Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 77

Találatok száma: 5095


The pediatrician said nunya

The pediatrician said “nunya”
Gleb Matveich said “totally”
Frol Mikhailych said “said”
John Tamarych said “totally”
Lev Abramych said “non stop”
We said “no pasaran”
Klalafuda said “hoi!”
Someone once again said “totally”
Bonifacius said “kaya”
Door said “close me”
Kuzya UO said “to be honestly”
I said and I totally
The kind uncle said “suit”
Bodhisattva said “raisin”
Grandma Misha said “ro”
I thought about it and decided to keep quiet
Even a coat
C’est la vie pourquois
Perhaps, G.O.

A Difficult Woman

If another person asks me the same question again
are you a good girl or bad
i am not a girl and there isn't any good or bad
who are you to tell me if i have a choice
If another person will bring up the same comment again
you aren't smiling back enough
the smile disappears, you went too far
i will smile when I want to laugh
I don't feel shame anymore
i am a difficult woman, i am a difficult woman
even during a whisper you know that i already feel
how much you all fear me
If another person will put me in front of others
will tell me that they bring me troubles
I will smile at him with love
they are sisters at the same party
If another person will tell me that you can't
that your voice is dangerous to be heard1
my song runs, plays for him in my voice
you can't stop me, can't stop me
I didn't want to talk about this, i wanted to go
but they are in the mud and i am the one getting dirty
who am i, who am i, what am i, what
mirror on the wall, full of amazement
i am like this like i am, what is crazy about this
if everything is possible so i won't relax about this
i didn't want to be a headline, yes allowed, not allowed, the most beautiful, not talented
it's all or nothing in the end, i don't have what to dare, this is the fire that is in me in any event
and i have compassion and love within in the face of the fear
I don't feel any shame saying it this way
I don't feel shame anymore
i am a difficult woman, i am a difficult woman
also during a whisper you know that i already feel how much you all fear me
  • 1. ultra-orthodox men in Judaism are prohibited from hearing the singing voices of women other than their wife and children

I wanna be like you

This body is the VIP of the jungle, the king of monkeys
There's nowhere to go anymore, my heartache is gone
I wanna walk like those humans
I hate living with monkeys anymore
Oh, so this body too
I walk and talk like you
If you ask me to look at me
Much better than humans
Don't think of making fun of me, kid
Make a deal with me
Making that red flower
That's my dream
Now tell me a secret
Let me know how
If this body also makes a fire
I can be like a human
Oh, so this body too
I walk and talk like you
If you ask me to look at me
Much better than humans
That I want to be human
Sounds absurd, but
I'm a human like you
I want to be a team
If the two work together
All jungle treasures are ours
I have a lot of dreams and you have a fire
Let's put it together
I wanna be human
If you make and use fireworks like you
Oh, then how good would I be
If I could be like a human
I can live with the fire
I can live like a human
Much better than humans

I wanna be like you

King Louie: Do you know why they did that?
Having a red flower can make you the strongest in the food chain.
No one can resist the red flower. In this jungle.
Mowgli: Please. Just send me back.
King Louie: Don't think of making fun of me, kiddo
Make a deal with me
Making that red flower
That's my dream
Now tell me the secret
hurry! Tell me how
If this body also makes a fire
I can be like a human
Oh, so this body too
I walk and talk like you
If you ask me to look at me
Much better than humans
That I want to be human
Sounds absurd, but
I'm a human like you
I want to be a team
If the two work together
All jungle treasures are ours
I have a lot of dreams and you have a fire
Let's put it together
I wanna be human
If you make and use fireworks like you
Oh, then how good would I be
If I could be like a human
I can live with the fire
I only need one thing
Then we can make our dreams come true
Bring me red flowers, the jungle will be ours and we can protect you
You don't have to leave the jungle, forever!
Mowgli: I can't
King Louie: Can't or don't?
Mowgli: I can't
King Louie: Must do!
Baloo: Excuse me

