Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 130

Találatok száma: 5101


When the leaves fall in Autumn

When the leaves fall in Autumn, and to me, Nature, you seem in weep,
I can't stay silent about you, in my face I become like a leave,
Yellowed, frozen, like greenery in September,
Such is my song coming out, complainant from the depths of the chest.
You have abandoned me, shame on my feeling!
Why, away from love, did unloyalty flourish in your heart?
You will regret it, but then it will be too late,
And in tears, our love will come to your mind.
Do you remember the springs, oh, the kisses with passion,
This heart will never forget your words,
Only if the leaves have fallen, withered, on the ground,
Then will I believe, how treacherous you are!
You have abandoned me, shame on my feeling!
Why, away from love, did unloyalty flourish in your heart?
You will regret it, but then it will be too late,
And in tears, our love will come to your mind.
To me, summer flowers no more have beauty,
Poor them, they are withered, in vases, at the edge of the window,
They don't even have tears to revive them, youth tears are exhausted now,
Only when I miss you, I sing to love:
You have abandoned me, shame on my feeling!
Why, away from love, did unloyalty flourish in your heart?
You will regret it, but then it will be too late,
And in tears, our love will come to your mind.

The Longing of Love

Composer: Vath Cungu
Lyrics: Mihallaq Daliu
[It's a] Calm, May night, the moon is gleaming,
I am starting a longing song, the nightingale is singing,
I am starting a longing song, alone, in refuge,
The May nightingale is tormenting you, why are you sobbing*?
I am starting a longing song, alone, in refuge,
The May nightingale is tormenting you, why are you sobbing*?
Your voice set my chest in a rare fire,
Are you, in such pain, crying about love?
A small bird replied to me,
'Why are you taking my song about sadness away?'
A small bird replied to me,
'Why are you taking my song about sadness away?'

I Can't Lose You

What can I care if
You stopped thinking of me
If I remain alone, no one will die
If you're with the man that's close to you
Just to make me angry
Let him go, don't do him any evil
Come back with me...
I can't lose you
It's not possible
If loving you so much is already incredible
I can't lose you
I don't know how to pretend
Being far was useless
Don't hide
Come back with me...
What can I care if
People look at me and you
In my eyes I can't see anyone
Let's do it the way you want
Each one taking care of their own business
And with friends around to be loner
Come back with me...
I can't lose you
It's not possible
If loving you so much is already incredible
I can't lose you
I don't know how to pretend
Being far was useless
Don't hide
Come back with me...
I can't lose you
It's not possible
But I'd go crazy if you weren't mine
I can't lose you
Life is useless
It's impossible for me to move on
Don't hide
Oh, don't hide
Come back with me...
I can't lose you
I can't...

Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Chicks Dig Giant Robots (Megas XLR Theme Song)

Giant Robots
Gives a superior style.
You can sit and steer them
Right in your car
You like, giant robots
I like, giant robots
We like, giant robots
Girls like, giant robots
(Megas XLR)


