Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 121


Tartsd szemmel Dant

Versions: #1
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Tudom én, hogy nem kellene nyomasztó eseménynek lennie, de az.
S úgy érzem, hogy rossz.
A kisfiam oly boldognak tűnik, dobja nekem a 'Pá, mami' puszit,
És aput szereti.
S szerettem őt is,
Talán még mindig,
De vége van.
Tartsd szemmel Dant
Ígérd meg nekem!
Elkanászodik, ha hagyod,
Így hát tartsd szemmel Dan-t (Tartsd szemmel Dan-t)
S ne felejtsd el!(És ne felejtsd)
Vasárnap ismét jövök hogy elvigyem,
Szóval tartsd szemmel Dant!
Biztos, hogy nem láthatnak, félreállok s leállítom a motort,
S a volánra csapok.
Nem hiszem el, hogy mi ilyen sokáig együtt maradtunk,
Tudva, hogy érzek.
De búcsút mondtam,
És nem sírtam,
Bár szívem fájt.
Tartsd szemmel Dant
Ígérd meg nekem!
Elkanászodik, ha hagyod,
Így hát tartsd szemmel Dan-t (Tartsd szemmel Dan-t)
S ne felejtsd el!(És ne felejtsd)
Vasárnap hétkor jövök, hogy elvigyem,
Azt hiszem, egy kicsit lefogyott…
Furcsa, hogyan
Ránt engem vissza az első randinkra.
Nos, tartsd szemmel Dant!
Tartsd szemmel Dant
Kedves ember vagy,
Törekedj arra, hogy ne izgasd fel őt!
Így hát tartsd szemmel Dan-t (Tartsd szemmel Dan-t)
S ne felejtsd el!(És ne felejtsd)
Vasárnap hétkor jövök, hogy elvigyem,
Szóval tartsd szemmel Dant!

Himnusz Oberdanhoz

Halál Ferencre, éljen Oberdan!
Halál Ferencre, éljen Oberdan!
A bombák, a bombák Orsininél,
a tőr, a tőr a kezében

A szívet kivéve minden

[Versszak 1:]
Bár gyenge van a dobogás, még dobog a szívem.
Állok előtted, az egész éjszaka megint múlt el.
Talán közben könnyebb, hogy csak feladnánk.
Nem tudhatunk szeretni szépen egymást.
De amikor megcsókuljuk,
mindig vagyok képes kívánni
újra és újra.
Törj össze a szívet kivéve minden mást.
Minden begyógyul a szívet kivéve.
Megszégyeníthetsz minden szentet,
de kímélj azt, amihez őrzök meg minden jót.
Én bizony elviselem, szavak nem megbánthatják.
Megszeghetsz minden tevő esküidet.
De kérlek, kímélj a szívemet.
Törj össze a szívet kivéve mindent.
A szívet kivéve.
[Versszak 2:]
Kiálthatod és megsértheted, de sem elindulhatod
vagy nem áthághatod a hátarokat, amikre nincsenek
visszautak. Tudom, hogy tálan lakik a fájdalom benned is.
És bármennyire is próbálkozom, nem kaphatlak sértetlenné.
De amikor megcsókuljuk,
mindig vagyok képes kívánni
újra és újra.
Törj össze a szívet kivéve minden mást.
Minden begyógyul a szívet kivéve.
Megszégyeníthetsz minden szentet,
de kímélj azt, amihez őrzök meg minden jót.
Én bizony elviselem, szavak nem megbánthatják.
Megszeghetsz minden tevő esküidet.
De kérlek, kímélj a szívemet.
Törj össze a szívet kivéve mindent.
A szívet kivéve.
[Közbülső rész:]
Hallottam elég dalokat.
Tudom, hogy ép bőrrel nem megúszható a szerelemtől.
De, kérlek.
Törj össze a szívet kivéve minden mást.
Minden begyógyul a szívet kivéve.
Megszégyeníthetsz minden szentet,
de kímélj azt, amihez őrzök meg minden jót.
Én bizony elviselem, szavak nem megbánthatják.
Megszeghetsz minden tevő esküidet.
De kérlek, kímélj a szívemet.
Törj össze a szívet kivéve mindent.
A szívet kivéve.

