Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 12

Találatok száma: 506



Your soul is as a moonlit landscape fair,
Peopled with maskers delicate and dim,
That play on lutes and dance and have an air
Of being sad in their fantastic trim.
The while they celebrate in minor strain
Triumphant love, effective enterprise,
They have an air of knowing all is vain,—
And through the quiet moonlight their songs rise,
The melancholy moonlight, sweet and lone,
That makes to dream the birds upon the tree,
And in their polished basins of white stone
The fountains tall to sob with ecstasy.
My own translations are protected by copyrights. Commercial use only with my written permission, private use free if the author is mentioned.


Your soul is as a moonlit landscape fair,
Peopled with maskers delicate and dim,
That play on lutes and dance and have an air
Of being sad in their fantastic trim.
The while they celebrate in minor strain
Triumphant love, effective enterprise,
They have an air of knowing all is vain,—
And through the quiet moonlight their songs rise,
The melancholy moonlight, sweet and lone,
That makes to dream the birds upon the tree,
And in their polished basins of white stone
The fountains tall to sob with ecstasy.
My own translations are protected by copyrights. Commercial use only with my written permission, private use free if the author is mentioned.

In the moonlight

Versions: #3
Your soul is a well-chosen landscape
Where roam charming masks and bergamasques
Playing the lute and dancing and seeming almost
Sad under their whimsical disguises.
While singing in a minor key
Of victorious love and good life
They don't seem to believe in their own happiness
And their song mingles with the moonlight,
With the sad and beautiful moonlight,
That makes the birds in the trees dream
And sob with ecstasy the water streams,
The tall slim water streams among the marbles.
My own translations are protected by copyrights. Commercial use only with my written permission, private use free if the author is mentioned.


So long as we know that Juliette was blonde
And that Romeo was madly in love
So long as we know that the Earth is round
And that it has been traveled around
We'll see the departing processions
Of lost pretty dreams
And will turn, turn the roundabout
Of forbidden loves
Your name suits love so well
Your name will always sing
In the hearts of girls from the suburbs
You, who knew how to die for love
If it were today, you would go to Scotland
With your Juliette on your arm
You would go there, without attire or carriage
And just put the ring on her finger
You would forget your callous parents
But you, poor you
To save an impossible love
You had no other choice
Your name suits love so well
Your name will always sing
In the hearts of girls from the suburbs
You, who knew how to die for love

You are dead, my life

Versions: #2
You are dead, my life, and I still breathe?
You are gone from me
Never to return, and I should remain?
No, for if verses can do anything,
I will go in safety to the deepest abysses,
And having softened the heart of the King of shades,
I will bring you back with me to see the stars again:
Oh, if wicked destiny refuses me this,
I will stay with you, in the company of death.
Farewell earth, farewell Heaven and Sun, farewell.

