Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 53

Találatok száma: 1938


A nagy szerelem

A nagy szerelem, talán nem tart több, mint húsz éve
És elfogadja a ráncokat, amiket az idős kor hozott
Az a meztelen test, melyet az ujjainkkal ismertünk meg
Olyan, mint egy rózsa, amely ezer reggel kivirágzik.
Ez egy hajó, amely egyedül halad a végtelen tengeren
S megkeresi a távolban a tél csendes kikötőjét
A nagy szerelem egy templom, amelyet fel kell építeni
Hogy elhelyezhessük benne az emlékezés evangéliumait
A nagy szerelem egy sírás a magányosságban
Az elítéli a büszkeség rideg képmutatását
Ő elfelejti a más karjai közt töltött kalandokat
Ő visszatér, és megtudja, hogy kell az első lépést megtenni.
A nagy szerelem, az az egymással megosztott szenvedés
És reménykedünk minden nézésben, pillantásban
Az tudja, hogy a másnap még nem jelenti a jövőt
Ő mindig kitart a legjobb és a legrosszabb napokon is.


Ó, Maryland, Marylene, Marylou
Ó, mennyire szeretem a rózsaszínű arcod
Mi a szívünk hegyén megtartjuk a töviseinket.
Ó, Marylou, Marylène, Maryline
Ó, Maryline, Marylène, Marylou
Az elefántcsontszínű arcod, a mahagóni barna hajad
Tedd oda a szívedet egy vitrin üvegje mögé.
Ó, Marylou, Marylène, Maryline
Ó, Maryline, Marylène, Marylou
A te évszakod legédesebb gyümölcseiben
Magok vannak, mint a mandarinokban.
Ó, Marylou, Marylène, Maryline ... Marylou.
A te mosolyaid mint egy baba fogai. Nem vagyok baba.
A te szerelmednek farkas foga van. Ez szerelem papírból.
Ez nem tart örökké. Nekem egy szívem van, szeretlek
Maryline, Marylou
A te tüzes szemeid parázslanak. Nem vagyok játék.
És a te szíved bársonyból van. De azért tudtam szeretni.
Te egy napon lángra fogsz gyulladni, Én sohasem fogok ...
... egy futó szerelem, egy kóborló szerelem.
Ó, Maryline, Marylène, Marylou
Tudod, hogyan kell játszani a csalánnal, a vagyonnal
Te úgy pózolsz, mint a modellek a magazinokban
Ó, Marylou, Marylène, Maryline ... Marylou.
Ó, Maryline, Marylène, Marylou
Az elefántcsontszínű arcod, a mahagóni barna hajad
Tedd a szívedet egy vitrin üvegje mögé.
Ó, Marylou, Marylène, Maryline
Ó, Maryline, Marylène, Marylou
A te évszakod legédesebb gyümölcseiben
Magok vannak, mint a mandarinokban.
Ó, Marylou, Marylène, Maryline ... Marylou.

The valley of peace

Facing the wide plains
He walked a long time
Perhaps did he see
Your radiant mask
Sun and firmament
Impose their law
As a specter back from
The valley of peace
The valley of irresolution
He walked with bare head
He kept walking
Facing the wide plains
Where the worst is yet to come
The best is behind
In the coming dawn
On the valley of thirst
Teepees as totems
Radiant masks
In the valley of sorrow
Where darkness extends its finger
He walked in spite of all
He walked a long time
When twilights come back
He knows what to expect
In the Valley of peace
The riders come forward
Cloud into which he disappeared
Hopeless powder (?) what you know
Let them come, let them go
Those who lost their love
Valley of tears, valley of milk
Where valet (?) only may stay
Any kind of slum
Where the plant was able to grow
Where the fruit has ripened
The roots spread
Volcano craters
He paid his debt
Sand in his eyes
Climbing down peaks
Facing the wide plains
Of human misery
Each muscle tensed up
And bleeding eardrum
In spite of his own pain
He was able to obtain
From the stars guiding us
That the valley remains desert
In the valley of peace
The riders come forward
Let them come, let them go
Those who lost their love
Valley of tears, valley of milk
Where valet (?) only may stay
Any kind of slum
Where the plant was able to grow
Where the fruit has ripened
The roots spread
In the valley of peace
Horses kiss each other
Where grass never dies out
When the riders go by
In the valley of peace
Where horses kiss each other
Where grass never dies out
When the riders go by
Where horses
Where horses
Where horses kiss each other
Where horses kiss each other
Where horses
Where horses ...


