Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 22



Sprite on the runway, yeah, uh
Sprite on the runway, yeah, BABABI
Hey, baby, come here, I'm gonna tell about the word TASH
No, no, it isn't Touch or Ta-la-lat, but it is TASH
Tarsh, Touch, Tuch, ooh, no, the correct one is TASH
TASH yes, here we are, are
TASH when time is right, when it's a good time
Let the world know that this is how we TASH
Let’s TASH
Come on, let’s TASH
We’re gonna TASH, TASH, TASH
Where are you come from, why you still didn't know
Cause when it's great like this, we will say TASH, let's try
Ooh, this is so cool, (TASH), oh, this is awesome (TASH)
When it's perfect for what you looking for, let's say TASH
TASH when time is right, when it's a good time
Let the world know that this is how we TASH
Let’s TASH
Come on, let’s TASH
We’re gonna TASH, TASH, TASH
Hello, everyone
Hang Dong's girl is here
Let's TASH together
Go, TASH (yeah)
Let’s TASH (uh huh)
Come on, let’s TASH (TASH, baby)
We’re gonna TASH, TASH, TASH
Let’s TASH
Come on, let’s TASH
We’re gonna TASH, TASH, TASH

Szörnyetegek bálja

Hölgyeim és uraim, gyerekek minden korosztályból!
Fáradjanak ide és váltsanak jegyet a világ legnagyszerűbb műsorára!
Ahol szemtanúi lehetnek halálnak fittyet hányó mutatványoknak és whiskey vedelő kicsapongásnak!
Te is legyél ott!
Úgyhogy talpra, bassza meg!
Magasan jár a nap mikor belépsz a verembe
Ez szörnyetegek bálja és árkot ásnak
A nap-égetteknek, az elnyűtteknek, azoknak akik nem fogják bírni
Ebben a húsörvényben ezzel a katartikus keveredéssel
Mikor törött végtagok határozzák meg a mérkőzést
Azért gyűltünk össze, hogy megvakarjuk a cirkusz mesterek viszketését
Az ostor egy csapására a cirkuszosok berohannak, hogy felfalják
A vadállatot, ami húsdobokon veri az ütemet
Felhólyagosodva, harcban állva
Belezuhansz a megadásba
Hogy véghez vidd a küldetést
Magadhoz térsz és felkelsz
Leesett állal, transzba esve, megéget nap
Elkaptad a lázat
Még csak most kezdett el égetni a mai nap. Igen!
Nem, nem tudod abbahagyni a mozgást
Nem, nem tudod abbahagyni a mozgást
Nem, nem tudod abbahagyni
Ez egy szörnyeteg bál!
Nem tudod abbahagyni a mozgást
Nem, nem tudod abbahagyni a mozgást
Nem, nem tudod abbahagyni
Ez egy szörnyeteg bál!
Hé, te ott a neo-trash, prog math1akármilyen metálos pólóban!
És a levágott farmerban, aki próbál kiosonni, még ne menj el!
A műsor legjobb része most fog elkezdődni
Addig nincs vége, amíg a csinos hölgyek nem sikítanak!
Úgyhogy talpra, bassza meg!
Testvérek a harcban, rázzuk a ördög botjainkat
Együtt vagyunk, ahogy megmásszuk a recés csontokból álló falakat közösen
Ahogy ellebegsz egy ágyon, kérges kezek
Így, hogy látható már a csúcs, ideje indulni
Dekadens zuhanásba kezdesz a szélen
A bársony kötél mögött beállsz a gólyalábas emberek közé
A zsonglőr rád kacsint és dob neked egy labdát
Már része is vagy az egésznek, mielőtt tudatosul benned
Nem, nem tudod abbahagyni a mozgást
Nem, nem tudod abbahagyni a mozgást
Nem, nem tudod abbahagyni
Ez egy szörnyeteg bál!
Nem tudod abbahagyni a mozgást
Nem, nem tudod abbahagyni a mozgást
Nem, nem tudod abbahagyni
Ez egy szörnyeteg bál!
Hölgyeim és uraim!
Fáradjanak ide és váltsanak jegyet
A világ legnagyszerűbb műsorára!
Sosem éreztük magunkat ilyen szabadnak
Miközben vakon lépek
Mert sosem voltunk még ilyen szabadok
Akrobatikus Seregem
Hölgyeim és uraim
Nem tudod abbahagyni a mozgást
Nem, nem tudod abbahagyni a mozgást
Nem, nem tudod abbahagyni
Nem tudod abbahagyni a mozgást
Nem, nem tudod abbahagyni a mozgást
Nem, nem tudod abbahagyni
Nem tudod abbahagyni a mozgást
Nem, nem tudod abbahagyni a mozgást
Nem, nem tudod abbahagyni
Nem tudod abbahagyni a mozgást
Nem, nem tudod abbahagyni a mozgást
Nem, nem tudod abbahagyni
Nem, nem tudod abbahagyni a mozgást
Nem, nem tudod abbahagyni a mozgást
Nem, nem tudod abbahagyni
Ez egy szörnyeteg bál!
Nem tudod abbahagyni a mozgást
Nem, nem tudod abbahagyni a mozgást
Nem, nem tudod abbahagyni
Ez egy szörnyeteg bál!
  • 1. Talán progresszív math rock-ra gondol.