Kapkodom A Levegőt

Versions: #2
Nem akarom, hogy hátrahagyjanak
A távolság a barátom volt
Kapkodom a levegőt a hazugságok hálójában
Az életem nagy részét azzal töltöttem,
Hogy hullámokat lovagoltam, akrobatát játszottam
Elrejtve ezzel a másik felét az életemnek
Megtanultam hogyan reagáljak
Az időm nagy részét azzal töltöttem,
Hogy kapkodom a levegőt, elengedem ezt az egészet, Odafordítom a másik orcám is a műsor kedvéért
Most, hogy már tudod, ez az életem, Nem fogják megmondani nekem mi lenne a helyes
Kapkodom a levegőt, senki sem tarthat vissza, Nekem erre nincs időm
Kapkodom a levegőt, nem hagyom, hogy lehúzzanak, Minden olyan egyszerű most már
Megszállottja vagyok a szeretetnek, amit találtam
A nehéz szívem, most egy súlytalan felhő
Időt szakítok azokra, akik számítanak
Azzal fogom tölteni a hátralévő időmet,
Hogy letekert ablakon át nevetek ki
Az egész városban otthagyom a lábnyomom
Tovább hiszek, a karmával bezárul a kör
Azzal fogom tölteni a hátralévő életem,
Hogy kapkodom a levegőt, elengedem ezt az egészet, Odafordítom a másik orcám is a műsor kedvéért
Most, hogy már tudod, ez az életem, Nem fogják megmondani nekem mi lenne a helyes
Kapkodom a levegőt, senki sem tarthat vissza, Nekem erre nincs időm
Kapkodom a levegőt, nem hagyom, hogy lehúzzanak, Minden olyan egyszerű most már
Te segítettél meglátni
A szépet mindenben
Kapkodom a levegőt, elengedem ezt az egészet, Odafordítom a másik orcám is a műsor kedvéért
Most, hogy már tudod, ez az életem, Nem fogják megmondani nekem mi lenne a helyes
Kapkodom a levegőt, elengedem ezt az egészet, Odafordítom a másik orcám is a műsor kedvéért
Most, hogy már tudod, ez az életem, Nem fogják megmondani nekem mi lenne a helyes
Kapkodom a levegőt
Kapkodom a levegőt, senki sem tarthat vissza, Nekem erre nincs időm
Kapkodom a levegőt, nem hagyom, hogy lehúzzanak, Minden olyan egyszerű most már (Minden olyan egyszerű most már)
Kapkodom a levegőt, elengedem ezt az egészet, Odafordítom a másik orcám is a műsor kedvéért
Most, hogy már tudod, ez az életem, Nem fogják megmondani nekem mi lenne a helyes
Kapkodom a levegőt, senki sem tarthat vissza, Nekem erre nincs időm
Kapkodom a levegőt, nem hagyom, hogy lehúzzanak, Minden olyan egyszerű most már

I See You Combed Your Hair

I see you combed your hair, dyed it blonde
I see you combed your hair, dyed it blonde
Did you ever know you roped me into myself
Did you ever know you roped me into myself
Wish I had never seen you, had never lost my heart to you
Wish I had never seen you, had never lost my heart to you
Wish I had never had the heart to call out your name
Wish I had never had the heart to call you 'plain'

Solo [The only thing I have is you]

I'll walk, I'll search for you
and when I find you I'll tell you
forgive me about yesterday
I did you wrong, I know
It's so hard to get you out
of my mind
listen to me, look at me
don't go away from me
The only thing ohhhh
I have is you
The only thing ohhhh
I have is you
I will never close my heart
To you
I know you will think twice
to come back to me
The only thing ohhhh
I have is you
The only thing ohhhh
I have is you
Don't be cruel to me, my love
Give me your love
Don't be cruel against my pain
Please understand me
The only thing ohhhh
I have is you
Don't be cruel to me, my love
Give me your love
Don't be cruel against my pain
Please understand me
The only thing ohhhh
I have is you
The only thing ohhhh
I have is you
The only thing ohhhh

As Always

Verse 1
I get up, caress you a little, I won't wake you up, yes, as always.
On you, I'll roll up the blue blanket, yes, as always
And then I'll caress your hair, yes, as always
But you, you won't look at me, yes, as always.
Verse 2
And then, I'll be quiet, you know, I'll go to the other room, yes, as always.
There I'll drink my coffee, and it'll be already late, yes, as always.
I won't look back anymore, I have to run, yes, as always
But you, you won't understand, yes, as always
And, as always, my day, I'll gamble with it, I'll lose it
And, as always, we'll laugh, yes, as always, about you and me
And, as always, I won't care, yes, as always.
Verse 3
And then everything will end, I'll come back, yes, as always.
And you, you be there, you'll still be away, yes, as always.
And I, I'll feel so useless, yes, as always
My tears, I'll hide them, yes, as always.
But, as always, my night, I'll gamble with it, I'll win it.
Yes, as always, you'll come back, yes, as always, I'll wait for you
And, as always, you'll smile at me, yes, as always
And, as always, we'll hug, yes, as always, we'll kiss
And, as always, love will win, yes, as always.
And, as always, we'll hug, yes, as always, we'll kiss
And, as always, love will win, yes, as always.
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Romani Girl

