Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 8


For a beautiful glimpse, a new world

For a beautiful glimpse, a new world.
For a smile, the sky that shines blue.
Yet for a kiss, I don’t know
what I’d for a kiss bestow you!

Rhyme 52

Giant waves that hit1 in rage
on unoccupied and far-off beaches
wrapped in with the light sheets of foam,
carry me with you!
Hurricane gusts that intrude to destroy
the wilted leaves of the green tall woods
dragged along by the blinded whirlwind,
carry me with you!
Stormy clouds that the lightning blasts
coat the loosened fringes with fire,
abducted by the darkened mist,
carry me with you!
Carry me for pity's sake to where
giddiness steals my memory.
For pity's sake! I'm afraid of being
alone with my grief!
  • 1. Normally I would translate this type of line more literally, however in most other translations of the poem, the vosotros form is translated as if it was in the ellos/ellas form, in other words, in third person plural.

Rhyme 61

When I watch my long hours
of fever and insomnia drift by
who shall be there by my side
at the edge of my bed?
When my flickering hand
stretches, upon sheer decline,
who shall lend their helping hand
should I be in need?
When death starts to glaze
the crystal from my eyes
and my eyelids are stuck open,
who shall close them tightly?
When the bell is tolling
(if it tolls there at my funeral),
who shall say a prayer
for me so I might hear it?
When the planet Earth
commits my pale remains1
to the forgotten grave,
who shall cry for me?
In short, who, in future days,
when the sun shall shine again,
from where I wandered the world,
who shall remember me?
  • 1. Archaic expression meaning 'to hold mortal remains'

Rhyme 39

What do you mean? I know: she's mutable,
she's proud and haughty, futile and whimsical,
before the sense and feeling of her soul
makes water spring from the sterile rock.
I know that in her heart, a nest of serpents,
there isn't a fibre that responds to my love:
which is merely a statue that is inanimate, still....but...
she's really beautiful!

Rhyme 58

Rhyme 58
Do you not want the dregs to scare
you from that luscious nectar?
Then smell it, bring it close to your lips,
and leave it there afterward.
Do you want us to then preserve a sweet
memory of this love?
Then let us love today, and tomorrow
let us bid farewell!

Eternal Love

The sun may hide eternally
The sea may be dried for a moment.
The Earth’s Axis could crash
As a fragil crystal.
Everything will happen! I may be
Covered by the death with its funeral shroud
But the flame of your love
Will never go out.

Rímek LIII

Visszatérnek az éjfekete fecskék,
fészket rakni mind erkélyedre száll,
és szárnyukkal ablakodon kopogva
játszik a fecskepár.
De ők, kiket szépséged megigézett,
és úgy vélték, hogy tovaszállni kár,
azok, akik nevünket megtanulták...
nem térnek vissza már!
Visszatérnek a jerikói rózsa
indái, kertfalad rügyfödte vár,
virágok nyílnak, oly gyönyörűszépek,
kelyhükben fénysugár.
De ők, akiken harmat csöppje rezgett,
s mi csodáltuk, bévül remegve bár,
hiszen szirmukról a nap könnye csordult...
nem térnek vissza már!
Visszatérnek az égő, szerelmes szók,
hallod őket, visszhangjuk visszajár,
mély álmát szíved elhagyja, mint fészkét
a költözőmadár.
De némán, megbűvölten, térdre rogyva,
mint aki Isten igenjére vár,
ahogyan én szerettelek... jegyezd meg,
nem szeret senki már!