Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 56



Egy kicsit koszosak
Egy kicsit komiszok
Egy kicsit undorítóak
Sosincs túl korán
Égetően szükségem van egy rúgásra
Készen állok az indulásra
Nem tudok mit tenni
Azt hiszem, ez egy szokás
Azt hiszem, ez jó móka
Ez az, amit csinálok
Gyerünk most
Nem legyél ideges
Minden ember
Minden ember
Azt mondja
Megütlek, mielőtt felfognád, bébi
Minden ember tudja
Minden ember tudja
Nem félek
Jelenetet rendezni
Ma este
Meg fogom neked mutatni
Mostanra tudnod kellene
Állandóan ezt csinálom
És ez
Veszélyes lesz
Ha az utamba állsz
Mert sosem állok meg
Míg meg nem kapom
Most a csúcson vagyok
Megállás nélkül gyilkolok, igen
Mikor áthatolok, mint, áthatolok, mint, áthatolok, mint egy
Rrra tta ta ta rra tta ta tta ta
Rrra tta ta ta rra tta ta tta ta
Rrra tta ta ta rra tta ta tta ta
Rrra tta ta ta rra tta ta tta ta
Még csak most kezdtük
Kapcsold be ezt a szart és
Robbantsd fel a helyet
Gyerünk most
Ne próbálj elbújni, mert
De senki nem éli túl
Megütlek, mielőtt felfognád, bébi
Minden ember tudja
Minden ember tudja
Nem félek
Jelenetet rendezni
Ma este
Meg fogom neked mutatni
Mostanra tudnod kellene
Állandóan ezt csinálom
És ez
Veszélyes lesz
Ha az utamba állsz
Mert sosem állok meg
Míg meg nem kapom
Most a csúcson vagyok
Megállás nélkül gyilkolok, igen
Mikor áthatolok, mint, áthatolok, mint, áthatolok, mint egy
Rrra tta ta ta rra tta ta tta ta
Rrra tta ta ta rra tta ta tta ta
Rrra tta ta ta rra tta ta tta ta
Rrra tta ta ta rra tta ta tta ta
Eljövök érted
Jövök érted
Rrra tta ta ta rra tta ta tta ta
Eljövök érted
Jövök érted
Rrra tta ta ta rra tta ta tta ta
Én vagyok a legjobb
Meg fogom mutatni
Őrült vagyok
Egy szörnyeteg
És mikor végeztem
Orvosra lesz szükséged
G-től az U-ig aztán M és I
Senki sem fogja hallani a sírásod
Utolsó szavak? csak köszönj el
El-elsülök ma este
Rrra tta ta ta rra tta ta tta ta
Rrra tta ta ta rra tta ta tta ta
Rrra tta ta ta rra tta ta tta ta
Rrra tta ta ta rra tta ta tta ta
Eljövök érted
Jövök érted
Rrra tta ta ta rra tta ta tta ta
Eljövök érted
Jövök érted
Rrra tta ta ta rra tta ta tta ta

That's the heat

I don't even remember my name
a ha
lying very peacefully in the sand
the street rumble
a ha
I don't care about it here
under the sun
it's so hot here
please don't get me out of here
I'm too peaceful
I don't want to know about anything today
that's the heat
The one in the middle is hot
a ha
I feel very good too
the peaceful sidewalk
a ha
life is renewed here
under the sun
It's so hot
please don't get me out of here
I'm too peaceful
I don't want to know about anything today
that's the heat
I don't even remember my name
a ha
very peaceful lying in the sand
the street rumble
a ha
I don't care about it here
under the sun here
it's so hot
please don't get me out of here
I'm too peaceful
I don't want to know about anything today
that's the heat
please don't get me out of here
I'm too peaceful
I don't want to know about anything today
that's the heat

Give Me Your Warmth

Intense flame of pleasure,
You who live deep within me
Asleep amidst the loneliness,
Without any desire to grow.
Like a wave that propels the sea,
Like the rage of a volcano,
Like a cloud that's dominated by the sun:
That's who you awaken my desire!
And when you give me your warmth
My body begins to tremble
Longing and so much desire...

You like in the dark
Like the thick fog.
You turn my face into sadness
And immense happiness.
Like the mother that brought me to life,
Like an exploding bomb,
Like the ray of light that feeds my vision:
That's who you awaken my desire!
And when you give me your warmth
My body begins to tremble
Longing and so much desire...