Nézzük, mivel ronthatnám el a kedvedet.
P1, az ünneplő cipődnél is fényesebb,
1,2 milla, csak hogy fájjon neked,
A legpirosabb Lambo, csak hogy idegesítselek.
Ezek közül a játékszerek közül egyet sem bérelek.
Amit te egy év alatt, azt én egy hét alatt keresem meg.
A kedvenc csajomhoz semmilyen közöd sem lehet,
De még a kettes számú közelébe sem mehetsz.
A ház olyan sivár, egy hangsúlyos darabra vár,
20 rongyért egy asztal, ébenfából faragva,
Vágd az elefántcsontot vékony csíkokra,
Majd a csaj az arcával feltakarítja. Ember, szeretem ám a csajom.
Ha te pénzről beszélsz, kell egy hallókészülék,
Ha meg rólam, nem látok mást, csak fényt.
Stílust váltok, elfoglalok minden sávot.
Poharat cserélek, bármilyen fájdalmat kivégzek.
Nézd, mit tettél!
Egy istenverte sztár vagyok.
Nézd, mit tettél!
Egy istenverte sztár vagyok.
Minden nap egy nigga bepróbálkozik nálam,
Minden nap egy nigga megpróbál kicsinálni.
Lazán félre állok, a Roadster Sv-ben
Zsebek degeszre, jól kitömve.
A királyt akarod, nincs ez még a közelében se,
Ősszel kelek életre.
Nincs vetélytárs, igazából nem is figyelem,
A kék Mulsanne-ban ülők, New Edition-t bömböltetem.
A ház olyan sivár, egy hangsúlyos darabra vár,
20 rongyért egy asztal, ébenfából faragva,
Vágd az elefántcsontot vékony csíkokra,
Majd a csaj az arcával feltakarítja. Ember, szeretem ám a csajom.
Ha te pénzről beszélsz, kell egy hallókészülék,
Ha meg rólam, nem látok mást, csak fényt.
Stílust váltok, elfoglalok minden sávot.
Poharat cserélek, bármilyen fájdalmat kivégzek.
Nézd, mit tettél!
Egy istenverte sztár vagyok.
Nézd, mit tettél!
Egy istenverte sztár vagyok.
A fenébe azzal nigga Brad Pitt-tel,
'A szenvedélyek viharában', mint egy bandita, egy évet úgy vitt el.
Kecót meg egy vadi új batárt vettem a mutternek,
Most aztán remekül fest, amikor vásárolni megy,
A tető, mint a Khan bosszújában, Star Trek-es.
Amikor meghallják ezt a számot, lelazulnak mind a csajok,
Százas a műszerfalon, és Istenhez közelebb vagyok.
Mi már nem imádkozunk szeretetért, csak autókért.

The Song of the Brigands

Although there's neither home no house, but
There is no need to pay the king the taxes
For laborers of axe and sharp knife cuts,
Romantics of the high road practice.
We don't wish to live, eh, like street beggars,
We don't wish to live, uh, like bootleggers.
And we walk along the edge, we walk along the
Edge we walk across our homeland.
All night we look for strangers till the dawn,
Somebody's boots have galled the feet and ankles
Of laborers of axe and knife, come on!
Romantics of the high road practice.
We don't wish to live, eh, like street beggars,
We don't wish to live, uh, like bootleggers.
And we walk along the edge, we walk along the
Edge we walk across our homeland.
Bonfire tongues lick our heels 'til dawn,
Why do the thin-skinned so dislike the tactics
Of laborers of axe and and knife? Come on!
Romantics of the high road practice.
We don't wish to live, eh, like street beggars,
We don't wish to live, uh, like bootleggers.
And we walk along the edge, we walk along the
Edge we walk across.. across.. across.. across.. our homeland.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

I want to sleep with you

Let them talk how I'm good at it all
That I kiss the best
But I'm your queen of defeat
Who loses you every time
Two fires were in love
But they burnt us both
Chorus x2
Is it insomnia
Is it love
But still, I'm not asleep
I keep it all under my skin
Stay silent about you
I want to sleep with you
Let them talk how, when I leave someone
I instantly choose another
But for this love, I'm ready
To repeat every mistake
Two fires were in love
But they burnt us both
Chorus x2
Is it insomnia
Is it love
But still, I'm not asleep
I keep it all under my skin
Stay silent about you
I want to sleep with you
(Is it insomnia)
Chorus x2
Is it insomnia
Is it love
But still, I'm not asleep
I keep it all under my skin
Stay silent about you
I want to sleep with you

Black horse

When father sold his horse, we all cried
Even he couldn't hide his tears
Mother begged lengthily upon dinner
It's like our happiness was sold with the horse
I was little still, but I understood it all
Brother was preparing for school in the city
Grandmother knit a sweater by the lantern
And I knew I'd be wearing the old one now
That night, none of us could sleep
Father talked with Brother for a long time
Mother packed everything in his suitcase
Apples and the white bread she kneaded
But who will now ride our black horse on the street
Who will adorn him with flowers on kirchweih
If Father sees him on the fair
He's old so I'm afraid his heart will shatter
But who will now ride our black horse on the street
Who will adorn him with flowers on kirchweih
If Father sees him on the fair
He's old so I'm afraid his heart will shatter
But who will now ride our black horse on the street
Who will adorn him with flowers on kirchweih
If Father sees him on the fair
He's old so I'm afraid his heart will shatter
But who will now ride our black horse on the street
Who will adorn him with flowers on kirchweih
If Father sees him on the fair
He's old so I'm afraid his heart will shatter
He's old so I'm afraid his heart will shatter

