Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 12


Hibrid idők

Gyere hozzám most
Vendégül látlak
Én vagyok korunk alkimistája
Pontosan tudom, mire van szükséged.
Olyan magasra másztál
Olyan messzire mentél
Úgyhogy valami különlegeset érdemelsz
Gyere hozzám most
Meggyógyítom a lelked
Én vagyok korunk megmentője
Pontosan tudom, mire van szüksége
Elhagytad magad
Olyan levertnek érrezted magad
Úgyhogy az én hi-tech megváltásom csak neked szól
Hogy a legjobb légy
A leggyönyörűbb
És mindenki feletti
Ne hagyjuk lemaradni!
Tudjuk, mi az ami, és mi az, ami nem!
Törekedjünk a kiválóságra
És a tökéletességre, amelyről csak álmodsz
Mielőtt elpárolog a hírnevem
A csúcson kell lennem
Úgyhogy én irányítom a testem
Mentális állapot
Képtelenség lelassulni
Mielőtt megjelenik a végső szürkület
Többet kell tennem
Ez az egyetlen mód, hogy átvészeljük
Ezekben a hiperaktív időkben
Ez a rögeszmém!
Bármi áron
Egyre jobban és jobban
Nem engedhetem meg magamnak, hogy megálljak
A jég megtört
Sosem adom fel
Szia, rég találkoztunk utoljára
Biztos voltam benne, hogy tudnék élni
Azon privát beszélgetések nélkül, amiket gyűlöltem.
De az igazság az,
Hogy te vagy a legjobb barátom...

Oh Sun of my Life, fade away

I asked every traveler
I asked about my love
they told that my love has travelled
oh sun of my life, fade away
oh sun of my life, fade away.. fade away
fade away, oh sun of my life, fade away
he travelled without saying goodbye
he made the tear sparkles in my eyes
he left me hurting by myself
and he left the groan to control my heart
even the days became harsh on me
and sleeping no longer cares about me
this is my destiny with you my love
oh sun of my life, fade away
oh sun of my life, fade away.. fade away
fade away, oh sun of my life, fade away
you should've told me before you travelled
you should've kept the hope between us
why would you leave me like this and go away
you hurt me and I am the wounded one
my whole life is for you
and my heart is thirsty for your tenderness
why would you leave the fire in my flames?
oh sun of my life, fade away
I asked every traveler
I asked about my love
they told that my love has travelled
oh sun of my life, fade away
oh sun of my life, fade away.. fade away
fade away, oh sun of my life, fade away

I Miss You

I don't believe anymore
That I'll recognize him by his feathers
The angel that guarded your shadow
He was pretty weary
He was rising above the ground
And was afraid of skinning his knees
I still miss you
Miss you so much
Dust covering those moments
I still miss you
Miss you so much
I'm searching in vain for a July snow
Nothing will ever end
Everything is just circling
I'm trying really hard to believe in those words
And from the ground I get greeted
Only by silent rocks
I'll hide my memories under each of them
I still miss you
Miss you so much
Dust covering those moments
I still miss you
Miss you so much
I'm searching in vain for a July snow
I don't see you for the last time
You talked to me, smiling, glad
When you covered yourself with sky and left...
Only now do I understand
What weight lies on this earth
Well, it carries the memories of those
Whom we met
In both moments of calm and of delirium
Everything will be lost in that deep

You wanna leave?

You wanna leave? Leave. As you wish. I'm not gonna force you to stay
You know my place if you ever wanna come back to me
Don't think that I'll give you excuses if you left
Because love doesn't always remain the same with the absence factor
I believed you were a loyal partner, but I was so wrong
You betrayed me
You are like I sworn that I gave, but then I regret giving it
Sometimes a little mistake ruins your peace-of-mind
I was blind, but now I see you clearly
You really isn't that worth of as I thought
You were the dark, and I was happy staying late in your company 1
But I realized that there is another sky full of stars and moons
I don't hate you, you were a lesson that I learned, then moved on
Such experiences are useful to learn from
I had a relationship with you, and I'll never deny that
I'm not a person who ever denies his ex love
  • 1. He literally says that she is the dark of the night, the dark sky, and he enjoyed staying late thinking of her and enjoying it. But then he realized that there is a more beautiful sky and a more beautiful night that someone can live, and by that he means there are other worthy women and other worthy love relationships that shines someone's' life like a star in the sky.
“Whatever troubles that soul is reflected, magically, in the poetry. Reading Arabic poetry, therfore, is not an idle excercise. It is a trip inside the Arab soul.”

