Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 6


Ha a szerelmed nem tér vissza

A szerelméért csináltál dolgokat, amiket soha nem fogsz értem
Talán ugyanazokat a hülyeségeket én csináltam érted
Már nem iszol és nem dohányzol a találkozókon, mert ő megkért rá
De tudom, ha valaki ugyanazt megteheti a szerelmemért
Akkor senki sem fogja összetörni a szívem
Ahogy te tetted és tovább álltál vele
És ha a szerelmed nem tér vissza
Be kell érnem képekkel
Csinálnom kell egy albumot a boldogságommal
És az összes pillanattal, amiket veled éltem meg
Gyűjtő leszek, ha a szerelmed nem tér vissza
Lefestem a falakat annyi emlékkel
Elhallgattatni az életem annyi csenddel
Mert olyan sok ideje már nem vagy az enyém
És egy gonosz félkegyelmű elrabolta az álmaimat
Van egy seb a szívemen
És a dalom vérzik
Már nem tudok nélküled lenni (Nem-oh)
(Csak akarok)
Tudni akarom az igazat
Mivel nem volt könnyű felejteni
De sokkal nehezebb volt ennyi időt elvesztegetni
A szerelmedért, lemondtam az életemről, hogy a te életed éljem
Végeztem az álmaimmal, hogy a te álmaidnak élhessek
És ma tovább álltál és megadod a luxust magadnak, hogy elmond neki
Utállak, ha nem térsz vissza nincs rá ellenszer, utállak
És bár értelmetlennek tűnik az idő, szeretni foglak
Hát világos, nem tudok élni nélküled (Nem)
És ha a szerelmed nem tér vissza
Be kell érnem képekkel
Csinálnom kell egy albumot a boldogságommal
És az összes pillanattal, amiket veled éltem meg
Gyűjtő leszek, ha a szerelmed nem tér vissza
Lefestem a falakat annyi emlékkel
Elhallgattatni az életem annyi csenddel
Mert olyan sok ideje már nem vagy az enyém
És egy gonosz félkegyelmű elrabolta az álmaimat
Elvette, elvette az álmaimat
Az álmaimat, ellopta az álmaimat
Ellopta az álmaimat
Oh-oh (Oh-oh-oh)
(The Music from The Company)


A bőröndben, ahol az el nem feledett emlékeket tartom
Ott vagy te, életem
Ott vagy te, életem
Anya azt mondta: 'Vigyázz, mert egy nap elveszted azt amit elhanyagolsz'
Milyen igaza volt
Milyen igaza volt
Fájdalmas szeretni, és olyan messze vagy
Hittem abban, hogy együtt öregszünk meg
Úgy tettem, mintha erős lennék, pedig bonyolult
Ha a szomorúságom vissza tükröződik a tükörből
Ma az eddiginél is jobban fájnak a tanácsok
Ma az eddiginél is jobban fájnak a tanácsok
Gyertyát gyújtok a szentemnek, nem bírok állni
Nagyon fáj, nevetésről sírásra váltottam
Rágondolni arra a távoli napra amikor vissza jössz
A barátaim azt mondják, hogy nem akkora szám, rengeteg szerelem van
Miközben próbálok nem elesni
De mindig elbotlok ugyan abba a sziklába
Esküszöm, hogy nem láttam előre ezt az ütést
Nem tudtam aludni mert arra gondoltam, hogy elvesztettelek
Vannak dolgok amiket nem adtam neked, de már késő elmondani
Oda adtam, ahol fáj, és nekem még jobban fáj
Fájdalmas szeretni, és olyan messze vagy
Hittem abban, hogy együtt öregszünk meg
Úgy tettem, mintha erős lennék, pedig bonyolult
Ha a szomorúságom vissza tükröződik a tükörből
Ma az eddiginél is jobban fájnak a tanácsok
Ma az eddiginél is jobban fájnak a tanácsok
Ma az eddiginél is jobban fájnak a tanácsok
Ma az eddiginél is jobban fájnak a tanácsok

The advices

In the trunk of memories where I keep the things that are not forgotten
There you are, my life
There you are, my life
Mom told me: 'Be careful because you lose what you neglect one day'
How right was she
How right was she
It hurts to love you, and you so far away (so far away)
I had the faith that we were going to grow old together
I pretend to be strong (uh-uh-uh), but it's complex
If my sadness is seen in the mirror
Today more than ever is when the advices hurt
Today more than ever is when the advices hurt
I lit a candle to my saint, I can't stand
It hurts me so much, I passed from laughter to crying
Thinking that the day you come back is far away (the day you come back)
My friends say that it's not a big deal, that there are so many loves
That in the meantime I keep avoiding falling
But I keep hitting the same stone (same stone)
I swear to you I never saw this blow coming
I couldn't even sleep thinking that I lost you
There are things that I never gave you, it's too late to say
I gave you where it hurt and it hurt me more
It hurts to love you, and you so far away (so far away)
I had the faith that we were going to grow old together
I pretend to be strong, but it's complex (complex)
If my sadness is seen in the mirror
Today more than ever is when the advices hurt
Today more than ever is when the advices hurt
Today more than ever is when the advices hurt
Today more than ever is when the advices hurt