Such mysterious looks
No one can forget her face
Your red lips that are going to burn me
She's going to take me heart away with her oh, ohh
Lady, save your love for me
I know you're out there
But, lady, save your love for me
Because I'll wait for you
Romani girl, Romani girl, love is like a dance
Romani girl, Romani girl, the street is calling me
Romani girl, Romani girl, love is like a dance
Romani girl, Romani girl, the street is calling me
The street is calling me
Romani girl
You got me eating out of the palm of your hands
Tell me do you do this with every man
In truth I can't stand it anymore
I miss your body
Look at what you're doing to me
She's an enchantress
Skin so pretty, like cinnamon
I still feel your hands
The touch of your hands
Look at what you're doing to me
Lady, save your love for me
I know you're out there
But, lady, save your love for me
Because I'll wait for you
Romani girl, Romani girl, love is like a dance
Romani girl, Romani girl, the street is calling me
Romani girl, Romani girl, love is like a dance
Romani girl, Romani girl, the street is calling me
The street is calling me

Dialogue of Stars (rhyming & singable)

Selected by stage in the spotlight who’ll get the star
At the top of the tall tower?
The silently burning flames of the passion are heatedly scorching us asking for power
The ring of horrid fate, I literally hate to be manipulated at will though I am ill
So fly off
For sure that day I saw the bright stars hit her
And me twinkling bursting open to rob us
Of desires but wanting to glitter
On the stage and brought the promise
The story’d already started moving when
The starry night raised the sublime red curtain
Touching the promise I was born again
And so could meet you here for certain
With swords once again

Slave and Master

Versions: #2
I don't know what it is about your eyes,
I don't know what it is about your mouth (lips)
that dominates my cravings (desires)
and turns my blood crazy.
I don't know how I wound up loving you
nor how you I went onto adoring,
wishing for death a thousand times
when upon you I am not gazing.
At night when I lay myself down
to god I ask I forget you
and at dawn I awake
only just to adore you.
What influence your lips hold
that when they kiss me I tremble?
They make me feel like a slave
and master of the universe.
At night when I lay myself down
to god I ask to forgive you
and at dawn I awake
only just to adore you.
What influence your lips hold
that when they kiss me I tremble?
They make me feel like a slave
and master of the universe.

Music Box

A dusty box set
and inside a picture
with your first boyfriend
cavalry lieutenant ...
On the hand-embroidered tablecloth
the pretzels with a tea
in your Venetian living room
the 5 - 4 - 23 …
Boat trips
your babysitter, a Chopin nocturne
a kiss on your hand
a camellia
a lapin muff
and deep in your tired eyes you have left
that strokes your white hair
and takes you away…
Jesus, Jesus, you may say,
how funny I was!
You’ll smile, but you’ll feel a lump in your throat:
how beautiful you were
and what are you now?
An old music box
that no longer works…
In the reading room, after lunch,
lying on the sofa
you were reading eagerly a novel
with some phrases a bit risqué …
And on Thursday morning at a concert
with your parents at the “Odeon”
you were very bored
and were already thinking of the Charleston.
Baths at the beach
your horse
and a bamboo parasol
your braids, your dance card
and the cuckoo clock …
Now they have left you alone
now they have ran away
and maybe your picture
comforts you a little …
Jesus, Jesus, you may say,
how foolish I am!
And from your sweater you’ll pull out a handkerchief
and you will wonder
if staying down here on earth is good for something
to an old music box
that no longer works…

Life is now

Life is now
In the old hostel of the earth
And each one is in a room
And in a history
Made of mornings so light
And skies frayed with hope
And with silences to listen to
And you’ll be surprised that you’re singing
But you don’t know why
Life is now
In the afternoons just a little fresh
That make you feel sleepy
And the bells make the clouds spin
And it rains on the hairs
And on the tables of the sidewalk cafés
And you’re wondering, unsure, who you are
You are…
Are you…
It’s you…
It’s you who’s pushing on your heart
And the hard work
To be a man and not to know
What the future will be
It’s you, in the time that makes us bigger
And alone amid the world
With the angst to search together
For a deeper good
And for another one who gives you breath
And takes care of you
With an expectation of wanting to be more
Not realizing what it is
And you’re returning my looks
In this immense moment
Over the noise of the crowd
Tell me if this makes any sense
Life is now
In the sweet air of an after-dinner
And children’s faces against the panes
And meadows smoothing themselves like kittens
And millions of stars sticking to the street lamps
While you’ll be wondering where you are
You are…
Are you…
It’s you…
It’s you who’ll be carrying your love
On a hundred, a thousand roads
Because there’s no end to the journey
Even if a dream falls
It’s you who has a new wind in his arms
While coming to me
And you will learn that
A sunset is enough to die
In a joy that hurts
More than melancholy
And in any evening you’ll find yourself
Don’t throw yourself away
And don’t let a day go by
To find yourself again
Son of a sky so beautiful
Because life is now
It’s now
It’s now

