A keresés eredménye oldal 26
Találatok száma: 814
I'm a lost body
I am a lost body
a dissapaited substance
missing from my housee
and far from my home town
I'm tumbling downhill deeper everyday
For you, heartless woman I'm slowly dying
for you I became a lost body
Like the black night birds
I live in darkness
salvation for me no longer exists
My finalé will be pain
and catastrophe
For you, heartless woman I'm slowly dying
for you I became a lost body
Life's twigs whip me with no pity
but I don't pity my lost body
I'm just crying for* a mother, who I've made deeply bitter*
*with the connotation of feeling deep regret and sadness
**+ worried, having been made so upset with the result of weakness and helplessness
love hurts me
you're still in my mind .. love's still hurting me
and you're still closer than my fantasy
I hope to getting back together
you don't think of me , you don't miss me
my tears are so tired ., and can't find the cure
my babe where are you ? you forgot me.
It is okay for you to make me cry!
i miss you ,talk to me and tell me what happened
you don't think of me , you don't miss me
my tears are so tired ., and can't find the cure
you're still in my mind ..love's still hurting me
and you're still closer than my fantasy
I hope to getting back together
when your eyes went away , my heart and my soul left me
and you don't know that when you're away i'm falling down
Annyira gyönyörű
A szerelmed hangokat ad,
olyanokat akár az óceáné.
A szerelmed kezet nyújt,
mely begyógyítja a sebeket.
A szerelmed hozzápréselődött a szívemhez,
oly halkan-halkan s nem engedett.
A szerelmed visszavitt a gyerekkorba,
és megadott mandent ami hiányzott belőle.
A szerelmed annyira gyönyörű,
a szerelmed az összes erős ütem,
a szerelmed az egyetlen fényem.
A szerelmed annyira gyönyörű,
a szerelmed annyira gyönyörű.
A szerelmed az összes erős ütem,
a szerelmed vezet be ide,
de a szerelmed annyira gyönyörű. (x2)
A szerelmed engedte az elzártságot,
megbocsájtja a könnyeket, legyőzi az idegeneket,
megbocsájtja a fájdalmat, felismeri a kockázatokat.
A szerelmed lecsillapított mindent bennem,
megérinti a testem,
megváltoztatta a bőröm illatát.
A szerelmed egy egész,
mely két teljesen különböző darabból épül fel.
A szerelmed annyira gyönyörű,
a szerelmed az összes erős ütem,
a szerelmed az egyetlen fényem.
A szerelmed annyira gyönyörű,
a szerelmed annyira gyönyörű.
A szerelmed az összes erős ütem,
a szerelmed vezet be ide,
de a szerelmed annyira gyönyörű. (x2)
HU: Ezen a webhelyen minden fordítás szerzői jogvédelem alatt áll. A szövegek másolása és publikálása egy másik weboldalon, vagy egyéb médián nem engedélyezett a szerző írásos engedélye nélkül, még forrásmegjelölés esetén sem. Tehát ha szeretnéd máshol is publikálni a fordításaimat, kérlek kérj előtte engedélyt.
EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.
So Beautiful
Your love was creating the sounds
Resembling surging waves of the ocean.
Your love was holding out hands
That could've healed up wounds.
Your love was cuddling close to heart
So quietly in silence and wouldn't let go.
Your love would bring back to early days,
Bestowed with what had been missing.
Your love is so beautiful,
Your love's strong in measures.
Your love is my sheer luminary,
Your love is so beautiful.
Your love is so beautiful,
Your love's strong in measures,
Your love would drive me insane, but
Your love is so beautiful.
Your love would let come near,
Pardoned screamings, strained nerves,
Atoned for pain, acknowledged risks,
Your love did reconcile all things in me.
Your love, by merely touching the body,
Would change time into the skin odor.
Your love was completed
With two halves that differed so widely.
Your love is so beautiful,
Your love's strong in measures,
Your love is my sheer luminary,
Your love is so beautiful.
