Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 157

Találatok száma: 5103


Girls & Boys (The World Is Yours)

In our dreams, yeah yeah
There is a world, yeah yeah
Bless the clouds
Beauty is fading with the rain
Day and night, yeah yeah
You are united with us now
Quickly come to the moon and smile
Find the joy of looking at the stars, all the time
Jump and join us tonight, it’s your day
All we gonna do is right, it’s your day
Girls and boys are really gonna joy this special way
Always stay in the light
Time is yours, yeah yeah
The choice is yours, yeah yeah
Build your own world
Smile at the stars
Time is yours, yeah yeah
You are united with us now
Quickly come to the moon and smile
Find the joy of looking at the stars, all the time
You are united with us now
Quickly come to the moon and smile
Find the joy of looking at the stars, all the time
Jump and join us tonight
All we gonna do is right
Girls and boys are really gonna joy this special way
Always stay in the light
Jump and join us tonight

The next train

Show me other countries
Where I'm from, the laughter,
the sea get frozen
And sing me your melodies
I only know sad tunes
Show me where the rain comes from
That makes daisies bloom
My most beautiful things have no shelter
That's why love crumbles
And tell me about who I would be
If I had chosen the other way
Show me who I would be
If I had taken the next train
Tell me about the lyrebirds
Those who are never bored
of seeing the sky through the window
Of waiting for death
to finally live
I still have my little girl's dreams
Those which talked about leaving
Of leaving the house empty
Refusing of seeing everything ageing
And tell me about who I would be
If I had chosen the other way
Show me who I would be
If I had taken the next train
And tell me about who I would be
If I had chosen the other way
If I had taken the next train


Between my love and I shall be raised
three hundred nights like three hundred walls
and the sea shall be a magic between us.
There shall not even be memories.
Oh evenings deserving of pity,
hopeful nights of looking upon you,
fields of my road, firmament
that I am seeing and losing . . .
Definitive like a marble
your absence shall sadden other evenings.

Fata asks Halil the innkeeper (1)

Haj, Fata asks, aman1
Halil the innkeeper
haj, Halil the innkeeper
haj was my Meho, aman
last night here?
Haj, he was, aman
young Mehaginca2
before morning he was barely at ease
haj from delight3, aman
[he] smashed the plates
Haj he also said
whoever asks about Meho
let them not straggle after Meho
haj and he came back by himself
when the delight let him be
  • 1. Both 'haj' and 'aman' are expressions often found in Bosnian folk songs with no translatable meaning
  • 2. i. e. the wife of Meho
  • 3. 'Merak' is another word that is hard to translate. It also means desire for something, craving, passion, pleasure, pleasant mood...
Kadija te tuži, kadija ti sudi

Fata asks Halil the innkeeper

Haj, Fata asks, aman1
Halil the innkeeper
haj, Halil the innkeeper
haj was my Meho, aman
last night night here?
Haj, he was, aman
young Mehaginca2
before morning he was barely at ease
haj from delight3, aman
[he] smashed the plates
Haj he also said
who asks about Meho
let them not straggle after Meho
haj and he came back by himself
when the delight let him up
  • 1. Both 'haj' and 'aman' are expressions often found in Bosnian folk songs with no translatable meaning
  • 2. i. e. the wife of Meho
  • 3. 'Merak' is another word that is hard to translate. It also means desire for something, craving, passion, pleasure, pleasant mood...
Kadija te tuži, kadija ti sudi

If the love is over

It is better to say goodbye...
If love is over, tell me now I promise not to cry, I'm not going to kill myself, even if it's hard, I want the truth
If love is over, I leave you free I want you to be happy and not see you suffer to be attached to me if you do not love me anymore
If love is over, if love is over, it's better to say goodbye
If it's that you don't love me, just leave, I do not want to be in love, a paper doll ...
If love is over, tell me now I promise not to cry, I'm not going to kill myself, even if it's hard, I want the truth
If love is over, I leave you free I want you to be happy and not see you suffer to be attached to me and have you say that you do not love me anymore
If love is over if love is over, it's better to say goodbye
If love is over

