Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 9


Csak olyan lassan

Csak olyan lassan
Csak ilyen lassan, csak olyan csendesen
Geldel jár fel a domboldalon,
Hegesztés jár fel a domboldalon.
Csak ilyen lassan, csak olyan csendesen
Múlik az időnk.
Egyszer virágoznak és leesnek,
A rétek virágai,
A rétek virágai.
Egyszer virágzik és elmúlik,
Fiatalságunk ideje.
Ha valakinek mennie kell, akkor mennie kell,
Epert szedni -
Egy nyári nap nem vár ránk,
Egy nyári nap nem vár ránk.
Az embernek körbe kell jönnie, táncolnia kell,
Meg kell látogatnia és beszélnie kell egy-egy mellett -
Az életünk nem fog várni ránk,
Életünk nem vár ránk.
A réten, az egyik sarokban
Egy kakukk énekel a selymes fejű virágokra,
Egy kakukk énekel a selymes fejű virágokra.
Figyelj, ahogy énekelünk,
Nézd, ahogy megyünk -
Mindig emlékezz erre a dalunkra,
Mindig emlékezz erre a dalunkra

Someone else's spring

I see a mark of sin in your eyes,
I'll never confess.
I want to tell you, but I keep quiet again
Because you mean a lot to me.
Everybody knows what's going on between us.
I've never thought, that the feelings are beyond my control.
I'll do anything, just give me a chance,
Give me a chance to fly and not go crazy.
This guitar sound blows my mind.
The neighbors below must hear us,
So let's try to keep it down, we're not the ones
Who warm souls with songs of someone else's spring
I see a mark of sin in your eyes,
I'll never confess.
I want to tell you, but I keep quiet again
Because you mean a lot to me.
Let's not tell my mum where we've been,
She won't like it, it's not my style.
I'm yours from now on, I breathe your world.
I believe you and your idols.
This movie is not about us, you know it.
They all are fiction, they can't act our parts.
Questions are frozen in the air.
The things you said, you really meant it.
I see a mark of sin in your eyes,
I'll never confess.
I want to tell you, but I keep quiet again
Because you mean a lot to me.

Only so slowly

Only so slowly, only so quietly
A gelding walks up the hillside,
A gelding walks up the hillside.
Only so slowly, only so quietly
Our time passes by.
They bloom once and fall off,
The flowers of the meadows,
The flowers of the meadows.
It flourishes once and goes away,
The time of our youth.
If one has to go, one will have to go,
To go pick up strawberries –
A summer day will not wait for us,
A summer day will not wait for us.
One has to come round, has to dance,
Has to visit and talk one-to-one –
Our life will not wait for us,
Our life will not wait for us.
In the meadow, in one corner
Where the silken-headed flowers grow, a cuckoo sings,
Where the silken-headed flowers grow, a cuckoo sings.
Listen on as we sing,
Watch on as we go –
Always remember this song of ours,
Always remember this song of ours.

In the kitchen

You smoked right in the kitchen
And I always breathed smoke
Today, tomorrow everything will collapse
This is something like a finale
We have nothing more to share
And we have nothing to say to each other
I'm so afraid of what's inside me
Even stronger, I'm afraid to understand you
It’s like I know you for a very long time
And I don’t seem to know anything
Drunk and infinitely short
That was our love
You know, we did everything right
But if with a guitar, then come in
Ask, 'Why are the nights white?'
I will answer, 'I burn bridges'
Come, only you come
Let's sit forever in the kitchen
On holidays, on weekdays
No matter when
Come to me at least sometimes
Tell, only you tell
About how your affairs really
Come on week
See you again
Only without a word about love, please
Come, only you come
Let's sit forever in the kitchen
On holidays, on weekdays
No matter when
Come to me at least sometimes
Tell, only you tell
About how your affairs really
Come on week
See you again
Only without a word about love, please
Ask, 'How is the weather there?'
I will answer, 'No precipitation'
I'm sorry I’ve been dreaming for half a year already
In the same dream
But not very sweet
I'm sorry if I'm hurting
I'm sorry, but today it’s necessary
I speak and it seems I'm calm
But there’s some kind of sediment on my soul
Close the window, the courtyard is noisy
And I can hardly hear you
We were lost among the empty rooms,
Cities, streets. Seeking us everywhere
On the hut as in the head a mess
In the head, as in the hut - a brothel
Better let it stay like this
Eighth floor, waiting, open door
Come, only you come
Let's sit forever in the kitchen
On holidays, on weekdays
No matter when
Come to me at least sometimes
Tell, only you tell
About how your affairs really
Come on week
See you again
Only without a word about love, please
Come, only you come
Let's sit forever in the kitchen
On holidays, on weekdays
No matter when
Come to me at least sometimes
Tell, only you tell
About how your affairs really
Come on week
See you again
Only without a word about love, please