And I Remained Here

Versions: #1
Like a chord hitting hard
Inside your chest,
Like a snuffed out star,
A melody heard from afar,
My day, my light, my being,
My soul and passion,
My mistake, my end, and my beginning,
My bambino, my scar.
And since the good people
Always tell you the truth and win,
They take you far from me,
Because you give me a signal,
After which you want to go out in the rain
And dance holding a white handkerchief,
With me following your lead.
And I remained here to proceed
To try to make you leave,
While preventing my mind from saying, “I love you.”
And I remained here searching,
And squandering all the hours of your absence,
And my music fulfills no mission.
It’s words, momentary flashes,
It’s the friends you see, those you know.
Though you’ll have your share of small joys,
And though you’ll go through sorrow,
It’s the icons, the dads, the moms,
The degrees, the blossoms,
The children in surgery,
The aroma of leaves in the forests and a kiss.
And when the nights grow cold,
Seemingly ceaseless,
Like sheets making us drown,
Like cigarettes shooting us down.
It’s fond reflections
That now laugh alone,
And that watch us circle the ring,
Yet the bell never dings.
Why, I don’t know.

O, Time

O, Time, pause for a few moments.
O, Time, have a little Mercy!
Dedicate me Moments of happiness.
And after that, you can take the rest of my life, take my youth and both my eyes.
O, Time, be Gentle with me, be Gentle with my lover, my perfect Soulmate.
With its joy, its peace of mind, with my reverie, with what occupies my mind.
With its sentiments and feelings, with every Thought that occurs, its Imagination.
O, Time, have Mercy on the Beloved ones Who are still in the Springtime of their youth.
O, Time, give them a few minutes before you pass by and leave.
In which they tasteful the world with happiness and ecstasy from the joyful winery.
O, Time, you come during the finale, you come ignorant of the introduction.
O, Time, you come and flow

Babies are popstars

Dad and mom fell in love
And one day they swore the future each other
While looking at the night sky
When dreaming of happy things
The sky split in a lightning
And with their white dazzling eyes
Both saw quietly
A star coming down
Fell on earth popstars
Babies are popstars
With a mission that everybody took
Popstars, babies are popstars
They came to protect the future couple
Dad and mom fell in love
And then I was born
I was searching over a cloud
To choose mom and dad
When they die, they'll leave memories
Running through the dark universe
I'm here
Though I can't say anything
Fell on earth popstars
Babies are popstars
They're allies of the couples on any moment
Popstars, babies are popstars
Maybe the best friends of the future
Dad and mom fell in love
And since they gave me love
The blue earth absorbed me
And I finally reached to mom and dad
Dad's mom, mom's dad
Dad's mom and also her mom
Saw in that time
A star coming down
Fell on earth popstars
Babies are popstars
With a mission that everybody took
Popstarts, babies are popstars
They came to protect the future couple
Popstars, babies are popstars
They're allies of the couples on any moment
Popstars, babies are popstars
Maybe the best friends of the future
Popstars, babies are popstars
With a mission that everybody took
Popstars, babies are popstars
They came to protect the future couple