Only with you

You know, maybe this only seems
So complicated to me, but I strongly like it
Your love is like the movies.
Maybe I'll hide something important inside
But we can't be simply friends
My love knows how to be strong.
I don't need to speak any words of fragile glass
Just be near me
Only with you, I can easily breathe
Take you by the hand and not let go
And if you'll melt like the dusk
Then I'll burn with you, I won't let you go
Passing by again, completely again,
The winters have covered my world, except
You don't let me be lonely
We're bound together inexpressibly
By hundreds of unspoken thoughts, only
We're next to each other, we look like stars
I don't need to speak any words of fragile glass
Just be near me

The accomplice

They crucify me and I should be the cross and the nails.
They put forth the cup and I should be the hemlock.
They deceive me and I should be the lie.
They light me on fire and I should be Hell.
I should praise and be thankful for every moment of time.
My nutriment is everything.
The precise weight of the universe, of humiliation, of mirth.
I should justify what pains me.
My fortunes and misfortunes don't matter.
I am the poet.

Red mouth

If you are like I imagine you
I have no way to scape
Your body is like a whirlwind
And there's no spell that can save me
If you are like I sense you
I'm lost in this story
Because I suspect that you are
Of honey outside and of fire inside
Red mouth, crazy mouth
Red mouth spring of kisses
Sweet kisses run off
And hold me prisioner by desiring you
Red mouth you tease me
And suddenly I feel like dying
It seems to me that mouth
Is at one step of saying I love you
If you are like I dreamed you
I'm defeated beforehand
And without putting conditions
Happily defeated I give in to your hands
So beautiful, so sweet
Simply incomparable
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Én hiszek benned

Azt kérdezik,hogyan érzek
És a szerelmem igaz-e
Hogy miként fogom kibírni ezt
És rám néznek a homlokukat ráncolva
Szeretnék,hogy elmenjek a városból
Nem akarják,hogy a közelben legyek
Mert én hiszek benned
Azt mondják,ne térjek vissza soha
Mert nem olyan vagyok,amilyennek látni szeretnének
Ezért hát egyedül járok
Ezer mérföldnyire otthontól
De nem érzem magam egyedül
Mert hiszek benned
Hiszek benned könnyeken és kacajokon át
Akkor is, ha külön válnánk
Másnap is hiszek benned
Ó,akkor is,mikor közeleg a hajnal
Ó,mikor eltűnik az éj
Ó,ez az érzés a szívemben marad
Ne hagyj túl messze sodródni engem
Tarts magad mellett
Ahol mindig újjászülethetek
És amit ma adtál nekem
Azt sohasem tudom majd meghálálni
Mondjanak bármit is
Én hiszek benned
Hiszek benned mikor a tél átfordul nyárba
Mikor a fehérből fekete lesz
Akkor is,ha túlerővel nézek szembe
Ó,talán a föld elnyel engem
Ó,talán a barátaim cserbenhagynak
Ó,még ez sem tántoríthat el
Ne hagyd,hogy megváltoztassam a szívem
Tarts távol
Minden cselszövésüktől
És engem,engem nem érdekel a fájdalom
Nem zavar a szakadó eső
Tudom,hogy mindent elviselek
Mert hiszek benned