A error is not error
if you and me are
together dancing
Although it seems strange
that he is calling
you know where
I'm waiting for you
it's not easy for me to talk to you
far from being
be able to look at you in the eyes
I struggled to understand
how I could lost you
you were so many things which I didn't know how to see
please listen to me
please understand me
I know you
and you miss me too
Before some time
we don't meet each other
and today, I don't see why not
you and me dance
I already realized
that we don't forget each other
none of us
why don't we dance, you and me
No, no, no, it's not error
No, no, no, it's not error
No, no, no, it's not error
A error is not error if you and me
are together dancing
Nobody knows what is happening
they think that I am wrong
but no, if we are together dancing, no
You don't have to disguise it anymore
I know that you're also thinking about it
but no, if we are together
dancing, no
Before some time, we don't meet each other
and today, I don't see why not, you and me dance
I already realized that we don't forget each other
none of us, why don't we dance, you and me
No, no, no, it's not error
No, no, no, it's not error
No, no, no, it's not error
A error is not error if you and me
are together dancing
It's not easy for me to talk to you
far from being, be able to look at you in the eyes
Copyright © Maryanchy
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.


You didn't kill me and yes, you made me stronger
Now that I've discovered that I can be happy without you
You have realised that missing me won't do you any good
I'm leaving you alone (I'm leaving you alone)
I have a long way to go
And it doesn't matter (And it doesn't matter)
If you come back to see me, it'll cost you
And I've already learned
That I'm not for you
Don't you worry
I won't suffer any more
I never repented
With you I learned it
There's only one thing left for me to say to you
It hurts but I had to know you
I learned enough from you
You didn't kill me and yes, you made me stronger
It hurts but you had to know me
Even if it cost you to believe me
You didn't kill me and yes, you made me stronger, oh, oh
I had to know you
Oh, oh
You didn't kill me and yes, you made me stronger
Everything was perfect (So I believed)
And in this moment (I knew you)
You couldn't expect that I would be your whole life
Because you hurt me
There are no dates left for you in my calendar
Who told you that I miss you?
You couldn't expect that I would be your whole life
And I already learned that I'm not for you
Don't you worry
I won't suffer any more
I never repented, with you I learned it
There's only one thing left for me to say to you
It hurts but I had to know you
I learned enough from you
You didn't kill me and yes, you made me stronger
It hurts but you had to know me
Even if it cost you to believe me
You didn't kill me and yes, you made me stronger
You were the only one so it seemed illogical
The one with whom I wanted something more than physical
Something more romantic
But two were needed
And I already learned that I'm not for you
Don't you worry
I won't suffer any more
I never repented
With you I learned it
There's only one thing left for me to say to you
It hurts but I had to know you
I learned enough from you
You didn't kill me and yes, you made me stronger
It hurts but you had to know me
Even if it cost you to believe me
You didn't kill me and yes, you made me stronger, oh, oh
You didn't kill me and yes, you made me stronger
Now that I've discovered that I can be happy without you
You have realised that missing me won't do you any good
If you share my translations elsewhere, please link to this page/my profile and give me credit for my work. Corrections are always welcome.


Don't Be Mistaken

I still don't know you and I want to get to know you
That doesn't mean you can touch me
You have all night to convince me
I can already see you, dancing with me, -e
wanting me, it's expected
If your intention is to take me to bed, you're mistaken
I'm sure
He says and swears that tonight there is adventure with me,
with me
Don't be mistaken
I'll only let you dance
Keep trying
But my ears are closed
I'm sure
He says and swears that tonight there is adventure with me,
with me
Don't be mistaken
I'll only let you dance
Keep trying
But my ears are closed
Imagine, only you and I (only you and I)
Don't go fast, I want to enjoy myself
If you don't want to only see me to tonight
It's not a threat, no
Let's enjoy it, let's dance, and let's see what happens
Come and walk, let's go to the corner
You haven't tasted it and I already fascinate you
My body get's you up and lowers yours adrenaline
Let's keep dancing, the bass controls us
I like you and you drive me too crazy
Maybe you win, but you lose if you touch me
I'm sure
He says and swears that tonight there is adventure with me,
with me
Don't be mistaken
I'll only let you dance
Keep trying
But my ears are closed
I'm sure
He says and swears that tonight there is adventure with me,
with me
Don't be mistaken
I'll only let you dance
Keep trying
But my ears are closed
I still don't know you and I want to get to know you
That doesn't mean you can touch me
You have all night to convince me
I can already see you, dancing with me, -e
wanting me, it's expected
If your intention is to take me to bed, you're mistaken
I'm sure
He says and swears that tonight there is adventure with me,
with me
Don't be mistaken
I'll only let you dance
Keep trying
But my ears are closed
I'm sure
He says and swears that tonight there is adventure with me,
with me
Don't be mistaken
I'll only let you dance
Keep trying
But my ears are closed