Versions: #1
No monument stands over Babi Yar.
A steep cliff only, like the rudest headstone.
I am afraid.
Today, I am as old
As the entire Jewish race itself.
I see myself an ancient Israelite.
I wander o’er the roads of ancient Egypt
And here, upon the cross, I perish, tortured
And even now, I bear the marks of nails.
It seems to me that Dreyfus is myself.*1*
The Philistines betrayed me – and now judge.
I’m in a cage. Surrounded and trapped,
I’m persecuted, spat on, slandered, and
The dainty dollies in their Brussels frills
Squeal, as they stab umbrellas at my face.
I see myself a boy in Belostok*2*
Blood spills, and runs upon the floors,
The chiefs of bar and pub rage unimpeded
And reek of vodka and of onion, half and half.
I’m thrown back by a boot, I have no strength left,
In vain I beg the rabble of pogrom,
To jeers of Kill the Jews, and save our Russia!
My mother’s being beaten by a clerk.
O, Russia of my heart, I know that you
Are international, by inner nature.
But often those whose hands are steeped in filth
Abused your purest name, in name of hatred.
I know the kindness of my native land.
How vile, that without the slightest quiver
The antisemites have proclaimed themselves
The Union of the Russian People!
It seems to me that I am Anna Frank,
Transparent, as the thinnest branch in April,
And I’m in love, and have no need of phrases,
But only that we gaze into each other’s eyes.
How little one can see, or even sense!
Leaves are forbidden, so is sky,
But much is still allowed – very gently
In darkened rooms each other to embrace.
-They come!
-No, fear not – those are sounds
Of spring itself. She’s coming soon.
Quickly, your lips!
-They break the door!
-No, river ice is breaking…
Wild grasses rustle over Babi Yar,
The trees look sternly, as if passing judgement.
Here, silently, all screams, and, hat in hand,
I feel my hair changing shade to gray.
And I myself, like one long soundless scream
Above the thousands of thousands interred,
I’m every old man executed here,
As I am every child murdered here.
No fiber of my body will forget this.
May Internationale thunder and ring*3*
When, for all time, is buried and forgotten
The last of antisemites on this earth.
There is no Jewish blood that’s blood of mine,
But, hated with a passion that’s corrosive
Am I by antisemites like a Jew.
And that is why I call myself a Russian!

Babi Yar

Weaved with sky the slope of hill.
Silently stand the chestnuts.
Imerald grass is above...
Yes, that the green field,
Looks like blood today.
And the head bends down to field.
In silence, here, people stand,
It's heard the whisper of their dress.
That is the Babi Yar of fate.
That's my brothers blood.
That's the Women Gulf of fate.
That's my brothers blood.
Not so far the ground lies.
And just hand to touch the sky.
To the sky I have rised up and to earth I down crawled.
Sorry, sisters, I was not near you.
And in your growling I didn't weave my cry.
The air is full of pain.
The Sun is wide as moon.
That's the Babi Yar of fate.
That's the groan of my songs.
The fresh winds are blowing.
With too late repentance
will not hear truth the dead.
That s why the people stand in mournful grief
uder chestnuts leaves.
My God. Where is the way to go...
Judgment mine is awful for myself.
That's the Babi Yar of the childhood
That's the cry of our hearts.
That's the Babi Yar of the childhood
That s the cry of our souls

Lottery of Babylon

Go! Go! Go!
And scream to the world that you're right
You learned everything while you were mute
Now it is necessary to shout and sing Rock
And demonstrate the theorem of life and the tricks of chess
Of chess!
You have the answers to the questions
You solved the equations you didn't know
And there's nothing left to do but
Truths and truths more truths and truths to tell me
To declare!
Everything that had to be wept has already been cried
You have already fulfilled the twelve labours
Rewrote books from past centuries
Signed duplicates, invented decks of cards
Walked by day and slept at night.
Repaired phonographs to listen to music
You know snippets of the Bible by heart
You know magic recipes for love
You know in Mars an old farmer friend
Who taught you to have the good and the best
The best!
But what you don't fully know
It's how making money
But this is easy and you won't stop
You have no questions to ask
Because you only have truths to say
To declare!


I used to watch your flowers grow
Now it's raining
I used to watch your flowers grow
Now it's raining
And all your petals turn to stone
I've been praying
I'd turn around and see my rose
But you've faded
You let me down, now it's time to go
That's why I'm long gone
You need to let me fly alone
That's why I'm long gone, long gone
It may be too late, our time is done
You're like diamond
And I'm like glass
Like oil and water
We always clash
Sometimes my confessions
Are hard for me
I'll tell you now
I'm setting you free
That's why I'm long gone, long gone
You need to let me fly alone
That's why I'm long gone, long gone
You need to let me fly alone
That's why I'm long gone
You need to let me fly alone
That's why I'm long gone, long gone
It may be too late, our time is done
I think you've got your timing wrong
All this hating
Is blowing this high we're riding on
And it's crazy
To think that I could be reborn
If you saved me
But now it's too late, we'll never know
You're like diamond
And I'm like glass
Like oil and water
We always clash
Sometimes my confessions
Are hard for me
I'll tell you now
I'm setting you free
That's why I'm long gone, long gone
You need to let me fly alone
That's why I'm long gone, long gone
You need to let me fly alone
That's why I'm long gone
You need to let me fly alone
That's why I'm long gone, long gone
It may be too late, our time is done
With broken wings, I can't fly
Girl I'm gonna need you to save me
Angel of mine
With broken wings, I can't fly
Girl I'm gonna need you to save me
Angel of mine
That's why I'm long gone, long gone
You need to let me fly alone
That's why I'm long gone, long gone
You need to let me fly alone
That's why I'm long gone
You need to let me fly alone
That's why I'm long gone, long gone
It may be too late, our time is done
You're like diamond
And I'm like glass
Like oil and water
We always clash
Sometimes my confessions
Are hard for me
I'll tell you now
I'm setting you free