Bob Dylan álma

Egy nyugatra tartó vonaton ülve
Kicsit lehunytam a szemeim,hogy aludjak egyet
Szomorú álmot láttam
Benne voltam én,és az első barátaim.
Könnyes szemekkel néztem a szobára
Ahol a barátaimmal eltöltöttünk sok-sok délutánt
Ahol együtt kihúztunk megannyi vihart
Nevetve,dalolva,míg el nem jött a hajnal
Az öreg kályha mellett lógtak kalapjaink
Ott hangzottak el szavaink,csendültek fel dalaink
Nem vágytunk semmire sem,elégedettek voltunk
Vicceltünk, és a kinti világról társalogtunk
Üldözött szívvel a hőségen és fagyon át
Sohasem gondoltuk,hogy valaha is megöregedhetünk
Úgy véltük örökké elücsöröghetünk jól mulatva
Az esélyünk egy volt a millióhoz.
Oly könnyű volt megkülönböztetni a fehéret és a feketét
A jótól különválasztani a rosszat
Kevés választásunk volt, és azt hittük
Hogy az út amin elindultunk,sohasem válik majd szét
Mennyi év telt el már
Mennyi játék lett veszve,hány megnyerve
És hány utat bejártak már a legelső barátaim
És egyiküket sem látom már újból soha
Azt kívánom,azt kívánom, azt kívánom esdve,
Hogy bár abban a szobában ülhetnénk újra
Tízezer dollár egy másodperc alatt örömmel odaadnék
Ha az életünk újra olyan lehetne,mint rég.

Háború Urai

Versions: #1#2
Gyertek, háború urai
Ti,kik megépítettétek a nagy puskákat
Ti,akik megalkottátok a halálos gépeket
Ti,kik létrehoztátok a bombákat
Ti,akik falak mögé bújtok
Ti,akik asztalok mögé rejtőztök
Csak szeretném,hogy tudjátok
Én átlátok az álcátokon.
Sohasem tettetek mást
Csak a rombolásért építettetek
Játszadoztok a világommal
Mintha a játékszeretek volna
Fegyvert adtok a kezembe
És elbújtok a szemeim elől
Majd elfordultok és messzire futtok
Mikor a golyó kilövell
Akár Júdás
Hazudtok és csaltok
Egy világháborút meg lehet nyerni
Azt akarjátok,hogy elhiggyem
De én átlátok a tekinteteken
Átlátok az elméteken
Ahogyan átlátok a vízen
Ami eltűnik a lefolyómban
Rögzítitek a ravaszt
Hogy mások húzzák meg
Aztán hátradőltök és figyelitek
Ahogyan a halálozási szám az egekbe szökik
Elbújtok a villáitokba
Miközben a fiatalok vére
Kifolyik testükből
És összekeveredik a sárral
A legrosszabb félelmet adtátok
Amit csak adni lehetett
Félnünk kell gyerekeket hozni
Erre a világra
Amiért veszélyeztettétek a babám
Aki még meg sem született,el sem neveztük
Meg sem érdemlitek a vért
Ami az ereitekben folyik
Mennyit is tudok
Hogy ilyen dolgokkal dobálózok?
Mondhatjátok,hogy fiatal vagyok
Mondhatjátok,hogy tanulatlan vagyok
De van valami,amit biztosak tudok
Hiába vagyok fiatalabb nálatok
És ez az,hogy még Jézus sem lenne képes
Soha megbocsátani a tetteiteket
Hadd kérdezzem meg
A pénzetek tényleg ennyire jó
Vesz-e majd bűnbocsánatot is
Gondoljátok,hogy ez lehetséges?
Szerintem rá fogtok jönni
Mikor majd a halálotok eljő
Hogy a sok pénz mit szereztetek
Sohasem fogja visszavásárolni a lelketeket.
És remélem meghaltok mind
És hogy ez a halál közel jár már
Követni fogom a koporsót
A sápadt délutánon
Nézni fogom ahogyan
Eltűntök a földben
És a sírotok fölött fogok őrködni
Míg meg nem bizonyosodom,hogy holtak vagytok tényleg