There can't be a such thing

On the slope of that hill
On that seaside
Under that tree
On that groves paths
You are walking again now
In the same places we used to visit together
What would shedding tears could do
Now there's someone else in my place
There can't be a such thing
Is it a dream
Just when I started to think that I'm happy
You destroyed my whole world
If I die because of this
Tell me you lil boy
Wouldn't your heart ache at all
There can't be a such thing
While I had my own trouble
You became one on top of it
While saying this love was the last
Where did you appear from
I wasn't going to recite loves name
I had promised
I was not gonna fall for it
Neither words nor vows were left
If a heart loves once, would it care about an edict
There can't be a such thing
Is it a dream
Just when I started to think that I'm happy
You destroyed my whole world
If I die because of this
Tell me you lil boy
Wouldn't your heart ache at all
There can't be a such thing
I wish in the end
I hope you regret it too
All this suffering you caused me
I hope you experience it from someone else
Do you think you made me suffer just a bit for many years
One day someone will appear and make you suffer too
You will cry too
You will moan too
You will sing the same song to that person
There can't be a such thing
Is it a dream
Just when I started to think that I'm happy
You destroyed my whole world
If I die because of this
Tell me you lil boy
Wouldn't your heart ache at all
There can't be a such thing


BLACKPINK a közeledben
BLACKPINK a közeledben
Rossz lány voltam, tudom az vagyok
És annyira dögös vagyok, kell egy ventilátor
Nem kell egy fiú, egy férfi kell
Badda-bing badda-boom
Amikor berúgom az ajtót mindenki engem néz
Még ha nem is próbákozom
Minden srácnak orrvérzése lesz, pang pang pang
pang pang parapara pangpangpang
Emeljük a poharunkat rám, jjan jjan jjan
Fel a kezekkel a kezeimben
Egy üveg tele o'Hennyvel
A lány akiról mindig hallasz, én vagyok, Jennie
A táncoló fény körülvesz
Fekete a rózsaszínig
Akárhol vagyok, különleges vagyok, ó igen
Nem érdekel, hogy nézel-e vagy sem táncolni akarok
Mint ttalatalatan
ttaladalatanttan ddudulubbau
Tetszik ez a levegő, tetszik
Tetszel most nekem, tetszel
Ma este belédesek
Táncolni akarok veled
Yah yah yah boombayah
yah yah yah boombayah
yah yah yah yah
Boom boom ba boom
Boom ba oppa
Yah yah yah yah yah yah
yah yah yah yah
Yah yah yah yah yah yah
yah yah yah yah oppa
Yah yah yah yah yah yah
Yah yah yah yah
Yah yah yah yah yah yah
Yah boom boom ba
BLACKPINK a közeledben
Most futnom kell, mi mást tennék
Éretlen vagyok, nem félek, ember
Középső ujj fel, 'K*pd be', fizess érte
90-es évek gyermeke, hozom a ritmust
Fuss, fuss oppa LAMBO
Ma este te és én a fiatalsággal játszunk
Ne próbálj megállítani, még ha más meg is próbál
Brr agresszív leszek
Menni fogok brrr, RAMBO
A kezeid átkaroolják a derekam
Elölről a hátamat
A testem különleges, ó igen
Azt mondják a szemeid tudom, hogy érinteni akarsz
Mint érintés, érintés, érintés
Érintés ttutulubbau
Tetszik ez a levegő, tetszik
Tetszel most nekem, tetszel
Az az éjszaka szuper
Táncolni akarok veled
Yah yah yah boombayah
Yah yah yah boombayah
Yah yah yah yah
Boom boom ba boom
Boom ba 오빠
Yah yah yah yah yah yah
Yah yah yah yah
Yah yah yah yah yah yah
Yah yah yah yah 오빠
Yah yah yah yah yah yah
Yah yah yah yah
Yah yah yah yah yah yah
Yah boom boom ba
Ne legyünk józanok ma este
Magasabbra megyünk mint az ég
Gyorsan akarok menni, a vég tudata nélkül
Gyerünk, gyerünk
Ne legyünk józanok ma este
Magasabbra megyünk mint az ég
Gyorsan akarok menni, a vég tudata nélkül
Gyerünk, gyerünk