Like a wave that propels the sea,
Like the rage of a volcano,
Like a cloud that's dominated by the sun:
That's who you awaken my desire!
And when you give me your warmth
My body begins to tremble...
And when you give me your warmth
My body begins to tremble, aaahh!
And when you give me your warmth
My body begins to tremble...


Donor Song

Do you have a moment?
May I ask you some questions?
It won’t take much time,
so please circle whichever you like.
“In the event that I am declared either brain dead or cardiac dead…
…I hereby agree to donate my organs for transplantation.”
And second:
“In the event that I am declared cardiac dead…
I hereby agree to donate my organs for transplantation.”
“I will not donate any organs”
“Those who selected the first or second,
ith the exception of the third:”
Take my heart, my liver, my kidneys, my pancreas too
if it’s for someone else’s sake.
It’s all fine by me,
it’s all fine by me.
A world without you in it…
It’s all fine by me,
it’s all fine by me.
…Wouldn’t be worth anything.
If you could go on living in someone else,
if a part of you could remain here,
Why, that’s a wonderful thing, isn’t it.
At most it’d be a very nice dream.
Just, if my wish could come true,
if time would return to me,
On the day of the operation,
I would gladly switch places.
If God pulled a prank on me,
or maybe was angry,
Take my cells, my lungs, my intestines, and my eyes, too,
If it’s for someone else’s sake.
It’s all fine by me,
it’s all fine by me.
Simply wanting to go on living with you…
It’s all fine by me,
it’s all fine by me.
…wouldn’t be worth anything.
My heart, my liver, my kidneys, my pancreas,
My cells, my lungs, my intestines, and my eyes, too.
If it’s for someone else’s sake,
If it’s for someone else’s sake.
It’s all fine by me,
it’s all fine by me.
A world without you in it….
Thank you, and way to go.
It’s all fine by me,
it’s all fine by me.
A world without you in it…
It’s all fine by me,
I hereby agree.
…wouldn’t be worth anything.
Do you have a moment?
May I ask you some questions?
It won’t take much time,
so please circle whichever you like.

Pay attention

Pay attention! Pay, pay attention, now!
Pay attention! Pay, pay attention, now!
Pay attention! Pay, pay attention, now!
Pay attention! Pay, pay attention, now!
Attention, now! A-attention, now!
Attention, now! A-attention, now!
Attention, now! A-attention, now!
Attention, now! A-attention, now!
Pay attention, don't be sluggish
If you are alive seize this moment
Get to work, pick yourself up
Now's the time for your make over
You have to rouse that stamina
That's sleeping within your body
Do it now, not tomorrow
'Cause time waits for no one
If you lack knowledge, or understanding
It's because you really don't want it
You have to put your mind to work
And you will get the picture
If you already have experience
And you find someone beffudled
Stretching out your hand to him as if he was your brother
So that he will find his way out
Pay attention! Pay, pay attention, now!
Pay attention! Pay, pay attention, now!
Pay attention! Pay, pay attention, now!
Pay attention! Pay, pay attention, now!
At any given moment life could come to an end
That's why we're telling you to pay attention, now!
At any given moment life could come to an end
That's why we're telling you to pay attention, now!
If you want to, life is easy
But just remember that nothing's done without effort
And don't you dare to even mention that foolish saying
That to be successful comes by fortune
Never envy anyone's life
You need to find what you can achieve
All you need to do is to set
Just how far it is where you want to go
Caló is telling you this message
No, not all the rap is to give you laughter
Do you want to improve as a person? Feel it!
Don't wait 'till the world gets blown up to pieces
Pay attention, and as time passes
You'll know that what I tell you
I say it, not lying, I feel it
So certain, clearly, absolutely, from my very inside
Pay attention! Pay, pay attention, now!
Pay attention! Pay, pay attention, now!
Pay attention! Pay, pay attention, now!
Pay attention! Pay, pay attention, now!
You have to do it, don't just think it
You already had plenty of time to contemplate it
You gotta start the journey that we all call life, man
And it's not that hard
You're chance will come in its moment
You gotta be ready, be alert
Because it tends to come only one time
And it could happen that you won't notice it
Pay attention! Pay attention!
You're chance will come in its moment
You gotta be ready, be alert
Because it tends to come only one time
And it could happen that you won't notice it
Pay attention, now!