A széllel utazik

Versions: #1#2
Hány utat kell egy embernek bejárnia
Mire embernek nevezhetjük?
Hány tenger fölött kell átrepülnie egy fehér galambnak
Mielőtt a homokban nyugovóra térhetne?
Hányszor kell eldörrennie az ágyúknak
Hogy végre örökre betiltsák őket?
A válasz,barátom,a széllel utazik,
A válasz a széllel utazik.
Hány évet kell léteznie egy hegynek
Mielőtt elmossa a tenger?
Hány évet kell leélnie egy embernek
Mire végre szabad lehet?
Hányszor fordíthatja el valaki a fejét,
Úgy téve,mintha nem látna semmit?
A válasz,barátom,a széllel utazik,
A válasz a széllel utazik.
Hányszor nézhet fel egy ember
Mire meglátja az eget?
Hány fül szükséges ahhoz
Hogy hallja mások sírását?
Mennyi halált fog követelni,
Hogy tudja,már így is túl sokan haltak meg?
A válasz,barátom,a széllel utazik,
A válasz a széllel utazik.

Bad Boy

Aya Nakamura
In my life, I want a man
I don't care about your money
No, I don't want a bad boy
Who'd wind up falling
We get angry every night
Your jealousy's holding me hostage
You're keeping an eye on my to and fro
We must end all this
You're paranoid and a maniac
You're imagining things and you're mistaken about me
Everything should be like before
But we can't talk to each other anymore
Na lingui yo,1 I'm screwy
Don't listen to what they say
Na lingui yo, you know it
It's my only alibi
Aya Nakamura
In my life, I want a man
I don't care about your money
No, I don't want a bad boy
Who'd wind up falling
In my life, I want a man
I don't care about your money
I didn't make the right choice, I don't want to regret it
I'm determined
Don't worry my darling
Don't worry my darling
Don't worry my darling
I'm gonna stop my bollocks
Aya Nakamura
You avoid me every night
You never answer the phone
You strut around all nights in the clubs
You forget me, yeah, you leave me
Too many excuses, it's true that you surprise me
We make things complicated because you mess around
I can't stand you anymore
All this has to stop
Na lingui yo, I'm screwy
Don't listen to what they say
Na lingui yo, you know it
It's my only alibi
Aya Nakamura
In my life, I want a man
I don't care about your money
No, I don't want a bad boy
Who'd wind up falling
In my life, I want a man
I don't care about your money
I didn't make the right choice, I don't want to regret it
I'm determined
Don't worry my darling
Don't worry my darling
Don't worry my darling
I'm gonna stop my bollocks
Aaaaaaaa (El Mara)
Don't listen to what they say (Hustler)
Aya Nakamura
In my life, I want a man
I don't care about your money
No, I don't want a bad boy
Who'd wind up falling
Don't worry my darling
Don't worry my darling
Don't worry my darling
I'm gonna stop my bollocks
El Mara, Hustler
Aya Nakamura
Aya Nakamuraaaaaaaaa !!!
  • 1. 'I love you' in Lingala, a language spoken in Congo.
Winter is coming

Abou Samra¹

O abou samra,abou samra
My all life for him
I'm ready when he ordering me
When he ordering me I fly and come,I fly and come
Im lover and I put my love in an asi
I love him and I want him and My god,do what he want
I run fast when he ordering me
O abou samra,abou samra
My all life for him
I'm ready when he ordering me
When he ordering me I fly and come,I fly and come
Im lover and I put my love in an asi
I'd like to be by your side
And just you're my heart's owner
And ı can't be with another than you

