Versions: #1We go•intertwined the two,1
of laces and•smooth velour.2
Me, with a recruit•of arrowroot ...3
and You, haughty and so serious ...
The people are watching
with envy•around the alley ...4
Murmur the neighbourhood,
our friends, ... the Burgomaster !
Say that•'it's not styled just now'
my fancy-comb or your tiepin brooch ...5
Say that•'it's not styled, no, no',
my medallion or your cingulum ...
I know that•are styled
your great eyes•and my pride ! ...6
... when I am on your arm,
at the Sun•and without hurry ...
To us•expect
our coachman•in front
of the•Sanctuary Major,
and with jog-trotty7•walk along by the Paseo ...
touching•the wing
of your Stetson -the best-8
and I wave gracefully•my kerchief ...
'Not styled'.
I know that•it's not styled ...
... but, if you wear to the banquet
jessamines in the eyelet ...❤
Certainly, it seems•a game,
but there's•nothing better
that to be•a Lord, of those ...
... who watched•my ancestors !9
- 1. Amarraditos = entrelazados = intertwined
- 2. Espumas = encajes = laces
- 3. Almidón = arrowroot
- 4. Calle = alley. Diccionario Cuyás 1979, página 24
- 5. Peinetón = fancy-comb
Pasador = tiepin brooch - 6. Ojazos = great eyes
- 7. Jog-trotty = trotecito lento
- 8. Stetson = una muy famosa marca de sombreros
- 9. Abuelos = ancestros, en sentido figurado.
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