rainbow soda

Ladies and gentleman
They told me: 'Try making an appearance in a TV show'
You have to give yourself to the right people if you want more success in life
I do not live with mine
Now at my house
'So you made it with the music?'
'No, I'm an escort'
[verse 1]
I could do like,who made a record together with (shh)
but unfortunately i have only the charm of a bohemian
And to make me the promo I should make myself a fashion blogger like (bip)
for millions of followers
i must speak about the street like artists do
i could fake my death to sell the disks
It doesn't matter what you think
there will always be somebody better than you , ready to give you advice
in my head is a monkey who speaks
She only takes out the worst of me
But sometimes I can not stop it
He would like to say what he thinks of you
when you see me , when you write me
i feel like Dottor Jekyll e Mr Hyde
when you talk to me , I should count until one, two, three
[verse 2]
i hate reality shows
i hate gossip and the interviews
when you ask me for a selfie and not even beat me five
Those that are nonconformist
And shortly thereafter he discovered their names like the first trend on tinder
your favorite artist has has collected soaps for a shred of fame
i hate those who love you for cash but say no
But then when it ends 'bye bye adios'
Leave me alone stop talking
That I come to your funeral with psychopathic eyes
I should stay calm, but sometimes I exaggerate
You think of the gold teeth while I think of platinum records
in my head is a monkey who speaks
She only takes out the worst of me
But sometimes I can not stop it
He would like to say what he thinks of you
when you see me , when you write me
i feel like Dottor Jekyll e Mr Hyde
when you talk to me , I should count until one, two, three
it doesn't mater what i think of you
but certain times i don't understand anything
i said it that I would like to tell you that
i can't stand myself either
it doesn't mater what i think of you
but certain times i don't understand anything
i said it that I would like to tell you that
i can't stand myself either
Fuck you asshole

Your Colored Hair

when your colored hair winds around my soul strand by strand
I’m strangled, there’s no cure, come quick
tangles in the arms of my heart
can’t they be unraveled?
its anguish holds the answer
but those eyes aren't looking
every ambiguity becomes a storm and leaves a scar
you didn’t see my tears
your shoulder wasn’t there for me
either hear my protest
or leave me to suffer alone
I couldn’t give enough
I couldn’t satisfy
I couldn’t see it through
I offered up my life in your honor
but couldn’t do it
that cigarette smolders, I’m tired of suffering
who could love a flower that despises its own stem?
tangles in the arms of my heart
can’t they be unraveled?
its anguish holds the answer
but those eyes aren't looking
my heart knows
the longer the hunt, the more elusive the hunted

Tropical elegance

Versions: #2
I know I'm gonna cry
I'm gonna complain
I'm gonna laugh
I know in darkness
nothing can be seen if you're not here
I know I'm gonna cry
I'm gonna complain
I'm gonna laugh
I know in darkness
nothing can be seen if you're not here
Sunset lasted two seconds
it burned deep inside,
soul and body
my blood is boiling
Sunset lasted two seconds
it burned deep inside,
soul and body
my blood is boiling
It burned deep inside,
soul and body
my blood is boiling
And me, I can't continue this way
and me, I can't continue this way
Without soul in the body
I burn deep inside,
I burn deep inside,
I burn deep inside,
I'm burning, burning, burning
This way,
this way
I know it won't come
no one will teach you
what it's like to be this way
That, in this loneliness
facing the truth
is almost like running away.
I know it won't come
no one will teach you
what it's like to be this way
That, in this loneliness
facing the truth
is almost like running away.
Sunset lasted two seco
it burned deep inside,
soul and body
my blood is boiling
Sunset lasted two seconds
it burned deep inside,
soul and body
my blood is boiling
I'm burning, burning, burning
I'm burning deep inside
I'm burning, burning, burning
I'm burning deep inside
And me, I can't continue this way
and me, I can't continue this way
And me, I can't continue this way
and me, I can't continue this way
I'm burning deep inside,
I'm burning deep inside,
my blood is boiling,
I'm burning deep inside.
My soul can't disappear,
it remains in the body,
I'm feeling it
I'm burning deep inside,
my soul,
the body
the blood
it's boiling.
I'm burning deep inside,
I'm burning deep inside,
I'm burning deep inside,
Just learning.


