Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 3

Találatok száma: 157


Haragos tenger

Mit szeretnél, hogyan kezdjem
Mit próbáljak meg elmondani magamról
Ezer hullám egy lélekben
Az örvényben
Keresgélek, hogy nyugalmat és szerelmet találjak
Tarts meg engem biztonságban egy kegyetlen világban
Egyetlen csókoddal
Minden mély félelmem megváltoztathatnám
Hogy ne legyen többé a lelkem haragos tenger
Mondd, hogy 'szeretlek',
És legyőzhetetlenséget tettetek
Az ideáloddá válok
A hullámok között születtem
Érzelmekből áll az egész életem
Szelídíts meg a kezeid között
A nyári napsütésedben
Haragos tengernek születtem
A káoszom közepette mégis téged választottalak
Hogy megszelídíts a szerelmedben
Hogy a rózsád és a tüskéd lehessek
Hogyan folytassam
Mit próbáljak meg elmondani magamról
Hogy te és én ugyanolyan mélyek vagyunk
Téged kerestelek, ahogyan
Az éjszaka hideg vízként megérkezett
Tarts meg engem, valódi torony a homokban
Egyetlen csókoddal
Minden mély félelmem megváltoztathatnám
Hogy ne legyen többé a lelkem haragos tenger
Mondd, hogy 'szeretlek',
És legyőzhetetlenséget tettetek
Az ideáloddá válok
A hullámok között születtem
Érzelmekből áll az egész életem
Szelídíts meg a kezeid között
A nyári napsütésedben
Haragos tengernek születtem
A káoszom közepette mégis téged választottalak
Hogy megszelídíts a szerelmedben
Hogy a rózsád és a tüskéd lehessek


In this path
Nobody can understand my world
You are the only one close to me
Without judging my mistakes
I want to tell you
İam coming to telling you
I want to tell you
I feel bad it had to be this way
Now i wanna get back
To the way it was
Just me and you
Why do I have to be this way?
Day to night and day to day
I am outside
And every single time, i know
I am not myself
I've made mistakes and you have made too
My heart
I can't live without you, i can't live without you
I didn't tell you earlier
Because i knew it will hurt
And i didn't wanna lose you
I am between pain and happiness
I made mistakes
And i made them again
Are you forgive me?
Are you forgive me?
Are you forgive me? (X2)
Day to night and day to day
I am outside
And every single time, i know
I am not myself
I've made mistakes and you have made too
My heart
I can't live without you, i can't live without you
Call me whenever you are lonely
I'm waiting your text massage saying meet me
I said call me whenever you fell lonely
Because I am
Because I am
Because I am
Call me whenever you are lonely
I call again because I want to hear your voice
I said call me whenever you fell lonely
Without you this's not me
Without you this's not me
Without you this's not me
I didn't tell you earlier
Because i knew it will hurt
And i didn't wanna lose you
I am between pain and happiness
I made mistakes
And i made them again
Are you forgive me?
Are you forgive me?
Are you forgive me?
Day to night and day to day
I am outside
And every single time, i know
I am not myself
I've made mistakes and you have made too
My heart
I can't live without you, i can't live without you


What happy days we had
How easily you forgot
You do not know how much I remember
I will never forget you
I do not know what I did
I cried like this
A lifetime in the corner of this house
I'm crying

I Still Love You

You’re keeping a distance that makes me desire you badly
I swear by my eyes, dear, never will I let you leave me
I took it all for granted, now I never will discard you
There are so many others yet it’s you my eyes are drawn to
I’m still with you, staying always by your side
Doesn’t matter what I’m saying, my darling I still love you
And yet, I’m still with you although must be going mad
Keeping such a distance, sweetheart, I’m still in love, dear, still I love.
I’m still with you, staying always by your side
Doesn’t matter what I’m saying, my darling I still love you
And yet, I’m still with you although must be going mad
Keeping such a distance, sweetheart, I’m still in love, dear, still I love.
Now I’ve come to the point when the night and day have melted into one
Though I know, I should have left my memories behind
But so much speaks of you, makes my memory come back,
Makes recollect
You have left but again like a crazy man I’m looking for your sight
We cannot stay as one any longer - this, I know
But I still want you back though it sounds so very wrong
So very wrong
I’m still with you, staying always by your side
Doesn’t matter what I’m saying, my darling I still love you
And yet, I’m still with you although must be going mad
Keeping such a distance, sweetheart, I’m still in love, dear, still I love.
I’m still with you, staying always by your side
Doesn’t matter what I’m saying, my darling I still love you
And yet, I’m still with you although must be going mad
Keeping such a distance, sweetheart, I’m still in love, dear, still I love.
I’m still with you, staying always by your side
Doesn’t matter what I’m saying, my darling I still love you
And yet, I’m still with you although must be going mad
Keeping such a distance, sweetheart, I’m still in love, dear, still I love.