Még nappal is álmodom - őszintén
De sosem érzékelem
És görcsösen kell magad érezned,
Más fejében és dalaiban kell lenned
A zsaruk mindent elmondtak
Rólad és a kalandjaidról
Először másnak látszottál,
Kétségbeesettnek és igazinak
Rámnéznél és nem hinnéd el
Mennyire szerettelek
Ha valaha a TV-be kerülnénk
Elrontanánk a jó filmeket
Annyi minden van amit soha nem mondtam el neked
És mostmár nincs is értelme
Hagyd, hogy valahol letegyen a vonat
Csak ne az én megállómban
Anya, jól mondtad,
Ez nem szerelem volt, hanem fertőzés
Anya, értsd meg, hogy kikapcsolt az agyam
Mintha veled ez sosem történt volna meg
Anya, jól mondtad,
Ez nem szerelem volt, hanem fertőzés
Anya, értsd meg, hogy kikapcsolt az agyam
Mintha veled ez sosem történt volna meg
A pólód újján át adtad nekem a szíved úgy,
Hogy nem volt semmi amire visszaeshettem volna
Átkutatják a lakásunkat,
Ahol a kínzó üzeneteid állnak,
Amiket minden nap írtál,
Amelyek szétszakíthattak bennünket
Néha egyáltalán nem hallasz meg
Mintha te és én más dimenzóban élnénk
Még ha a tél ülne is az ablakom alatt
Nem érdekelne a hőmérséklet
Ruhában szaladnék ki kabát nélkül
Csak hogy megöleljelek a végén
Fülig szerelmes lettél,
És ez valószínűleg mindig így lesz
Emlékszel amikor először találkoztunk?
Az egy örökkévalósággal ez előtt volt
Ha akkor ezt tudtam volna, soha nem jelenek meg előtted
Anya, jól mondtad,
Ez nem szerelem volt, hanem fertőzés
Anya, értsd meg, hogy kikapcsolt az agyam
Mintha veled ez sosem történt volna meg
Anya, jól mondtad,
Ez nem szerelem volt, hanem fertőzés
Anya, értsd meg, hogy kikapcsolt az agyam
Mintha veled ez sosem történt volna meg


I dream during the day too, honest
But, boy, I never see you when I do
And you must feel cramped
Being in someone else's head and verses
The feds told me everything
About you and your adventures
You seemed different at first
Desperate, genuine
You would look at me and not believe
That you were so beloved
If we ever get on TV
We'll ruin the good movies
There's so much I never told you
And there's no point anymore
Let the trains take you anywhere
Just not to my stop
Mom, you did say right away
That this wasn't love, it was an infection
Mom, understand that my mind shut off
As if this hasn't ever happened to you
Mom, you did say right away
That this wasn't love, it was an infection
Mom, understand that my mind shut off
As if this hasn't ever happened to you
Boy, with nothing to fall back on, you gave me
Your heart on your sleeve
The [capital] city mayor is tearing the apartment buildings
Where each day about a thousand
Of your obsessive messages
Would make us implode
Sometimes, you wouldn't hear me at all
As if you and I were in different dimensions
Even if winter lay outside my window
I wouldn't care about the temperature
I'd run out in a dress without coat
Just to hug you in the end
You fell madly in love, head over heels
And it'll probably always be that way
Do you remember when we first met?
That was forever ago
If I could, I would never have shown up back then
Mom, you did say right away
That this wasn't love, it was an infection
Mom, understand that my mind shut off
As if this hasn't ever happened to you
Mom, you did say right away
That this wasn't love, it was an infection
Mom, understand that my mind shut off
As if this hasn't ever happened to you