Kapaszkodj belém

Ki engedte ki a macskát a táskából
Ki mondta a világnak, hogy megöregedtem
Ki nevetett mindazon amim volt
Ki mondta,hogy a versenynek vége
Én csak egy kicsiny, szelíd ember vagyok
Aki az egész világot a vállán cipeli
Kedvesen segítõ kezet nyújt
Gyere felém
És kapaszkodj belém, kapaszkodj belém, kapaszkodj belém, kapaszkodj
Nehéz megérteni a viselkedésem mikor
Olyan vagyok mint egy csatlakozás nélküli telefon
De mégis megteszek minden tõlem telhetõt
Annak érdekében, hogy megváltást kapjak
Térdig vagyok a süllyedõ homokban
A figyelmedért kiáltok
Nyújts kedvesen segítõ kezet
Hogy végre szembeszálljunk a szokásokkal
És kapaszkodj belém, kapaszkodj belém, kapaszkodj belém, kapaszkodj
És kapaszkodj belém, kapaszkodj belém, kapaszkodj belém, kapaszkodj

Örülök, hogy elmentél

Lélegezz be engem
Minden alkalommal, mikor behugyod szemeid
Ízlelgess engem
Minden alkalommal, mikor sírsz
Ez az emlék
Elfakul majd, s aztán kimúlik
Csak ma
Lélegezz be engem és mondj búcsút
Mégis hány alkalommal?
Hány alkalommal??
Mostmár a szemedbe sem tudok nézni!
Mostmár a szemedbe sem tudok nézni!
Mégis hány alkalommal?
Hány alkalommal??
Mostmár a szemedbe sem tudok nézni!
Engem láss
Egy másik gyermek szemeiben
Fordulj el
Mikor meglátsz az utcán,
Majd egyszer
Ez a betegség
Elfakul, s aztán kimúlik
Csak ma
Lélegezz be engem és mondj búcsút
Mégis hány alkalommal?
Hány alkalommal??
Mostmár a szemedbe sem tudok nézni!
Mostmár a szemedbe sem tudok nézni!
Mégis hány alkalommal?
Hány alkalommal??
Mostmár a szemedbe sem tudok nézni!
És nem is akarom megpróbálni
Enyém, enyém
Enyém, enyém
Ugyanis minden szavad egy hazugság
Enyém, enyém
Enyém, enyém, enyém, enyém
Mégis hány alkalommal?
Hány alkalommal??
Mostmár a szemedbe sem tudok nézni!
Mostmár a szemedbe sem tudok nézni!
Mégis hány alkalommal?
Hány alkalommal??
Mostmár a szemedbe sem tudok nézni!

Megtört ígéret

Túl leszünk ezen,
Sírni fogunk miatta
Mialatt élünk és tanulunk
Egy megtört ígéret-nem voltam õszinte
Most figyelem, ahogy a szerepek felcserélõdnek
(és te énekelsz)
Várni fogok a soromra
Mikoris szétszakítalak-
S nézem ahogy elégsz
Várni fogok a soromra, várni fogok a soromra
Sírni fogok miatta
És elrejtem majd felszarvazott szemeimet
Mikor te teljes nyugtalanságban jössz felém
Nem találok majd megnyugvást
A silány bocsánatkérésedbe
Se a megbánásodba, ami teljesen nevetségesen hangzik
(énekelj csak tovább)
Várni fogok a soromra
Mikoris szétszakítalak-
S nézem ahogy elégsz
Várni fogok a soromra, hogy terrorizáljalak-
S nézzem ahogy elégsz
Várni fogok a soromra, Várni fogok a soromra
Az ígéret szép szó
Az ígéret szép szó
Várni fogok a soromra
Mikoris szétszakítalak-
S nézem ahogy elégsz
Várni fogok a soromra, várni fogok a soromra
Egy megtört ígéret
Nem voltál õszinte
Kivárom a megfelelõ pillanatot,
Várni fogok a soromra