I can't anymore

I can't stop seeing you or talking to you
Do you think I have no heart?
I need you now to love you
I don't want to think everything has ended
I can't anymore (Ooh)
I can't anymore (I can't anymore)
If you are not by my side
In this moment
Feeling the warmth of your body next to mine
Is delirious
I can't anymore (Ooh)
No, I can't anymore (I can't anymore)
If you are not by my side
In this moment
Feeling the warmth of your body next to mine
Is delirious
You're always hiding, I don't know what game are you playing
l'm like crazy when you don't come here
I feel a big void in my bed
I can't sleep I feel lost
The hours pass by in silence
Your absence is puzzling me
Remembering those moments
Come with me, I'm dying
Even if you're not by my side today
You know I'm in love with you
I won't relinquish my memories of you
If you don't love me, come, I need to know
I can't anymore (Ooh)
I can't anymore (I can't anymore)
If you are not by my side
In this moment
Feeling the warmth of your body next to mine
Is delirious
I can't anymore (Ooh)
No, I can't anymore (I can't anymore)
If you are not by my side
In this moment
Feeling the warmth of your body next to mine
Is delirious
I always remember you, babe
I don't know if you want to end this
But if you'd come to talk
I promise you we will love each other again
I know that you've already given everything
I didn't know how to differentiate gold from mud
When you were here I don't know what I was thinking
I had everything and now I have nothing
Time passes by without a reply
Answer the question since it doesn't cost you anything
Do it now, don't torment me anymore
If you don't love me I'll leave you alone
But I can't anymore (Ooh)
I can't anymore (I can't anymore)
If you are not by my side
In this moment
Feeling the warmth of your body next to mine
Is delirious
I can't anymore (Ooh)
No, I can't anymore (I can't anymore)
If you are not by my side
In this moment
Feeling the warmth of your body next to mine
Is delirious
No, I can't anymore (I can't anymore)
No, I can't anymore
I can't anymore I can't avoid
To be by your side this anxiety
To have you, to loose you, such bad luck
You left early as to not see me
You do things without thinking
To have me by your side is not so bad
I tell you once more
You must be next to me
Ooh, I can't anymore
Ooh, I can't anymore
Ooh, more, more, mo-mo-more
Ooh, I can't anymore
Yeah, ow, yeah, yeah, ow, yeah, ow, yeah
Ow, yeah, ow, yeah, ow, yeah, ow, yeah, ow, yeah
Ah-ah ow, yeah, Ah-ah ow, yeah
I'm still waiting for you to come now (Yeah, ow, yeah, but now!)
I can't wait a minute longer (Yeah, ow, yeah, no more!)
Hurry up, babe, I'm loosing control (Yeah, ow, yeah, no!)
I'm cold, I need your warmth (Yeah, ow, yeah, ay!)


Miután egy olyan álmot mutattál, ahol egész este táncolok,
Az óra harangjai megtörik a varázst
Zavarba ejtően intesz ujjaddal, hogy jöjjek le a lépcsőn
Így hármasával veszem őket.
A hintóban reszkettél
Tépd szét azt a régi öltözéket és menjünk vissza a ma esti táncterembe
Egy suttogó hang arra utasít, hogy egy ismeretlen arcot keressek,
És aztán a kezemben lévő pengével, vegyek el tőled mindent.
Ebben a kastélyban, ahol az árvák összegyűlnek, én egy szeráf* vagyok, aki,
A maszkra festett mosollyal, átölel mindent a szárnyával, még a csaló szerelmet is.
A porban, bíbor fénnyel elolvad az üveg cipellő.
Most tényleg elmegyek, mert remegek,
Ahogy a szemed az órán nyugszik.
Keresztül futva a lejtőn, ahol mezítláb táncoltam,
Kinyújtom az ujjaim egyenesen a torkodhoz.
Megcsókolom könnyeid a kezemben tartva,
Ahogy egy impulzus keresztül fut a gerinceden rögvest.
Kérlek ne csengess, ahogy melléd térdelek,
Habár 'nem'-et kiálltok, a jobb kezem örök búcsút lök feléd.
Egy hercegnő, aki puskaport visel parfümként,
A makacs pillantásod áthasít hideg maszkomon.
Most a sóhajaid bántják fülemet.
Mind csak egy messzi álomnak tűnik.
A színezett üvegen keresztül,
A holdfény fátyollal borított be.
Térdeimmel szétszaggatva ruhámat, eldobván a tiarám,
A szemeink, egymásra bámulnak, szikrákat szórva.
Magányos lelkeink, lángokban égve, egymás után vágyakoznak.
Ha nem tudom megmenteni könnyeid, akkor ez egy magányos játszma volt.
Oh idő, áljj meg. Teljesen beléd estem.
Meg akarom számolni az összes bizonytalan szívdobbanásod.
Maradj a kiáramló érzelmeimben, és ázz a forróságban.
Nem tudok messzebb menni. Majdnem olyan, mint egy tündérmese.