Your love is so beautiful,
Your love's strong in measures,
Your love would drive me insane, but
Your love is so beautiful.
Know Who You Are
(Ou mata e matagi)
I have crossed the horizon to find you
(Ou loto mamaina toa)
I know your name
(Manatu atu)
They have stolen the heart from inside you
(Taku pelepele)
But this does not define you
This is not who you are
You know who you are
A bottle of vodka
A bottle of vodka has been thrown on the corniche
You and I are dancing crazily in the street
cool air disturbs a soldier in the army
I'm wondering that although the cool air,we don't feel cold
You and I are officially crazy
in a crazy world we live
You and I are also a song
in ears with handsfree
So,if we dance a long time,i will tell what i feel
A bottle of vodka has been thrown on the corniche
You and I are dancing crazily in the street
cool air disturbs a soldier in the army
I'm wondering that although the cool air,we don't feel cold
there are some papers in the street
and the air is swinging them.
I'm a lover,what can i do
and I'm not feeling comfortable
you are my world,so say it directly to me
Fill my insides with YAMAZAKI
burn the lazy organs and brain inside
I don't do drunks or the things you command me to do
a mannequin-like ROLE MODEL you do this instead YO
I drink a glass so that the old bastards will roll their pupils
a dying WORLDWIDE walk
you guys, even if you die and wake up again
it's an impossible mission
we are still young,every night pouring
a bizarre mark and a strange
colored alcohol, take them away from here
I am YAMAZAKI,my style is revived
oh, thank you
in our living room ALCOHOL COLLECTION
hey one more drink YAMAZAKI
because of the scent
spreading to the blood vessels DANGER
a hot VIBE get up get up
if you loosen up go to hell
If this night passes by
I can't be of sound mind
Yongguk guk guk
cheers ,eers,eers
I am YAMAZAKI, my style is revived
oh, thank you
Yongguk guk guk
cheers ,eers,eers
I am YAMAZAKI, my style is revived
oh, thank you
My tough bald brothers drink a glass
to my sexy noonas' drink two glasses
never save up on good alcohol
this is what my grandfather said
take out one more bottle and drink up, Yamazaki
the start is humble, the end is prosperous
you will become the real me and I will become the real you
all the guys with a lot of fear turn into gangsters
but what's important in this?
wake up tomorrow again
and drink warriors, AY
don't think of something else, right now
enjoy this moment, like a playboy
to the the killer FRUITS and french CHEEEEEEEZ
because of the scent
spreading to the blood vessels DANGER
a hot VIBE get up get up
if you loosen up go to hell
If this night passes by
I can't be of sound mind
cheers ,eers,eers
I am YAMAZAKI, my style is revived
oh, thank you
The devils is stuck on
the dark red soul
open the curtain and hide, look at another side of me
almost every one of my senses and realization is burned
evil isn't for know-it alls
the place I lose
crime and punishment wake, my throat is dry
as I approach, a glass of Yamazaki
with one glass of it my throat is soaked
cheers ,eers,eers
I am YAMAZAKI, my style is revived
oh, thank you
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
Shakespear's novel
On the mountain high
On the canvas full height profile
Silence and peace
You're tired of friends,
You're tired of worms,
That brings only pain
Ran through the grass-
Nature scent like a dew
Body, born of a sin,
Draws your gaze
Maybe you have sinned
Only deep in your heart
Or sweetly loved
Her every night (x 6)
You ether fly to paradise,
Or drowned in banality,
Or laughed for a kaif
Along the road of white stupidity
You were looking for love,
Filling the void,
That stage role
Gained warmth
You have bathed in your love
In your sinful love
Turned around and gone,
Intertwined your roads
You're to the north- he is to the south
Here is Shakespeare's novel
You''re writing letters to him
He is suffering- I'm singing (X 6)
You have bathed in your love
In your sinful love
Turned around and gone,
Intertwined your roads
You're to the north- he is to the south
Here is Shakespeare's novel
You''re writing letters to him
He is suffering- I'm singing (X 6)
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