Mi van velünk

La da da da da
La da da da da
Da da da
[Verse 1]
Keresőfények vagyunk, látunk a sötétben.
Rakéták vagyunk, a csillagok felé emelkedünk.
Gyönyörű szívek milliárdjai vagyunk
és túl sokszor átvertél már minket ezen az úton.
Mi van velünk?
Mi van az időkkel amikor azt mondtad, megvannak a válaszaid?
Mi van velünk?
Mi van az összes összetört 'Boldogan éltek, míg meg nem haltak'-kal?
Mi van velünk?
Mi van a tervekkel amik katasztrófaként végződtek?
Mi van a szerelemmel? Mi van a bizalommal?
Mi van velünk?
[Verse 2]
Mi vagyunk a problémák, amelyek meg akarnak oldódni.
Mi vagy a gyerekek, akik szeretetet akarnak.
Mi akartunk, jöttünk amikor szólítottál,
de ember, bolondot csináltál belőlünk, elég ami elég, oh.
Mi van velünk?
Mi van az időkkel amikor azt mondtad, megvannak a válaszaid?
Mi van velünk?
Mi van az összes összetört 'Boldogan éltek, míg meg nem haltak'-kal?
Mi van velünk?
Mi van a tervekkel amik katasztrófaként végződtek?
Mi van a szerelemmel? Mi van a bizalommal?
Mi van velünk?
Oh, mi van velünk?
Mi van a tervekkel amik katasztrófaként végződtek?
Mi van a szerelemmel? Mi van a bizalommal?
Mi van velünk?
Kövek s botok talán összezúzzák ezeket a csontokat,
de aztán (újra) készen állok majd, te is készen állsz?
Ha ez a mi kezdetünk, akkor gyerünk, kelj fel.
Készen állsz? Én készen állok majd.
Nem akarok irányítást, el akarom engedni.
Készen állsz? Én készen állok majd.
Mert itt az idő, hogy tudassuk velük,
készen állunk, mi van velünk?
Mi van velünk?
Mi van az időkkel amikor azt mondtad, megvannak a válaszaid?
Mi van velünk?
Mi van az összes összetört 'Boldogan éltek, míg meg nem haltak'-kal?
Mi van velünk?
Mi van a tervekkel amik katasztrófaként végződtek?
Mi van a szerelemmel? Mi van a bizalommal?
Mi van velünk?
Mi van velünk?
Mi van velünk?
Mi van velünk?
Mi van velünk?
Mi van velünk?
Mi van velünk?
HU: Ezen a webhelyen minden fordítás szerzői jogvédelem alatt áll. A szövegek másolása és publikálása egy másik weboldalon, vagy egyéb médián nem engedélyezett a szerző írásos engedélye nélkül, még forrásmegjelölés esetén sem. Tehát ha szeretnéd máshol is publikálni a fordításaimat, kérlek kérj előtte engedélyt.

EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.

Thank God We Are Going Home

There are plenty of shores
To which you want to come back again and again,
Bright lights
Pull you there like a magnet
But thank god we are going home (x2)
We were told
A lot of beautiful words about them,
About the women who never get rejected,
About tables brimming with food,
About sugary bread
But thank god we are going home (x2)
Everyone is looking for someplace warm and fun,
Birds for heaven, fish for deeper waters
Where it does not rain,
Where it is not cold at night
But we don’t understand these people (x2)
But thank god we are going home (x2)

Don't go away

One more time
Again maybe
I see you wake up
Not even if its the last time
So many things that I want
(Tell you)
But I never could
Don't go away
(Stay please)
Don't go now
(Forget what's left)
Behind for hours
Who never loved you
Your phone ringed
Look for someone
Who you can talk
Not even if it's the last time
So many things I want
(Tell you)
But I never could
Don't go away
(Stay please)
Don't go now
(Forget what's left)
Behind for hours
Who never loved you

White rose

I looked in your eyes said the truth
But I know that deeply in reality
Is so hard without you
So much to say but I have no courage
Whatever know it's not new
That I'm crazy for you
Every minute of peace, is your kiss that brings
The best that lives in me , like always had been
Light on paradise white rose to give you
I know is worth to wait you
Shadow from divine a force guiding me
It's me who's going to take care of you
I looked in your eyes said the truth
But I know deeply in reality
I'm nothing without you.