Napsugár, tegnap az életem csupa eső volt,
Napsugár, rám mosolyogtál és valóban enyhült a fájdalmam.
Ó, a sötét napokat tündöklőek váltják,
az egyetlen Napsugaram szívéből ragyog,
Ó, Napsugár, az egyetlen és igaz, szeretlek.
Napsugár, köszönöm ezt a csokornyit belőled.
Napsugár, szívből köszönöm, hogy bevilágítod az életem.
Mindenestül nekem ajándékoztad magad,
és most a felhők fölött érzem magam,
Ó, Napsugár, az egyetlen és igaz, szeretlek.
Napsugár, köszönöm, hogy megmutattad nekem az igazságot,
Napsugár, köszönök mindent, A-tól Z-ig.
Az életem úgy sodródott, akár a futóhomok,
és aztán szikla formálódott, amikor megfogtuk egymás kezét,
Napsugár, az egyetlen és igaz, szeretlek.
Napsugár, köszönöm a mosolyodat,
Napsugár, köszönöm az áradó ragyogást.
Te vagy a szikra,
az édesem, minden vágyam,
Napsugár, az egyetlen és igaz, szeretlek.

Bob the Builder

Bob the Builder
Manages to fix
Bob the Builder
Yes, yes, yes
Scoop, Muck and Dizzy and Roley too
Lofty and Wendy along with everyone
Bob and them are having so much fun
They build and fix as well
Bob the Builder
Manages to fix
Bob the Builder
Yes, yes, yes
Cat and Bird, Travis and Spot
Enjoy hanging out together
Bob the Builder
Manages to fix
Bob the Builder
Yes, yes, yes

That's What Arték* Is

How could I explain you what 'Arték' is?
It is beautiful at dawn as well as in daytime.
Even if you cover a whole notebook with writing,
Anyway, you won't (be able to) explain about it.
'Arték' - this is an infinite sea
And joyful sunrise.
Gladness, that in the heart for good remains,
That`s what it is, that`s what it is,
That`s what it is - 'Arték'!
How could I explain you what 'Arték' is?
It is - a song over the blue wave.
Where can I get fairy words from?
So that in colours 'Arték' can be transformed?
How could I explain you what 'Arték' is?
It is - the starlit moment of childhood
It is - friendship and memories of those,
You got acquainted with by the camp-fire's light.

Mission! Healthy・Peaceful・Livable・Superb

1 2 3 4
We are cells at work
1 2 3 4
We are at work Fuu!
Today I'll also transport the Oxygen, Oxygen
Through corner to corner throughout the body
However, in this vastity, I always get lost and lost
I'm being helped by cells at work
Alright, let's go!
I will work! We will work!
We are working every day, every day Ooh!
Today I'll also eliminate and remove the germs
The bacteriophages are also coming..No way!
I absolutely won't let them run around and around
I'm a professional at work
Alright, let's go!
I will work! We will work!
We are working every day, every day Ooh!
Alone between 37 trillion people
When are we be able to see each other again?
For someone (For someone)
Try hard (Try hard)
You and I are working frantically
For everyone (For everyone)
We are risking our lives (We are risking our lives)
Keep the pride - Healthy・Peaceful・Livable・Superb
Work? Work.
Work? Work!
♫Enjoy the lyrics
Your support is welcome♫

Nothing new in the West

Nothing new in the West,
they love each other and fight, wasting (money),
saving up (money), searching, pumping oil.
Nothing new in the West,
they're touching each other, replacing, there'll be war,
there won't be, everything is known, nothing is clear.
Only the kids somewhere on pilgrimage
serene and calm, their tomorrow is only tomorrow!
Nothing new in the West,
one died of hunger, the other drives a Mercedes,
Volkswagen will be ruined by the Japanese.
Nothing new in the West,
summer will be warm, the newspaper write,
radio says, Adriatic expects the nudists.