Honnan jönnek a gyerekek? (Teljes zene)

Anya, van egy kérdésem
Anya, szeretném tudni
Honnan jönnek a gyerekek?
Szivárványból és szerelemből lesznek?
Anya, kérlek, mondd el nekem
Honnan jönnek a gyerekek, de tényleg?
Fiúkból jönnek, akik szeretnek a fenekükön ülni
Lányokból jönnek, akik túl gyorsan akarnak felnőni
Kiabálásból,verekedésből, kibékülős szexből jönnek
Kicsi lányokból jönnek, mint te magad
Kicsi lányokból, mint te magad
Apa, honnan jönnek a gyerekek?
Teddy azt mondja, hogy az égből jönnek
De nem magyarázta el sosem, és én kérdeztem, miért
Szerelmes angyalokból jönnek?
Vagy démonokból, akik a porban vannak?
Apu, kérlek, mondd el nekem
Honnan jönnek a gyerekek, igazán?
Fiúkból, akik elvesznek dolgokat, melyeket nem birtokolnak
Lányokból, akik be lettek zsákolva, hogy egyedül maradjanak
Könyörgésből és sikoltásból jönnek 'nem, nem,nem'
Ők egy baleset már régóta
Amilyen kicsi, szeretni való felfordulást csináltam
Tejet dobtam a falhoz idegességben
Ó, csak próbálom elfeledni a fájdalmat
Anya, apa, mondjátok el nekem, kérlek
Honnan jönnek igazából a gyerekek?
Fiúkból jönnek, akik szeretnek a fenekükön ülni
Lányokból jönnek, akik túl gyorsan akarnak felnőni
Kiabálásból,verekedésből, kibékülős szexből jönnek
Kicsi lányokból jönnek, mint te magad
Fiúkból, akik elvesznek dolgokat, melyeket nem birtokolnak
Lányokból, akik be lettek zsákolva, hogy egyedül maradjanak
Könyörgésből és sikoltásból jönnek 'nem, nem,nem'
Ők egy baleset már régóta
Fiúkból jönnek, akik szeretnek a fenekükön ülni
Lányokból jönnek, akik túl gyorsan akarnak felnőni
Kiabálásból,verekedésből, kibékülős szexből jönnek
Kicsi lányokból jönnek, mint te magad
Fiúkból jönnek
Lányokból jönnek
Sikoltásból, harcból és kibékülős szexből jönnek
Kicsi lányokból jönnek, mint te magad

Do not afraid of me

The skys sharp cold crazes the compasses
and the people close the windows
you say that we cannot do too much
but I am with you when the night comes.
Shadows and lights in a improvised ballet
laughs with sobs together
a cigarette in my hand
desires only your fire.
Do not afraid of me, give me your hand
to have this night together
do not afraid of me, give me your hand
love is the most sweet knife.
Stop looking for reasons and purposes
to everything I do and I say
I do not know why I love you
I can die for you
and burn as a cigarette.
The skys sharp cold crazes the compasses
the world rolls as a river
I know I cannot do too much
but I am with you when the night comes.

By the waters of Babylon

By the waters of Babylon we sat down and wept, when we remembered Zion.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
Upon the willows, in the midst thereof, we hanged our harps.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
For there, required of us a song, they that had taken us captive.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
And they that had carried us away required of us a hymn, saying: “Sing us one of the songs of Zion”.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
How shall we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land?
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand be forgotten.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

Come on, Women, Come On!

We lived with the women
Calmly in the village,
Until there appeared
At the borders the Muscovites,
We are mobilizing tomorrow
Straight to the training grounds,
Now we- are not just women,
Now we - are a true battalion!
Come on! Come on! Come on!
We're the Bicycle Battalion,
Such women as we are we'll
Find not just one million!
Come on, women, come on!
Let's all get up upon our feet!
We will be defending
Our native peaceful land!
The two of us with Hanka have
One armored vest
And old man Peter has lent us his
German machine gun.
We will all with our breasts close off
The borders of our Ukrainian,
We're - not ordinary women,
We're the Bicycle Battalion!
Chorus. (2)


thando lwami nawe
Olwethu sobabili
Umuntu wesithathu akafuneki
Iindaba zethu lezo (x2)
Yim’ engakushela
Yim’ engakuqoma
Ngathi sishadane, baby
Ngakunikeza uthando
Ngakunikeza impilo yami
Mina nawe sobabili
Sathi akekho ozosihlukanisa