Csak te

Csak te gyógyítasz meg, csak te
A sebemre új bőrt növesztesz
Csak te hatolsz be a testembe
És áramként futsz rajtam végig
A lelkemhez beszélsz.
Csak látni akarom
Valahányszor rád nézek
Hogyan nevetnek a szemeim
A tükreim közül melyek törnek össze
Minden egyes szótag
Minden sejtem te vagy
A törékeny darabjaim
Tőled részegednek le
Csak szeretnék élni…
Oltsd el a lámpát
A szerelmem meztelen
Az égboltom másik fele
Mindig te voltál.
Csak te gyógyítasz meg, csak te
A sebemre új bőrt növesztesz
Csak te hatolsz be a testembe
És áramként futsz rajtam végig
A lelkemhez beszélsz.
Bárhogyan jössz is, akarlak
Bármit mondasz, hallgatok
A te száladon függök
Az életben minden meg van írva
És talán érted születtem
Csak te létezel, csak te…
Mit mondhatnál, mit mondhatnék
Amikor istennek érezlek
És nem hiszek semmiben
És imádtam ezt
Így tudok élni
De még én is csodálkozom
Hogyan képes a kimondatlanból
Remény táplálkozni
Csak szeretnék élni…
Oltsd el a lámpát
A szerelmem meztelen
Az égboltom másik fele
Mindig te voltál.
Csak te gyógyítasz meg, csak te
A sebemre új bőrt növesztesz
Csak te hatolsz be a testembe
És áramként futsz rajtam végig
A lelkemhez beszélsz.
Bárhogyan jössz is, akarlak
Bármit mondasz, hallgatok
A te száladon függök
Az életben minden meg van írva
És talán érted születtem
Csak te létezel, csak te…

The Scent of the Hair

O wise ones, think of a chain
The scent of a hair drove me crazy1
I tell my secret with every stranger
That a friend 2(the beloved) drove me crazy
O muslims, help me
Some black eyes3drove me crazy
I threw myself into the fire fearlessly
A quick-tempered one drove me crazy
I leave the Masjid al-Haram4saying Talbiyah5
The attraction of a place6 drove me crazy
I don't know what wine house or mosque are
Some eyes and eyebrows drove me crazy
O wise ones, think of a chain
The scent of a hair drove me insane
An ambergris-hair7drove me crazy
A jasmin-scent8 drove me crazy
O wise ones, think of a chain
The scent of a hair drove me insane
  • 1. You'll need a chain to tie me, because I've got crazy
  • 2. Stranger and friend are antonym and this is an oxymoron, a figure of speech
  • 3. Lit. Means 'indian child' and It might refers to blackness of eyes
  • 4. Great Mosque of Mecca
  • 5. A Muslim prayer invoked by the pilgrims as a conviction that they intend to perform the Hajj only for the glory of Allah. The poet is saying that his God is his beloved and he says Talbiyah while he'sgoing to his beloved's place
  • 6. The place where the beloved lives
  • 7. Refers to the good smell or blackness of the hair
  • 8. Refers to the good scent of the beloved

