlak a legnagyobb őrületben.
igen, oda emelsz az égben,
én vagyok a világod, te pedig az Atlaszom.
Te vagy az Atlaszom (Én vagyok a világod).
Te vagy az Atlaszom (Én vagyok a világod).
Eleget halottam már mindenkitől, hogy kihagyom a partyt,
de senkit sem hiányolok,
mert örökre téged akarlak, felvillanyozol.
Sosem hagylak el,
követlek ahová elvezetsz.
Élőnek érzem magam,
mintha zuhannék a peremről
és imádlak a legnagyobb őrületben.
igen, oda emelsz az égben,
én vagyok a világod, te pedig az Atlaszom.
Igen, az égbe tartasz,
én vagyok a világod, te pedig az Atlaszom (Atlaszom).
Igen, az égbe tartasz,
én vagyok a világod, te pedig az Atlaszom.

Eternal tenancy

Feeling danger slowly building up again and again
Children memories1 rolling down the slope
Blowing sets anything ablaze
I swallow ashes
We are rekindled
Even if I had
found you again,
the obscure tunes
that grab our common past
start up again.
Looks like he strived
to be loved.
He chases you,
even if you become wiser
even if you move place2
and so do I
I've aged a few years
since I nailed the pages of love
on the doorsteps of the room
where love had found me.
And I thought I chucked it all out.
That was not counting the flats
where I lived,
that in turn keep living inside me.
And this eternal tenancy3
And this eternal tenancy is a wing cutter
For all that aloof
For all that distrustful
Our summoned voices
however insane they might be,
I like to talk with them.
Feeling danger slowly building up again and again
Blowing sets anything ablaze
We will turn to ashes
Will we be soothed ?
  • 1. could mean 'memories of children' or 'children-memories'
  • 2. that can also mean 'go crazy'
  • 3. 'tenancy agreement'


Versions: #2
Mert az enyém vagy
Nem, nem, nem, nem, nem, nem, nem
Jobb ha abbahagyod amiket csinálsz
Nem,nem,nem nem hazudok, Nem.
Tudod, hogy nem tudom elviselni
Mikor félrelépsz
Ki nem állhatom, mikor elnyomsz
Nem,nem,nem, nem
Igen, megátkozlak mivel te az enyém vagy
Igen, megátkozlak mert az enyém vagy
Nem,nem,nem, nem
Jobb ha abbahagyod amiket csinálsz
Nem hazudok, nem, nem, nem hazudok, hazudok
Szeretlek, szeretlek,
Bárhogyan is, szeretlek
És nem érdekel ha te nem akarsz
Most már a Tied vagyok
Megigézlek mert Te az enyém vagy

Charlotte Atlas

You carry the world on your shoulders, Charlotte
Where do you get the patience from, Charlotte?
Charlotte, shall I?
But no, you can't even
Rest for five minutes
Atlas doesn't need to skip work 1
I know, Charlotte, you're a titan
But please, Lotte, don't do this to yourself!
Charlotte Atlas, stop it!
Charlotte Atlas, stop it!
Charlotte Atlas, stop it!
Lotte, drop that heavy thing!
Let it crash against Mars and Venus!
We're playing Boccia with planets
Lotte, don't look like that
Lotte, just drop that thing
Lotte, just let that thing roll
You carry the world on your shoulders, Charlotte
As if it were your fault, Charlotte
That it looks so fragile
And it couldn't do anything on its own
Lotte, you try so hard
Like no one else can
Your ankles are completely white
Charlotte, Lotte, Lotte, cut the crap!
Charlotte Atlas, stop it! (Charlotte!)
Charlotte Atlas, stop it! (Charlotte!)
Charlotte Atlas, stop it! (Charlotte!)
Lotte, drop that heavy thing!
Let it crash against Mars and Venus!
We're playing Boccia with planets
Lotte, don't look like that
Lotte, just drop that thing
Lotte, just let that thing roll
We're playing Boccia with planets
Lotte, don't look like that
Lotte, just drop that thing
Lotte, just let that thing roll
Charlotte Atlas, stop it! (Charlotte!)
Charlotte Atlas, stop it! (Charlotte!)
Charlotte Atlas, stop it! (Charlotte!)
Lotte, drop that heavy thing!
Let it crash against Mars and Venus!
We're playing Boccia with planets
Lotte, don't look like that
Lotte, just drop that thing
Lotte, just let that thing roll
We're playing Boccia with planets
Lotte, don't look like that
Lotte, just drop that thing
Lotte, just let that thing roll
  • 1. blaumachen = to skip work/school


Wide river, let us cross over
I know there's no land of milk and honey waiting for us
Wide river, let us cross over
Here the belfry pounds with a heavy mallet
On every one who stands out a bit
So let's go anywhere
North, west, east, south
Spin the atlas, there'll be place for us there!
The side platforms are getting full again
Me too old to be new
The one who bearly stutters
Under someone else's lid
But drop by drop and here's a waterfall
Now we've had it over our head already of
Those eternal repetears of their predecessors' mistakes
Who read nothing,
Especially not between the lines
Here the belfry pounds with a heavy mallet
On every one who stands out a bit
The side platforms are getting full again
Me too old to be new
The one who bearly stutters
Under someone else's lid
But drop by drop and here's a waterfall
Now we've had it over our head already
Wide river, let us cross over
I know there's no land of milk and honey waiting for us
Wide river, let us cross over...