[Verse 1]
Kifakultunk, elhalványodunk
Az utóbbi időben már nem lélegzünk
Neked és nekem már nincs holnap
Utálom, utálom ezt
Nem hiszem el, hogy kimondom
Felhívtam az összes haveromat és elmondtam, hogy meghaltunk
A szerelmünk, a szerelmünk, a szerelmünk
Most már eltűnt
A szerelmünk, a szerelmünk, a szerelmünk
Elvitt mindent, amink volt
A szerelmünk, a szerelmünk, a szerelmünk
Igazi volt, éreztem
De már nem jön vissza
Nem, már nem jön vissza
Kívánom, hogy meglegyen mindened, amit valaha akartál
Ez olyan keserédes, olyan, mintha elsüllyednék
Elégetem az összes levelet, minden titkom
A dolgok, amiket csak te tudnál
Hat láb mélyre temetem a szívem, tartok magunknak egy temetést
Kívánom, hogy meglegyen mindened, amit valaha akartál
[Verse 2]
Kifakultunk, elhalványodtál
Az egyetlen dolog, aminek értelme van
Bármi, amitől elmúlik a fájdalom
Bonyolult, de akartam, hogy sikerüljön
Imádkoztam, vártam a változást
A szerelmünk, a szerelmünk, a szerelmünk
Most már eltűnt
A szerelmünk, a szerelmünk, a szerelmünk
Elvitt mindent, amink volt
A szerelmünk, a szerelmünk, a szerelmünk
Igazi volt, éreztem
De már nem jön vissza
Nem, már nem jön vissza
Kívánom, hogy meglegyen mindened, amit valaha akartál
Ez olyan keserédes, olyan, mintha elsüllyednék
Elégetem az összes levelet, minden titkom
A dolgok, amiket csak te tudnál
Hat láb mélyre temetem a szívem, tartok magunknak egy temetést
Kívánom, hogy meglegyen mindened, amit valaha akartál
Elégetem az összes levelet, minden titkom
A dolgok, amiket csak te tudnál
Hat láb mélyre temetem a szívem, tartok magunknak egy temetést
Elégetem az összes levelet, minden titkom
A dolgok, amiket csak te tudnál
Hat láb mélyre temetem a szívem, tartok magunknak egy temetést
Kívánom, hogy meglegyen mindened, amit valaha akartál
Ez olyan keserédes, olyan, mintha elsüllyednék
Elégetem az összes levelet, minden titkom
A dolgok, amiket csak te tudnál
Hat láb mélyre temetem a szívem, tartok magunknak egy temetést
Kívánom, hogy meglegyen mindened, amit valaha akartál
Mondj, mondj
Mondj végső búcsút
Mondj, mondj
Mondj végső búcsút
Amennyiben hasznosnak találtad a fordításom, kérlek, nyomj egy köszönömöt!

Prisoners of futility

We have walked along the tracks - the tracks
Some of us have fallen
And what happened to the rest? - to the rest
We are the prisoners of futility
Behind us, countries and villages
Vanishing under wild ivy
Where only one dog perhaps survives - survives
We are the prisoners of futility
We are the prisoners of the links binding us
And our heart suffers, it's like a stain
Something that grows and hides itself
We are the prisoners of the links binding us
A few crosses were put up along the way - the way
At which the torturers point fingers
Saying 'Of the other world what is left?' - what is left
We are the prisoners of futility
Beyond us, the sky is lead - sky is lead
Is there a God, someone, we call him
He forgot us, how could he? - how could he
We are the prisoners of futility
We are the prisoners of the links binding us
And our heart suffers, it's like a stain
Something that grows and hides itself
We are the prisoners of the links binding us
Prisoners of futility, prisoners, prisoners


