Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 7


Sven in Rosengård

Where have you been for so long, Sven in Rosengård
I have been to the stable, our dear mother
You are waiting for me late or never
What have you done in the stable, Sven in Rosengård?
I have watered the foals, our dear mother
You waited for me late or never
We are your sword so bloody, Sven in Rosengård
I have beaten my brother, our dear mother
You waited for me late or never
What do you want to do now, Sven in Rosengård?
I escape the country, our dear mother
You waited for me late or never
When can I expect you home, Sven in Rosengård?
When the church becomes a widow, our dear mother
You waited for me late or never
When will the church a widow become, Sven in Rosengård?
When there no benches are, our dear mother
You waited for me late or never
When can I expect you home, Sven in Rosengård?
When the raven turns white, our dear mother
And when will the raven turn white, Sven in Rosengård?
When the swan turns black, our dear mother
When can I expect you home, Sven in Rosengård?
When the pine sprots leaves, our dear mother
You waited for me late or never
When does the pine sprout leaves, Sven in Rosengård?
When the birch, she sprouts needles, dear mother our
You waited for me late or never

Mannelig úr

Egy korai reggelen, mielőtt a nap felkelt volna
S a madarak édes éneküket énekelték
A hegyi troll ajánlatot tett egy szép fiúnak
S neki egy csalóka nyelve volt
Mannelig* úr, Mannelig úr, el akar-e venni feleségül?
Melyért busásan megjutalmaználak
És csak igennel vagy nemmel válaszolhatsz
Megteszed-e vagy nem?
Tizenkét paripát adnék neked
Melyek egy árnyékos ligetben legelnek
Még nyereg sem volt rájuk rakva
Sem kantár a szájukban
Tizenkét malmot adnék neked
Melyek Tillö és Ternö közt terülnek el
A köveik a legvörösebb aranyból vannak
S kerekeik ezüstözöttek
Az aranyozott kardot adnám neked
Mely tizenöt aranygyűrűtől cseng
S csapj le vele a csatákban ahogyan csak akarsz
Vele a csatamezőkön hódítani fogsz
Egy új inget adnék neked
A legragyogóbbat melyet viselni lehet
Nem tűvel vagy cérnával lett varrva
Hanem a legfehérebb selyemből lett horgolva
Szívesen fogadnék ily ajándékokat
Ha te egy keresztény nő lennél
De én tudom, hogy te a legrosszabb hegyi troll vagy
Egy Näck** és az Ördög szülötte
A hegyi troll kirohant az ajtón
Hangosan jajgatott és sikoltott
'Ha megkaptam volna eme aranyos fiút
Gyötrelmeimnek végük szakadt volna!'
Mannelig úr, Mannelig úr, el akar-e venni feleségül?
Melyért busásan megjutalmaználak
És csak igennel vagy nemmel válaszolhatsz
Megteszed-e vagy nem?

The day escapes me

The day escapes me, and old age dims the eye
My strength has waned, by years and of long strife
My childhood friends, have found their slumber deep
Soon I alone, on earth my walk upkeep
You let me tired, O Father, that rest taste
I went astray, you led me back in haste
I felt remorse, my spirits they were low
You sated me, so kindly you consoled
Now I wish, if it so please my God
That I may end, the dark days of my years
To lay down, my head unto that rest
Upon grave-bed, my final home so calm
But the soul shall, on this final voyage
Rise like a spark, from hearth to soar above
And free shall seek, its holy sources light
Though the ash, is covered up by trite
Far better is, a single day in Heav'n
Than thousand years, in this waste so foreign
Its morning light, with longing for I pray
Although not mine, but God's will shall be made

Two Sisters

Oh, sister and sister they asked for advice
Young is my life
Come, towards the lake's shore we'll go
Calling me with that tongue
The youngest was white as a sun
The eldest was black as god's holy soil
The younger went first with her hair let down
The eldest went after with false advice
When they came to the lake's shore
The eldest pushed the youngest from shore
Oh beloved Sister help me from distress
Thou shall I give my red golden crown
Thou red golden crown I do not fit
Though never on god's green earth shalt you walk
Oh beloved Sister help me ashore
Thou shalt I give my red golden band
Oh sweet Sister help me ashore
Thou shalt I give my fiancé
Thou fiancé I will have anyway
Though never on god's green earth shalt you walk
Fare now well my Father
I shall drink my wedding in the ocean
Oh fare now well my Mother
I shall drink my wedding in the river
Fare now well my Sister
Now I drink more than I luster
The fishermen fishes in the blue night
They found the damsel in the billow so blue
They took her snow white body
They took her up from the billow
They took her snow white breast
Made thereof a harp's voice
They took her golden yellow hair
They made harp strings thereof
The first pluck on the Golden Harp sound
Then she said what the damsel sang
The second pluck on the Golden Harp sound
Calling me with that tongue
My sister is furious


And Ramund he stepped into the ship
It crashed into every aure.
And all the men that were upon the ship,
They thought they had passed away.
'We're not just passing away here' said Ramund,
'We sail as well' said Ramund the young man
So they sail over the great lake,
Everything inside the giants land.
And Ramund he went a little better,
There he saw the great giant standing.
Now I have come here, said Ramund.
'Without much trouble,' said Ramund the young man.
Because, my dear Ramund, you spared my life.
You're not harming me at all.
Seven barrels of gold I will give you,
You will shine like the clear sun.
I take this whenever I want, said Ramund,
'You don't have to live yet,' said Ramund the young man.
The first time they pulled together,
Then they pulled together with hands.
And Ramund he nips in the giant's beard
So the flesh it comes loose from teeth.
'How badly do you grin' said Ramund,
'Oh, you look worse,' said Ramund the young man.
And Ramund he drew his great sword,
He called it 'Domlingen expensive'
So he cut off the big head,
The fifteen pairs of oxen could not touch.
'It sucks as well' said Ramund.
And Ramund he loaded the ships seven
With gold and with precious stones,
So he sailed over the great lake
All in the emperor's land.
'Now I have come here' said Ramund.
'Without much trouble' said Ramund the young man
And Ramund he took in the door with force,
So all those walls crack.
And the windows ran out through the doors,
And the stones fell together.
'Did you see I let you in' said Ramun.
'Now it's your coat' said Ramun the young man.
Because, my dear Ramund, you spared my life.
You're not harming me at all.
Seven barrels of gold I will give you,
You will shine like the clear sun.
I take this whenever I want, said Ramund,
'You don't have to live yet,' said Ramund the young man.
And Ramund he drew his great sword,
He called it 'Domlingen expensive'
So he cut off the big head,
The fifteen pairs of oxen could not touch.
'I did not mean to take it' said Ramund the young
'It sucks as well' said Ramund the young.

Borders we've forgotten

The snow is falling heavy but bright
A trace leads away from everything
Leaves your dim house
A tear us falling light but salt
Every borders that we've forgotten
Every wound that we thought we've hidden
Every dreams that broken to pieces
It's time that they heal now
The light is cold but good
The storm that's passed is resting
The water is warm but wet
Slowly you're raining away