Tell me

Tell me why you're leaving
and tell me when you'll return,
the light of the full moon
doesn't know how to comfort me.
Spiraled memories,
traces of stardust,
a monstrous strength
that awakened us.
Your farewell is part
of a universal dance,
comfort for those
who wait in the darkness.
For you the horizon breaks,
the sea is tainted with the burning red
of your abandonment.
The heart slows down and reason surrenders
to a long and cold dream
in which I'll drown my voice
until sunrise.
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.



Versions: #1#2
Lisboa, Lisboa
The sorrow of your days gone by
Now the hinterland of lovers should lay
Beneath all your vacant skies
Lisboa, Lisboa
From Alfama's arms to Liberdade
Paper lanterns, falling embers
Quiet cantors sing of Saudade
The ever twilight amber of your alleyways
Paint the air of evening oh so well
And strolls about the river bank
Suggests there's history left to tell
Ai Lisboa
A paradise beside the sea
There's a beauty
To the absence of tainting all your scenery
Lisboa é luz boa
Lisboa é pessoa
Lisboa tem Chiado
Tem Alfama e tem fado
Da era Severa
De um tempo que já era
Nas ruas de Lisboa
Eu vou
(Eu vou também)
Das tuas colinas
Milagres e sinas
Nas praças, rainhas
Flores e rimas
Eu vou
Ele, I, Esse, Be, O, A

Rubber Duck

From what I see
You seem like a tub sailor
And I foresee
A barbarian and a vile outcome
As they barely open the faucet
A disaster is shimmered
In your wish
To own the biggest trawler
Maybe they??? die/cap you???
And a wave might still send you
Against the tub's enamel
Or against a rubber duck
I have faced the waves of the seven seas too
And I was the comandant of a bow's fleet
But the solitude and some disillusion
They sing to me like this
You miss a lighthouse keeper
Who wards the light off of your eyes
Who points you to the piers
There are so much illusion in life
Why to hear so many lullabies?
I've already lost my faith
You go there against the ducklings
Let me saile this bow
From what I see
From the fish you fished
From this size
It shrank or went shrivelling
Or it dissolved itself in the bucket
Or there was never any fish
And the stew of potatoes and onions
Was cooked without onions or potatoes
Not a pan to put them there
May you never run out of tuna cans
I've been swung
By the mermaid's singing
I took her in
Made her fillets and fed her
Might digestion be conscience or reason
That I hear in me
You miss a lighthouse keeper
Who wards the light off of your eyes
Who points you to the piers
There are so much illusion in life
Why to hear so many lullabies?
I've already lost my faith
You go there against the ducklings
Let me saile this bow
Hope you like it

Do you believe in first love?

When evening descends upon the Earth,
In the sky blaze thousands of stars,
Someone will date someone else,
And someone will ask someone else a question
Do you believe in first love?
Do you believe in the first date?
Do you believe in the first confession?
If you believe - do not contradict your heart . . .
When on the Earth through the haze of dawn
The rays of sunlight will come as always
Someone will believe and this song
In a completely different way, will suddenly sound
When evening descends upon the Earth,
I wait, wait for you, I cannot wait.
These minutes are an eternity,
If you come, I'll ask you
Do you believe in first love?
Do you believe in the first date?
Do you believe in the first confession?
If you believe - do not contradict your heart . . .

Midnight's Runaway

As well a brake noise shocks a heart
We didn't even stop for a farewell
Don't turn around BOY open the night's door
Just to return alone
I can't just live a dream forever
Your muttering voice was frozen
Get rid of it BOY that's nobody's fault
You two just changed woo
Runaway, Runaway
Run through Heavy night, Heavy night
Runaway, Runaway
Midnight City lights, City lights
You'll lose if turn around, come, I wanna be free
Stepped on the accelerator, night's Down town
The dream jumped like a coin from the pocket
Don't lose it BOY it's an intense spirit​
I can't hand it over to anyone woo
Runaway, ~ Walk over Heavy night, ~
Runaway, ~ Shattered City lights, ~
Runaway, ~ Run through Heavy night, ~
Runaway, ~ Midnight City lights, ~
You'll lose if turn around, come, I wanna be free
Runaway, ~ Walk over Heavy night, ~
Runaway, ~ Shattered City lights, ~
Runaway, ~ Run through Heavy night, ~
Runaway, ~ Midnight City lights, ~...