But where have they gone (bis) the lights
That guided us?
Perhaps were we (bis) too proud
To lower our head
The earth has moved (bis) without us
Without waiting for us
Darkness is (bis) everywhere
Covered with ashes
But remember that (bis)
That we loved each other (bis) all the same
We were so young (bis), so proud
And how can I put it?
We have lost (bis) the light
The star that caressed our (bis) eyelids
I don't care at all
But all the same
We remember
We keep in mind
You put on the headboard
A light (bis)
That used to shine in the night
A light
That used to shine in the night
But where have they gone (bis) the lights
That guided us?
Turned into statues (bis) of stone
What have we done?
Moments, like some (bis) iron nails
Hammered in
And nothing else than the sound (bis) of the sea
As only answer
Remember, that was (bis) yesterday
But today
The lion shakes its (bis) mane
Fear of the night
Scrapes the river (bis) bottom
Where he used to come and drink
We have lost (bis) the light
We are in the dark
But all the same
We remember
We keep in mind
You put on the headboard
A light (bis)
That used to shine in the night
A light
That used to shine in the night
But where have they gone (bis) the lights
That guided us?
The lion shakes its (bis) mane
At each whiplash
Behind the bars (bis) of iron
Without any illusion
Behind the bars (bis) of iron
Of its jail

Open field

Versions: #2
I know you have forgotten me,
I know you went far away,
I already know that my advise
won't straight you up.
I know there is not more solution
than to open all gates
and ride on open field
to be able to forget.
You see,
your deceiving eyes
have left me sad
You see,
I harvested grief
on plowing your loneliness.
I don'r know
if on seeing me so far
you will feel sorry.
I don't know,
but I forebode
that finally, you will cry for me.
~ ~ ~
When I felt your oblivion in my heart,
when I saw you lost
I wanted to tied myself to my life
with a touch of illussion,
and when I understood that you were other,
that you were not my companion,
I looked for a new direction on open field
to deceive love.
You see,
your deceiving eyes
have left me sad
You see,
I harvested grief
on plowing your loneliness.
I don'r know
if on seeing me so far
you will feel repented/sorry.
I don't know,
but I forebode it
that finally, you will cry for me.


All things

And all matters decay
Like plaster on the ceilings
Like wine in the carafe
When it takes the color of blood
Like wine becoming thick
And the wound remains bottomless
And when nobody answers (bis)
All matters decay
Like plaster in houses
When everything is nonsense
You see the bottom of all matters
While we disappear
As if wiped out by a dishcloth
As if swept away by a typhoo
On the glaring shore
When it takes the color of blood
On the shore where we shall stand
With our lead shoes
Going down as a deep-sea diver
On the glaring shore
On which night is thickening
And all matters decay
Like plaster on the ceilings
Like wine in the carafe
When it takes the color of ash
And you see the level going down
And the wound remains bottomless
And nobody answers (bis)

Red coat

Because they told me to hold his arm
And look at the needle shoved in
You don't get always lucky
You bend down, you fall, you move on
You slip the red coat on, trees move and the sky is going to fall down
You never know, tomorrow, tonight, what day, what time it's gonna stop
You hide, you crawl, you swallow, you struggle to stay up
You look in front, the danger passes, just bend your neck
Behind the border
Where banana trees were felled
You'll find helmets and stretchers
And the jeeps of orderlies
We are all same, there's nothing else to do
Than writing on a piece of paper
The tough time we have on the other side of the earth
While looking at bombs falling down
But on the other bank of the river
You've got men eating dogs
Women afraid of daylight
Without milk left in their breast
You hurry, you get there and you walk past
Maybe there's something to see
You stop on the brim of the bruning hole
There's a guy who sells drinks
You slip the red coat on, trees move and the sky is going to fall down
You never know, tomorrow, tonight, what day, what time it's gonna stop
You hide, you crawl, you swallow, you struggle to stay up
You look in front, the danger passes, just bend your neck
But behind the border
Where banana trees were felled
You don't always get beer
And you wonder what happened
Now close your eyes, switch the small light off
And forget everything
Women who fell in the rice fields
Children dead from starvation
Women who fell in the rice fields
Children dead from starvation
One day in an armchair, smoking a cigar
By the Mediterranean sea
You'll have lots of people coming to see me
And ask to be told
But nothing more rotten than my memory
I won't even remember how to count
But nothing more rotten than my memory
I won't even remember how to count
My life will be a big black hole
With dead bodies burried inside
As if someone had pushed me suddenly in the void
The big wet checkerboards in the delta
Magic of the night like a red anaconda killed in an acid bath
Magic of the night like a red anaconda killed in an acid bath
There's only one micron (?)
You never know, tomorrow, what day, what time
You hide, you swallow, you struggle
You look in front, the danger passes, just bend your neck
You slip... you slip the red coat on, and trees move, and the sky...