You left me
Crystalline eyes
With a broken heart
Life was
So beautiful together
You left and now you're someone else
How many solitary hours
Will make you return to me?
Selfish, it's so easy for you to discard
Pure love
You promised you'd always take care of me
My comfort
Comes from the beach
And I believe in karma
Everyone pays
What they borrowed one day
Life reclaims it
How many solitary hours
Will make you return to me?
Selfish, it's so easy for you to discard
Pure love
You promised you'd always take care of me
Selfish, it was so easy for you to wipe out
A love so pure
I blindly loved you till the end

Sexo Sudor y Calor (original song ) Not Remix Translation

Versions: #2
I am calling you, because I need more of you,
there is something about you that seduces,
me and it makes me feel that you are right by me,
and I know that you feel the same way.
Here its still raining and I cant stop thinking about the last time we did it girl.
Why are you so far girl?, If I am already here, thinking about you, going crazy for you babe.
Why are you so far girl?, If I am already here, thinking about you, going crazy for you babe.
I don't know if you remember that day,
I was drunk and crazy, and you were sexy and ready.
We went home, and got in the covers, we did it till the next day, even with the light turned on.
Since, you haven't called me that is why I am calling,
To see if you remember how good that day was,
Today we gonna do it again girl the same way, with the light on again.
We gonna do it till the next day again.
Babe, tell me if you feel the same as me,
when night falls, and the sun doesn't heat me up,
I remember that day I made love with you.
Sex, Sweat, & Heat.
tell me if you feel the same as me,
when night falls, and the sun dosen't heat me up,
I remember that day I made love with you.
The night smells like sex babe,
so we gotta seize the opportunity, for now we will just use the phone and pics,
but we can't lets this chance go.
The night smells like sex babe,
so we gotta seize the opportunity, for now we will just use the phone and pics,
but we can't lets this chance go.
what luck is it, that I got to take a couple pics of your body, if you would just know how i go crazy over those pics,
I fell in love like a dumbass of you,I don't believe in things about love that much.
But I had to try and someone told me that no one can be arrested to steal a heart and If I could go back in time and come back exactly to the moment when she got on all fours told me , 'lick me up, cause you are going the be the first one that i ve done it with', from that time, like that time i have never busted a nut like that.
I need you to heat me up again cause im cold again.
I ve been looking for someone just like you, thinking about how many chicks i ve fucked, and that we even had a threesome together.
The truth is though no other chick turns me on like you do, and when i fuck another bitch im thinking about you.
I am calling you, because I need more of you,
there is something about you that seduces,
me and it makes me feel that you are right by me,
and I know that you feel the same way.
Here its still raining and I cant stop thinking about the last time we did it girl.
Why are you so far girl?, If I am already here, thinking about you, going crazy for you babe.
Why are you so far girl?, If I am already here, thinking about you, going crazy for you babe.
Babe, I told my friends that you are just my amazing girl .

What a wave of heat

Ah! The sun is burning.
What a wave of heat. What a wave of heat.
Ah! I'm going to the sea.
I wanna cool off. I wanna cool off.
The summer drives me crazy.
I take off all my clothes.
It's the latest fashion in Europe.
I can tan my body completely.
At the shore when I'm alone
and the sand burns my behind,
suddenly a tide moves me
that wets me and cools me.
The summer drives me crazy.
What a wave of heat. What a wave of heat.
I take off all my clothes.
What a wave wave wave of heat.
Nobody can resist the heat.
There's not a single tourist on the beach.
I was left with my nudist boyfriend.
I'm Eve and he's Adam.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

My House

When my steps guide me
There, to the empty house
Blinds falling and crying,
Suddenly everything from before comes back
Here, there was laughter,
There were secrets and sighs
But like ivy, time
Has covered over everything from yesterday
They go away, where is the laughter, where are the sounds
That fill my house in the evening
The April moon, the white season
Where have the people that we were gone
My house is empty and alone
Believe me when I say I hear
Our evenings of days gone by resounding
Here, it was a kingdom
Full of dreams and kids
Now people don't care any more
From this old overgrown garden
Time takes away all laughter
Like the wind takes away dead leaves
They go away, where is the laughter, where are the sounds
That fill my house in the evening
The April moon, the white season
Where have the people that we were gone
My house is empty and alone
(When my steps guide me there, to the empty house)