The Yellows

The yellow calandrias of the nopales flew the cadernal birds will no longer sing happily A tyrant na na A tyrant na no No longer will the cadernal birds sing happily Trees on the hillside because they have not turned green That is why calandrias sing or the nest crush them A la tirana na na A la tirana na no That's why calandrias sing or the nest crushes them You are small and pretty and just the way you are I love you You look like a little rose from the shores of Guerrero A tyrant na na A tyrant na no You seem like a little rose from the Coasts of Guerrero In the middle of the sea a whale sighed And in the sighs said the one that dries it fills it To the tyrant na na To the tyrant na no And in the sighs it said the one that dries it fills it My father was a hawk and I was born pico pico I am like the tarantantan where I want to put the beak A la tirana na na A la tirana na no Everyone says goodbyeBut how is this none To the tyrant na na To the tyrant na no Everyone says goodbye but like this none Four times five are twenty Three times seven are twenty-one Four times five are twenty Three times seven are twenty-one Four times five are twenty Three times seven is twenty-one To the tyrant na na To the tyrant na no

My soul

Versions: #1
My soul yearns for the shadow of Your hand
To know all the mysteries of Your secrets
Let my words be sweet to You
Because my soul longs for You

Colonel Marcos Pérez Jiménez, Constitutional President

Colonel Marcos Pérez Jiménez
Constitutional President
Chosen by the people
With national pride
Venezuela loves you a lot
And cheers you with joy
Long live the new ruler!
Guarantee symbol
Long live my Venezuela!
For peace and tranquility
For the order and justice
Work without resting
He's a genius in the military.

Yo todavía...

¿Quién eres ahora?
¿Sigues siendo la misma
o cambiaste de alguna manera?
¿Qué haces
en este preciso momento en que pienso en ti?
Y cuando miro hacia atrás,
lo jóvenes y estúpidos que fuimos,
¿lo recuerdas?
No importa cuanto lo resista,
no puedo negarlo.
Simplemente no te puedo dejar ir.
Yo todavía te necesito.
Todavía me preocupo por ti.
Aunque todo esté dicho y hecho,
todavía te siento
como si estuviera justo a tu lado
pero sigues sin decir palabra.
Ahora mírame.
En lugar de seguir adelante, me rehúso a ver
que sigo regresando.
Sí, estoy atorado en un momento
que no estaba hecho para durar.
He intentado resistirlo,
no puedo negarlo.
Tú ni siquiera sabes que
Yo todavía te necesito.
Todavía me preocupo por ti.
Aunque todo esté dicho y hecho,
todavía te siento
como si estuviera justo a tu lado
pero sigues sin decir palabra.
No, no.
Desearía poder hallarte
justo como tú me hallaste
y entonces yo
nunca te dejaría ir.
(Sin ti...)
Aunque todo esté dicho y hecho.
Todavía te siento
como si estuviera justo a tu lado
pero sigues sin decir palabra.

If Only

If only someone would come
To cheer up this empty heart
I would devote to only you
Your story for eternity
But I'd like to ask for something
Don't you ever doubt
Oh my love...
When heart is aching
My hope is only you always
You are, darling, the one I adore
Mutual love that is genuine
But I'd like to ask for something
Don't you ever doubt
I love you
When heart is aching
My hope is only you always
You are, darling, the one I adore
Mutual love that is genuine


Deep inside I'm crying
Whenever I think of you darling
Now my desire is unreachable
This whole time I miss you
No caress filled with your love
No more of that sweet smile
Now my troubled heart is heavy
Without you by my side
Now I'm thinking of you
I'm always restless
Don't you forget me
Hoping to hear something from you
No caress filled with your love
No more of that sweet smile
Now my troubled heart is heavy
Without you by my side
[Refrain 2x]