Oh, Such An Azure Sky Above Us

As long as braggarts live among the men,
We ought to praise our lucky fate no end.
Oh, such a blue sky makes me wonder,
We're not proponents of armed plunder:
For blowhard you don't need a knife,
Just let him hear your fawning fife,
And he is yours for life!
As long as avid folks are still around,
We won't let our fortune run aground.
Oh, such a blue sky makes me wonder,
We're not proponents of armed plunder:
For meanie you don't need a knife,
Just show him silver dime or five,
And he will sell his wife!
As long as fools exist, (bless their souls!)
Deception will be our way to roll.
Oh, such a blue sky makes me wonder,
We're not proponents of armed plunder:
To deal with fool a knife won't do,
Just tell him one tall tale or two
To make him fall for you!
Oh, such an azure sky above us,
These three still live and fortune loves us.
Thank God, for they will never end,
And as they say, the game will tend
To walk straight into bag!
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

To Be With You

When I met you,
I knew, I'd not waited in vain.
With such tender love,
You gazed at me.
To be with you,
Day and night,
To do anything,
That you desire.
To hold you tenderly, close,
You are mine,
This I know,
That without you
I am lost.
I'm ready to do anything for your love.
Your sweet, tender image
I hold in my heart.
I live for you alone,
I breath for you alone.
To be with you,
Day and night,
To do whatever
You might desire,
To hold you lovingly, tenderly,
You are mine,
This I kinow,
That without you,
I am lost.
I'm ready to do anything for your love.
To be with you day and night...
You are my salvation,
I treasure this.
To live without you in this world,
I could no longer do.
To be with you,
Day and night,
To do anything,
That you desire.
You are mine,
Without you,
I am lost.
For your love I'll do anything.

Strive for the higher love

Strive for the higher love,
Don't waste your time on mere pleasure.
Love which every morning anew,
Will flow like a fresh flowing river.
Let the living waters of fire,
Along the eternal lines of the soul,
Let your whole life be only a dream,
For that's the creation of love.
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth,
and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)

Fill with Love

Fill with Love,
Fill with Love,
Fill with Love
With Love - Everything Around.
And go to Life,
And go to Life,
And lead eternal circle round.
Shine with Light,
Shine with Light,
Shine with Light,
As I Do.
Give free rein to your feelings,
Give free rein to your feelings,
And in the morning Earth will give its smile to You
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט

Hula Hoop

Do you wanna play with me?
Just follow my lead, look
Stop stringing me along
What else do you want?
Stop stringing me along
What else do you want?
Ladies and gentlemen
Shake it to the floor
Ladies and gentlemen
Bounce with no mercy
Ladies and gentlemen
A little twerk
And go crazy
With a hula hoop
She gets down twerking
With a hula hoop
Go swinging the waist
Like a hula hoop
Go dancing around
Like a hula hoop
She comes up, doing her moves
With a hula hoop
She gets down twerking
With a hula hoop
Go swinging the waist
Like a hula hoop
Go dancing around
Like a hula hoop
She comes up, doing her moves and
Stop stringing me along
What else do you want?
Stop stringing me along
What else do you want?
Ladies and gentlemen
Shake it to the floor
Ladies and gentlemen
Bounce with no mercy
Ladies and gentlemen
A little twerk
And go crazy
With a hula hoop
Hul-hul-hula hoop
Hul-hul-hula hoop
Hul-hul-hula hoop
Hul-hul-hula hoop
Hul-hul-hula hoop
Hul-hul-hula hoop
Hul-hul-hula hoop
Hul-hul-hula hoop
Hul-hul-hula hoop
Hul-hul-hula hoop
Hul-hul-hula hoop
Hula hoop
She gets down twerking
With a hula hoop
Go swinging the waist
Like a hula hoop
Go dancing around
Like a hula hoop
She comes up, doing her moves
With a hula hoop
She gets down twerking
With a hula hoop
Go swinging the waist
Like a hula hoop
Go dancing around
Like a hula hoop
She comes up, doing her moves and
Stop stringing me along
What else do you want?
Stop stringing me along
What else do you want?
Ladies and gentlemen
Shake it to the floor
Ladies and gentlemen
Bounce with no mercy
Ladies and gentlemen
A little twerk
And go crazy
With a hula hoop
Hul-hul-hula hoop
Hul-hul-hula hoop
Hul-hul-hula hoop
Hul-hul-hula hoop
Hul-hul-hula hoop
Hul-hul-hula hoop
Hul-hul-hula hoop
Hul-hul-hula hoop
Hul-hul-hula hoop
Hul-hul-hula hoop
Hul-hul-hula hoop