To fly at night

I transport letters, dreams in the stars
I am a postman of the sky for the Aéropostale
I look at the world through my aeroplane
It's beautiful, from up here we all look the same
I dream in my lonely sky
That we may all be a bit more united
To fly at night like St Exupéry
To see the world from above without looking down on it
To fly at night, to see what unites us
To make it known that we are all equal
Seen from above these borders, these lines that separate us
Are only drawings, only lines on the map
Behind, in each house, people are dreaming, people love each other
It's beautiful, seen from a plane, we all look the same
I think about it in my empty sky
Below civil wars are breaking out
To fly at night like St Exupéry
To see the world from above without looking down on it
To fly at night, to see what unites us
To make it known that men are all equal
If I were to crash, I wouldn't regret a thing
I was made to plant flowers in a garden
Some nights it is as though I can hear in the cockpit
Something like a child's voice among the parasites
A child who says please... mister, draw me the earth
(Draw me... the earth)
(Draw me... the earth)
To fly at night like St Exupéry
To see the world from above without looking down on it
To fly at night, to see what unites us
To dream in the shadow about the world waking up


We all have a Souchon song that sticks with us,
An old polo-neck that annoys us
A back-to-school, a smell of a pencil case
In our memories, we all have
All these things that last and stay
An old Saint-Etienne poster
Words that destroyed us,
Some 'I think we're better off as just friends'
All these stones which we pull ourselves up on to
And which make a building out of us
We all have, at the back of our minds
All these fundamental things
All these stones sown in the past
Which push us and make us grow
Hidden there, at the back of our minds
They are the fundamental things
We all have a good smell of apple tart
A great song in autumn
An old corridor that scares us
In our memories, we all have
A girlfriend in secondary school
First names that suddenly come back
Looking at old school photos
What lifted us up raises us
All these stones which we pull ourselves up on to
And which make a building out of us
We all have, at the back of our minds
All these fundamental things
All these stones sown in the past
Which push us and make us grow
Hidden there, at the back of our minds
They are the fundamental things
If one day I get in an argument
Or I get lost, disoriented
I'll sound out that string (guitar)
The note on which I grew
All these stones which we pull ourselves up on to
And which make a building out of us
We all have, at the back of our minds
All these fundamental things
All these stones sown in the past
Which push us and make us grow
Hidden there, at the back of our minds
They are the fundamental things
We all have these fundamental things

Am I visible enough?

I come from the south, I come from the east,
I've taken the plunge!
From my country, I have a little bit of my accent when I speak French
Life over there isn't easy
But is it really better to live here?
When of your towns I only ever know the suburbs.
I am here to work from daybreak,
I am here to build you your dream house.
I am here, yes but for everything else
Am I visible enough?
I am here, waiting to be either welcomed or chased away
I am here in your life, I come, I go, then I come back
I am here, yes but for everything else
Am I visible enough?
I come from the south, I come from the east,
One day, I'll go back there.
Because for my brothers
I have a little bit of love and respect left.
I am here to work from daybreak,
I am here to build you your dream house.
I am here, yes but for everything else
Am I visible enough?
I am here, waiting to be either welcomed or chased away
I am here in your life, I come, I go, then I come back
I am here, yes but for everything else
Am I visible enough?
Am I visible enough?
I am here, I come to collect your children from school.
To collect your cigarette buts from the ground.
I am here, am I visible enough?


I'm a hypochondriac
To what people say
I make everything
Into an illness
I am a germ
A nest of bacteria
By myself,
I am an epidemic
I get ill over the slightest thing
I worry
And I freak out
For all humanity
Sick as a dog
I wear man as flu,
His heart cold,
His soul at war
Too weak to have the strength
To move away from the fire
I tremble at the thought of being a man,
Of being like them
We are in agony
From how hard we try
Who's to blame, whose fault is it
We are in agony
From all the harm we do to ourselves
I hurt for others
Hurt for others
I'm in pain
Me, I've chosen
To fight
From my bed
If hate is catching
Like an illness,
Then I'll avoid it
Like the plague
I would definitely make
Less noise
Less mistakes
Less pain
By playing dead
Tough luck for me
If I am treated with contempt
Tough luck for me
While man is his own enemy
We are in agony
From how hard we try
Who's to blame, whose fault is it
We are in agony
From all the harm we do to ourselves
I hurt for others
Hurt for others
I'm in pain
It hurts here,
It hurts there
I've taken the world
In horror
I'm not comfortable with myself,
I feel sick
Doctor, doctor, doctor, doctor
Ill at ease
Fed up of this life
Of this world
To agony,
Just stick it,
Tough for him
Doctor, doctor, doctor, doctor
I'm in agony
No more friends, no more pleasure
My straitjacket


