Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 7


In an Old Cathedral

In an old cathedral,
I gazed upon
that black bow in your hair,
and perhaps I already understood
who is in love with me,
in love.
In an old cathedral,
I spoke to you.
That moment was enough for you.
Our steps on the cobblestones,
it began this way,
it began.
But then it was not like this,
as I had dreamed,
and I found myself in love
with a reflection in the water—
with a reflection in the water.
In an old cathedral,
I gazed upon
that black bow in your hair,
and perhaps I already understood
who is in love with me,
in love.
But then it was not like this,
as I had dreamed,
and I found myself in love
with a reflection in the water—
with a reflection in the water.
In an old cathedral,
I gazed upon
that black bow in your hair,
and perhaps I already understood
who is in love with me,
in love.

A Katedrálisok Kora

Ez egy történet, amelynek helye
A szép Párizs, az Úr
1482-dik évében
Történet szerelemről és vágyról
Mi, a névtelen művészei
A szobroknak vagy rímeknek
Megpróbáljuk átadni ezt nektek,
A jövő évszázadainak
Eljött a katedrálisok kora
A világ
Egy új évezredbe lépett
Az ember a csillagokig akart jutni,
Megírni a saját történetét
Üvegre vagy kőre
Kő kő után, nap nap után
Évszázadról évszázadra szeretettel
Látott tornyokat felemelkedni,
Amiket a saját kezével épített
Költők és trubadúrok
Énekelték a szerelmes dalaikat,
Amelyek jobb holnapot ígérnek
Az emberiségnek
Refrén (x2)
A katedrálisok korának vége
A barbár horda
A város kapuinál van
Engedjétek be ezeket a pogányokat, ezeket a vandálokat
A világ vége
Előre van vetítve 2000 évre
Előre van vetítve 2000 évre

The Era of Cathedrals

It's a story that happened
In Paris, in the year of the lord
It's of desire and love
Any anonymous artist
Of sculpture or of rhyme
Will try to transcribe it
Into immortality
The time of cathedrals has come
The world has entered
Into another millennium
Man saw the worlds of stars,
Wrote their history
In stone or in glass
Stone by stone, from sun to sun
Century after century, with love
He saw his cathedral built
With tears and sweat
The poet and the troubadour
Will sing of nothing but love
They promised to humanity
A better future
The time of cathedrals has come
The world has entered
Into another millennium
Man saw the worlds of stars,
Wrote their history
In stone or in glass
The time of cathedrals has gone
The most hostile barbarians
Will invade us
Let them occupy towns and cities
It has been prophecized
That this world will end
In the year 2000


Listen to my story that starts here
And finds its origin in Paris
Beginning in 1482
and most likely to confuse the heart
A city replete with art and symphony
Of image, music and poetry
And watch how the time of yore
is revived by what art gives us
Mankind at the times of the cathedrals
The world keeps turning
But no man can ignore this
For centuries man has hoped to reach the moon
To exist for all times
In a work of glass and stone.
So day after day and brick by brick
Work was done for years on end.
With love, glass and stone and wood
A masterpiece was built.
Troubadours sing of want
They as well know what love is
And love ardent, intense and gentle
Awaiting us somewhere
Mankind at the times of the cathedrals
The world keeps turning
But no man can ignore this
For centuries man has hoped to reach the moon
To exist for all times
In a work of glass and stone.
The times of the cathedrals get lost
In the name of a God
With the weapons and violence
The barbarians, fighters and vandals appear
The world goes down.
As was predicted in days of yore.
As was predicted in days of yore.
Please alert me when spelling, print or other inconsistencies are spotted. When spotting them myself I tend to lapse into a *#@%* mood!

The age of the cathedrals

The beautiful city of Paris
Almighty God’s epoch
In the year 1482
A story of desire and love
We, the unsigned artists, through every work
Will let this story be heard by you, of the future
The age of the cathedrals came
The world is now greeting a new millennium
Men want to reach to the edge of the sky
To write their history on glass and stone
Stone piled on stones and
Yet another day, one hundred years flow
With love, towers raised
They kept but reaching higher and higher
Also poets sang several love songs
Songs promising to mankind better days
The age of the cathedrals came
The world is now greeting a new millennium
Men want to reach to the edge of the sky
To write their history on glass and stone
The age of the cathedrals came
The world is now greeting a new millennium
Men want to reach to the edge of the sky
To write their history on glass and stone
The age of the cathedrals crumbles
A crowd of heathens is crammed at the city gates
Let them within the ramparts
The end of this world is already destined by fate
It will be in the year 2000