Szent György napja

A tavasz az én vállamra szállt
Gyöngyvirág is zöldel
Gyöngyvirág is zöldel
Bárkinek csak nekem nem
Az utak elmentek én maradtam
Nincs az esthajnalcsillag
Nincs az esthajnalcsillag
Az én útitársam
Ej, kinek ontja most a kedvesem
A gyöngyvirág illatát
A gyöngyvirág illatát
Nekem többé már nem
Itt a hajnal itt a hajnal
Istenhez epekedhetem
Itt a hajnal itt a hajnal
Ej, Szent György nap van
Nincs itt velem az akit szeretek
Az ő nevét emlegessék
Minden másik napon
Minden másik napon
Kivéve a Szent György napot

In vain struggle

Darling I'm Struggling
To Apply Yourself..
But why did you leave me
For the sake of.. someone you just met
Three Years We've Been Together
Living our love relationship
Your parents don't approve of us
It really hurts...
In vain I struggle
Wandering in the Land of People
All I do for you dear
But you ended up breaking up...
It really hurts, it hurts
Heard the news that you have been arranged
Your parents don't approve of us
I can only wish you happiness..
Three Years Been Together
Living Our Love Relationship
Your parents don't approve of us
It really hurts

Gone and over

I don't know scenario number what that I made with you in it.
My head can't take it anymore.
If I'm dead in a ditch on sidelines somewhere, know that
my murderer is still in my heart.
I'm a walking zombie,
and emotions hit my depths.
For them(emotions) to see sunshine again could be a miracle.
Maybe it was really too early to leave yet as they say.
Believe me, I closed the doors.
So tell me why are you still in love
when she is gone and it is over?
So tell me why is s/he still on your mind
when you're exhausted and resenting?
Make me believe in that lie too please.
What difference does it make if I speak my mind or not?
If I collected the things that left my heart, I'd get a me.
Now tell me, why is this loneliness?
Is there a special reason to it?
Don't resist, accept it now ah.
Is there anyone who could hold back the ones who want to leave?
So tell me why are you still in love
when she is gone and it is over?
So tell me why is s/he still on your mind
when you're exhausted and resenting?
Make me believe in that lie too please.
What difference does it make if I speak my mind or not?
If I collected the things that left my heart, I'd get a me.
What difference does it make if I speak my mind or not?
If I collected the things that left my heart, I'd get a me.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year, I wish you from my heart.
I will pick up a glass and drink it to the bottom,
wine should tell me, what everyone wants,
where are secrets hidden, that I bring you a treasure.
I know, today you will be beautiful, like never before.
Come to me into my room and tell me quietly:
it's nice to be next to a fireplace, when it's snowing outside,
let it be like that for thousand more years.
Come, when you hear bells above the village,
be here next to me and tell me on my ear:
it's nice to be next to a fireplace, when it's snowing outside,
let it be like that for thousand more years.

My Lebanese Home

I will not forget the house, the house that raised me
Hug me I was raised and it doesn't forget me
What was the sweetness of life and the gathering of loved ones?
We sit under the pergola before the door
At the hey and sings
At the hey and sings
And the Dabkeh rings outlive
The world of Manjira and Darbeka
And a digested choice and movement
We dance on German
My hands on the trolley are busy
And my mother is making Tabbouleh
And the zip-lining and the sound of a drum
The arena remains a curse
My house for the breeze is swinging
Good and affluent estate
And keep your doors open
Oh Lebanese house
my house Alcano Hajaru Dabo
From day to day
I will go back to dance
And make her happy

All The Best Things To Yourself

Don't ask me about my opinion
I don't want to be part of your consumption
So I shut down watch out for myself
You spit at me with issues
Not feeling yourself until you get peace
Hey, can we talk about this later?
'Cause you know what?
I really don't give a damn
You can have all the best things to yourself!
Yeah, do you know what?
I really don't give a damn
You can take all the best things for yourself!
Scaled back by heavy soles
The disappointment is quivering in your cheek
So I shut down and watch my back
Digging down into deep holes
Trapped, distant, and humid in your web
Will I knock and want to come in?
No, 'cause do you know what?
I really don't give a damn
You can have all the best things to yourself!
Yeah, do you know what?
I really don't give a damn
You can take all the best things for yourself!
Don't ask me about my opinion
Not feeling yourself until you get peace
Hey, can we talk about this later?
'Cause you know what?
I really don't give a damn
You can have all the best things to yourself!
Yeah, do you know what?
I really don't give a damn
You can take all the best things for yourself!
And you can have all the best things to yourself!
To yourself