Barátom a rózsa

Nekünk jó kevés dolgunk van.
Barátom, a rózsa mondta ezt ma reggel.
Hajnalban születtem, rózsának kereszteltek.
Ki vagyok pirosodva.
Boldog és szerelmes vagyok.
A nap sugaraiba.
Éjszakára bezárultam.
Felébredtem Idősebben.
Mégis nagyon szép voltam.
Igen, én voltam a legszebb.
A kerted virágai közt.
Nekünk jó kevés dolgunk van.
Barátom, a rózsa mondta ezt ma reggel
Lásd az istent, aki engem teremtett.
Lefelé hajlította a fejem.
És úgy érzem, hogy összeesem.
És úgy érzem, összeesem, szívem
szinte meztelen, lábaimmal a sírban állok.
Többé már nem vagyok.
Tegnap még csodáltál, mára poros lettem.
Holnaptól mindörökre.
Nekünk jó kevés dolgunk van.
És a barátom, a rózsa meghalt ma reggel.
A hold ma éjjel, a barátomat nézte.
Álmomban, láttam őt. Káprázatos éjszakák.
Ővele táncoltam.
Már jól láttam.
És ki mosolygott rám?
Hiszi, aki képes elhinni.
Nekem szükségem van reménységre.
Különben nem vagyok semmi.
Nekünk jó kevés dolgunk van.
Barátom, a rózsa mondta ezt ma reggel
Lásd az istent, aki engem teremtett.
Lefelé hajlította a fejem.
És úgy érzem, hogy leesik.
És úgy érzem, hogy összeesem
a szívem már szinte meztelen.
A lábaimmal a sírban állok.
Többé már nem vagyok.
Tegnap még megcsodáltál,
és mára poros lettem.
Holnaptól mindörökre.

Blind girl

Blind girl, I meet you every day,
I'm waiting for you to come in the rain.
Blind girl, you walk past me,
but you know nothing - I'm silent.
The night is gentle,
illuminated by so many stars.
I see in the dream -
your eyes are on the sky.
Blind girl, every sunset I watch alone,
every morning I welcome the day alone.
Blind girl, every day is so big,
and the beautiful things - only in the dream.
The night is gentle,
I see the two stars are on your face.
The world is empty,
I'm going blind every day without you.
Touch the blue sky.
Touch my eyes now.
Touch the sun with your hands.
The eyes are unnecessary until the morning.
Blind girl, touch one tear,
look through it - see the night.
Blind girl, touch me with your hand too,
let us both sink into mist.
The night is gentle,
illuminated by so many stars.
The world is empty,
your eyes are on the sky.
Touch the blue sky.
Touch my eyes now.
Touch the sun with your hands.
The eyes are unnecessary until the morning.

Heart on the glass

You're alone again - it's boring, right?
Your telephone now rings rarely.
You're drawing a heart on the glass with your fingers
and you wish that it exists.
You're drawing a heart on the glass with your fingers
and you wish that it exists.
Heart, yes a heart you're drawing with your hands.
You're gently warming the heart with your breath in your dreams.
I'm standing all alone, the night is long,
the wind has blown away the dream somewhere.
I see a slight light flickering
and a hand is taking me there.
A warm breath touches my face,
I find my heart on the glass.
Heart, yes a heart you're drawing with your hands.
You're gently warming the heart with your breath in your dreams.
Heart, yes a heart you're drawing with your hands. (x4)
You're drawing a heart on the glass. (x2)

Song about truth

Steps, steps among the peace...
Steps, steps among eternity,
searching for their truth,
they have to find her today.
Help me too,
to find the truth.
She probably has a name,
exact street, address.
Maybe she laughs beside you,
maybe she lives alone
and waits for my glance
to stop at her loneliness.
But the address is wrong,
I'm sad and ridiculous,
but I'm walking, walking again,
between thousands of destinies.
The truth excites me,
therefore it does exist somewhere.
Maybe tomorrow
I'll meet her, maybe.
Maybe she laughs beside you,
maybe she lives alone
and waits for my glance
to stop at her loneliness.


In my big dark wood prison
Dreams of far away Fallen Girlfriends
Far from the field of memories, forgotten
But when at night come to visit me
They tell me: 'Francesco, I wanted to help you
I gave you everything, you only took half
Do not you believe in anything
Not in you
Do you let the day go next (door)
Do you live by night to see us half?
Dressed by night to see us half
The half that you like to take and leave '
But the most difficult happen for real,
not for whom of us who miss out his life, mamy