The First Christmas Without You

I don't wanna wake up
I feel your hands
I know I have everything that I've ever wished for
Sneaking up to the bed
Smiling and seeing that it's snowing now
Light snowflakes dancing now, it's glittering outside
And suddenly it hits me
This is the first Christmas without you
A first Christmas will be celebrated without you
You're shining bright but darkness is assaulting me
The first Christmas without you
I want to be able to breathe
I miss your hands
Sitting here by myself for a moment when nobody bothers me
Looking at hold pictures
Smiling at all the memories
Dreaming that I'm dancing around the room with you
And suddenly it hits me
This is the first Christmas without you
A first Christmas will be celebrated without you
You're shining bright but darkness is assaulting me
The first Christmas without you
I don't want to wake up
I feel your hands
I want to be able to breathe
I miss your hands
I don't want to wake up
I feel your hands
I want to be able to breathe
I miss your hands
This is the first Christmas without you
A first Christmas will be celebrated without you
You're shining bright but darkness is assaulting me
The first Christmas without you
Translation mine, unless otherwise specified// Översättningar är mina om ej anges nedan

Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar

A lady of thirty years ago

My indiscreet heart
still can't find peace,
more and more awake and restless
it doesn't give up despite its age.
Today it reminded me very secretly,
of a lady of thirty years ago.
In nineteen-nineteen,
dressed in voile and chiffon,
I met you, I don't remember where,
on the main street or maybe at a cotillon ball.
I remember the eyes, the eyes alone,
a bit marked with the blue pencil,
then I swore to you I loved you eternally.
Your name was... I can't remember.
My life is lost
if love goes away.
Today my unchanging heart,
which doesn't give up despite its age,
is still looking for its stranger lady
its lady of thirty years ago.
I remember the first kiss I gave you
shivering for emotion and passion,
a soft kiss, shy and sensible
through that short garçonne hair.
Then I led you... I can't remember where,
and you told me... I can't remember what.
In nineteen-nineteen
perhaps your name was... youth...
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

It's Too Late For a Goodbye

It's too late for a 'Goodbye',
Too much has happened already
But when you want to say farewell
Just say, 'I'll be seeing you.'
Feelings don't freeze
When snow falls on roses.
One winter does not rob us of the strength
That keeps us together.
We both may need some time
In order to understand at last.
The sea remains as a memory
When we see each other again.
And so tell me before you leave
'I'll be seeing you somewhere'
Perhaps very soon it might become
For us a 'Hey, hello!'
It's too late for a goodbye
Too much has happened already
But when you want to say farewell
Just say, 'I'll be seeing you.'
And when you have to say farewell
Just say, 'I'll be seeing you.'
Please alert me when spelling, print or other inconsistencies are spotted. Thank you!

Till we meet again Claire

Till we meet again, Claire - if it were summer again
We'd holiday twice more on the blue sea
Till we meet again, Claire - it's not summer anymore
Everything looks different, for long you've been home
The other one here
May not know how wonderful
Our hours were
In the summer wind
Till we meet again, Claire - if it were summer again
I wouldn't let you go anymore, as it was far too beautiful
Till we meet again, Claire - it's not summer anymore
But I want that time back with you
If the other one loves you
Why did he let you go? (Why did he let you go?)
That you're still holding on to him
I'll never understand, never understand
Till we meet again, Claire - if it were summer again
Indeed, I'd risk a fight for you
That was for me
No fleeting love
This dream of a summer night
Doesn't go away
Till we meet again, Claire - if it were summer again
We'd holiday twice more on the blue sea
Till we meet again, Claire - it's not summer anymore
But I wish it were summer again

