A dispersion of seven colors
A dispersion of 7 colors, that's possibly how it feels when you smileA dispersion of 7 colors, you, a royal swan, your gait is inclined
How many colors do you have
Sometimes a flower, sometimes a bud
When you play hide and seek in my eyes, smilingly
The moon burns in jealousy upon seeing you
He asks, why I am not like you
In your touchy eyes, there's a modesty filled importunity
When your fragrance seeps inside through the window
Your shadow smiles in my heart upon seeing it
A dispersion of 7 colors, that's possibly how it feels when you smile
A dispersion of 7 colors, you, a royal swan, your gait is inclined
I think while sitting alone, why does it feel so bland
This life, without you, why does this heart never agree
Holding the brush in hand, you painted in my heart
An unerasable image of yours, how do I erase it
Come sometimes close to me and see it yourself
How much 'sadness' 1I have for you
I think about a lot of stuff, I feel like confessing them
All my days and nights are for you
A dispersion of 7 colors, that's possibly how it feels when you smile
A dispersion of 7 colors, you, a royal swan, your gait is inclined
How many colors do you have
Sometimes a flower, sometimes a bud
When you play hide and seek in my eyes, smilingly
The moon burns in jealousy upon seeing you
He asks, why I am not like you
In your touchy eyes, there's a modesty filled importunity
When your fragrance seeps inside through the window
Your shadow smiles in my heart upon seeing it
A dispersion of 7 colors, that's possibly how it feels when you smile
A dispersion of 7 colors, you, a royal swan, your gait is inclined
- 1. I've no idea how to translate this word 'koha' into English, it's something that causes you to cry