Because of Contempt

These days, when you wake up,
Crawling out of your bed
And you go out through the door
And there's the smell of flowers
Mostly decayed ones from the garbage
When anger comes, often desperation follows,
It ties you up and never lets go
Then you run, faster and faster,
Because your Mind can not help it
Feel how the carotid artery tenses - Every muscle cramps
More hate
More anger
These days, when you wake up,
Crawling out of your bed
And you go out through the door
And there's the smell of flowers
Mostly decayed ones from the garbage
When anger comes, often desperation follows,
It ties you up and never lets go
Then you run, faster and faster,
Because your Mind can not help it


With your hollow boat
Surrounded by miserable women
On the blood lake shore
No one is up now
When the sun gets low
And all the yellow-skinned children
With faun eyes
Like bursting balloons
Go farther away
Spilling your golden powder
No one is up now in the streets (5)
No one is up now in the streets of Angkor (2)
Amidst dancing girls
With curved lips
You can see the nails, the fingers
Of those who fell (2)
On the blood lake shore
No one is up now
When the sun gets low
With your red powder
Your golden eyes, your boat
And children still moving
Inside the bag
Go farther away
Deep in the slanting eyes
In the golden eyes
No one is up now in the streets of Angkor
No one is up now in the streets
With your red powder
Your golden eyes, your boat
And the children still moving
Inside the bag
Go farther away
Hit harder
In the deathly silence
No one is up now in the streets of Angkor
No one is up now in the streets
Go farther away
Spilling your golden powder
No one is up now in the streets...
No one is up now in the streets of Angkor...
Amidst dancing girls
With curved lips
You can see the nails, the fingers
Of those who fell (2)
Go still farther away
In your boat on the shore
Let them fall from the bag
These cut heads
That are still singing
No one is up now in the streets of Angkor

Samba and you

I finally understood that I can't act
against my feelings
Because I understood that no-one can change
his way of being.
In fact I was born like samba, in the body and blood
And being so, without samba I can't live.
If you'd understand you are part of the sambas I do.
Because I found my inspiration by you.
How to have only you, holding samba in our arms?
How can I only live for samba if I have you?
If you'd understand that our problem can easily
be solved.
It's sure I'd be happy and my samba would smile
I 'll have a promotion so that you 'd be able to
parade with me.
And I'd do a storyline samba, so that you'd sing.


When you know, the one who is in front of you....is leaving
It's a continuation of a love that ends up falling
Nothing's gonna change...
Neither with silence nor scream
The one who made me in love...had to continue it
Had to continue it
This moment of our silence, is not watchable
That glance of you is cruel, since it's not reachable
Nothing's gonna change...
Neither with silence nor scream
The one who made me in love...had to continue it
Whatever i say, except confession to your love, is a lie
This moment that my pride is the image of a sunset
Beside you, i didn't ask anything but love...
For this hope that you'll never end for me
you'll never end for me
This moment of our silence, is not watchable
That glance of you is cruel, since it's not reachable
Nothing's gonna change...
Neither with silence nor scream
The one who made me in love...had to continue it

Few steps from joy (Merak)

Lucky him who is your destiny
and who sleeps om your white breasts
lucky him who gets drunk out of happiness
from his lips his life pours out
Few steps from joy (merak)
but years from you
my life why don't you like me
Few steps from your neighbourhood
what happened, to us
that you turn your head away, honey
Lucky him who has seen you
He doesn't need anything else in his life
Lucky him who stays with you
who wakes up and stays with you
Chorus 2x

Long, long way

There's nothing like
A sky without any star
Where nothing will ever change
Where you will fall asleep
If you want to find the one you'll love
It's a long, long question
And every morning is the same
Be it of feathers, of straw
Or broken bottles
Be it in the shade, be it in the sun
If you want to find the other one tomorrow
It's a long, long way
Wherever you go
There will be water and straw
There will be water and straw
And tender grass for the small of your back
On your way
There will be water, and sun
There will be water, and sun
Not a single day, not a single night will be the same
But it's a long, long way
It's like a prickle in the palm of your hand
It's a long, long way
It's a long long long long long long long long long long long way
Because finding the one to love
It's a long, long question
It's a long long long long long long long long long long long quextion
It's a long long long long
Long long long
Long long long
Wherever you go
There will be water and straw
There will be water and straw
And tender grass for the small of your back
All along your way
Then, when you know it's him
Run to meet him
You will be like in his arms
Free, near his open heart

He leaves at eight p.m.