Slave blues

Being black
Is a color
But being a slave
I don't stomach it
It wears me out
To work so much all day long
The lands of the damned lord
The fellows
Think alike
Of there's a Spatacus
Who doesn't waste time
And changes this
Or we all go back to Gambia
From Kunta Kinte to today
Little improvements
Let's see if now with the civil war
They admit our cotton union
That namely
Wants to obtain
Sunday free days, a normal income
Two bonuses, a holiday month
And a pension after retirement
To be treated
With dignity
Like fellows
To end with
The wipes
The lord's whips
And the droit de seigneur
And who feels like it, go back
To Senegal
To run naked on the jungle
With the wife and the boy
To go natural
Raising neck and forehead
Like sister ostrich
For not being told
That we're zulus
To sing this blues
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Your smile is in my heart

I've got your smile in my heart
It's my small lucky flower
When you smile, heaven is in my life
Your smile is like the morning star
It's my friend, it's my pal
And I say thanks, one hundred times thanks
When a rose flowers
It's because you smile passing by
You are sun and fresh water, and honey
Smile to me, my love, smile to me
Everything shines through you
My way is blue under the grey sky
When you smile
I've got your smile in my heart
It's my small lucky flower
My love flower, my cockade
On a fine day you smile and life answers you
Everything scatters into songs
I listen to them and I tell you
Thanks, thanks

The Secret World of Santa Claus Intro (French)

Santa Claus, how do you guess
The toys I dream of ?
How do you know
That my bike should be red and black
And how do you find the chimney
Under the white snowed roofs ?
How ? I don't know !
I don't know !
Yet, I know that, in the permanent snow,
Into your secret world, Santa Claus,
You're thinking about me, you're thinking about me
Santa Claus, I only write to you once a year
Yet you don't ever forget me
When I want for you into the dark
Even when I pretend not to believe in you.
You keep your life hidden,
(But) I know you'll love me forever.
I'm thinking about you, Santa Claus !


Summer-wind, brought colours under a blue sky
When in the evening, in between young love, you still were there
You who mumbled in a dark corner 'she loves you'
I believed in it and got disappointed, where are you now?
You leave me alone dying from love, tell me, what are you doing?
Autumn-wind you blew the leafs from the branch
Wind, you take away every season, but tonight I won't play anymore
Wind, you make kites fly, then make them fall down
Wind I hate you, I despise you, you put out the sun in my soul
Also break the wings of my time, then disappear, where are you going?
Winter-wind, you cover colours and my blue sky
When in the morning, in between torment and pain, you are always here
You who makes me hope that in spring she will love me
I won't fall for it and go back to life, stronger than ever
I try everything to make it stop, you will see
From a black crow I will turn into a seagull
Wind, no, I will not indulge you, this time you won't push me down
I will send the kite higher until it's not seen anymore
Wind, you will eat from my hand like a tired sparrow and then
We will fly together slowly, until finding her
Wind, Wind, Wind, Wind