The net

Seeking fulfillment in a lifetime
find a meaning that justifies this tireness
on the verge of oblivion made of prejudices
kiss the vices in the mouth, falling into the abyss
the abyss of the mind are rivers of pure water
go with the flow, manage fear
fear of what you really don't know
we are not fish but we remain
Every day in the net
every day in the net
every day in the net
we confess
every day in the net
every day in the net
every day in the net
we fall in love
every day in the net
every day in the net
every day in the net
and we get pissed
every day in the net
every day in the net
every day in the net
but who is the fisherman?
who is the fisherman?
you are the fisherman
Spend time floating in a bubble
understand phrases that are victims of copy paste
let yourself go to virtual emotions
and be loyal with special graphics
become curious about each other's life
to increase your followers and make the leap
showing a face that you basically do not know
run away like fish and stay
Every day in the net
every day in the net
every day in the net
we confess
every day in the net
every day in the net
every day in the net
we fall in love
every day in the net
every day in the net
every day in the net
and we get pissed
every day in the net
every day in the net
every day in the net
but who is the fisherman?
who is the fisherman?
you are the fisherman
One Hare Krishna may be enough
with a podium
to connect with your slightly better side
to wake up suddenly in the shadow of the last sun
and understand that you are your fisherman (fisherman)
and don't run away like a fish
and don't run away like a fish
and stay, stay, stay, ay, ay
Every day in the net
every day in the net
every day in the net
we confess
every day in the net
every day in the net
every day in the net
we fall in love
every day in the net
every day in the net
every day in the net
and we get pissed
every day in the net
every day in the net
every day in the net
but who is the fisherman?
who is the fisherman?
you are the fisherman

Albanian paradise

[Verse 1: Borixon]
I wake up in the morning in an Albanian paradise
Although for some people the movie ends here
In the corner there is a woman with harmony and two Romanians
What they cut each other
What the fuck Miss Albania is doing here, probably Popek won her cards
She is the first lady of our gang
She drove into a bikini and collects fees
After a short introduction and her performance
I'm looking for something to plug my nose
Balkan goods comb so hard
That we have a stubble hair all over our body
I drink a drink stronger than czaju
Coming from a distant country
And only know his recipe
The oldest camel breeders in Dubai
Some madwoman, pseudo idiot
She would like to put a snake in my pocket
Unfortunately, I am in the Albanian paradise
And I send her back to my husband with a receipt
Someone pours me another glass
And the hookah flies here from mouth to mouth
How do you fancy nice tits
We will be happy to sign your lush bust
Albania gang, Cossack style
In Albanian paradise he sits in the boxes
So don't jump up very high
Because you will be carried on shoes and stretchers
Finish, because the movie is about to end
Closing credits and boom biddy bye bye
And the king enters the chorus
We're going fat, Popuś play
[Chorus: Popek x2]
Heszke w meszke, him, heszke w meszke, him
Ryszki cones, cones, this is the King of Albania!
A variety of mere, chociosz teszto, bar stock
Ruchnin schnishkin, you will cheat shtishnish, you fucking shwa
[Verse 2: Popek]
I wake up in the morning in Albanian paradise and drink rakija instead of breweries
I see tourists near the stalls
Gypsy woman steals one hundred Albanian dollars
I turn on my heel and go on and the woman with a mustache gives me a guitar
So I sit on the wall and start playing
And it goes something like this:
Heszke w meszke, him, heszke w meszke, him
Ryszki cones, cones, this is the King of Albania!
A variety of mere, chociosz teszto, bar stock
Ruchnin schnishkin, you will cheat shtishnish, you fucking shwa
I sit down at the table and order a flat
I take a sip of vodka and smoke weed
I spread the coke, the bartender gives the card
And I'm watching a movie, hydrozagadka
A prince from Romania is sitting with me
He asks where I know Albanian so well
One of the guards says in his ear:
Gypsy without an eye taught him in England
The movie ends, a water puzzle
The best movie I've ever seen in my life
And I see a donkey in beautiful sandals
And I pay a million Albanian lira for it
I jump on it with the grace of a jockey
I travel through the endlessness of the Albanian paradise
And suddenly it started to rush
And I wake up from the cold in a smelly garage
[Chorus: Popek x2]
Heszke w meszke, him, heszke w meszke, him
Ryszki cones, cones, this is the King of Albania!
A variety of mere, chociosz teszto, bar stock
Ruchnin schnishkin, you will cheat shtishnish, you fucking shwa

To the partisan martyrs

O days of war, of flames and fire
I often recall and revisit you again
Through songs we challenged the barbaric foe
The song was the bullet and the attack itself
Rocks and difficulties affronted day and night
But we never stopped our fiery song.
- Chorus 2x
Now sound out you partisan songs
I remember and sing you again
Oh songs, put together amidst battles, storms
About comrades who fell for honor, freedom.