One eventful night during last season
And there was drizzling rain
I was astonished by the sight of your face
Under the shadow of the glistening rainbow
Then I saw you smiling
I felt sorry for myself
For not knowing the meaning behind that smile
Wiping away those falling tears
You're murmuring your sorrow
My heart was touched, filled with emotions
After I knew what had happened
For so long you
Have endured everything alone
I want to mend all the pain in your heart
Widuri, as gracious as the moon oh darling
Widuri, as beautiful as a painting oh darling
Widuri, open your heart for me
Widuri, I will cherish you
For so long you
Have endured everything alone
I want to mend all the pain in your heart
Widuri, as gracious as the moon oh darling
Widuri, as beautiful as a painting oh darling
Widuri, open your heart for me
Widuri, I will cherish you

Without You

A beautiful flower that is blooming
Always longing for sunlight
Always longing for dripping dew
Just like how I always wait for you
Without you there's no meaning
Without you everything is empty
Desire to live will cease
With you I can feel
With you it must be real
Dream of a happy life
Appears to be real
When I am sad you cheer me up
You make me smile again
When I want to be loved you right away
Caress me with your love and affection
Without you there's no meaning
Without you everything is empty
Desire to live will cease
With you I can feel
With you it must be real
Dream of a happy life
Appears to be real
Always longing for dripping dew
Just like how I always wait for you
Without you there's no meaning
Without you everything is empty
Desire to live will cease
With you I can feel
With you it must be real
Dream of a happy life
Appears to be real


The blue moon that, for a long time,
Kept saying it would come true
Is shining in the depths of my heart
And watching over me
I'm continuing on to a world
That I haven't gotten to see yet
With only the blue sky
And the courage to leap to my feet by my side
Wherever we go
Wherever we go baby
Baby, baby
Your dreams are waiting for you, if you didn't know
So for wings, I'm sure
That everyone has a pair
You just gotta believe in yourself
And when the wind blows through you
You'll be prepared
To spread your wings to the future
When those clouds permeate the sky
What'll happen, blue bird?
Every person is born
Wanting to know the answer to that
When you can't see the road ahead
Don't fret, paint the road yourself instead
The blue sky will throw a wink
And say Hello to your frightened heart
Wherever we go
Wherever we go baby
Baby, baby
As for chances, you may grab them as much as you please
When your little wings
Feel like they could break
You just gotta trust in your way
You don't need something peaceful
Or even a goal
To fly away and be free
Wherever we go
Wherever we go baby
Baby, baby
Your dreams are waiting for you, if you didn't know
So for wings, I'm sure
That everyone has a pair
You just gotta believe in yourself
And when the wind blows through you
You'll be prepared
To spread your wings to the future

Overturned The Mountain

Versions: #1
Overturned the mountain
So buried two shepherds
So buried two shepherds
Two shepherds two fellows
First begs, release me
Waits for me first love
Second begs, release me
Waits for me elderly mother
Speaks the mountain
Ey you two shepherds
Lover grieves dawn to noon
Mother grieves until the grave

Táncolj, táncolj

Versions: #1
A lány azt mondja, nem bánik jól a szavakkal
De én még rosszabbul csinálom
Alig tudtam kinyögni, annyit
'Viccesen romantikus' és beleakadt a nyelvem
Lehúzott a szavak súlya
Túl dramatizáltam
A ma este olyan, 'Ennél már nem lehet sokkal rosszabb'
Vagy 'Senkinek sem kellene soha így éreznie magát'
Félig és a szívemmel már lent vagyok
És nem akarom elfelejteni
Hogyan csengett a hangod
Ezek a szavak maradtak csak nekem
Ezért leírom őket
Ezért neked szükséged van rájuk, hogy tovább menj
(Most D-Minorban folytatjuk)
Táncolj, Táncolj
Már félidőben szét fogunk esni
Táncolj, Táncolj
És ezek az életek,
Amiket szeretsz irányítani
Táncolj, így szeretnék ők is
Ha tudnák, a szenvedés mennyire szeret engem
Te mindig befordulsz
Pont mielőtt rájössz
Felhajtod az utolsó hívásra
Végső menedék
De csak az első hiba és én...
Félig és a szívemmel már lent vagyok
És nem akarom elfelejteni
Hogyan csengett a hangod
Ezek a szavak maradtak csak nekem
Ezért leírom őket
Ezért neked szükséged van rájuk, hogy tovább menj
Miért nem mutatsz nekem
Egy kis gerincet
Amit az ő matracának tartogattál, Szerelmem?
Miért nem mutatsz nekem
Egy kis gerincet
Amit az ő matracának tartogattál (matrac, matrac)
Én csak szimpátiát szeretnék
Abban a formában
Hogy ágyba bújsz velem
Táncolj, Táncolj
Már félidőben szét fogunk esni
Táncolj, Táncolj
És ezek az életek,
Amiket szeretsz irányítani
Így szeretnék ők is
(Így szeretnék)
Így szeretnék ők is
(Így szeretnék)
Táncolj így szeretnék ők is
Ha tudnák, a szenvedés mennyire szeret engem
Táncolj, Táncolj (x4)