He leaves at 8 p.m.
Without even sayng goodbye
To his friends working
On the same worksite as him
They say he his unhappy
That he doesn't get all he wants
When he takes his last train
And enters his car, he is hungry
Last year there was
In the middle of his misery
A girl that saw him often
A girl...
They say he his unhappy
He doesn't get all he wants
But he keeps talking about her
He says life is cruel
He travels in ...
He leaves at 8 p.m.
Without even sayng goodbye
To his friends working
On the same worksite as him
They say he his unhappy
That he doesn't get all he wants
When he takes his last train
And enters his car, he is hungry
He travels in the clouds
Without a look for the landscape
Life unwinds on his face
And in his eyes
Like a picture
He leaves at 8 p.m.
Without even sayng goodbye
He leaves at 8 p.m.
Without even sayng goodbye
He leaves at 8 p.m.
Without even sayng goodbye

Asian bedrooms

Draperies hanging from closed windows of Asian bedrooms
Paper on the walls of bedrooms in musty hotels
Drapes of torn up curtains, miserable neon lights
And nothing left to prove yourself you do exist
Draperies hanging from closed windows of Asian bedrooms
Paper on the walls of bedrooms in musty hotels
Motionless and warm drapes in endless nights
Bedsheets marked with all the screams and smells of fleeting time
Asian bedrooms, leave back to them, night or day
Musty walls, velvet skins
Draperies hanging from closed windows of Asian bedrooms
Paper on the walls of bedrooms in musty hotels
Motionless and warm drapes in endless nights
Bedsheets marked with all the screams and smells of fleeting time
Draperies of curtains drawn across closed windows
Resting bodies reflected on the walls
Clanking of the keys of locks on iron barred doors
And corridors lit night and day like in hell
Like in hell, but what's your choice, go back there despite all
Musty walls, where they say they love you
Draperies hanging from closed windows of Asian bedrooms
Paper on the walls of bedrooms in musty hotels
Useless and sad memories of those long nights
And bite in the sheets of the Asian bedrooms
As you bite into a fruit
Asian bedrooms, leave back to them one day or the other
And take with you someone else's skin


Mindketten megégünk
a pokolban én angyalom.
Én megterveztem a búcsúnkat
a földtől én angyalom,
mert én szeretnék veled menni,
Meg akarok halni a karjaidban.
Vigye el a tenger a mi testünket, óh.
Hogy a só mardossa a szívünket, óh!
Én téged mindig szeretni foglak. (× 4)
Elnézést kérek az istenektől,
anyámtól és az ő könyörgéseitől.
Én ismerem az összes imát,
Az minden kívánságom
hogy ez megváltozzon,
de én teveled akarok menni,
Meg akarok halni a karjaidban.
Vigye el a tenger a mi testünket, óh.
Hogy a só mardossa a szívünket, óh!
Én téged mindig szeretni foglak. (× 4)
Mindketten megégünk
a pokolban én angyalom.
Én megterveztem a búcsúnkat
a földtől én angyalom,
mert én szeretnék veled menni,
Meg akarok halni a karjaidban.
Vigye el a tenger a mi testünket, óh.
Hogy a só mardossa a szívünket, óh!
Én téged mindig szeretni foglak. (× 4)

Our language mustn't die

Our language mustn't die.
My grandpa always tells me
that in his day
the language they spoke
was always Greek.
And I say now:
why those who govern
want the language of
people to be lost?
You can see them only during elections
and they all pretend to be friends and buddies,
but once the week is over
they no longer recognize anyone.
Help us, you good Christians
who are here gathered,
to entrust to the next generation
our language and our ancestors' legacy.