Long, long, long, morning train journeys
At St Lazare station, Julie is already dreaming in the aisles
Blonde, blonde, blonde, a beige scarf, 1 metre 63,
She's simply dreaming that someone will take her to the cinema
Julie is pretty but she is single
She is single because fate is in a huff with her
She is pretty, Julie, but solitary
A lost cry in the emptiness, celibate
Long, long, long are the days that go by
And the hours are just as long
She dreams in her office, it's already four o'clock
Of course she has had lovers for one night
But Julie is just waiting for a long love story
Julie is pretty but she is single
She is single because fate is in a huff with her
She is pretty, Julie, but solitary
A lost cry in the emptiness, celibate
He must be there, somewhere,
She often thinks about it at night
He who, without knowing it,
Is thinking of her at the same time that she is thinking of him
Two lives thrown to destiny
Who despite their giggles and their friends
Are looking for each other in this chaos
And are waiting to finally meet
Julie is pretty but she is single
She is single because fate is in a huff with her
She is pretty, Julie, but solitary
A lost cry in the emptiness, celibate
Long, long, long are the train journeys
When someone suddenly smiles at her
Maybe it's a false hope,
But maybe it's him.

Freedom, darling

Look at them, these unmoving lovers
Sitting, standing, lips together in the queue
Beautiful like pillars of salt
Accidental masterpieces
Look at them, these disobedient lovers
The young, the old, their clumsy actions
They're real handfuls in the alleys
Their eyes are glinting
And that's how they live here
They are the guardians of this country
And it's Doisneau and it's Paris
This is our freedom, darling
Look at them, these lovers on their island
Look carefully around them, the sea is oil
Our race on the horizon
Look, see how they are right
Look at them, these stupid lovers
Happy enough but be careful - they're fragile,
Broken by the first gust of wind,
That's why they're hugging each other so close
And that's how they live here
They are the guardians of this country
And it's Doisneau and it's Paris
This is our freedom, darling
Paris, and everywhere
Lovers in the rain, on the platforms
On the public benches
In the streets, on the bridge
In cars, taxis, offices
In hotels, aeroplanes
In beds, living rooms, balconies,
In cinemas, on sets, in corridors, in gardens
On boats
In the stars
In the fountains
And on desks
On the underground
Yes, yes, yes, yes
Lovers, lovers
This is our freedom, darling

I Play Music

It comes from nowhere
It's like an accountant in my head
It gets a hold of me, it drives me crazy
It's like a truck in my head
It's all I think about
4, 3, 2, 1, I play music
I breathe in music
I think music
I cry in music
And when I'm freaking out
I play some bass guitar
I play music
I feel music
I make love in music
I love you in music
And when I'm freaking out
I plug in my electric guitar
It flows a little from everywhere
It's like a volcano in my head
Sometime, I don't know about you
But me, it tempers my storms (temper)
When I lose my bearings
4, 3, 2, 1, I play music
I breathe in music
I think music
I cry in music
And when I'm freaking out
I play some bass guitar
I play music
I feel music
I make love in music
I love you in music
And when I'm freaking out
I plug in my electric guitar
Come make some music
Breathe in music
We will make love in music
Love in music
And if it gets complicated
We'll bring together our electric guitars
Come make some music
Breathe in music
The music is you and I
We are music
And if you leave me
I'll break My electric guitar

So hot

So hot oeo
I feel so hot
Lift your hands like me
If you want a wine in cardboard
If you want a wine in cardboard
And the hands there and there and there and there and there!!
¡Supermercado! ¡supermercado!
And now the rototom sounds! the rototom sounds!
So hot so hot oeo
I feel so hot
Lift your hands like me
If you want a wine in cardboard
If you want a wine in cardboard
And now the rototom sounds! the rototom sounds!
Lift the hands who wants to drink
The box of will will start passing
Lift the hands who wants to drink
The box of will will start passing
The box of will will start passing
Lift the hands who wants to drink
The box of will will start passing
Lift the hands who wants to drink
The box of will will start passing
The box of will will start passing
Run boy!
So hot so hot oeo
I feel so hot
Lift your hands like me
If you want a wine in cardboard
If you want a wine in cardboard
Lift the hands who wants to drink
The box of will will start passing
Lift the hands who wants to drink
The box of will will start passing
The box of will will start passing
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