I'm watching you as you're enjoying
leaving me alone with the pain
acting like it's all a game
and that you don't know my fears
Half of my soul is up for sale
let them add a stone to that part
here, I'm selling my wings
I do not agree to be an angel
It's not love when it hurts
I hear them saying
but when my heart loves
it burns with jealousy
It's not love when it hurts
everything else is just a lie
when you love wrongfully
try to give your heart comfort
Out of despair ready to
give you the last crumb of pride
I'm searching for a way out but it's not going well
I'm hiding the pain so the others don't see it
Half of my soul is up for sale
let them add a stone to that part
here, I'm selling my wings
I do not agree to be an angel
Chorus 2x
It's not love when it hurts
I hear them saying
but when my heart loves
it burns with jealousy
It's not love when it hurts
everything else is just a lie
when you love wrongfully
try to give your heart comfort

You Are My First Thought

You are my first thought
When I wake up in the morning
You are my last thought
In the late evening, at night
You are all of my dreams
Happiness and satisfaction for me
Since I love you
By day and night, at all times
I live 24 hours long
For you
You are my first thought
When I wake up in the morning
You are my last thought
That I think of a thousand times
You are the meaning of my life
All that I want is you
Since I love you
By day and night, at all times
I live 24 hours long
For you
24 hours long for you
I'm not fluent so feel free to correct
Ich bin nicht fließend, Korrekturen sind wilkommen

Tennessee Waltz

As I danced with my loved one
To the Tennessee Waltz
A girl approached us whom I hadn't seen in a long time
And she called him by his name
And he kissed her hand
And they had fallen for one another
In love, they danced
To the Tennessee Waltz
But I was watching them alone
Tonight I am lonely
But that girl has been his girlfriend
Ever since the Tennessee Waltz
In love, they danced
To the Tennessee Waltz
But I was watching them alone
Tonight I am lonely
But that girl has been his girlfriend
Ever since the Tennessee Waltz
Translations (c) by me, permission for use on lyricstranslate.com and private 'fair use' cases granted.


I don't even have to look at you to see
The color of the cerulean sea even now
I didn't even touch you, yet I still saw
That your soul is a cloudless sky
You know that my heart is yours
As Mexico is in your eyes
And as long as this fire continues to burn in it
Everything will be ablaze
Come feel what I feel
Everything seems simple with you
Yo te quiero, mi bonita
Since my heart drives me to you
Come feel what I feel
Everything seems simple with you
Yo te quiero, mi bonita
Since my heart drives me to you
I don't even have to look at you to see
The color of the cerulean sea even now
I didn't even touch you, yet I still feel
That your soul is the bluest sky
You know that my heart is yours
As Mexico is in your eyes
And as long as this fire continues to burn in it
Everything will be ablaze
Come feel what I feel
Everything seems simple with you
Yo te quiero, mi bonita
Since my heart drives me to you
Come feel what I feel
Everything seems simple with you
Yo te quiero, mi bonita
Since my heart drives me to you
Come feel what I feel
Everything seems simple with you
Yo te quiero, mi bonita
Since my heart drives me to you
Come feel what I feel
Everything seems simple with you
Yo te quiero, mi bonita
Since my heart drives me to you
Come feel!


