Only With A Motorcycle
On Monday i go to the cinemaon the phone i tried to invite Noa
even thought it's quite nice to go alone to a movie
they say it's more acceptable to go with a lady
I told her that they are showing a good movie about Casanova
the newspapers wrote positive reviews
and when i asked if it was possible to set a date with her
she said 'i'll come with you but only with a motorcycle'
I suggested that my father would lend me the station wagon
she said: 'i don't want to be so old-fashioned'
so we'll go by taxi and get there one-two
she said: 'thank you, call me in two years'.
only with a motorcycle
Doesn't matter what's playing
it's all a matter of transportation
because of hesitance of horse power
i didn't see another show
I explained to her that here the vehicle doesn't matter
and it's more important where you are traveling
but Noa didn't want to hear one word
if there wasn't a pair of tires, a gas tank and an engine.
only with a motorcycle
I felt like i was going crazy
my convincing arguments passed her by without being heard
it's already nine thirty, i want to see a film
and i can't because i didn't find a motorcycle.
only with a motorcycle
Doesn't matter what's playing...
In the end i said: 'Noa, let's forget about the movie'
let's close the matter here, let's forget about it until the next time
i hung up the phone, i quickly called Monda
but she hung up on me because i didn't have a Honda.
only with a motorcycle