Who wants to hear it may hear it

When we don't remember what happens to us,
the same thing can happen.
Are those same things that marginate us,
kill our memory, burn our ideas,
remove our words.
If history is written by the winner,
that means there's another history:
the real history,
who wants to hear it may hear it.
They burn our words, they silence us,
and the voice of the people wil always be heard.
Is useless to kill,
death proves
that life exists...
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


Under the spotlights
I'm dancing in a close-up view
Two thousand people are looking at me, some actors
(In a trance)
I've been waiting for dawn for hours now
Alone on the floor
A shadow appears
It's moving forward, it's the final stage
My clothes are falling down to the sound of the clip
Stretched out on the sheets, beautiful like in the movies
And I'm like Emmanuelle1, a hero in a panorama view
A random romance
A setting without a story
The camera angle is catching my body
It's vanishing on the black screen...
  • 1. Emanuelle is the title character of a French series of erotic novels and films

Error 404

[Couplet 1]
The last date of the night
Checkmate in the rain
You're gaining the upper hand and you're telling me
That it's not a good idea
But I want it
404, black screen
It's laughable, you thought you had me
Have a safe trip, you fool!
Those are my only compliments at the other end of the line
[Couplet 2]
Aimlessly and sober
Like being taken in the opposite direction
Barefoot on the Milky Way
Of this disillusioned night
My silence lights up our journey
And your illusions trace the landscape
404, black screen
It's laughable, you thought you had me
Have a safe trip, you fool!
Those are my only compliments at the other end of the line
404, black screen
It's laughable, you thought you had me
Have a safe trip, you fool!
Those are my only compliments at the other end of the line
404, black screen
It's laughable, you thought you had me
Have a safe trip, you fool!
Those are my only compliments at the other end of the line


Azt mondod: távol szemeimtől, távol a szívem
Azt mondod a legjobbakat mindig elfelejtjük.
A jövőbeli kilátásaink ellenére,
Tudom, hogy még mindig szeret engem
A lány, akit mindig így becéztem:
Pillangó, én Pillangóm,
Egy hónap múlva visszajövök
Pillangó, én Pillangóm,
A közeledben maradok.
Az óceán az kicsi, túl kicsi ahhoz,
Amekkorát nőtt szívünkben szerelmünk
Dacára annak, amit te nekem mondasz
Látod, ő még mindig szeret engem
A lány, akit mindig átöleltem:
A mi szerelmünk olyan nagy, igen nagy
Hogy a mennyország örökké velünk van.
Dacára annak, amit te nekem mondasz,
Tudom, hogy ő mindig szeret engem
A lány, akit mindig megcsókoltam:

You're My Man

We'd walked along the beach
Reading without words
All this world and each other
And autumn wasn't coming yet
And the sun was to set yet
And our thoughts spinning around
That from now on you and I
Were one whole
An unsplittable whole
That we'd never be
The same as before
I said to you with fond affection
Keep me safe from lies
Don't veil my soul with mists
Then I'll always be part of your life
You're written in my stars, you're my man (х2)
The man I love
Along the beach
We'd been walking as if for a thousand years
We'd been searching for each other
As if there were only two of us
On this vast planet
And our thoughts spinning around
That from now on you and I
Were one whole
An unsplittable whole
That we'd never forget this moment
That happiness was there
And what's after - who cares?
Keep me safe from lies
Don't veil my soul with mists
Then I'll always be part of your life
You're written in my stars, you're my man (х2)
The man I love
And the warms waves
Erasing footprints on the sand
Suddenly subdued, remember?
I had never felt better
Anywhere, ever or with anyone else.
I'm asking you for one thing only
Keep me safe from lies
Don't veil my soul with mists
Then I'll always be part of your life
You're written in my stars, you're my man
Keep me safe from lies
Don't veil my soul with mists
Then I'll always be part of your life
You're written in my stars
Keep me safe from lies
Don't veil my soul with mists
Then I'll always be part of your life
You're written in my stars, you're my man (х2)
Call out my name
And I shall come, so beautiful and strong
The man I love
Call out my name
And I shall come, so beautiful and strong (х2)