Bob the Builder Intro (Italian)

Can you fix it? You can with Bob.
Will you be able to do that? You will with Bob.
Scoop, Muck and Roley,
Dizzy and then
Lofty and Wendy
Are here for you.
If there's a problem,
We'll fix it
All together
With Bob's guidance.
Can you fix it? You can with Bob.
Will you be able to do that? You will with Bob.
Pilchard together with Bird,
Travis and Spud,
If they play together,
What will they do?
Can you fix it? You can with Bob.
Will you be able to do that? You will with Bob.

Play, my Croatia

When you get to grow up on this road
You learn to love your life on it
You get easily carried away by the first ball
On which it is written - To my only love
Happy eyes see only your colours
And wake that feeling inside me
To love you forever, that is my wish
I'm singing loudly, and you just go!
Play, my Croatia!
When I see you
My heart is on fire, my heart is no fire
It always burned fired up
Let it fight, fight for you
Because all the mountains wait for you
And your blue sea too
Croatia, when I see you
My heart is on fire, my fire is on fire
When you get to grow up in my end
That road teaches all the children how to
Love what's theirs, yes, now they know
They're with you even when things don't go easily
Happy eyes see only your colours
And wake that feeling inside me
To love you forever, that is my wish
I'm singing loudly, and you just go!
Play, my Croatia!
When I see you
My heart is on fire, my heart is no fire
It always burned fired up
Let it fight, fight for you
Because all the mountains wait for you
And your blue sea too
Croatia, when I see you
My heart is on fire, my fire is on fire

Silver box

Versions: #3
I kept a secret
In a silver box
A small world to me
Of stars, an ocean
A small eternity, a peacock flute
But I have nothing from you
You whom I miss
Very much...
I am where you left me
On the road to nowhere
Here the moon never shines
She yellows with time
And from cloud to cloud
On the wings of a white bird
I let myself be taken hostage
Because without you,
Nothing rhymes
Nothing rhymes, rhymes
And I'm ruining myself, ruining
And I'm ruining myself, ruining
I went to the end of the world
I asked forgiveness
I am here and I am waiting for you
Under the stars of Orion
There was a kind of sound
Lost in the universe
Could it be you?
Oh how I hope so
I am where you left me
On the road to nowhere
Here the moon never shines
She yellows with time
And from cloud to cloud
On the wings of a white bird
I let myself be taken hostage
Because without you,
Nothing rhymes
Nothing rhymes, rhymes
And I'm ruining myself, ruining
And I'm ruining myself, ruining
I act as if you were waiting for me
But the time seems slow
And I cannot prevent myself
From thinking like a child
What do you want me to do?
Nothing is more intoxicating
Than holding on to you
And to believe it all the time
I am where you left me
On the road to nowhere
Here the moon never shines
She yellows with time
And from cloud to cloud
On the wings of a white bird
I let myself be taken hostage
Because without you,
Nothing rhymes
Nothing rhymes, rhymes
And I'm ruining myself, ruining
And I'm ruining myself, ruining