You Heartless One (Explicit Content)

You're leaving, you heartless one, but your absence is really hard
I still have a couple memories of you in my room
They're in my room. Whoever asked me about you, I told em she's gone
I'm slowly forgetting your face
I'm no longer up arguing at 3 in the morning
She said 'I won't find anyone like him'
Now who said I'm looking for someone like you?
She texted me, but it doesn't matter to me anymore
I don't wanna see you even for a second
I don't think she's scared to be alone anymore
I'm forgetting how your body smells
All your pictures are either burned or torn up
If you were able to leave me so easily,
Then this wasn't love, it was just a habit
For real, why, you heartless one...?
You're leaving, you heartless one, but your absence is really hard
I still have a couple memories of you in my room
They're in my room. Whoever asked me about you, I told em she's gone
Middle of the night, behind the wheel, I still remember you
You said if our paths separate, I'm still with you
Our relationship has seriously become fucked up now
Well I wish these circumstances between us would change a little
Now I don't know your whereabouts, this is new and unusual
We always fighting with each other, like it's a competition
You said our love should have no walls or borders (honest, pure)
Now only fear has come between us for no reason
Me and you seriously have to stay together
Fuck breaking up, it hurts me
You promised us you'd always stay with me
Now you're there and I'm here with a heart that's missing you
So put aside your ego and come back
No I ain't the old me
Here, I'm only entertained and happy with you
What should I do with this cold heart of mine
She's gone...
I'd grab your phone and throw it at the T.V, control the fight
I'd fuck up the house on purpose
See, YOU be doing this, enough
In the end, now it's me and loneliness and sorrow
I know we both deserve it,
If this relationship can't work out
If this is your choice, I can't allow it, no
If this is how you're always feeling, tsk ah...
She texted me, but it doesn't matter to me anymore
I don't wanna see you even for a second
I don't think she's scared to be alone anymore
You're leaving, you heartless one, but your absence is really hard
I still have a couple memories of you in my room
They're in my room. Whoever asked me about you, I told em she's gone

Are you crying? (U MAD)