Animals, we feel bad

Animals, we feel bad
Our back is lined with scales
We smell of straw
In the fault
And when the door opens
A troup of woodlice
Repels us, shouting
'No snakes here!'
Animals, we feel bad
Animals, we feel bad
Animals, we feel bad
We have got two horns
On top of our nose
We drop down
We collapse
Our tail is curly
Our skin is thick
Our skin is greyish
And when you want to go out
With a young lady
You take her to dinner
When she sees you
What does she say?
'All you need is a hump
Vade retro, rhino!'
Animals, we feel bad
Animals, we feel bad
Animals, we feel bad
You see the giraffe having an operation
Now her neck is lined with clips
She calls for help
They want to put pants on her
But they are too short
Animals, we feel bad
We lay eggs in the sand
And when we sit down to eat
The horsepowers
Got scared
To be taken far from their stable
Animals, we feel bad
Animals, we feel bad
Animals, we feel bad
And if we don't behave
Perhaps we shall live again as humans
Animals, we feel bad
Animals, we feel bad
And God will know his own...


I've always believed that I am
Pretty cool when it comes to men
I don't suck up to someone that I want
I'm very determined
Maybe that's the secret
Behind my functioning love life
But then you came with a bang
And my independence succumbed
I've suddenly forgot all dignity
Yes, I'm desperate
This is madness
Yes, I'll do everything you want
Everything and more
Yes, I'm desperate
I'm in celibacy
Until I get everything that I want
Everything and more
[I] realize that I'm confused
I'm a feisty little woman
But I clearly know what I want
Love is big mystery
You'll suddenly do everything that someone asks
You're suddenly a voluntary slave
So if you have another women
Then I can be you're lover
I'm yours, almost where, when and however
Yes, I'm desperate
Tell me how I'm supposed to be
Anything will work
Cooky or timid in a cute way
Loving or dangerously wild
Tell me how I can get you
Please, love just me
However you want me to be
I will do anything to please you
I'm yours, almost where, when and however


I've had enough of ugly figures
Radio voices with polyps
The kind that is suddenly everywhere, everywhere, everywhere
I've grown tired of Agnetas 1,
wide jeans, irony and braids
All of a sudden you see them everywhere, everywhere, everywhere
They are everywhere
They are everywhere
Almost dead
Some things should always be hidden in snow
They are everywhere
They are everywhere
I get sick from the politically correct
I hate people with comfort defects
All of a sudden you see them everywhere, everywhere, everywhere
I get the plague from stand-up types
They're on the list of people I'd rather strangle
The kind that is suddenly everywhere, everywhere, everywhere
They are everywhere
They are everywhere
Almost dead
Some things should always be hidden in snow
They are everywhere
They are everywhere
They are everywhere
They are everywhere
They are everywhere
They are everywhere
They are everywhere
They are everywhere
They are everywhere
They are everywhere
They are everywhere
They are everywhere
  • 1. Meaning people named Agneta

Come Into My Life

Versions: #7
Good evening
Nice to meet you
You were just another girl
After 5 minutes, you were already someone special
Without talking to me
Without touching me
Something inside of me ignited (i.e., burned)
In your eyes it was becoming late and I was forgetting about the time/clock
These days by your side have taught me that in reality
There is no set time to begin to love
I feel something so profound that has no explanation
There is no rationality nor logic in my heart
Come into my life
I will open the door for you
I know that in your arms there will no longer be deserted nights
Come into my life
I beg of you
I began by missing you
But then I started needing you
Good evening
Nice to meet you
There is no longer anybody else
After this time together
I can’t go back
You talked to me
You touched me and you became my illusion
I want you to be the owner of my heart
Come into my hours
Save me now
Open your arms wide and let me in
I began by missing you
But then I started needing you

The bifurcated

If you leave
No, no, no, I won't kill myself
You know better
If you want it, take the TV
While you do the suitcase
Listen to this song
If you leave
No, no, no, I won't cry
You know better
I was ignorant about your inclination
If you take the bed, chuchi
Leave me the mattress
You leave with your girlfriend
You astray feminist
Your modern inventions
That are just bullshit
If you leave
No, no, no, I won't miss you
You know better
There's no other way but splitting
You made up your mind, you defined yourself,
You're a feminist and I'm a sexist.
Walk by the shadow and close the door.
You leave with your girlfriend
You astray feminist
Your modern inventions
That are just bullshit
You leave with your girlfriend (bye bye)
You astray feminist (bye bye)
Your modern inventions (bye bye)
That are just bullshit (bye bye)
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Tomorrow will arrive