Kritikus követelés

Csitt, csend legyen, még a végén felidegesítesz valakit
Például engem, rohadék, túl régóta csinálod
Míg mások bizonytalanságán élősködöl
Előttem állsz és megharap a kezet, ami enni ad
(Álszentséged kezd unalmassá válni)
Hazugságok a fejedben, a legjobb barátod
(Vérzik a szív, de nem a többi emberért)
Törött üveg, hamis tükörképed
Elég volt, itt az idő valami valósra
Nem tiszteled a kimondott szavaidat
Túl messzire mentél, egy klón
Szóval milyen érzés tudni, hogy valakinek a gyerekének, Amerika szívében, véres a keze
Azért harcolva, hogy megvédd a jogait, így fent tudod tartani azt az életstílust, ami sérti ennek a családnak a létezését
Nos, ahonnan én származom, ott van egy különleges köszöntésünk, magasra célzunk a levegőbe
Azok a pompás seggfejek felé, akik egész nap csak mutogatnak
Kapjátok be!
Csitt, csend legyen, még a végén felidegesítesz valakit
Például ennek az országnak a szívverését, mikor túl sokáig állsz ellen
Átkozott legyek, ha engem is beleveszel a nagylelkű képmutatásodba
Ellenségeket gyűjtve
(Bulvárlapos pletykakirálynő, értéktelen férfi)
Nem muszáj eltemetnünk téged
(Önző napirendi pont, még egyszer)
Pontosan így, megástad a saját sírodat
Elég volt, itt az idő valami valósra
Nem tiszteled a kimondott szavaidat
Túl messzire mentél, egy klón
Kelettől egészen nyugatig
Van ez a felső tízezer, akik lenéznek erre az alapzatra
Folyamatosan emlékeztetve minket, hogy a tetteink minden problémájuk forrása
Mindenfelé mutogatnak
Saját nemzetüket okolják azért, hogy ki nyeri a választásokat
Egy kibaszott dologgal sem járultak hozzá az országhoz, amit annyira szeretnek kritizálni
Bocsánat az illetlen szavakért, hagyd figyelmen kívül a hazugságot
Az ábrázolást látjuk, próbálunk keresztüljutni rajta
Nem árthat, ha bevalljuk a hibáinkat
Nem én vagyok az utolsó, de biztos, nem az első sem
Csitt, csend legyen, még a végén felidegesítesz valakit
(Álszentséged kezd unalmassá válni)
Hazugságok a fejedben, a legjobb barátod
(Vérzik a szív, de nem a többi emberért)
Törött üveg, hamis tükörképed
Elég volt, itt az idő valami valósra
Nem tiszteled a kimondott szavaidat
Túl messzire mentél, egy klón...

I will cry

The wind has helped me with its bellowing gust,
With its furious waves the sea has helped me too.
I will cry.
All along the way I will call the stones,
The bushes, the ditches, the trees, even the forests.
I will cry.
When I hear a voice
And feel something in my chest,
I will cry.
So as to make the meat in my throat blow up!
So as to make my blood rush in a primal scream!
I will cry, I will cry!
I will cry, I will cry!
Like a man who's stopped to look at the horizon
A man who's finally free from the weight of his chains
That were forged by mad kings and bloody barons,
And monks, all red from the glow of the fire
Where my brothers from the past have burned alive
Who have sung about love and human friendship
And eaten white bread made of freedom!
I will cry, I will cry!
I will cry, I will cry!

Secrets words

Our old dog understood englsih
And never stop to be upset
So we spell all words that we don't want he understand
Yes we say S-U-G-A-R
Becase if he take more than two
We must going to make him a I-N-J-E-C-T-I-O-N
He does'nt support that we considere him like
And he doesn't want to that we
O-F-F-L-E-A-S-H him
If I put Susie on my knees
It make him really jealous
So we're waiting he's aslept
For K-I-S-S-I-N-G us
Quietly without he glances us
We have trouble in all the block
He's thinlikg only to love (as his master)
However he's all peeled
Old beau style
Beside his littles L-E-G-S
He did really well for having
with all the she-dogs around.
When I told to Susie, we need to bring him
Without offending him
To the V-E-T-E-R-I-N-A-R-Y, the vet
In order to C-A-S-T-R-A-T-E him
That's where he told us : Hey, you two
don't take me for a M-O-R-O-N
don't take me for a M-O-R-O-N
Oh yeah !

