Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 5


Hold világa

Versions: #1
Nincsen többé napfény
Nincs több holdvilág
Nem vagy te se, nem vagyok én
Nincs már semmi, elmúlt, jaj
Háború éje borúlt ránk
Sötét borít minket, jaj.
Én meg kérdezem magamtól, drágám.
Mi lesz mostmár mivelünk?
Hold világa, hold világa,
Jaj, jaj, jaj, jaj
Nap sugára, nap sugára
Jaj, jaj, jaj, jaj
A magasból, az átkozottból
Senki fia, meg nem mondja
Senki fia, meg nem mondja
Senki fia, mi világít

Three Girls and Našice

Karašica1 water flew
From Valpovo to Našice2
Oh, girl, shill-dill-dee,3
Have no faith in me!
Three girls are coming from there
Cooing like pidgeons,
Oh, girl, shill-dill-dee,
Have no faith in me!
Here are the three girls,
Come to Našice with me
Oh, girl, shill-dill-dee,
Have no faith in me!
Oh, girl, shill-dill-dee,
Have no faith in me!
Oh, girl, shill-dill-dee,
Have no faith in me!
Oh, girl, shill-dill-dee,
Have no faith in me!
  • 1. small river in northeastern Croatia
  • 2. both Valpovo and Našice are cities in northeastern Croatia
  • 3. this is a sound formula taken out of a traditional song, it has no meaning. It is actually pronounced shill dill dy, but this way it rhymes


Távollét, hiány
Ha lettek volna szárnyaim
Távolba szállni
Ha gazella lettem volna
Fáradság nélkül rohanni
Akkor melletted
Láttam volna a napfényt
És soha többé eltávolodás
Ez lesz a mottónk
Csak gondolataimban
Utazom félelem nélkül
Csak álmaimban vagyok
Mély álmaimban
Rád támaszkodom
Szerelmed megkapom
Mosolyodba olvadom.
Oh, oly magányos vagyok
Akár a Nap az égen
A napfény elvakít
Nem látok tisztán
Vajon mit világít
Nem látom mi következik.
Oh, a magány az én hitem
Távollét, hiány


This heart has the time counted
wants some more
that you used to give
ay ay ay ay ah
but but but
this cold you relieved
ay ah
but but but
you no longer here next to me
My heart cry out for your hands
where are you?
tell me tell me where?
ay ay ay ay ah
but but but
my mouth keeps looking for you
ay ah
but but but
You through my heart to the mud
Scars on my skin
open up again and again
bleeding out
ratatata tatata
make me feel...
make me feel again...
make me feel again...
just like you do
you you...
come and take me
come and take me
I entered in your war when i didn't want to
now I point at your pupils
you taught me with your low
to use kashnikov really well
but love do not compite my love
nor other cheek insted
my imperfect heart
better fly
oh oh oh oh
my imperfect heart
better fly
oh oh oh oh
My heart cry out for your hands
where are you?
tell me tell me where?
ay ay ay ay ah
but but but
my mouth keeps looking for you
ay ah
but but but
You through my heart to the mud
Scars on my skin
open up again and again
bleeding out
ratatata tatata
make me feel...
make me feel again...
make me feel again...
just like you do
you you..
come and take me
come and take me

Gas gas/ Sexy rythm

Versions: #1#2
Even Good Lord is happy when the poor have fun
Make sure you bury me standing when I die
So I can continue dancing when I have a chance
Hey, what is life!
Life’s a bag of bollocks
We’d better sell the little we have
And make a big party
Hey rhythm, rhythm,
Hello, hello, hello, HEY, SEXY RHYTHM
Hey penniless, hey you poor,
With you I have no problem
But what will I do with the rich ones?
They’re a bit fat for dancing
They look a bit dead.
Gas, to the dash-board
Let’s go pretty girl
Push the pedal all the way
And on! As long as there’s gasoline!