You get on my nerves again in front of my friends
No reservations, nothing can stop you
Those crazy scenes you played, is there no end for you
Overreacting all the time
Everyone who sends me hearts
makes you paranoid
I cant anymore, youre on your own
I want to get high with you
We split up 200 times out of spite
Out of spite
Alele pet pet pet me
The thought burns me, burns me
Alele pet pet pet me
Are you staying or leaving?
All my love left a mark
every ex opened a wound
I just asked myself
who will fix my heart?
Let me be your fortress
may you be my bitch
I want everything in you to be worth it, yeah
I want to get high with you
We split up 200 times out of spite
Out of spite
Alele pet pet pet me
The thought burns me, burns me
Alele pet pet pet me
Are you staying or leaving?
I want to get high with you
We split up 200 times out of spite
Out of spite
Alele pet pet pet me
The thought burns me, burns me
Alele pet pet pet me
Are you staying or leaving?
All your boys which I know
let them watch what I'll give to them
Let them clench their teeth from anger
because my girl is with me again
I want to get high with you
We split up 200 times out of spite
Out of spite
Alele pet pet pet me
The thought burns me, burns me
Alele pet pet pet me
Are you staying or leaving?

the story I haven't told

Can anyone tell my heart?
I seem to have loved and missed so much
I love every eye gesture
And tender care
I love everything that belongs together
Waiting for each other every night
Nostalgia like longer
I'm afraid I'm too stupid to fall in love with someone
Call her a best friend
An acquaintance
I thought I was in love.
Don't know what to do
When we can't see each other
No matter how hard I try, it's the same
Only me love you
Being a disadvantaged one
Tears can't help me
To be by my side and take care of you
I have believed many times
You love the person in the glass
There's nothing wrong with you
I know who I am
Even if there is tomorrow
I'm fear that I couldn't meet you
Am I sure I still exist?
Once I say it all
Would you give me a choice?
First, we keep the friendship
Second, we will never see each other
Once I say it all, even if I lose you, I give in
It's better to let my heart be in pain.

When The Moon Is About To Go To Sleep

When the Moon is about to go to sleep
I go flirting
Before I can get to my darling
I must pass by a tavern
And the tavern is small, full of smoke
It keeps the memory of old times
Quiet murmur, choosing nostalgic words
An old man plays the cimbalom
He quietly plays and secretly cries
And he mentions all the old players
And remembers this old song
'Cand se duce luna la culcare'1
Ionel, Ionel, Ionule 2
Girls don't like it
When your drunken lips
Speak of ugly
Ionel, Ionel, Ionule
Girls don't like it
When your drunken strings
Play just about anything
The same story goes on for years
Moon's walk does not stop
I still go to those ends
I must visit the same tavern
And the tavern is small, full of smoke
It keeps the memory of old times
Quiet murmur, choosing nostalgic words
And our Mirča3 plays the cimbalom
He quietly plays and secretly cries
And he mentions all the good players
And remembers this old song
'Cand se duce luna la culcare'
Ionel, Ionel, Ionule
Girls don't like it
When your drunken lips
Speak of ugly
Ionel, Ionel, Ionule
Girls don't like it
When your drunken strings
Play just about anything
  • 1. When the Moon goes to sleep in romanian
  • 2. romanian name - John, from the original song whose translation this is
  • 3. male name