Love, love, love, love
Thinking of you, thinking of you
Love, love, love, love
I didn't lie, I didn't lie to you
Soul of my soul, soul of my soul, come to my bed
I am a lady, I am a lady, my love
Soul of my soul, soul of my soul, come to my bed
I am a lady, I am a lady, my love
Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty
Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty
I don't know what you're saying but it sounds so good to me
Now, could it be the girl of my dreams or my fantasy?
Type of girl that you raise a family
Or maybe South Beach chilling on a canopy
So if you wanna ride
I'mma take it to the other side
To the moon and back, my girl, it's all real
Name a place and it's a done deal
So if you wanna ride
I'mma take it to the other side
Cause you're hotter than a sauna
Sexy lil' mama, I'm loving the way you say 'soul of my soul'
Soul of my soul, soul of my soul, come to my bed
I am a lady, I am a lady, my love
Soul of my soul, soul of my soul, come to my bed
I am a lady, I am a lady, my love
Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty
Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty
So if you wanna ride...
So if you wanna ride
I'mma take it to the other side
Cause you're hotter than a sauna
Sexy lil' mama, I'm loving the way you say 'soul of my soul'
Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty
Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty

Only if you want me

Versions: #1
I'll give you the moon
[I'll give you] the universe for a pillow
I'll give you everything
If you want me
I'll give you everything before you ask
I'll dress all your insecurities*
the *wise men will come [to you] with gifts
If you want me
What I wouldn't give,
to wake up every morning
next to you, to be next to you,
life's not worth living otherwise,
What I wouldn't give,
to be something holy for you,
*My love, I bribed
all the stars in the sky
I'll steal summer for you,
so that your hands are always warm
I'll ban winter
If you want me
Only, only if you want me
love is not a lie
only, only if you want me
only if we become one,
no more blood will be shed
only if you want me

Your eyes

Your eyes are what God has written for me
So let me sleep
between them
And close the door
on me ...

St. George kee

St. George days keep returning, oh boy!
St. George days keep returning, oh boy!
Falls keep on leaving, oh love!
Falls keep on leaving, oh sugar!
That long coat, oh boy.
That long coat, oh boy.
Ruptures both your arms, oh love oh.
Ruptures both your arms, oh sugar oh.
That short coat, oh boy.
That short coat, oh boy.
Freezes your knees, oh love oh.
Freezes your knees, oh sugar oh.
This year when fall comes, oh boy.
This year when fall comes, oh boy.
Together well go to the wineyards, oh love oh.
Together well go to the wineyards, oh sugar oh.
When do you send to ask for me, oh boy.
When do you send to ask for me, oh boy.
Your father doesnt permit, oh love oh.
Your father doesnt permit, oh sugar oh.
What is that my father has, oh boy.
What is that my father has, oh boy.
With my friend, oh love oh.
With my friend, oh sugar oh.
Should my father not give me, oh boy.
Should my father not give me, oh boy.
Take that long road, oh love oh.
Take me with you, sugar, o

Enver hoxha, star of the era

The sun aches, O day of sorrow
The heart of the people swears
As long as there is life in the lands of Skanderbeg
Albanian does not stop in the way of honor
Enver hoxha, star of the era
Rays of light your work
Giant mountain, over the centuries you grow
Immortal in the heart of eagles
Above the storms of the mountain you rose
Filled our eyes with rays of light
the cornerstone
of the new Albania
securely placed by Enver's own hand.
Light up the heart of the Party
a light necklace all over Albania
Your name is on its forehead
Illuminating flag for the proletariat