The loser is doing better that expected
Bet you caught a stomachache from jealousy
When probably more than half of you were looking at the money
Thought its was pathetic
Never have I ever envied you when you were showing off
In fact when I was put off and fed up
Advice like I should do it too if tempted
Screw you and spit ptooey
Don’t ever tryna fight my crew
Or even tryna wanna be my team
Don’t ever ever tryna be real
It's so wrong how you use your head
Filling up one's stomach with fodder and feeling happy
Wouldn't be human, more like livestock
Being foolish isn't even an illness
Aged from the bottom so don't know how to love
Who are you trying to teach fool
Please mind your own business pervert
Before I call the police
Shut your mouths and go to the toilet
It looks natural wwith your head down
Keep it down, are you prehaps a flamingo
I don't wanna live like that
Just like Che Guevara Imma loving realest
Why you mad son?
Eheheh they're crying
Why you mad son?
Eheheh they're upset
Why you mad son?
Eheheh they're crying
Why you mad?
Can't do anything u mad?
Why you mad son?
Come at me
Can't even move a hand
Why you mad son?
Come at me
Can't even move a hand
Drop it down to the floor
Drop it down to the floor
Drop it down to the floor
Drop it like it’s hot
Drop it like it’s hot
Drop it like it’s hot
Drop it down to the floor
Drop it down to the floor
Drop it down to the floor
Drop it like it’s hot
Drop it like it’s hot
Drop it like it’s hot
I spend my cool time with cool friends
Hanging out, the rest of you turn your eyes away
Don't wanna see you in your favourite
Shop banish from it
I can't have anyone over my head
Stubborn idealism
My pride is the main part of my life
Imma freak u up
If u ever tryna test me
Uh my mind is confused
On the streets of Hongdae
Too much shots on my head
Foolish groups are always amusing
Leaving out wisdom
Enemies are everywhere I love my enemies
Beacause of them I also become who I am
Feeling adrenaline
Feeling energy
Commiting felony
Gangbuk representative playboy
Ladies love cool boys
Taking away girlfriends' hearts
Even if it is't necessary
Gangbuk representative playboy
Ladies love cool boys
Taking away girlfriends' hearts
Even if it is't necessary
U mad?
Why you mad son?
Come at me
Can't even move a hand
Why you mad son?
Come at me
Can't even move a hand
Why you mad son?
Eheheh they're crying
Why you mad son?
Eheheh they're upset
Why you mad son?
Eheheh they're crying
Why you mad?
Can't do anything u mad?

I hate karaoke

The history from life
Supper with girlfriend in Friday's evening
I was preparing and waiting a whole week
Time has come - I weared nice
I drank a little bit, booked a taxi
Here, she is hurrying up towards, my sweety
Red lips, she's knocking a heelsy.
I look forward to, imagine to myself
How it will be solidly, how it will be cool
But, how I hate a karaoke,
When drunk goofers sing
But, how I hate a karaoke
Bitch! Goofes!
Wine card, the abroad dishes.
Eat, what is more taste, our talk is goin on
Sweety to my heart, you are so beautiful!
I think, it will be alright, but here is force-majeure
The neighboring tables howled disgustingly,
After drinking a cocktail 'Stupid ass'
High paid alcoholics
They voiced one by one discordantly
How I hate a karaoke,
When drunk goofers sing
But, how I hate a karaoke
Bitch! Goofes!
The songs are shabby, the notes are fake.
They sing chorus dirty
Supper with my sweety was broke
They don't allow me to say about love
I wished them to choke.
So that diarrhea would carry them away
The evening is damaged, they continue
But we 're going out, just night remains to us
How I hate a karaoke,
When drunk goofers sing
But, how I hate a karaoke
Bitch! Goofes!

The Balanguera

Versions: #1
O mysterious Balanguera,
like a spider of fine art,
her spinning wheel emptieth
and off our lives it pulleth.
Like a Parca she pondereth,
and seweth well tomorrow’s cloth.
The Balanguera spinneth, spinneth
and the Balanguera shall spin.
Her glimpse to the past she turneth,
O’er shades of ancestry she watcheth,
and of the new spring she owneth

The Song of Walloons

Versions: #1
Of our Wallonia we are proud.
Rever’d are Her children o’er the world.
Behold the triumph of Her industry,
The grandeur of Her arts!
Though our land be small, yet Her science
That of many a populous nation surpasseth
Our freedom is what we yearn for most
’Tis why we’re proud to be Walloons!
We, Walloons, brothers to each other
And assuage one another in disaster
Without boast we succeed
And try to keep it classified
Charity a poor cottage visiteth
By night and cautiously goeth
A bit we may give, but from the heart it cometh.
’Tis why we’re proud to be Walloons!
O humble land of Wallonia,
O land of our hearts’ desire, with prudence we hail Thee.
Saddened we are when men speak ill of Thee,
’Tis heartbreaking truly!
But fear not the foe’s attacks
Thy children shall defend Thine honour arch.
Who dareth our anger pique?
’Tis why we’re proud to be Walloons!
As brothers in Wallonia we love each other
We’re pleased to shake hands with one another.
Yet we’re content of not often revealing so.
When it wants to do good no one appeareth.
The house that charity entereth
That to night with a thousand cares goeth.
The little that giveth no one in secret giveth:
’Tis why we’re proud to be Walloons!