It's Not My Sunday Today

Today too is a Sunday
Church bells ring from the bell tower
And everything inside me is empty and the way it's not supposed to be
It is not my Sunday today
And everything inside me is empty and the way it's not supposed to be
It is not my Sunday today
What do I need the church bells
When I don't have you anymore?
I look into the distance and clear up the moonlight
Over your pillow's whiteness in vain
I look into the distance and clear up the moonlight
Over your pillow's whiteness in vain
My day is daily, my night nightly and I am alone with the song
And you can't hear me anymore
My day is longful, my night is painful and I curse life more and more
And I slowly become friends with glasses
Sometimes I play with the sky
I shred the blue cloud with my eye
And angels fall out from it to the ground
I ask them do they know you
And angels fall out from it to the ground
I ask them to look after you
When winter's blizzards are raging
They turn a wild stream into ice
When destiny points its finger, I will take up my cross
To find the disloyal eyes
When destiny points its finger, I will take up my cross
To find the disloyal eyes
My day is daily, my night nightly and I am alone with the song
And you can't hear me anymore
My day is longful, my night is painful and I curse life more and more
And I slowly become friends with glasses
Today is not my Sunday

It's all covered by Artistic Freedom

So this is complete speculation
Suppose, I write a song
In which I sing about, how I personally find that
Jürgen Elsässer was Anitisimitic
And in the second part of the first verse
I aim the bow at Kubitschek
And I don't just mean that metaphorically,
but the sports equipment that actually can shoot arrows
Legally, it had reached a grey area
but I made it easy for myself in court
Report me and I'll open a bottle of Champagne
(because) It's all covered by artistic freedom
So this is complete speculation
I knowingly would rather use Conjunctive
I write a lyric that is in conflict with the laws
Claiming that Gauland is a Reptile
and suppose the text culminated in
a call to free the world from Fascists
and to beat them back further and further into their holes
Instead of scattering roses for them on their path
Legally, it had reached a grey area
but I made it easy for myself in court
Report me and I'll open a bottle of Champagne
(because) It's all covered by artistic freedom
You've probably heard of Ken Jebsen
He complains loudly about censorship
He thinks he was mentioned in a Lyric by my band
insulted, he dragged us to court
obviously, he was not in the right and then
he had to pay the court fees and lawyers
Such a laughable man, I hope he reports me
What would happen? I can already tell you
Legally, it had reached a grey area
but I made it easy for myself in court
Report me and I'll open a bottle of Champagne
(because) It's all covered by artistic freedom
No, I wouldn't really be Danger Dan
If I didn't want to experiment
To push the limits of the law, to see what's allowed and forbidden
And I would like to tell you my opinions
Jürgen Elsässer is Anitisimitic
Kubitschek is lucky that I don't shoot him with bow and arrows
Only crazy people believe in Reptilians
Also Gauland seems rather like a Nationalsocialist (Nazi)
Fascists never stop being Fascists
You can't have a discussion with them, history has shown us that
And you can't trust the State and the Police force
Because the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution itself created the NSU
Because the Police itself is filled with Nazis
Because they tied up and burned Oury Jalloh alive
And if you can't fight the violence peacefully
the only option left for all of us is Militancy
Legally, it has reached a grey area
but I make it easy for myself in court
Report me and I'll open a bottle of Champagne
(because) It's all covered by artistic freedom

That is How Stipa Loved Ana

Stipa1 the Bell-ringers2 fell in love,
As the old story goes,
With the old Horvat's only daughter Ana
He loved with his whole heart
Holly Sunday, early autumn
They met up again on the street
And Stipa said, holding her hand
'Stay with me for the whole life'
Love is eternal and stories are told about it
Still today the old people use to say
When two happy people reach out to one another
'That is how Stipa loved Ana'
They built a small house
On the land which Bell-ringer gave them
They had horses - Cvetka and Ala
And a dog named Garov
They say life wasn't easy on them
Neither him and her, nor the three little ones
But they were always happy together
They knew nothing else
Love is eternal and stories are told about it
Still today the old people use to say
When two happy people reach out to one another
'That is how Stipa loved Ana'
They were old, both him and her
And their children left long before
One day bells rang
And Stipa shed a tear for Ana
Dog quietly squealed that night
As if he wants to chase sadness away
Early in the morning, Stipa the Bell-ringer
Reached out to Ana again
Love is eternal and stories are told about it
Still today the old people use to say
When two happy people reach out to one another
'That is how Stipa loved Ana'
  • 1. Steven
  • 2. family nickname in villages in eastern Croatia, usually after an occupation or someone's name