I know you would die without the internet
But for me, I prefer ether
But you, you have to go out a little, de-you have to go out a little, you have to go out a little
And breathe a moment
It is true that life is not easy, but there is nothing simpler
I go and you say you're not wrong when you say wi-fi
Since you're not wrong attached to 'I'm wi-fi
You knew that I was waiting for you
Ask me what I did while you were not there
If you can not be perfect
What is love if there is no respect
I know you would die without the internet
But for me, I prefer the ether, the blue sky
But you, you have to go out a little, de-you have to go out a little, you have to go out a little
And breathe a moment
Everything sounds stronger than before
And I will watch the moon shining in the city
Today I want to lose myself
Like light in the trees
Eyes closed and alive in half
Tomorrow will arrive
I know you would die without the internet
You stay awake, it's like watching a movie
When you already know how it will end, how it will end, how it will end
And your life slips
I know it's not easy to resist
My fault or yours but it ends here
And there's no more what you wanted, what you owe me
Without making cries
What you break, you take it
If you want to save yourself, try now
With your words I will write a verse
And do not tell me you regret it
No, no, no, no
I know you would die without the internet
But for me, I prefer ether
But you, you have to go out a little, you have to go out a little, you have to go out a little
And breathe a moment
Everything sounds stronger than before
And I will watch the moon shining in the city
Today I want to lose myself
As a point between the corners
The eyes, his smile in half
Tomorrow will arrive
Tomorrow will arrive
Tomorrow will arrive
Tomorrow will arrive
Everything sounds stronger than before
And I will watch the moon shining in the city
Today I want to lose myself
Like light in the trees
Eyes closed and alive in half
Tomorrow will arrive
My modern art
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.


From a time between two eras
Read the message
Of happy people
In a reign that was in every way similar
To that of gods
The perishable life
Of Caesar, Caesare, Of Caesar
When for him the ocean settles down
Under his ships
And flows like palm oil
When the crimson waves move forward
The horizon capsizes, and Caesar advances
Caesar, Caesare, Caesar, Caesare, Caesar, Caesare
Ancient strongholds built on the continent
Along African shores
Salt marshes reclaimed from Western ochre soil
Hands oustretched towards those who would be unaware
Of the ships with four (?) and the (?) beaten
Reflecting on a thousand soldiers defeated
By Caesar, Caesare, by Caesar
Standing up on his deathbed, like parchment
Already dead as he falls under the blows
All over as they say, of his elder son
Perhaps shall we see tomorrow
Our children raise against us the sword
Of Caesar, Caesare

What Will Save You

Take care of yourself
and make use of what you have,
cut out the time you want
for what you will rebuild,
that you, sometimes, live in apnea
and, from the bottom, you look for a way,
a place where to find yourself
covered with happiness,
an under the skin explosion
in which you didn't believed any more,
that you, sometimes, live in apnea
as if you had never breathed.
Sheets to burn,
cuts to sew,
crumbs of news,
letters of excuses,
canvases to fill,
days to lose yourself,
hearts to set on fire,
turns to dispose,
pieces of normality,
phrases to finish,
before letting go
what will save you?
Take care of yourself,
surprise yourself with what you are,
bury the love you have
for the time when you will find it again
spat out by the tide
as if you had never breathed it.
Sheets to burn,
cuts to sewing,
crumbs of news,
letters of excuses,
canvases to fill,
days to lose yourself,
hearts to set on fire,
turns to dispose of,
pieces of normality,
phrases to finish,
before letting go
what will save you.
A place where to find oneself
covered with happiness,
an under the skin explosion
in which you never believed,
Sheets to burn,
cuts to sew,
crumbs of news,
letters of excuses,
canvases to fill,
hearts to set on fire,
turns to dispose of,
pieces of normality,
phrases to finish,
before letting go
what will save you?
What will save you?
What will save me?
All translations are copyrighted. Copying is allowed only with proper credit given.
Tutte le traduzioni sono di mia proprietà. Copiare è consentito esclusivamente per uso personale e di studio, senza scopo di lucro e senza fini commerciali e con giusto credito dato.