Tegnap Este Megmentetted Az Életem

Igen, igen, igen
Igen, igen, igen
Hajnal 3 van, nem tudok aludni
Túl késő van telefonálni, ez nem vall rám
De még mindig izgatott vagyok a tetoválástól a hátadon
Az állad ívétől, ahogyan visszanéztél rám
Látod, istenem gyönyörű vagy és én még nem nyugodtam le
Szeretnék egy egy éjszakás kalandot, amiből több is lehetne
De még mindig lebegek a parfümtől, amit az ágyneműmön hagytál
Nem változtattam semmit mióta elbúcsúztál tőlem
Ma este kibámulok az ablakon...
Tudva, hogy soha többé nem leszek egyedül
Tegnap este megváltoztattad az életem
És ott ragadtam a pillanatban mikor először megcsókoltál engem
Tegnap este megmentetted az életem a szerelmeddel
Megmentetted az életem
Tegnap este megmentetted az életem
A körmeid végigszaladnak a gerincemen
Minden nap hallom a bársonyos hangod a fejemben
Olyan mintha egész életemben ismertelek volna, habár csak most találkoztunk
A gyermekeimet látom a szemedben, valami, amire nem számítasz
Meg kellett állítanom magam, hogy ne telefonáljak egész nap
Örülök, hogy te hívtál először, erős akartam maradni
De te nevettél, mert már az első csengés után felvettem
Próbáltam elviccelni
De te mindent tudtál
Tegnap este megváltoztattad az életem
És ott ragadtam a pillanatban mikor először megcsókoltál engem
Tegnap este megmentetted az életem a szerelmeddel
Megmentetted az életem (megmentetted az életem)
Tegnap este megmentetted az életem a szerelmeddel
Tegnap este megmentetted az életem (megmentetted az életem)
Tegnap este megmentetted az életem
Ohh igen
Az eget bámulom a reggeli napot keresve
Alig várom, hogy elmondhassam neked te vagy az egyetlen
Tegnap este megmentetted az életem
És ott ragadtam a pillanatban mikor először megcsókoltál engem
Tegnap este megmentetted az életem a szerelmeddel
Megmentetted az életem (megmentetted az életem)
Tegnap este megmentetted az életem
És ott ragadtam a pillanatban mikor először megcsókoltál engem
Tegnap este megmentetted az életem a szerelmeddel
Megmentetted az életem (megmentetted az életem)
Tegnap este megmentetted az életem

Így vagy úgy

Így vagy úgy meg foglak találni,
Meg foglak szerezni
Így vagy úgy megnyerlek
Meg foglak szerezni téged, meg foglak szerezni
Így vagy úgy meg foglak látni
Találkozni fogok veled
Egy nap, talán jövő héten
Találkozni fogok veled, találkozni fogok veled
Elhaladok majd a házatok előtt
És ha minden lámpa le lesz kapcsolva
Meglátom ki van a közelben
Így vagy úgy meg foglak találni,
Meg foglak szerezni
Így vagy úgy megnyerlek
Meg foglak szerezni téged, meg foglak szerezni
Így vagy úgy meg foglak látni
Találkozni fogok veled
Egy nap, talán jövő héten
Találkozni fogok veled, találkozni fogok veled
És ha minden lámpa le lesz kapcsolva
Követem majd a buszod a belvárosba
Meglátom ki van körülötted
Lemegyek a plázába
A fal mellé állok
Ahonnan mindent láthatok
Rájövök, hogy kit hívsz
Elhaladok majd a házatok előtt
És ha minden lámpa le lesz kapcsolva
Meglátom ki van a közelben