Don't go away

look how cruel is betrayal
how hard and bitter is defeat
that's how I feel about patience
in your absence, in your absence
I don't know how to love anyone else
I love you and I'm melting and sinking
my heartbeat's speed depends
on your comeback, your comeback
don't, don't don't go away, you're the sun to my heart
you're my life, you're my destiny
you're my companion
your laugh steals me away
from the world of weary and sadness
but there's something that's killing me
your absences are strange
without you I cannot
look at anyone with my eyes
the world feels so small
when you go away
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت طالما وضعت الرابط لها


When you are not here

When you're not here, I cry and miss you
I'm not comfortable I lack the embrace of the one who I'm addicted to
Oh my God, l feel like I'm in a prison bemoaning day and night
It's wrong to get excited over something
I'm choked even by the air
No light passes by the eye
It's boring and I'm so sad
Oh, my soulmate
I'm burning with fire when you're not by my side
I've seen so many people, everyone has a lover
Without you I'm burning no has had mercy upon me
I've experienced death without you, I'm wondering how are you doing without me
There's no happiness in my eyes anymore
I keep quite and I cry so hard like the one who lost a dear one
I don't know a lookalike


[Chorus x2]
I’m carrying my own cross – work, recording studio, concert tours, kids, home.
I’m trying to find energy for all this.
My plan for today is to get that paper, take care of my children.
So don’t tell me how to live my life, because you’re the one who’s taking money from your
[1st verse]
My wife is worried that I’m smoking too much
but she’s not making a fuss about it cause I’m working my butt off.
I’m not getting much sleep. Few hours if I manage to sleep through the night.
Two kids. A day is too short.
One problem after another.
Either the little one has colic or I’m finding out that the older one
broke someone’s nose at the kindergarten.
One big massacre. When he’s fighting someone he goes the whole way.
At the parents’ evening I was told that he learned it from me.
No one treats you seriously when you’re making rap.
People think: ” It’s not a real job. Is it so difficult to learn a trade?”
When I was devoting my life to these letters
others were roasting on Tenerife beaches for money from a bank loan.
Do I have any regrets? I just feel sorry for them, that someone has power over them.
I don’t have time for holiday, and I avoid burns.
I’m getting back to my things, kids crave attention.
If you don’t know what I’m talking about ask your parents.
[Chorus x2]
[2nd verse]
Maybe I’m worrying prematurely that people don’t know
that there are still things worth crying over.
” How should we raise our children if a school diploma is only a piece of paper.”
This thought haunts us at night.
Papers don’t amount to much.
I talk about it with my wife. Little children, little problems…
* Big children are raising little ones. It’s worse when it’s the other way around.
For now my family fits in with the social norms – school, house,
how are your grades? The goal is to get through to the next year.
You know who’s the father just by looking at his marks.
Don’t talk to me about “A’s”. I don’t buy that crap.
Truth is, every whore was once a virgin.
Nothing in this world is for free. Fuck your facial expression.
You can make a face, try to pull the wool over my eyes, I won’t fall for that.
One black eye, finding “him” a friend won’t be hard.
Now you got two black eyes and a broken nose.
How do you like the party?
* Forever young like Hebe, number one #Chris Webber.
Before you say anything about my children, you better look behind you.
[Chorus x2]
Bro, it’s time to go back.
“Big children are raising little ones. It worse when it’s the other way around.”
Very often it’s the child who has to be responsible an take care of his/her parents,
for instance, cause they’re strugglin’ with addiction.
“Forever young like Hebe, number one #Chris Webber.”
Hebe – in ancient Greek religion, is the goddess of youth.
Chris Webber – an American retired professional basketball player, former number one
overall NBA draftee.