Versions: #1
I have only wounds on my chest
there where I only had heart
This relationship, an unsolved riddle
each one of your words, a thousand nails
and the birds of silence
fall onto walls
they're prisoned as well
(they're) now insolvable in quest of finding a way to get to you
You're a war
and I love the enemy
I stay and fight
to get killed
You're a war
that I've lost a long time ago
un uneven battle
but I don't retreat
My soul stays back
but life has moved on
and whichever of myselfs (that) I'm getting acquainted with
has forgiven you
My soul stays back
even if I'm moving forward
my body resembles an empty road
and not even one shadow
I'm still alive...mechanical
Nights that I fall like a star
a self-sacrifice for a wish
if you'd just laid me your hand
and promised a new start
You're talking like a storm
even though you have warm sun in your mouth
how many (things) are you keeping to yourself
like promises buried in the ground
My soul stays back
but life has moved on
and whichever of myselfs (that) I'm getting acquainted with
has forgiven you
My soul stays back
even if I'm moving forward
my body resembles an empty road
and not even one shadow
I'm still alive...mechanical


On daytime, I am thinking about you
In the nighttime, sleep doesn't come
I guess that I love you!
You be understanding!
If you know how it hurts me
Please, come back!
If you're thinking,
maybe you love me
and I'm gonna be happy!
The guitar sounds, sounds, sounds
I'd sing all night long
I'm gonna sing for you!
On daytime, I am thinking about you
In the nighttime, sleep doesn't come
I guess that I love you!
I guess that I love you!
I guess that I love you!

To Die

To die is not a disaster.The real disaster is not knowing what will befall you,after you die.

A message to my lover

Do you write the poem with me?
Or you are a part of my mouth?
Or are you my voice?
How do you move to another space?
After you have lived in my eyes and my house?
You still ask me about my birthday
So Register your permission ..what you do not know
The date of your love for me.. the date of my birth
I complained you to the sky
How did you, how, to summarize
All the women in the universe
In vain, what I write my lady
My sense is greater than my language
And my feeling for you is skipping
My voice ... and my throat
In vain, what I write .. as long as
My words .. wider than my lips
I hate it all my writing
My problem .. you are my problem
Because my love for you is above the level of speech
I decided to shut up ... . And be in peace (Salam)

Little Affairs

You're going through it. Without paying attention.
I have my life equal to me.
All my life.
Incidents.. You may not interest you.
I'm building palaces.
And live on it for months.
And I spin a lot of stories from her.
And a thousand heavens.
And a thousand islands.
Your little affairs.
When you smoke, i kneel in front of you.
Like your good cat.
And I'm safe.
I'm chasing a fan.-
Smoke strings
Distribute it in the corners of the place.
Circles.. Circles
And you leave at the end of the night for me.
As a star, as an immigrant.
And leave me, my life friend.
For the smell of tobacco and memories.
And I keep.
In solitary frost.
And all my supplies is
Cigarette debris
And a plate. It's made up of ashes.
Featuring gray.
And when I'm sick.
And you carry your precious flowers.
My friend.. To me
And you put my hand in your hands.
It's up to me to color and wellness.
And the sun sticks in my cheek.
And I'm crying. And I'm crying. Without will.
And you're giving my cover back to me.
And make my head over the pillow.
I wished all the wishes.
My friend.. If I
I keep. I'm staying aday.
To ask about me.
To bear me every day.
Beautiful roses.
And if the phone rings in our house,
I'm flying to it.
me.. My dear friend.
With the joy of a little boy.
Longing as a lost bird
And embrace the rigid machine.
And squeeze its cold wires.
And i'm waiting for the sound.
Your voice matters to me.
A double. Full.. Strong
Like the voice of a prophet.
Like the sound and impact of the stars.
Like the sound of the fall of the ornaments.
And I'm crying. And I'm crying.
Because you thought about
Because you're from the balconies of the clouds.
She cheered for me.
And the day I come to you.
To borrow a book.
To pretend I came to borrow a book.
Stretch your tired fingers.
To the library.
And I keep. In the fog of fog.
It's like I'm an unanswered question.
I'm staring at you and the library.
Like a good cat.
You've found out?
See you know?
I came to change the book.
And I'm nothing but a liar.
And he quickly went to my room..
I add the book to my ribs.
It's like I've been with me.
And light my light. And i'm going to stow away around me.
And dig between the lines. And behind the lines.
And get back behind the commas. Come back.
Behind the spin points
And my head is spinning.
It's like I'm a hungry bird.
You're looking for seed waste.
Maybe.. Hey, i don't know what you' My dear friend.
I was left in one corner.
A short love phrase.
A little longing garden
Maybe among the sheets, you hid something.
A little peace. Bring peace back to me.
And when we're together on the way.
And unwittingly take my arm.
I feel like I'm.
With something deep.
Something like a fire.
On my elbow.
And raise my hands to the sky.
To make my path unfinished.
And I'm crying. And cry without interruption
So i'm going to keep losing.
And when I get back in the evening, I'm back in my room.
And take off my shoulders.
I feel like, and what you're in my room.
That your hands.
A phone at the mercy of my elbow.
And I stay to worship, exhausted.
Where your warm fingers are.
On the sleeve of my blue dress..
And I'm crying. And I'm crying. Uninterrupted
It's like my arm's not my arm.