Million Reasons

In the words that you say
Hides a dream
Your love protects me
You're stronger than any enemy
You don't give up
And how to thrill strings of heart
Only you know
You've formed all the feelings
You gave me million reasons
To walk with love, that is within me after you
I will be delighted in your delight
And take your pane
And fill with happiness your days
How you conquer me
With your tenderness
You make me younger
I love you
Everything good in the world
I've revealed with you
I thank God
That I have you
You've formed all the feelings
You gave me million reasons
To walk with love, that is within me after you
I will be delighted in your delight
And take your pane
And fill with happiness your days
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט

The Colors of Happiness

Versions: #2
Your eyes are so sad
Don't lose courage
You need to resist
It's not easy, courage
In a world full of people
Everything that seems fatal
And you feel lost
Your lil' heart has too much hurt
Smile for me
Forget your tears
I haven't seen you laugh
In far too long
This world destroys you
And you gave so much of yourself
Just call me
I will always be here for you
Because I see the sweet colors
that surround you
and from the bottom of my heart
I will always love you
So don't be afraid
to show them
the true colors
Of your heart so marvelous
I see the true colors
that surround you
the colors of happiness
That shine, my love
So don't be afraid
To show them
The true colors
The colors of a rainbow
It's so beautiful
it's so beautiful


Versions: #2
Who ran away from home being just fifteen
Will hardly understand one who finished the best school.
One, who has made a good plan for [the] lifetime ahead,
Has no reason to think of anything else.
We drink tea, sitting in old flats,
Wait [for the] summer, sitting in old flats,
Flats with electric supply, lights,
Gas, telephone, and hot city water,
Hardwired radio, hardwood floors,
And separate bathrooms, brick construction,
One family, maybe two, three will fit...
Many auxiliary premises,
Bottom and top floors won't be considered,
Few steps from subway, center...
Everyone says: we're together...1
Everyone says, but a few know exactly where we are.
But from our chimneys comes an unusual smoke.
Stop! The danger zone's entered! The brain's at work here!
  • 1. a word play, also: we've arrived there...
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

Release Me

It is said that there is a song
With a peculiar sound
It is said that there is a song
That was once sung
This song wants to say:
Release me!
Release me!
Release me!
Have you heard it before?
It is sung like 'Amen'
Again and again
So you will listen
To everything as before
Yes, you still feel
That it will never be over
Wherever there is a wall
Wherever there is censorship
This hit song will remain:
Release me!
Release me!
Maybe you are fine
So what are you supposed to to
With a song like this one
Which is mostly about trouble?
So why would you say:
'Release me'?
Release me!
Release me!
But all over our world
There are many people who live
Without a place
Where there is peace
Who wish and stay free
That is why there is a song
With a peculiar sound
If the wind changes
Maybe there will be
What you are longing for and say:
Release me!
Release me!
Release me!

Disco Polo

Sometimes I'm fed up with
this crap on the radio that is impossible to stand.
All the time the same, I want to vomit.
The bass is pouding hip hop, clubing, techno, metal, music, pop.
Young people are going crazy. For me, that's not it.
Disco, disco polo, wooo, disco polo x2
She laughs at me
'cause I like disco and I wanna have fun with it
but these are memories, this is something more.
The party is already going on and on the terrace you can hear 'This is radio Chlew1 FM'.
DJ Skwarka is going crazy.
Disco, disco polo, wooo, disco polo x2
  • 1. Chlew means 'pigsty'

Senki más

A szőnyeg alatt
régi árnyékok lapulnak,
várják, hogy eljöjjön az idejük.
Készülnek a nagy fellépésükre,
konfettizápor közepette,
majd amikor gyengének érzem magam.
Esküszöm, többet nem fordul elő,
nincs senki más,
esküszöm, többet nem fordul elő.
a fények a múltban ragyognak,
nincsenek jelek, amelyek mutatnák a kiutat.
A mi titokzatos szerelmünk
idővel egyre durvább,
falak épülnek közénk.
Esküszöm, többet nem fordul elő,
nincs senki más,
esküszöm, többet nem fordul elő.