Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 36



Öt éves korunk óta együtt voltunk
Olyan szép volt
Mindenki szemében Emma volt a sztár
És mikor azt mondta, filmsztár lesz
Senki sem nevetett
Egy angyali arc
Bármi lehetett
Emma, Emmaline
Magasra fogom írni a neved a vászonra
Emma, Emmaline
Olyan nagy sztárrá foglak tenni, amilyet még nem látott a világ
Tizenhét évesen összeházasodtunk
Éjt nappallá téve dolgoztam
Hogy meglegyen a napi betevőnk
És minden nap Emma elment
Keresni azt a játékot
Ami soha, sohasem akadt az útjába
Tudod, néha hazajött
Olyan szomorúan
Hallottam sírni a hátsó szobában
Annyira aggódtam
És visszaemlékeztem, mikor öt éves volt
A kimondott szavaira
Emmaline életre kelt
Így szólt:
Emma, Emmaline
Magasra fogom írni a neved a vászonra
Emma, Emmaline
Olyan nagy sztárrá foglak tenni, amilyet még nem látott a világ'
Sötét és hideg decemberi éjszaka volt
Mikor kinyitottam a hálószoba ajtaját
Mozdulatlanul és hidegen feküdt
Az ágyon
Egy szerelmes levél hevert a padlón
Ez állt benne:
'Kedvesem, szeretlek
De nem tudok tovább az álmaimból élni
Nagyon erősen próbálkoztam nem egyedül hagyni téged
De csak nem tudok tovább próbálkozni
Aaargh, Emmaline ...
Aaargh ...
Emma, Emmaline ...
Aaargh ...
Emma, Emmaline ...


You've hurt me
I often feel anxiety.
You're a sweet girl
Unique for somebody
One cocoa-flavored kiss
One kiss and I get drunk on love
Your body is like made of chocolate
A taste that I would like forever
Sweet lips, filled with sugar
Hold a piece of you for me
Hold a piece of me for you
I'm what you like, a chocolate
I'm what you like and drives you crazy
You want me as much I want you and makes me ill...drives me crazy
Makes me ill...drives me crazy
Makes me ill...drives me crazy
As in fairy tales, like she got out of a lamp
Expensive pearl brown like chocolate
A beauty that has amazed me
I want you permanently, day and night
Your body is like made of chocolate
A taste that I would like forever
Sweet lips, filled with sugar
Hold a piece of you for me
Hold a piece of me for you
I'm what you like, a chocolate
I'm what you like and drives you crazy
You want me as much I want you and makes me ill...drives me crazy
Makes me ill...drives me crazy
Makes me ill...drives me crazy

English chocolate

I came to visit you because you don't,
I brought you a box of english chocolate.
I don't know if you like to see me here
but there's something we're gonna talk about...
How pretty is your house in white it's fine,
mine is waiting for you, you can see it from here.
It's been two years I want to find you
because there's something we're gonna talk about...
I've been thinking, and I still can't believe,
that my love and the moon have offended you.
So it's worthless the sincerity
of opening up and show the truth...
Can I get in? I'm a bit thirsty,
look in my eyes and explain me why
if we were always so close and in peace
you never went looking for me again...
A wound over another will always hurt
a car brought me here.
I move a little to not disturb
maybe you find happiness...
If time has passed, you could understand,
changing that face you'd do me good.
It's not all a laughter, honestly I don't know what to do...!
with the english chocolate.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


Do you like chocolate, mami?
My soul loves you,
You are the light of my spring,
Of my spring, ay ay ay
You don't see, you don't see
Ay mami mami, you 'is'
My sky, my moon
My only fortune
Ay, handsome, daddy, my soul loves you
Daddy daddy daddy daddy
Gimme gimme gimme your soul
Handsome daddy, my soul loves you
Daddy daddy daddy daddy
Gimme gimme gimme your soul
Choco choco choco choco choco chocolate
Choco choco choco choco choco chocolate.
Mami, mami, ay mami mami mami.
Choco choco choco choco choco chocolate.
Choco choco choco choco choco chocolate.
Mami, mami, ay mami mami mami.
Listen to me mami mami
Listen to me mami mami, my heart
The words from my heart
Heart, heart
You don't see, you don't
No, mami, mami, you 'is'
Ay mami, ay mami
You are my soul
Ay, handsome, daddy, my soul loves you
Daddy daddy daddy daddy
Gimme gimme gimme your soul
Handsome daddy, my soul loves you
Daddy daddy daddy daddy
Gimme gimme gimme your soul
Choco choco choco choco choco chocolate
Choco choco choco choco choco chocolate.
Mami, mami, ay mami mami mami.
Choco choco choco choco choco chocolate.
Choco choco choco choco choco chocolate.
Mami, mami, ay mami mami mami.
Do you like chocolate, mami?