I'm like the wind, it was fate

The snow whitens the night, the day ends, and life is afar
Alone I travel, with my shadow by the frigid river
In and out of the mountains, it is as desolate as a city within a mirage
I'll reign the ice and settle among the dreary mountains
The wind blows, the frost howls for millennia, and then my heart is brought to comfort
I must devote my body to the sea, my blood to the country
Don't come close, don't spy
The shadows still exist
Following the conventions of society, my heart can still suffer kindness to exist
Till yesterday life was never constant, today there is nowhere I can go
But I'm free from all those now
I'm like the wind, it was fate
Don't compare the bird with the lying prisoner
I'm like the rainbow, let the sky be however wide
For the time being, let the commotion rage on itself
No more words, I will not force myself to conformity
The snow and wind spread and break
Only I, dare to brave the frost alone
The sneering laughter and chimney smoke are far away
The neat houses are far away
In the past I was afraid, but now they can't restrain me
To follow the tide of time, what can I do?
With my power, I shall shock the world
Who's right, who's wrong?
Act according to my own will
I'm like the wind, it was fate
The weather will not chastise me for being free
I'm like the rainbow, let the sky be however wide
The first rays of sunshine are met after the rain
I reign this winter palace, I split the ground for my tower
Unafraid of the harrowing winds
My strength can raise a thousand pounds, my breath runs through the earth
I gather my spirit to pacify and capture the ice
The sprinting snowdrift like crushed marble stirs with life, heavier than the cobweb, lighter than catkins
The ice crystals, like flowers, twist and collect my beautiful thoughts
My palace stuns all viewers
My eye looks through the past, why should I care about going back?
I'm like the wind, it was fate
I'll be the sun and drive the night away
I'm like the rainbow, let the sky be however wide
Hurriedly I pass the gap, and am nowhere to be seen
I reign this winter palace, reaching high for the sun
The snow and wind spread and break
Only I, dare to brave the frost alone


Bom Lia!
Tonight we're gonna party, let's go
I don't give a fuc-woo-woo about time
We're going to rock out
Hold your glass, it's an earthquake
Tonight I don't care about anything
She bounces, bounces, bounces
I'm sharper than a knife
Hold your glass, it's an earthquake
Oh tremble, tremble
It's an earthquake
Oh tremble, tremble
It's an earthquake
Tremble, so tremble, so tremble
tremble, so tremble, so tremble
Just the way I like it
Tremble, tremble
Tremble, tremble
Tremble, tremble
Just the way I like it
Tremble, tremble
Tremble, tremble
Tremble, tremble
Gloria Groove!
Tonight we're gonna party, let's go
I don't give a fuc-woo-woo about time
You can call Lia and Gloria
Hold your glass, it's an earthquake
We may not be a meteor, but you can 'pow'
The rogue and the reckless become popstars
A powerful earthquake on the dancefloor
Scored 10 on the Richter scale
A tsunami, you can come and drown in me
Better highlighted than Tufão, Carminha
You can call me Hurricane Katrina
The kinda girls who dances and shakes
Oh tremble, tremble
It's an earthquake
Oh tremble, tremble
It's an earthquake
Tremble, so tremble, so tremble
tremble, so tremble, so tremble
Just the way I like it
Tremble, tremble
Tremble, tremble
Tremble, tremble
Just the way I like it
Tremble, tremble
(Tremble, tremble, go!)
Tremble, tremble
(Tremble, tremble, ui!)
Tremble, tremble
(You're gonna tremble)
Just the way I like it
Tremble, tremble
Tremble, tremble
Tremble, tremble
(Tremble, tremble, tremble)
Ai, ai, ai, ai, ai, ai
Hoorah, Lia Clark
(Tremble, tremble)
Hoorah, Gloria Groove
(Tremble, tremble)
That's right, hey!
Hold this up
(Tremble, tremble)
Hold your glass, it's an earthquake

The Land Belongs To You

Where are you going to play with your buddies ?
Where will your spores flow ?
Where are you going to fall, get up and cry
And where are you going to watch the sunset stretching for miles ?
What are we leaving for our children ?
What are we going, one day, to show ?
What's right or wrong, will I ever know ?
What makes us forget about years of labour ?
I leave you the sun and the sea and the country, my child
Promise you will find me at the end
My flag will continue to blow and the seeds I will sow for you
And I will keep you safe
I leave you the sun and the sea and the country, my child
The Lord hears me - We'll find a life
My flag will continue to blow and the seeds I will sow for you
I promise you : The land belongs to you
All of my publications are personal-made translations and you can republish them anywhere else unless it's stated otherwise

You don't die from love

My syndrome is unique and infects the soul
In the mechanisms, full cardiogram
I am rusty to the bone, gotta change the machinery
Gotta throw out all of my equipment
I'm afraid I've ruined myself by giving too much and loving badly
I got lost
I got lost
The pain that is eating me up is serious
The doctor will do his best
You don't die from love
You don't die from love
You don't die from love
But I'm calling for help
I need repairing but where could I find the courage
To regain health for this body, for this cage
There are some words you don't recover from
You watch for under the skin, we know they sleep there
The pain that is eating me up is serious
The doctor is doing his best
The pain that is eating me up is serious
The doctor will do his best
You don't die from love
You don't die from love
You don't die from love
You don't die from love
You don't die from love
You don't die from love
You don't die from love
But I'm calling for help