Az óra régóta nem ketyeg már
Mióta vagyok fent? Nem tudom
Nem találok fogást, de nem tudom elengedni
Bár nem volt semmi, amibe kapaszkodhattam
Miért nem láthatom
Miért nem láthatom
Azokat a színeket
Amiket te látsz?
Kérlek, lehetnék
Kérlek, lehetnék
Színes és szabad?
Mi a fene történik?
Valaki el tudná mondani, kérlek
Miért váltok gyorsabban, mint a TV csatornák
Fekete vagyok, most meg fehér
Nem! Valami nem jó!
Az ellenségem láthatatlan
Nem tudom, hogyan harcoljak
Ez a reszkető félelem
Több, mint amit el tudok viselni
Mikor szemben állok
A visszhanggal a tükörben
Le fogom égetni a házamat
Csúnya feketévé
Most el fogok futni
És sosem nézek vissza
Le fogom égetni a házamat
Csúnya feketévé
Most el fogok futni
És sosem nézek vissza
Le fogom égetni a házamat
Csúnya feketévé
Most el fogok futni
És sosem nézek vissza
Le fogom égetni a házamat
Csúnya feketévé
Most el fogok futni
És sosem nézek vissza
Le fogom égetni a házamat
És sosem nézek vissza
És sosem nézek vissza
És sosem nézek vissza
Mi a fene történik?
Valaki el tudná mondani, kérlek
Miért váltok gyorsabban, mint a TV csatornák
Fekete vagyok, most meg fehér
Nem! Valami nem jó!
Az ellenségem láthatatlan
Nem tudom, hogyan harcoljak
Mi a fene történik?
Valaki el tudná mondani, kérlek
Miért váltok gyorsabban, mint a TV csatornák
Fekete vagyok, most meg fehér
Nem! Valami nem jó!
Az ellenségem láthatatlan
Nem tudom, hogyan harcoljak
Ez a reszkető félelem
Több, mint amit el tudok viselni
Mikor szemben állok
A visszhanggal a tükörben
Ez a reszkető félelem
Több, mint amit el tudok viselni
Mikor szemben állok
A visszhanggal a tükörben


Sajnálom, hogy nem vagyok képes őszintének lenni
Bárcsak tudnék olyan dolgokat mondani, mint ‘Szeretlek’
Köszönöm, hogy megszültél
Boldog vagyok, hogy a te gyermekednek születtem
Míg minden nap késő estig dolgoztál
Eddig egyedül neveltél
Nem számít, milyen fáradt voltál, egyszer sem panaszkodtál
Mindig rám mosolyogtál
Mikor jelentéktelen dolgokon vitatkoztunk, rögtön kifutottam a házból
De nem tudtam elfelejteni a szomorú arcod
Mikor kinyitottam az ajtót, a szokásos vacsora illata
Gyengéden betakart
Sajnálom, hogy nem vagyok képes őszintének lenni
Csodálkozom, mennyire megmentett a hangod, azt mondván 'Üdv itthon'
Köszönöm, hogy megszültél
Boldog vagyok, hogy a te gyermekednek születtem
Mikor fiatal voltam, mikor játszottam, leestem, és sírtam
A meleg kezed megsimogatta a fejem
Mielőtt rájöttem volna, kisebb lettél nálam
Vajon lehetek most én az, aki most megvéd téged
Mindig támogattál és bátorítottál, újra és újra
Csodálkozom, hogy mennyi kedvességet kaptam tőled
Az első alkalommal, mikor bizalmasan elmondtam az álmaimat
Egy szó nélkül támogattál
Sajnálom, hogy nem vagyok képes őszintének lenni
Bárcsak tudnék olyan dolgokat mondani, mint ‘Szeretlek’
Köszönöm, hogy megszültél
Boldog vagyok, hogy a te gyermekednek születtem
Köszönöm, hogy itt vagy nekem
Emiatt magam lehettem
Köszönöm, hogy megszültél
Most ki akarom fejezni a hálámat
Sajnálom, hogy nem vagyok képes őszintének lenni
Bárcsak tudnék olyan dolgokat mondani, mint ‘Szeretlek’
Köszönöm, hogy megszültél
Boldog vagyok, hogy a te gyermekednek születtem
Örülök, hogy a te lányod vagyok, köszönöm