My Precious

I forget you, but the memory taunts
I strive to find peace
inside me, but then you show up.
And I have words that Ι keep buried inside me,
and if you choose the desperate ones,
empathise with me, stand at attention in front of them.
How scared am I
that I no longer remember
why I have been loving you for so long
How can I escape
I sip the little
and feel like I'm drinking heaven...
My precious, on my pieces
your form is engraved, look.
Treat them, those selfs of you
who have remained winners there.
I have made you used to the lies,
you adapt to changes.
Faces, so faceless
the masks you take off
You change your skin
and the color of your crying eyes.
I forget you, what else is left?
But wherever I go, your shadow persists

A woman walks inside me

No one read my cup.
Unless you find out you're my girlfriend.
No one studied my handwriting.
Unless you find out your four letters.
Everything can be refuted.
Except for the smell of a woman we love.
Everything can be hidden.
Only the steps of a woman moving inside us.
Everything is debatable.
Except for your femininity.
Where do I hide you, my love?
We're two woods on fire.
And all the TV cameras are on us.
Where do I hide you, baby?
And all the reporters want to make you
The cover star.
And they make me a Greek hero.
And a scandal written.
Where do I get you?
Where are you going with me?
and all the coffee shops keep our faces by heart
And all the hotels keep our names by heart.
And all the sidewalks keep the music of our feet.
By heart.
We're exposed to the world as a balcony.
And visible as two gold fish.
In a crystal pot.
No one read my poems about you.
Only the sources of my language are known.
No one traveled in my books.
Unless he gets to the harbor of your eyes.
No one gave him my home address.
Unless you go to your lips.
No one opened my neighborhood.
Unless he finds you sleeping there like a bed.
And no one digs up my papers.
Unless he knew the history of your life.
Teach me
I'm holding you in the
And stop you from going out.
Teach me to draw around your breasts.
Circle with purple pen
And stop them from flying.
Teach me a way to arrest you as a point at the end of the line.
Teach me how to walk under the rain of your eyes. And I don't get wet.
And i smell your body full of Indian spices. And I don't get dizzy.
And i'm rolling from the towering heights of your breasts.
I don't get apart....
Take your hands off my little habits.
And my little things.
About the pen I'm writing in.
And the papers I'm scribbling on.
And the key relationship I'm holding.
And the coffee I'm having.
And the ties I'm getting.
Take your hands off my writing.
It doesn't make sense to write with your fingers.
And breathe your lungs.
It doesn't make sense to laugh with your lips.
And you cry with my eyes!!.
Sit with me for a while.
Let's reconsider my love map.
Harshly, a Mughal conqueror.
And the selfish woman wants to tell a man:
'Be. So it's ..'
Talk to me with democracy
The males of the tribe in my country.
They've mastered the game of political repression.
And I don't want you to practice with me.
The game of emotional repression.
Sit down until we see.
Where are the limits?
And where are the limits of my sorrows?
Where does your regional waters start?
And where does my blood end?
Sit down until we get along.
On any part of my body.
Your conquests will stop.
And at any hour of the night.
You're going to start your conquests?
Sit with me for a while.
Until we agree on a way of love.
Don't be in it.
And I don't have a small colony.
On your list of colonies.
That's still going on since the 17th century.
Your breasts demand liberation.
And they don't hear.
And they don't hear.