It's All Decided

Versions: #3
These roles are not for us
We’re not acting right now
I’m poisonous, broken, killed
It’s all forgotten, decided
Tears dried long ago
I’m on my way to the new world, to happiness
All feelings were buried under the snow
Pain absorbed that warmth
Which kept me warm at night
Your arms around my shoulders
Loneliness is swallowing me up
There’s no more fire in my heart
All the love is sipped dry
And I’m afraid it’s my fault
A slight shiver down on my body
Kill me with one word
I lost control over myself
You won’t find out the password to my heart
This summer confuses me
It’s impossible to replace him
Delete me from everywhere
You’ll still see me in your dreams anyway
These roles are not for us
We’re not acting right now
I’m poisonous, broken, killed
It’s all forgotten, decided
Tears dried long ago
I’m on my way to the new world, to happiness
Forgive me for what I’m saying
But I won’t repeat love words
Three missed calls
And they’re not from me
Find yourself another one
I stop being jealous of you long ago
And I don’t remember all your phrases
Light in my heart vanished
I won’t drown in that deep
And life seems to go down to the depth
As if I’m in a big TV show
Popular but so strange
I have new joy now
I fell from that currents
I look at the world differently
And thank you for everything
These roles are not for us
We’re not acting right now
I’m poisonous, broken, killed
It’s all forgotten, decided
Tears dried long ago
I’m on my way to the new world, to happiness
These roles are not for us
We’re not acting right now
I’m poisonous, broken, killed
It’s all forgotten, decided
Tears dried long ago
I’m on my way to the new world, to happiness


It looks like a crime, it's a scandal.
In short, for your nonsense, it's the end.
You've gotten to show-off using me.
And these days you're quiet as the grave.
In short, go ahead, prove yourself, rack your brain
Don't try to make peace, I'm ready for war.
Ha - I'm also not without sin
And even though I'm tough, I make mistakes
Don't push it, I am something savage.
The arrow is stuck.
And if you lose, just don't be upset
On my nerves today, you're suffering is in vain.
You're a loser from birth, honestly speaking.
Turn on your brain
You are narrow-minded and simple
Go away, you're behind in any case.
It looks like a crime, it's a scandal.
In short, for your nonsense, it's the end.
You've gotten to show-off using me.
And these days you're quiet as the grave.
Everything I am saying is straight forward and unrestrained
The speech is harsh, and not lightweight
And maybe for some, a little vile
I'm exploding in a deep, rough voice
and your hair is already standing on end.
I'm a vampire and scandals are my elixir.
I'll release the poison.
She's crazy - people say.
Gossipers stop
If they're next to me - a global cataclysm
There aren't seats for everyone
and for me, it's my success.
Slow down or drown in my verbal mud.
It looks like a crime, it's a scandal.
In short, for your nonsense, it's the end.
You've gotten to show-off using me.
And these days you're quiet as the grave.

Minden el van döntve

Ezek nem a mi szerepeink, mi most épp nem játszunk
Megmérgeztek, összetörtek, meggyilkoltak engem
Minden elfeledve, eldöntve, a könnyek rég kiszáradtak
Én most úton vagyok egy új világ és a boldogság felé.
Minden érzésem hóval van beborítva
A fájdalmamat felszívta a forróság
Valami, ami éjjel felmelegített
A te kezeid voltak a vállaimon.
A magány felemészt engemet
A szívemben nem lángol többé tűz
A mi szerelmünk mostanra kiszáradt
És attól tartok, hogy ez az én hibám.
Egy kicsit reszket a testen
Egy szóval, tönkretesz engem
Elvesztettem a kontrollt önmagam felett
Nem ismered a szívem jelszavát.
Ezen a nyáron beteg vagyok
Ezt nem lehet megváltoztatni
Törölj ki engem az életedből
Tarts meg engem az álmaidban.
Sajnálom, amit mondok neked
De nem fogok szerelmes szavakat ismételni
3 nem fogadott hívás
De ezúttal már nem tőlem.
Keress magadnak egy másikat
Én már nem vagyok terád féltékeny
És nem emlékszem minden szavadra
A lelkemben a tűz már elaludt.
Ebben a medencében nem fogok elsüllyedni
És ha az életem elsüllyed az aljára
Olyan, mintha hatalmas tévéshow-ban lennék
Népszerű, de idegen tőlem.
Már új hobbijaim vannak
Elsodródtam temellőled
Másképp nézem a világot
És köszönök neked mindent.