「Maszkos K*rvA」

Ah, igazán bosszantó
Kába vagyok a romlott, mindennapi rutintól
Az az arc, tekintet, és hang, mind annyira kellemetlen
Utálom ezt
Sors? Csodák? Esélytelen, hogy léteznek
Már nem számítok semmire
Nem érdekel, ha én vagyok az első, bármi megfelel
Csak ölelj engem
Nincs szükségem szerelemre, nem tudom elviselni
Tovább halmozod fel a megszállottságodat
Hunyd be a szemed, fújd ki magad
És csak álmodj valaki másról
Elveszettnek érezni magad nem vicces
Vigyél bárhova és mindenhova, ahova mész
Kihányod a csodálatodat, nemde?
Hadd érezzelek téged, annyira, hogy fájjon
Ah, igazán bosszantó
Ez a valóság kifordult világa
Az a széles hát, azok a karcsú ujjak
Nem kell, hogy az enyémek legyenek
Szenvedély? Féltékenység? Mintha
Nem lehetnék ő
So don't look at me like that
Nincs szükségem szerelemre, nem tudom elviselni
Fejts meg amennyire te akarsz
Hunyd be a szemed, fújd ki magad
És csak álmodj valaki másról
Nem ismerek bűnt
Vigyél bárhova és mindenhova, ahova mész
Kihányod a csodálatodat, nemde?
Hagyom, hogy addig érezz, míg erkölcstelenné nem válsz
Nincs szükségem szerelemre, nem tudom elviselni
Tovább halmozod fel a megszállottságodat
Hunyd be a szemed, fújd ki magad
És csak álmodj valaki másról
A tekinteted tele van magánnyal
Nem okollak azért, mert elnézel
Érints jobban, játssz az egész testemmel
És sose ébressz fel ebből az álomból

Luck Day

Everything began
When I impregnated you in the Club
Perfect girl, pretty girl
Hot and beautiful lady
The people commented
You were a good lady with a good vibe
What infinite beauty!
Good and charming bahian
I perceived she was accompanied
He was visible from afar
But they fell out with each other
I didn't loss time, I went to talk with her
I used the most popular pickup line
And she fall with me
Today is my luck day
Luck, luck
I'll sleep with someone
My love
I know
What she wants from me (she doesn't have fear)
I got
Addicted to you... to you (baby, I'm afraid)
She held my hand
Kissed me and I'm mad
Tonight is mine and no one can disturb it
Today is my luck day
Luck, luck
I'll sleep with someone
My love
I've ever tried to run away, but your perfume calls me
I won't lie, your bonfire calls me
I've never had a love so big like this
You're my honey, baby, you're amazing, my baby
Everything began
When I impregnated you in the Club
Perfect girl, pretty girl
Today is my...

Mániákus bébi

Aranyos? Cuki? Szexi? Csinos? Menő? vagy Elegáns?
Hogyan támadjalak le téged ma?
Megvillantva az abszolút területem kontrasztját, ez egy gondolatpróba és hibafolyamat
De nincs semmi kétség, ki fogom sajátítani a tekintetedet
Reménykedj érte, kívánkozz érte, keress engem többet és többet
Minden úgy lesz, ahogy te akarod
Öltöztess át, változtass át, csinálj amit akarsz velem
És mindeközben ölelj szorosan!
Bébi fiú!
A rajongásom nem fog abbamaradni, szóval siess és rabolj el
Mondd, még csak nem is vagyok az álmaidban? Ki tükröződik a szemeidben?
Ha rá tudlak venni, hogy megfordulj és rám nézz, minden meg fogok tenni
Csak én vagyok a méltó párod, én egoista hercegem
Tudod, hogy csak te jársz a fejemben, szóval ne tettesd, hogy nem ismered az érzéseimet
Állítsd meg a fájdalmat a mellkasomban és törődj velem többet
Mániákus bébi!
Meg fogok fulladni ebben, szóval siess és vegyél ki
Tudod, hogy fülig szerelmes vagyok beléd, csak egy ember tükröződik a szemeimben
Miért vagy ennyire érzékeny? Miért lehetsz boldogtalan?
Vagy talán meg kellene próbálnom kikiáltanom ezeket az ésszerűtlen gondolatokat
Szeretlek! Szükségem van rád!
Csakis azért születtem erre a földre, hogy találkozhassak veled!