That Boy

Once upon a time, they fell in love on accident
At an era where there was no hesitation
They thought they understood
So, they loved to their heart’s content
A pair of hands, held so firmly that they can’t be separated
Striving for the future in their hearts
I can’t forget your love
But the final result is hard to change
I couldn’t make you stay
Not like he could have given you a
future to look forward to
That childish boy
The love and care you have is always by my side
By my side
When there is no one else, I take it out
I want to ask you now
Whether you are weighed down with sorrow anymore
Weighed down with sorrow anymore
Like the sunshine that lies down on the sea
Like diligently painted colors
That make you smile, that make you feel brave
I can’t forget your love
But the end result is hard to change
I couldn’t make you stay
Not like he could have given you a
future to look forward to
That childish boy
I’m missing you right now
Thinking of you, whenever I pace about
All the regrets, they are not the future
All the love is hard to avoid in the end
Cannot escape from the pain
No need to start over again
Na na na na na
Na na na na na na
Na na na na na na
Right now, I just hope that the hurt will leave its place to joy
Since we are not able to start over again.

You Vowed Till Death

You vowed till death,
    that, darling, be mine.
We came round both
    as soon as, grew mind.
We came round both
    as soon, comprehend,
That luck till death
    not happens, my friend.
Swan gently rocks
    in flames of water,
But swims to lands
    get feet on later.
Lonely, more once
    the water will shine.
Blinking night stars
    will look at her eye.

Serendipity (Full length edition)

Versions: #1
[Verse 1]
All this is no coincidence
Just, just, by my feeling
The whole world is different from yesterday
Just, just, with your joy
When you called me
I became your flower
As if we were waiting
We bloom until we ache
Maybe it’s the providence of the universe
That's how it is
You know, I know
You are me, I am you
[Verse 2]
I’m scared, just as much as my heart flutters
Because destiny keeps getting jealous of us
I’m just as scared as much as you are
When you see me
When you touch me
The universe has moved for us
Without missing a single thing
Because our happiness has been planned
Cuz you love me, and I love you
You’re my penicillin
Saving me
My angel, my world
I’m your Calico cat
Here to see you
Love me now, touch me now
Just let me love you (let me love, let me love you)
Just let me love you (let me love, let me love you)
Since the creation of the universe
Everything was destined
Just let me love you (let me love, let me love you)
You’re my penicillin, saving me, saving me
My angel, my world
I’m your Calico cat, here to see you
Love me now, touch me now
Just let me love you (let me love, let me love you)
Just let me love you (let me love, let me love you)
Since the creation of the universe
Everything was destined
Just let me love you (let me love, let me love you)
Just let me love you (let me love, let me love you)
Now come to me
Come and let’s become a “we”
I don’t wanna let go, no
Just trust yourself
You can feel it even if you don’t say it
The stars are in the sky
We are flying
This isn’t a dream
Don’t be nervous, hold my hand
Now we’re becoming a “we”
Let me love you
Just let me love you (let me love, let me love you)
Just let me love you (let me love, let me love you)
Since the creation of the universe
Everything was destined
Just let me love you (let me love, let me love you)
Just let me love you (let me love, let me love you)
Let me love, let me love you
Let me love, let me love you

Nagyon halkan

Amikor velem vagy
Miért? - Azt nem tudom,
De érzem ám
A melegséget
Mely simogat
Rám mosolyog
És hozzád vezet.
Ha szeretsz, megérkezik
A fájdalom az elmúlik
Ha szeretsz, akkor érezni fogod
Milyen igaz szerelem hagyott nyomot
Amikor velem vagy
Érzem a lelkedet


Ismihan, you have remained
the desire above all desires,
I am a traveler and I have nothing
In my hands anymore
When I close my eyes for a moment,
by God may I not wake up


If you hadn't hoped for me,
you wouldn't be all alone now.
Like the earth thirsting for rain,
like a mother longing for children