A kert

Én soha nem szerettem téged
Kevesebb, mint semmit
Örökké, kedvesem.
Ha az égben is boldog vagy
Vegyél, örökké
Vigyázom a környékedet.
A helyem a virágok.
Most már nem vagy
Én öntözöm a kerted.
A helyem a virágok.
Most már nem vagy
Én öntözöm a kerted.
Már ígértem, hogy
Majd egyszer változom
Vagy nagyobb megprobálok lenni.
Ha az égből is boldog vagy
Vegyél mert ígérem, hogy
Örökké a bátorságodra.
A helyem a virágok.
Most már nem vagy
Én öntözöm a kerted.
A helyem a virágok.
Most már nem vagy
Én öntözöm a kerted.
Most már nem vagy, öntözöm a kerted.
Most már nem vagy, öntözöm a kerted.
Most már nem vagy
Most már nem vagy, öntözöm a kerted.

Little Swing

The wave arrived, it gives you goosebumps
The body vibrated, go following the dance
The wave arrived, it gives you goosebumps
The body vibrated, go following the dance
On the platforms, it's all you hear (little swing)
And on the (little) radio, it's all you hear (little swing)
Three, two, one!
Little swing (ah)
Little swing (yeah)
Little swing
Head, waist, knee, hip
Little swing (ah)
Little swing (yeah)
Little swing
Head, waist, knee, hip
The swing levels are up
I see the people letting go
Getting into the dance
They can't resist, the swing takes over
Everybody - relax your step
Everybody is doing it, it's beautiful.
Everybody - relax your step
Everybody - relax your step
Everybody is doing it, it's beautiful.
Everybody - relax your step
Three, two, one!
Little swing (ah)
Little swing (yeah)
Little swing
Head, waist, knee, hip
Go with the swing (ah)
Little swing (yeah)
Little swing
Head, waist, knee, hip
Get into this vibe, come here, hold me
Kiss me willingly, don't deny me
I want more, I want love
I want you
Get into this vibe, come here, hold me
Kiss me willingly, don't deny me
I want more, I want love
I want you
Everybody - relax your step
Everybody is doing it, it's beautiful.
Everybody - relax your step
Three, two, one!
Little swing (ah)
Little swing (yeah)
Little swing
Head, waist, knee, hip
Get into the little swing (ah)
Little swing (oh)
Little swing (ah, ah)
Head, waist, knee, hip
Get into the little swing
Little swing (ah)
Little swing
Head, waist, knee, hip


So beautiful you could write inkpots dry
So beautiful you couldn't find a single word to describe it,
the birds would be left speechless, and the most skilled barrister1 too
your reflection in the water would be angered of being a mere echo.
Beautiful as an ocean setting down, as a shard of crystal
that would splash white light on hatred and evil alike,
enough to turn blue mirrors and pictures in drawers.
Beautiful enough to make concrete cities feel emotional.
So beautiful you hardly dare talk to her
or even get near her,
as if it were a mortal sin
to come close to such a pretty beauty!
But she doesn't notice me...
And yet I already know
she's the one and I'm the one!
Beautiful, please tell me what to do for her to see me at last?
Should she go, I'll die.
Beautiful, so beautuful I would wear down all paintbrushes
trying to draw in watercolour
your infinite beauty,
I would wallow in despair for being unable to tell
what your beauty looks like without somewhat betraying it.
So beautiful you could mellow the heart of tyrans and torturers,
drive away our demons and fears, burn flags.
So beautiful you'd make bugles and drums go quiet
and give back hope to love outcasts.
So beautiful you hardly dare talk to her
or even get near her,
as if it were a mortal sin
to come close to such a pretty beauty!
But she doesn't notice me...
And yet I already know
she's the one and I'm the one!
Beautiful, please tell me what to do for her to see me at last?
Should she go, I'll die.
  • 1. lit. 'law court tenors', a common way of naming skilled barristers