On that turnpike, on intersection,
There is no need for me to hurry anymore
It's maybe, simple, to live without love,
But how in the world without love to live.
It's maybe, simple, to live without love,
But how in the world without love to live.
I do not need, I didn't have to,
To rush so brave, to meet my love
I would never fall in love,
But how, tell me, to live without love?
I would never fall in love,
But how, tell me, to live without love?
Let love deceive a hundred times,
It may no need to cherish it,
Let it become the sadness,
But, can't imagine, how to live without it...
Let it become the sadness
But, I don't know, how to live...
On that turnpike, on intersection,
There is no need for me to hurry anymore
To live without love, many telling me,
Much more simpler,
Well, why than I've to live in the world?
To live without love, I know, much more simpler,
But, here I'm, don't know, how to live without it!

Ko Ko Bop

Shimmie shimmie Ko Ko Bop
I think I like it
Heartbeat down down, enjoy this dizziness
Close your eyes, free falling into the middle of the whirlpool
Allow this rotation to take me gently extending towards you
Ah woo the night custom-made for you
Ah woo the night with only me and you
Uncontrollably getting in deeper and deeper Yeah yeah
Enchanted by the curves of your body Yeah yeah
Please forget my usual polite and kind smiling face
The hidden heart appears Shimmie up
It goes down down baby
Allow the body to follow the flow
It goes down down baby
Close your eyes and follow me
Oh oh oh exiting oh oh oh
We going Ko Ko Bop
Shimmie shimmie Ko Ko Bop
I think I like it
Frowning down down, take off this bashfulness
Don’t need to think, don’t need to listen
Other people think, other people talk, submit to this feeling
Believe this beauty, enjoy this silence
Baby are you down
Ah woo, when becoming the final night
Ah woo, the night with only me and you
Please lean this way until we are face to face Yeah yeah
Obediently give out your everything Yeah yeah
Releasing the ropes that were tied against the body one by one
Worries all thrown away shakin’ up
It goes down down baby
Allow the body to follow the flow
It goes down down baby
Close your eyes and follow me
Oh oh oh exiting oh oh oh
Break it down now
We go down now
The night gets darker, you become brighter
The brilliance in your gaze speaking to me nonstop
Flashing and hiding with desires, the more the desires the flashier
At what moment, at this moment (Let’s go)
It’s about to go go
Down down baby
Allow the body to follow the flow
It goes down down baby
Close your eyes and follow me
Oh oh oh exiting oh oh oh
Going Ko Ko Bop
Down down baby
Please tilt your ear and listen to me speak
It goes down down
Baby my heart like a ball of fire
Oh oh oh gone crazy oh oh oh
Going Ko Ko Bop
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for Lyricstranslate.com
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

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Boshret Kheir

This is an easy task, and you will do it
To the world you will speak out
And take an oath to make it better
you have been quiet for too long
What did Egypt gain from your silence
Do not you voice
Tomorrow, you will write it under your own conditions
this is a good tiding
Go call out for the ‘9a3idi’ (Saidi from upper Egypt) and your nephew from ‘Port Said’ and the youth from ‘Alexandria’ for this is a gathering of men
And I will come with those from ‘Sohag’ and ‘Qina’ and ‘Sinai’ and ‘ who are the best of the best
No need to double check on the people from Suez, everything is now jumbled together
And the people from ‘Al Ismailiyyah’ who have been through a lot
Talk to me about the people from the East, and together we are stronger
And together we are stronger
And our hope is high
This is an easy task, and you will do it
To the world you will speak out
And take an oath to make it better
you have been quiet for too long
The people from Menouf, or Damyat
Those people are closer to me than my brothers
They are all family and friends
go call out for them
And the thing that stands out most
Is for us to see our beloved ones from Giza
Oh greetings with a thousand paces
towards the people

The lost detectives

The lost detectives in the dark city.
I heard his moans.
I heard his steps in the Theater of Youth.
A voice that advances like an arrow.
Shadow of cafés and parks
frequented in adolescence.
The detectives who observe
his open hands,
the destiny stained with its own blood.
And you cannot even remember
where the wound was,
the faces that you once had loved,
the woman who had saved your life.